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Dr Mohammed Fadhl Abdulla

Aden University


(a) Define in your own words the following terms: State, State space, Search tree, Goal,

Action, Successor function.

(b) Apply the alpha-beta algorithm to the following game tree to find the values of the nodes. Mark with an "X" those branches of the tree that do not need to be searched. Indicate the best move with an arrow.

2# Suppose you are using a Gradient Descent search with the evaluation function Number of queens which are threatened by another queen in the 8-queens problem. Suppose that youre at the following board state: (i) What is the current score for the evaluation function? (ii) Write down some of the best moves from this position. (iii) Give an example of an illegal move. (iv) What do you do if there are no legal moves?

3# (a) Give the algorithm for the Simple Reflex Agents. Draw its schematic diagram? (b) What is the complexity (in space and in time) of the Breadth-First search

4# For each of the search strategies listed below, indicate which goal state is reached (if any) and list, in order, the states explored. "Goal reached: _____ States explored: ____" Depth-First S, Breadth-First S, Best-First S, Beam Search, Hill Climbing, and A* Search

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