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Torment Bloodlines Series Book 2 By Lindsay Anne Kendal World Castle Publishing http://www.worldcastlepublishing.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

World Castle Publishing Pensacola, Florida Copyright Lindsay Anne Kendal 2011 ISBN: 9781937085742 Library of Congress Catalogue Number 2011931986 World Castle Publishing November 1, 2011

Licensing Notes All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews. Cover Art: Karen Fuller Editor: Beth Price


For my Mum and best friend, Trish. For helping me to achieve my dreams, and for always being there, I wouldnt have got this far without you. I love you.

A big thank you to some very special friends, Jane Anne Linsdell for your friendship and constant support. Also to Pauline and Alan Smith for your

support and constant encouragement.


Not many people are given a second chance to live. Those that are see it as a blessing, they get to be with their loved ones again and maybe even live out their dreams.

I don't know if I see it as a blessing. What if the one you loved wasnt alive? What if instead he was from another realm, a realm you had been taken away from? Would you want to live again knowing that you would have to spend time apart?

What if you had to live your life feeling on edge from morning until night? If you had to watch your friends suffer around you, fighting for survival. Would you really want to come back to that? Of course you would want to help them, to make sure they survive, but, could you actually do anything to change the outcome? Could you be sure you were strong enough to keep them all and yourself safe, alive?

What would you do if you were me?

I know what I want to do.

Chapter One The Return

It felt strange being back in the house, even though it was actually mine. Id only been gone just short of three weeks, as far as the guys were concerned, but for me, it was almost three months. Everything was the same at the house except for a few new magazines on the coffee table in the living room. Lily hadn't taken down any of our photographs, or even moved one of my necklaces off the top of the fireplace. The house was spotless, a lot cleaner than when I was last here, someone had obviously been spring cleaning, maybe to keep themselves busy, and to try and keep their mind off what had happened. All the guys parents had gone home. They said it would be unfair for everyone to be here, throwing questions at me all at once, and they wanted to give me and the guys time to ourselves. Id told them they were more than welcome to come in, but they wouldnt. They said the guys could fill them in on everything when they went home and that they would see me later in the week. They all hugged me to death and Sofia got very emotional again, then they had left. To be honest with you, I was glad they hadn't stayed really; it was going to be bad enough having the guys staring at me without having all their parents doing it too. That was something I hadn't missed at all, all the questions and being watched all the time. Where Id just been, I had

had a few questions thrown at me too, but nothing like what I got when I was here. I threw my coat over the back of the sofa and flopped down. Lily sat beside me while the others, except Jake, got comfy on the other sofa and the chairs. This seems so strange, I told them, while looking around the room. Being back you mean? Tyler asked. Yeah. You look good, Danny told me. Thank you, I feel it. Coffee, people, Jake said, walking in with a tray of cups. And a tea for Keira. We all took our drinks and then everyone turned silent. They were all staring at me, watching my every movement. Oh dear, I said between taking sips of my drink, I was afraid of this. Afraid of what? Lily asked. The moment of awkward silence. I think were still trying to get our head around the fact that youre actually here, Lucian told me. Its a bit of a shock for everyone. Don't forget, Keira, you died! We had to bury you, go on without you Tyler trailed off.

Then suddenly you reappear, kick Argyles ass, and now youre sitting here with a cup of tea in your hands, looking healthy and talking to us, Jake added. I know, I nodded. So I take it I need to explain everything tonight then? No, after everything that's just happened, I don't think we would stay awake long enough to hear everything, Danny replied. As much as we all might want to. OK, Ill tell you a story tomorrow then. Weve all been staying here, Jake informed me. We sorted out all the guestrooms and moved in while everything was going on; we thought it would be best if we were all together. I know. How do you know? I thought you didnt want to know everything tonight? Not everything, but you could tell us a few things, Lucian suggested. OK, sometimes I was able to watch you. Not very often, but on a couple of occasions When? How? Lily asked. There was a viewing pool where I was staying; it allows you to see anyone in any realm, at any given time. Its a sacred pool filled with water, and the person who wants to see whats going on elsewhere simply asks the pool to show them. So, I saw you all move in, when you

