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Kraftverksteknik: LUAX berkningsprogram

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English | Lunds universitet

Energivetenskaper Kraftverksteknik
MVK070 Tillmpad Termodynamik MVKF05 Turbomaskinernas Teori MVK051 ng- och Gasturbinteknik LUAX berkningsprogram MVKF10 Kraftverksteknik MVKN01 Projekteringsmetodik fr Termiska Kraftverk MVKN25 Miljvnlig Elproduktion MVK920 Examensarbeten Logga in och logga ut




LUAX berkningsprogram
LUAX Rapid Axial Turbomachinery Aerodynamic Design Suite
The LUAX suite is a set of aerothermal-design tools for axial compressors and turbines. The tools are based on Matlab and have graphical user interfaces for swift usage. The LUAX tools available for free academic usage. The bulk of the scripts are open and the user can easily change e.g. loss models etc. All programs use rigorous modeling of fluid state, based on either NASA SP-273 or the more recent model by Bcker et al. The LUAX-C is a versatile mean-line program for axial compressors, where the user can specify e.g. pressure ratio, loading distribution, row axial velocity ratio, type of meridional contour, etc. The program is currently based on the Wright & Miller loss- and Koch stability models. All details of the code can be found in the manual below. The LUAX-T is an advanced mean-line/reduced order through-flow tool for highly loaded cooled (or un-cooled) turbines. One have an array of options when specifying the flow path, where one can specify net power from a compressor turbine, stage loading, reaction, flow function, cylindrical rotors, turbine diffuser, etc. The channel hade for both inner- and outer contour are easily controlled. The cooling model is a standard m-star for assessing the flows for blade and platform cooling. The cooling losses are evaluated through mixing of momentum(s), continuity and energy. Film losses are evaluated with the standard Hartsel method and an assumed blade velocity profile. All details of the code can be found in the manual below. The LUAX-suite will be expanded to incorporate radial machinery. The next tool to be developed is a two-zone/TEIS model for radial compressors.

LUAX-C Manual LUAX-C Program Utskriftsversion

Frgor om innehllet: Nina Mrtensson Webbtekniska frgor: Senast uppdaterad: 2009-05-01

Kraftverksteknik, Box 118, 221 00 Lund

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12/10/2012 3:10 PM

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