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Jack and the beanstalk Story Telling Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack.

. He lived with his mother, a young widow that brought him up with difficulty. One day, she called Jack and said: - My son, we have run out of food and we dont have any money. Take the cow that is all we have, and go to the village to sell it. On the way to the village, he met a man who offered a handful of beans for the cow. They are magic beans, said the man. Jack believed him and exchanged the cow for the beans. When Jack arrived back home he showed the beans to his mother. She got furious and threw the beans out of the window. After Jack was reprimanded, he went to bed. He was sad and hungry. On the following day, Jack woke up very early and went out to the backyard. He saw an enormous beanstalk that reached the sky. Curious, Jack climbed the beanstalk. When he reached the clouds, he saw a huge castle. The owner of the castle was mean giant. Jack went into the castle and he was astonished with what he saw: there was a beautiful harp that played by itself and a hen that laid golden eggs. Slowly Jack approached the harp: - Free me, please.; said the harp. I will play beautiful music for you. - Let me free.; said the hen. And I will make you a rich boy. The boy took the harp and the hen and was running away with them when the giant woke up. Jack ran towards the beanstalk and started to climb down as fast as he could. The giant followed him. When Jack arrived on the ground he took and axe and cut the trunk of the beanstalk. The giant fell, crashed to the ground and died. Jacks mother was very proud of her sons courage. The harp played beautiful music Thanks to the golden eggs the hen laid they were not hungry anymore and they lived happily ever after.

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