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b) Aims and dreams, what do these words actually mean?

Id say an aim is something that you want to achieve by putting an effort into it, and a dream is something, that you would love to happen to you. Given these definitions, I refuse to pursue dreams, because I simply dont want to depend on lifes lucky coincidences. So what seems to be more rational are aims, but regarding these, I also have some concerns: Why do we want what we want? Do we really want what we want? What and who influences our aims? If I reflect on these questions, I have to come to the conclusion that hardly any of peoples common aims are created by their own minds, needs and desires, but that they are formed and already prepared by society, authority and other environmental influences. We are raised to believe that money, labour and appearance are what make us worth existing and feel successful. Considering this, my current and constant aim is to distinguish between my actions based on gaining social acceptance and my desires intending self fulfilment and to eventually weigh them up against each other. Besides this, I dont have anything planned for neither the next ten months or years, because I am a very spontaneous person and change my attitude towards life all the time. What I strongly believe is that its very important to realise life as what we feel, think and experience at the very moment, and that not any accomplishment in the nearer or

farther future is going to return us that.

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