were watching the newsermI saw Danny punching holes out of the bags in the gym, and I saw Lily moping around the house. That's about it really, well apart from before, but that's what Ill tell you tomorrow, I explained. Ill tell you something else as well. To you guys Ive been gone nearly three weeks, but where Ive been, well, time was different; I was gone for nearly three months. Three months? Danny cried, almost choking on his coffee. Yeah, its like, one week here is a month there, although there are still twenty-four hours in each day and time doesnt pass any quicker. Its really hard to explain. Where were you? Tyler asked me. Are you sure you want me to answer that tonight? Yes! they replied in unison. Just as I was about to answer the doorbell rang. Saved by the bell, I said, getting up. When I opened the door Eligos was standing there, his sapphire-blue eyes staring straight at me. Hey! he smiled. Come on in, I said, moving out of his way. I didn't expect you to use the doorbell; I thought you would just appear. I didn't want to frighten anyone. Are you sure you want to do this? he asked. Yes, why, don't you want to?

It doesnt bother me either way. I shut the door and led him into the living room. When we walked in they all stood up. Everyone, I know youve met once already but it wasnt a proper meeting really, was it? So, guys, this is Eligos; Eligos, meet Lily and the guys, I said. Everyone shook his hand and introduced themselves. Only Tyler and Lucian seemed a little wary, but they were still pleasant with him. Once the meet and greet was over Lily went to sit on Jakes knee so Eligos could sit beside me. Do you want a drink? Jake asked him. No Im fine thanks. Im sorry but I have to say this, Danny said to him. Youre an amazing fighter. Thanks, Ive had a lot of practice. Can I ask you something? Lily asked him. Yes. This isnt meant to sound rude butwhat are you? I was waiting for someone to ask that, he smiled. Keira, do you want to tell them? That way it doesnt sound like Im blowing my own horn. Oh for Gods sake, you should be proud of what you are, I told him, before turning to look at the others. Eligos is a Grand Duke of

Hell, a Knight of the Superior Order, and a close personal friend of Lilith. He commands sixty legions of demons and just to let you know, that's three hundred and sixty thousand. Wow! Lily said. Hell! Tyler abruptly interrupted, sounding shocked for some reason. Where do you expect demons to come from? Eligos asked, raising an eyebrow. How old are you? You look a little young to be all that, Jake asked, rather bewildered. In appearance, Im twenty-five, but in actual years, Im around four and a half thousand years old. None of them knew what to say; they were all in shock now. Well, Ill tell you something, I hope I still look so young when Im your age, Danny smirked. Eligos just laughed at him. How many demons did you have with you before? Lucian asked him. Just over five hundred, one for every possessed body in there. Are you still Keiras protector? Lily enquired. Yes. For how long?

Keira, these guys ask more questions than you do! I honestly didnt think that was possible, he smirked at me. Shut up! I teased. Ill be her protector for as long as Im needed, he told Lily. Why didnt you stop her from dying then? Tyler asked coldly. Even if Id been here, I couldnt have stopped her; it was her choice to do it, Eligos said, not reacting to Tylers off tone. Besides, I brought her back, didnt I? They all fell silent and looked at each other. OK, I sighed, I think thats enough questions for one night. Keira, I need to speak to you alone for a moment, Eligos almost whispered to me. OK. Excuse us a moment, I said, before walking out of the room with him. We walked outside and stood next to my car. Don't tell them too much all at once, he told me. I know, Ill tell them a little bit at a time. Have you told them youre different now? Ive mentioned it, but I havent told them how. Good, don't! Not yet. I don't think they could handle it, he said sincerely. They lost you, now youre back, theyve met me, and youre going to tell them where youve spent the last three weeks,

months, whatever. I think that's more than enough for now. Let them enjoy having their friend back for a while. OK. I better get going. When will I see you again? The next time you need me. Oh! I whispered, trying to hide how sad I was starting to feel. That doesnt just mean the next time theres a fight. I looked at him just as he started to fade away. It means whenever you need me, call outIll be listening, he smiled, and then slowly disappeared. I stood leaning against my car for a few minutes, looking at my house. I knew they were all inside waiting for me but I needed a few minutes to myself; Id had a lot to take in lately, not much time to actually process everything Id been told, and now I had to start explaining everything to them. This would also be the first time in three months, as far I was concerned, that I wouldnt be spending most of my time with Eligos. Now I didnt know when I would see him again. Id become really attached to him and being away from him upset me. Well, no point putting it off, I told myself. I walked back into the house and sat down again in the living room. I looked at the clock; it was now 2a.m. and I was starting to get tired. Keira, are you OK? Lily asked, sitting next to me again. Yeah, Im fine, I yawned.

