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Third Grade Writing Workshop Unit of Study: March-April- Test Preparation


* Extra days are included in the unit to allow you to address the specific needs of your students and to assess their understanding of the lessons you have covered.
Week 1 Listening Comprehension Explain task Brainstorm ideas on how to succeed in a listening passage. How to listen Listening Comprehension Listening to expository text Listening Comprehension Setting expectations/ru bric Listening Comprehension Taking notes Listening Comprehension Answering multiple choice questions Listening Comprehension Listening to narrative writing

Week 2

Week 3

Constructed Response Rereading for editing Capitalization, punctuation, spelling Essays

Week 4


Constructed Responses from Listening Comprehension Use questions to help form your answers. RAFFT (Restate answer, fact, fact, tie it together) Echo the question Constructed Response Analyzing student work using a rubric Focusing on moving up levels Essays Conclusion

Constructed Responses Checking off bullet points

Constructed Responses Use specific names instead of pronouns

Constructed Responses Rereading to make sure that you answered the question

Constructed Response Analyzing student work using a rubric Focusing on moving up levels


Describe the task Setting expectations/prese nt rubric


Analyze examples of essays using the rubric


Looking at bullets and how to go back and find support in the reading


Students evaluate their own essays and compare it to the rubric


Students reread their essays for editing

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