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Baptism of Name Here

WARD NAME HERE of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, City, State
John the Baptist Baptizing Jesus, detail, is copyright 2007, Intellectual Reserve. Used by permission.

Song Lyrics:
1. Jesus came to John the Baptist, In Judea long ago, And was baptized by immersion In the River Jordans flow. 2. To fulfill the law, said Jesus, When the Baptist questioned why, And to enter with my Father In the kingdom up on high. 3. Now we know that we must also Witness faith in Jesus word, Be baptized to show obedience, As was Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Conducting: Name Here Pianist: Name Here Music Leader: Name Here Welcome: Bishop Name Here Opening Song: Baptism Opening Prayer: Name Here Uncle Talk on Baptism: Name Here Grandmother Baptismal Ordinance: Name Here Father Witnesses: Name Here, and Name Here, Grandfathers Special Video Selection: Elder Name and Elder Here Full-time missionaries Talk on Holy Ghost: Name Here Grandmother Confirmation: Name Here Father Primary Welcome: Name Here Bishopric Welcome: Bishop Name Here Closing Song: I am a Child of God Closing Prayer: Name Here Sister
Please join us for a meal to celebrate NAME HEREs baptism after the service.

I am a Child of God
1. I am a child of God, And He has sent me here, Has given me an earthly home With parents kind and dear. 2. I am a child of God, And so my needs are great; Help me to understand His words Before it grows too late. 3. I am a child of God. Rich blessings are in store; If I but learn to do His will, Ill live with Him once more. Chorus Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, Help me find the way. Teach me all that I must do To live with him someday.

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