Do you want to go to bed; we can talk in the morning? Lucian asked. Yeah, if you don't mind. I said goodnight to them all and went to my room. I ran my hand over the frame of my bed, it was going to feel really strange falling asleep and waking up in there. I opened my drawers hoping my clothes hadn't been thrown out; luckily Lily hadn't touched anything in here either. I got changed into an old T-shirt and a pair of shorts, before sliding under my quilt. I lay there in the darkness staring up at my ceiling. I heard Jake and Lily going to bed and talking among themselves. It feels amazing knowing that shes in there, Lily was saying. When we wake up tomorrow, she will be here with us all. I know. I cant believe it. Its nice to see you with a smile on your face, Jake told her. Ive missed it. I heard the bedroom door close along with others on the floor below us. Everyone else must have decided to call it a night. It was nice to know they had missed me; I had missed them a lot too, but I felt so different now, almost like I didnt belong here. I lay there for hours but I couldnt get to sleep. At 5a.m. I gave up and got dressed; I went downstairs and into the kitchen quietly, closing the door behind me. I was getting hungry and thirsty, and I didnt want the noise of the kettle or me cooking to wake any of them; theyd all had a hard night and needed to get some sleep. I made myself a coffee and a few pieces of cheese on toast and sat at the breakfast bar. When Id finished my toast I went into the chill-out room, I sat on the biggest sofa and stared into space, my mind completely blank. Why arent you sleeping? Eligos asked.

I turned around quickly to see him standing against the wall next to one of the windows. Well? he quizzed. I just cant, I told him. Why are you here? I thought you had to get back. Yeah well, I can come and go as I please, cant I? Im not doing anyone any harm. Youre lucky. No, you are. You have people here who love you very much; they are so happy to have you back. I know, and I love them, I just I trailed off. You just what? It doesnt matter, I sighed, walking to the window at the other end of the room. Keira, don't throw your chance at happiness away, he told me. Being alone isnt fun. Havent you ever been with someone? Im not answering that tonight. Why not? Because Ive answered enough questions for one night, he said as he walked over to me. He turned me around so I was facing him, then quickly let go of me again. Try and get some rest; theyll be expecting you to talk a lot tomorrow.

I didnt say anything. I just nodded and lay down on the sofa. Eligos, I said. Yeah. Why did you come here? You didnt answer me properly before. Because I wanted to. Why? He didnt answer and when I looked up he had gone, I lay back again and stared at the sofa facing me. I didnt get a wink of sleep but I didnt tell the guys that; I didnt want them to worry about me. I told them Id woken up early and hadn't wanted to wake them. Lily cooked us all a late breakfast and then we all went to sit in the living room again. OK where do you want me to start, do you want to ask me questions or do you want me to tell you a story? I asked. Just start from the beginning, Lucian said, and take your time. OK, I said, taking a deep breath. When I saw how upset everyone was over Tyler, I knew I had to do something. I knew I could bring him back, and I knew what the price was for doing it. I was scared, I didnt know what death felt like, Id never died before. Anyway, it felt strange, I felt a little light-headed at first and then numb. I saw Tyler sit up, and I managed to smileThen there was nothing. But you woke up, didnt you? Lily smiled.

That's where the story begins, I said, getting more comfortable.

Chapter Two My Time Away (Part 1)

Keira, hey, come on wake up, I heard Eligos saying to me. When I finally managed to open my eyes, I was in a big room lying on a bed of black satin. I looked to the side of me and saw Eligos sitting on the edge of the bed. Where am I? I asked him in a groggy voice; my throat was so dry. Welcome to my world. What? Theres no easy way to say this, so Ill just come straight out with it youre in Hell. WHAT! I yelled, sitting up so quickly that I made myself dizzy. Just relax; youve been out cold for a while, he said, pushing me down again. How long? Thirty-six hours, welljust over.

