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Kindergarten Writing Workshop Unit of Study: December-January Unit 2- Small Moments

Week 1 Sometimes writers choose a small moment from their lives and write about it Sharing narrative Rollercoaster Shortcut Flower girl Butterflies Snow Day Focus: First, Next, Finally Writers think about small moments weve shared together CC Curricular Pg. 21 Model of small moment Shared Writing Fire-drill Lunch Procedure Lesson: Writers store their writing In folders Sometimes writers choose a small moment from their lives and write about it LC Small Moments Unit1 Pg. 3 Focus: First, Next, Finally Procedure Lesson: Writers put things that matter to them on their folders Pictures Drawings All about me sheet Artifacts from home Writers add to their story by thinking about what happened next Reread story and add Student sample Writers tell their partners what they are going to write today


Writers use their folders for ideas for their stories

Writers think about small moments weve shared together CC Curricular Pg. 21 Model of small moment Shared Writing Fire-drill Lunch

Week 2

Writers begin their story by thinking about what happened first

Writers revisit their story and tell how it ends Reread story and tell how it ends Student sample

Writers think about their story and details to their illustrations

Week 3

Writers stretch out the words Pg.29 Beginning, middle, ending sounds Anchor chart

Writers use punctuation when they are finished with a sentence

Week 4

Writers think about their story and details to their illustrations Who was there? What were people doing? What did it look like?

Writers label the details in their illustrations

Writers use their labeled illustrations to write sentences

Writers sometimes can think about their pictures and write their sentences

Writers use words they know in their writing CC Curricular Pg. 29 Friends and family names Word wall Words they know Sight words Writers stretch out the words CC Curricular Pg.29 Beginning, middle, ending sounds Anchor chart

Kindergarten Writing Workshop Unit of Study: December-January Unit 2- Small Moments


Week 5

Writers reread their stories and add more

Writers uses spaces between their words

Week 6

Writers look at each others work to revise Scanned student sample revise as group

Writers look at each others work to revise Scanned student sample revise story s group Writers fancy up their story with color and a cover

Writers share their stories with their partner CC Curricular Pg. 26 Ask questions to make sure it makes sense Writers will take their writing piece and talk with partner about what they can revise

Writers look through all the stories they wrote and choose one

Writers touch each word when rereading to ensure they have a word for what they are saying

Writers revise

Writers have a job in a conference LC Conferring Handbook

Week 7

Writers edit their work to make sure they have what their writing needs Capitalization Punctuation Spacing between words Sounds they hear in words Sight Words


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