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214 estimated number of international migrants worldwide 49% migrants worldwide are women Migrants would constitute the

5th most populous country in the world 27.5 million internally displaced persons in the world in 2010 $325 billion estimated remittances sent by migrants to developing countries in 2010

One of the main reasons why people choose to migrate is to be able to earn money. This was also the reason why women on film have chosen to work abroad, to be able to earn money for their family. Though life abroad was difficult, these people chose to stay for there was a need for them to stay abroad. After the difficulties they have experienced working abroad, some of them would choose to work in the country. But, for the others they would still work abroad. This was because they have experienced scarcity of money. It was difficult to find work in their country, but if they had, the money they earn was not enough to provide the family.

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