How did I get here? I brought you. It was either this or let you rot in a box in your back garden, he teased. Why? Do you want me to put you back? No, I said loudly and quickly. I didnt think so, he grinned, getting up off the bed. Can I get you anything? Yeah a tea or coffee would be nice. Sorry, we don't have that here. Water? That I can do; back in a moment, he said as he walked out of the room. I climbed off the bed and slowly made my way towards one of the large windows. I was so stiff it hurt me to walk; I felt as though Id pulled every muscle in my body. When I finally got to the window I held on to the slate window ledge for support and looked outside. Everything was so different. Whatever building I was in, it was big; I looked down and saw I was a few hundred feet above the ground. When I looked out, it was as though I could see the air; it wasnt transparent like it was back home, where you knew it was there but couldnt see it. It looked hazy and had a very slight reddish tint to it; it caused everything else to look hazy too. I could see a high wall surrounding the building, but the edges of it were blurry. I could see other buildings in the distance but they werent very clear; they were blurred shadows. When I looked up I saw the sky was a swirling mass of colors reds, purples and blues. In the distance I could see lightning, but not like the lightning I was used to seeing or creating; this was extreme the forks that came down were thick, not the thin lines of electricity Id seen back home.

Different, isnt it? Eligos commented as he walked back into the room. Its crazy, everything is so Blurry? You get used to it. When you go outside and get closer to the other buildings you will be able to see them clearly. Here, drink this, he said, passing me the water. Thanks. I carried on looking out of the window as I drank the water. When I turned around Eligos was sitting on one of the sofas on the other side of the room, watching me. So they buried me then? I enquired. Yeah, they had too. How did you get me out? Surely theyll notice that Ive been dug up? I didnt dig you out of your grave, Keira. How then? How do you think? he frowned, before raising one eyebrow. Magic. I didnt say anything; I just stood there looking at him. What, did you think that because I fight with a sword that I didnt have power? I healed you remember, that takes power.

I knew you had some power because you healed me, but as for other power, I didnt know what to think; you never told me anything, I answered. Im not as powerful as you, but Im not too far off, he told me. Oh. I started making my way over to him. When he saw how painful it was for me to move, he came over and picked me up, as though he was about to carry me over a threshold, and took me over to the sofa. So what now then, is this where I spend eternity? I asked. I doubt it; youre needed on Earth. Where exactly is Hell? I mean we know its not in the center of the Earth and Its another realm, he told me. There are lots of realms your world, Heaven and Hell are just three of them. I sacrificed myself for someone so why arent I in Heaven? You cant go there. Why? Keira, youre part demon. I know, but what if I don't want to be, I snapped. He couldnt answer me; I knew it was because the answer was tough.

Im sorry, I don't mean to be nasty with you, I said sincerely, this is just a lot to take in. I understand. So is this your home? I asked. No, this is the Palace. The Palace? Yeah, home of the King and Queen. Lilith! I gasped. Yeah, she wants to see you; she wanted to be here when you woke up but she knew you would need to see a face you recognized first; she didnt want you to panic too much. Where is she? Ill go and get her if you want, he offered. Yes, please. OK, stay there. Do not move! Youre too weak to be walking around on your own. I started to get really nervous; I had wanted to meet her since I learned she was part of me, but now that I was here and had the chance, part of me didnt want to. What if she was disappointed in me or didnt like me for some reason? I guess there was only one way to find out. A few minutes later the door opened, Eligos walked in first, followed by Lilith. She was beautiful, her long straight black hair running down her back; her skin was perfect, pale, but without a blemish. She had the same

figure as I did, and chiseled facial features, also the same as me. When she got closer to me I noticed her eyes; they were green, exactly the same shade as mine. She was wearing a beautiful long black dress; so long you couldnt see her feet. She sat on the sofa next to me and then Eligos left the room. I couldnt talk; all I could do was stare at her. Ive been waiting for this moment since the day you were born, she said softly. I was so excited when Eligos told me hed brought you here. She held her arms out and I moved closer to her, laying my head on her chest and wrapping my arms around her and at the same time she wrapped hers around me. I dont know why, but I started crying. Im so sorry its taken so long for me to see you, she said. Why did you wait all these years? I asked, moving so I could see her. I cant come to Earth for long I know, Eligos told me. I wouldnt have been able to spend time with you, and I didnt want to simply tell you who I was and then have to leave. I understand, I nodded, trying to smile. Youre more like me than I thought; Ive been watching you all your life but to see you in person, well, you look slightly different. Eligos said I reminded him of you. He told me that too, how are you two getting along? OK.

