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Laughter is the best medicine

Laughter; it binds people together, increases intimacy and provides a stress release. In addition to that it also boosts your immune system and operates positively on your health. Firstly, laughter has been proven to reduce stress which consequently also means that it reduces stress caused illnesses like insomnia, cold, viruses, circulation problems etc. meaning that happy people who laugh allot are also less prone to sickness. Secondly, laughter moves lymph and oxygenates organs. As a result of laughing lymph is moved around our body faster which means that in addition to the immune systems inner workings being improved, dead waste products are removed from the body faster and more efficiently. Furthermore, when one laughs said person increases the oxygen intake into his lunges which is very good because oxygen is the primary catalyst for biological energy in our body. It has even been proven that many parasites and bacteria, including cancer cells, dont survive in the presence of oxygen. Thirdly, when laughing one also increases the circulation of blood in his body, getting fresh blood to the organs faster and also exercising ones abdominal muscles and enhancing the flexibility of various joints throughout ones body. In fact, a hard, outrageous laughing session can equal a physical workout and cause sore stomach muscles. Lastly, as a result of laughter many positive chemicals are created in ones body. Some brain altering, read serotonin, or immune-boosting, such as interleukins. Research shows that if one was to purchase all of the chemicals created by ones body in a minute of laughing he would have to spend somewhere around 10.000 dollars and laughing is free. In sum, laughter reduces stress, improves our immune system, fights off bacteria and provides a healthy workout making it the best medicine in the world.

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