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Time-line of Events re Randy Fryingpan

October 5, 2002 night of the assault. October 6, 2002 Marilyn Fryingpan files a complaint with the EPS Downtown Division. August, 2003 Tom Engel becomes Randy's lawyer. The Fryingpans make a formal request to EPS Chief Bob Wasylyshen, that the Fryingpan's complaint be investigated by an outside police force given that one of the main principle under investigation is his son, Constable Mike Wasylyshen. Chief Wasylyshen declines to do so. September, 2003 - the Fryingpans file a complaint against Chief Wasylyshen with the Edmonton Police Commission. The commission decides to hold the complaint in abeyance until the EPS investigation into the initial complaint is completed. November, 2003 The Fryingpans file a motion with the Court of Queen's Bench requesting the judge to order the Edmonton Police Commission to proceed with the Fryingpan's complaint. February 22, 2004 The judge orders the Edmonton Police Commission to review the Fryingpan's complaint. February 26, 2004 The Edmonton Police Commission dismisses the complaint against Chief Wasylyshen. March June, 2004 During Randy Fryingpan's trial for breach of probation, Judge Easton hears two Charter motions filed by Tom Engel: 1. The severity of the misconduct of the police during the arrest requires a stay of proceedings and 2. The illegal strip search and deliberate non-disclosure and misleading statements of the police requires a stay of proceedings. February 5, 2005 Judge Easton rules that the use of force was cruel and unusual punishment both it and illegal strip search were flagrant breaches of the Charter and that the rights of Randy Fryingpan had been very clearly violated. He orders a judicial stay of proceedings. May 10, 2005 the EPS rules no criminal charges will be laid against Constable Wayslyshen or any other officer involved, citing a lack of evidence. Later in 2005 the Fryingpans file an appeal of this decision with the Law Enforcement Review Board. 2009 The Law Enforcement Review Board orders EPS Chief Mike Boyd to charge Constable Wasylyshen with excessive use of force and insubordination. August, 2010 - the EPS Disciplinary Hearing begins. October 9, 2012 Constable Wasylyshen is found guilty of both charges against him. November 5, 2012 Constable Wasylyshen is sentenced to 120 hours suspension without pay.

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