Just OK? I like him, he says it as it is and I prefer people to be like that. Im glad you like him, I didnt want anyone else getting close to you. I would trust Eligos with my life, so I knew I could trust him with yours. He will always look after you. Because you tell him too. I asked him if he would watch over you, yes. But I didnt tell him he had to, she told me, and I never told him to go and see you; he wanted to meet you himself. It was nice to see him take an interest in someone; hes never done that before. He saved my life; well, hes done it twice now. I know! She cupped my face and looked at me for a moment before running her fingers through my hair. Who am I Lilith? I asked. I know I have your blood in me, I know about Elizabeth Youre not like Elizabeth. She came to see me and Keira, what she told you, well, some of it was true; she did drink my blood, but youre not the same as her. Youyou are my daughter!

Chapter Three

Questions I sat on the sofa looking at the guys; all of them were staring at me wideeyed. What did she mean? Tyler finally asked. She meant exactly that. You see, my mom, Carla, couldnt have children. She knew and she never told my father; of course she didnt know about his power then and how he needed a child to pass it down too. Carla had always wanted a family and so when she found out she couldnt she was devastated. Lilith knew my dad needed a child and Lilith wanted him to have a girl, so she worked her magic, and one night while my dad thought they were trying for a baby, she intervened. And hey presto Carla was pregnant with you, Danny said. Yeah, but it was Liliths egg that was fertilized. I don't fully understand it, but that's how it was. She kept her eye on Carla all the way through the pregnancy. So, basically, Carla was a surrogate mother Lily confirmed. Yes, I told her. Does Carla know? No, although she thought it was very strange how she suddenly became pregnant and, when she found out about my dads power, she became suspicious. But of course your dad didnt know anything about it either, did he? Jake said. No.

All of them sat there in amazement. Can we take a break now, please, I pleaded. Im sick of the sound of my own voice. Course we can, Lily said. I walked out of the living room and into the back garden. I wanted to sit on my swing, but before I got there I saw my gravestone. I walked over to it and stared at it, it read:

Keira Jameson Aged 22 Forever In Our Hearts And Loved Always Our Guardian Angel

I bet that feels strange, Tyler said as he came and stood next to me. Just a little, I agreed. He was right; it did feel strange. How many people get to stand in front of their grave? It wasnt nice to know that for a short amount of time I was buried there. The words are beautiful, I told him.

I cant explain how hard it was for us all. It wasnt easy for me either. Don't ever leave us again, he said sadly. Tyler, I wont be here all the time, I told you that. Why? Because Im different now. I died. Yeah but your back. I know that, but I need to go back from time to time, I told him. How can you want to be somewhere where people are being ripped to shreds over and over? Tyler, its not like that, I explained, walking towards my swing. Its not all about torture; there are people there, people who know how to love and feel, who have paid for the crimes they committed on Earth or wherever they were from. Now they live there forever, most of them happily. Its not how its portrayed in the movies. I don't understand. You might in the end, once Ive told you everything, I said, sitting down. Just trust me, Hell isnt what you think it is. OK, he nodded, walking away from the grave. Do you want us to get rid of this? Yes I do. Well sort it out tomorrow. Do you want to be left alone for a while?

Please. He walked into the house and I was alone. I sat there staring into space, my mind working overtime. I knew it was going to be hard for them all to understand what Hell was like, after all, they only believed what they had read in fantasy books or saw on the TV. I myself wouldnt have believed Hell could be an OK place if I hadn't experienced it for myself. It was such a different way of life. I was happy knowing that I would spend eternity there, once life left my body again. How crazy would people think I was if they heard me say that? But its the truth. Life in this realm was so limited, not to mention hard. People in Hell, or should I say some of them, can come and go as they please between all the realms except Heaven. As long as they don't cause problems or harm any living person or animal. Dukes, Lords, Ladies, they could spend as much time here as they wanted to; they could make friends and live normal lives. They wouldnt be able to stay in the same place very long because they wouldnt age, but they could have a few years in different places. Others, just general people, they could come back, but they wouldnt be seen by people. People may sense them, or I suppose psychics may be able to see them, but they were what we call ghosts. That was something I wouldnt want to be, I wouldnt want to come back and see my friends, but not be able to talk to them. Luckily for me, it wouldnt happen that way I get to keep a physical form no matter where I go. Sadly my alone time didnt last longer than ten minutes. Jake stood on the doorstep and called over that Lily had made sandwiches for everyone, and asked if I was ready to have some more questions thrown at me. I walked back inside and grabbed one of the sandwiches before sitting back on the sofa. Go on then, what do you want to know? I smiled. Did you spend a lot of time with Lilith? Lucian asked.

