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Butchers Broom Latin Name: Cytisus scoparius L.

Other names: Broom flowers, Broom tops, Butcher's broom, Common broom, Irish broom, Link, Scotch broom Element: Air Planets: Mars Goddess/Gods: Gender : Masculine Magickal Uses: Wind spells, divination, protection, psychic powers. Medicinal Properties: Tops: cathartic, diuretic Seed: cathartic, emetic. For circulatory disorders, gout, leg cramps, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, phlebitis, thrombosis, and jaundice . Good for kidney and bladder. Relieves inflammation. Excellent for dropsy, toothache, ague, acute constipation, swelling of the spleen. Used with uva-ursi, cleavers, and dandelion makes an excellent remedy for cleansing the kidneys and bladder, and to increase the flow of urine. Makes a good ointment for lice or vermin. A cardiac depressant to quiet an overactive heart. A lymph tonic. One of the legumes, it also increases available nitrogen in the soil, benefiting plants growing around it, and is a collector of calcium. Medicinal Part : Young flowering twigs, tops, and seeds Legends, Myths and Stories Broom is one of the nine fairy herbs, and a cologne prepared from its flowers is said to inspire affection. The branches of this shrub produced crude but useful brooms, hence the name. Scotch broom is used in beer makings and flavorings.

Warning!! Poison

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