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King of Spades Period 6 The Lake

The motionless, crystal clear water stretched across the horizon. The cool breeze wisped past. I slowly made my way towards the shore of the lake. I dipped in my left foot, testing the waters for the temperature. I gazed ahead, making sure no one else was around. I slowly made my way into the water, stopping every couple of seconds to get rid of pebbles that had become wedged in my feet. I felt so alone. The lake stretched for miles: I couldnt see past the trembling waters that flowed into the ends of the earth. I wanted to reach that end. I wanted to swim forever and alone. And so I began to doggy paddle, passing the logs and floating algae. But then I passed a helpless turtle, quivering on a log, attempting to inch towards the end to a hopeless escape. I began to cry. And I suddenly turned around, moving back to the shore, and away from the vast waters that had clouded my view.

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