Quite a bit yeah, but shes a very busy woman; shes got a whole realm to help take care of. Did you meet the big guy? Lily asked. Yes. What was he like? Quite handsome, charming, very pleasant; he made me feel welcome there. He kinda looks at me as his daughter tooyou know, since his wife is my mother. So he isnt a monster? Danny said. No he is a man. Did you go anywhere other than the Palace? Tyler asked. Yes, I went to the shopping mall and to the moviesoh and to the beach. Are you serious? Jake responded with wide eyes. No, Im not, but I did leave the Palace. Jake gave me a funny look while the others laughed at him. Where did you go? Lily enquired. I went on a tour of the lands close to the Palace. I met some of the Lords and Ladies, and I spent quite a lot of time at Eligoss place. Whats his place like? Is it a house like this?

No, none of them are like the houses we have here. For starters theyre all made from stone, most of them are only one story, and they are very beautiful. Eligos is a very important person there, everyone respects him and his home reflects that. You see he doesnt live in a house; he has his own castle. Wow! Lily and Danny said. Its beautiful, big stone walls, massive windows, beautiful furniture and dcor, I told them. Did you stay with him? Jake asked. No, I stayed at the Palace, but when I wasnt with Lilith I was nearly always with him. You seem to get on well, Lucian said. We do, I guess, I smiled. Is this all you want to know, about Eligos I mean? No, we want to understand everything. Me and Eligos are friends, Lilith is my mother, I was in Hell for three weeks as far as your concerned and three months as far as Im concerned, and I enjoyed spending time with the people there. Yes of course it has its bad part; thats why its called Hell; its where the damned go. But not everyone suffers an eternity of torture. Some of the people join their army and some help out at the Palace; others grow foods and run farms similar to what we have here. Its just a different atmosphere and a different way of life. So they have jobs? Danny asked. Yes, but not like people here do. There are no banks because they don't use money; everyone just pitches in. There are no clothes stores; you

basically tell the clothes makers what you want and they go away and put it together for you. There are no lawyers and no realtorsI could go on about this for days and you still wouldnt understand it all completely. You have to experience it for yourself, Lucian suggested. Exactly. Could we? Jake asked me. Are you dead? Is the Queen of Hell your mother? Err no. Well, then the answer is no. I was getting fed up now and they noticed; they all stopped asking me questions and silence filled the room again. I got up and walked back outside into the garden. A moment later, Lily was with me. Im sorry about all the questions, she said. Its OK, you don't need to apologize, I told her. Im sorry for being snappy; Im just a little tired. I cant believe that for you it was three months. Its really hard to get your head around, isnt it? Just a little bit, she frowned. The easiest way to look at it is this; everything is four times longer. One week here is a month there, so three weeks here is three months there. We both walked over to the swing and sat down.

So come on then, since its just us girls, whats Eligos really like? she asked, smiling. Hes nice. Thats all. Well, hes also sarcastic, annoying sometimes, blunt Oh! So you mean hes like you then? she giggled. Yeah! I smiled. But hes also good-looking, a great fighter, he protects you and looks after you, and you like him. Yeah, I do, but I need to stop liking him. Why? she asked, frowning. Hes not interested, Lily. How do you know? Have you asked him? No but I can tell. He rarely gets close to me, he doesnt like to touch me and he doesnt stay with me too long. I thought you said you spent a lot of time with him. I did, but once wed been together an hour or so he would leave me for a while, and then come back. Maybe hes worried about getting too close to you, she suggested.

I doubt it. I think its more a case that Im not his type. I don't believe that for one minute, I saw how he looked at you last night, and the night he healed you. I think he does like you. You think who likes her? Danny asked as he walked over to us. Eligos, Lily answered. Well, that much is obvious. You should see how he looks at you, he teased. Youre both seeing something that isnt there. Now can we change the subject, please? I sighed. OK, they both said. Im going to go for a drive, I told them, standing up. Do you want some company? Lily asked. Not really, I just want some time to myself and I don't get it here.

Chapter Four Rebuild

I drove up to the church on the top of the hill where we had been last night. It was in a real mess. I hadn't realized Id almost completely destroyed it. Id been far too busy getting annoyed and scrapping with Argyle to

notice. I knew the roof had gone, I remembered pulling it apart, but then I must have gotten carried away because the east and west sides were missing. I stood in front of it looking at all the bits of stone that had once been the walls lying around on the floor. I knew I couldnt leave it like that. I stood a few feet from the entrance, my eyes turning white. The walls slowly began to rebuild themselves; large pieces of stone were picking themselves up and putting themselves back where they belonged. Bits of timber rose from the ground, along with the wood which had once been part of the roof. They fixed themselves together again perfectly. Now when I looked at the outside of the church, it was perfect, all except for the windows. I walked inside and looked around; the stained glass from the windows was scattered everywhere. I raised my arms and the glass joined together again, filling the open voids in the walls, and showing the beautiful pictures they had originally containedof Mary and Jesus, a beautiful golden cross and angels. All the pews put themselves together again and went back into place, the stone statues stood proud again and all without a single flaw. The large crucifix that had nearly fallen on top of Argyle now hung beautifully above the rebuilt altar. I left the entrance doors open, and sent a strong gust of wind through the whole of the church to clear out all the dust and dirt, before looking around to make sure I hadn't missed anything. The church was beautiful, so much nicer than the small Puritan one in the village. I sat on one of the pews looking up at the crucifix. Im sorry I destroyed your church, I said out loud, but I had to save my friends. I hope you can forgive me and that everything is back to how it should be now. I was sitting there for quite a while having flashbacks from the fight. I saw all the guys faces when they realized it was me who had torn the church apart, and that I was now standing in front of them. I saw the look on Argyles face when he too realized it was me, and that I wasnt dead and gone. He looked horrified, frightened and confused. I saw Eligos rise up beside me and look at my face, where the creature that had been with Argyle had cut me. I remembered how incredibly angry he looked just

before he went after it. Why was he so annoyed? It was only a scratch; he knew I could easily heal myself. Why did he torture the creature for so long before he killed it? He didnt seem like the sadistic typeThe whole fight played like a movie in my mind. Eventually I decided it was time to leave. As I was about to stand up the ground started to shake slightly, and after a few seconds it stopped, I didnt think anything of it; maybe it was just a tremor. I walked out of the church, apologizing again, and closed the large double doors behind me. When I turned to walk to my car there was a man standing a few meters away from me, staring. He was around the same height as me with long blond hair. He looked very smart, he had a black jacket on with trousers to match, a white shirt and smart black shoes on. Sorry, I said, did you want to go inside? He didnt reply; instead he threw his hands out in front of him and sent energy balls, one after another straight at me. I managed to dodge the first few but then one hit me and sent me crashing backwards into one of the stone walls. He continued to throw them at me as I fell to the floor. I gathered myself up quickly and ran around the side of the church to take shelter for a moment. I went to look around the corner, but as soon as he saw my face he threw them again. I saw his eyes were now glowing yellow. Damn it! I whispered. God, I can tell Im back. He was alone. That was one good thing; at least this would be a fair fight. Show yourself! the man demanded, his voice deep and hoarse. Go back to Hell, you bastard! I shouted to him. I walked out from the side of the church, eyes white once again. I threw energy balls back at him and then sent a shockwave towards him, but nothing seemed to be hurting him; the energy just bounced off him and then disappeared. He started to walk closer and closer to me, a twisted grin

appearing on his face. No matter what I threw at him, nothing stopped him. I started to panic a little and contemplated calling out to Eligos, but I didnt want him fighting all my battles for me, and I certainly didnt want to risk him getting hurt. This man, although he had a human appearance, was strong and obviously had a high resistance to magic. He raised his hand as he walked towards me and I rose with it. He moved his hand from side to side fast, sending me against the church wall again and then into the doors before pounding me back against the wall. Then he made me float slowly over to him. Despite my efforts I couldnt move a muscle; I felt paralyzed. He looked at me for a moment, studying my face, before striking me with the back of his right arm and sending me into the side of my car. I hit my head on the window before I fell to the ground. He walked towards me again, this time with a look of complete disgust on his face. I was in pain and really annoyed now. The vine-like markings appeared on my skin and I felt my eyes change from white to fire-red. I rose to my feet and sent flames from each hand at him. He rolled out of the way, but that didnt matter, just before he stood up properly I was directly in front of him. Id moved so fast that he hadn't seen me. I slammed my hand against his chest and sent a flow of purple electrically charged energy into him, he screamed out in pain and I took great pleasure in increasing the amount of energy going into him. It looked like he was being electrocuted; I could see his bones clearly through his skin for a couple of seconds at a time. It was frightening how much I enjoyed seeing the look of pain on his face. Once his eyes started bleeding I threw him against the church wall. You should think twice before attacking me, I said bitterly while walking over to him. This isnt over, princess! he warned me. Not by a long shot. Take your best shot.

I went to attack him again but in a blink of an eye he had disappeared. I wasnt impressed to say the least; I should have let the demon side of me loose at the start of this fight instead of letting him hurt me. I got back into my car, eyes and skin still demonic, and drove back to the house at high speed.

Chapter Five Disagreement

When I walked on to my porch the front door flew open and I walked inside, Tyler and Lucian were in the hallway within seconds. Keira, what- Tyler started. Not now! I snapped as the door slammed shut behind me. I walked into the kitchen and threw cold water on my face. A moment later Lily and Danny were in the room. Are you OK? Lily asked. Do I look OK? I scolded, turning to face her. Why are you like that? she asked when she saw my eyes and skin. Because Im pissed off that's why. Im sick of not being able to go somewhere without someone or something attacking me. Who attacked you? Lucian demanded to know as he walked in the room.

I don't know. I didnt get the chance to ask him his name. I pushed past them and walked into the hallway. I was about to turn to walk up the stairs when the front door was blown off its hinges and landed inches in front of me. Danny, Lucian and Tyler ran into the hall and stood beside me just as Eligos walked in; he looked absolutely livid. Why didnt you call me? he asked sternly. Because I didnt need you that's why, I told him rather bluntly. Oh really, is that why youre in a mess and he is still alive. I heal quickly. The white aura washed over my body, making all the cuts and grazes disappear. See, I can handle things myself. Do I need to repeat my previous statement? What is your problem? You are! Youre stupid, reckless and you have no idea who you were just up against. He I don't care, Im alive and he fled. What does that tell you? It tells me hell be back because you didnt finish him off Ohpiss off! I shouted. Why are you arguing? Lily interrupted, standing halfway between us. Youre on the same side. Are we? he barked. Sometimes I wonder. Excuse me? I said in a both angry and shocked voice.

You heard me if you carry on like this youll end up dead. If not you then one of your friends. Well, Ive died once, why not do it again? You bring me back, so what's the problem? If a demon kills your very soul there is no coming back. You wont go to Heaven or Hell; you will be gone completely. GOOD! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE! As I said my sentence I attacked him with an energy ball. It hit him and sent him through the open doorway and out of sight. KEIRA! Lily yelled. I went to walk upstairs again. I had gone up two steps when an invisible force hoisted me into the air and made me fly backwards through the hallway and out of the door. I landed on my back at the bottom of the porch steps. I cried out in pain. Lily and the others ran outside quickly, but as they were about to go down the steps of the porch an invisible wall stopped them. I turned to see Eligos looking at them with his hand held out in their direction. Even when he lowered his hand they couldnt get past the wall. So you think you can handle anything? he asked. Ill handle whatever I need too, I told him. Do you have any idea who that man was? No I don't and I don't care. Youre lucky he went easy on you. Next time he wont, believe me.

Oh yeah sorry I forgot you know everything, don't you? I said sarcastically. I know what he is capable of. I can handle him. Really? he asked. Yes really, now go home. His eyes changed from the beautiful sapphire blue, to a blazing red. Lets see if youre ready for anything, he said. I stood up quickly; I didnt know what he was doing. He bombarded me with energy balls; I didnt have time to react and was hit over and over again. I tried to send them back but whenever I fired one at him he cancelled it out with one of his own. Then he shot static electricity at me from both of his hands. It ripped through my body; the pain was so intense I ended up on the ground on my hands and knees. STOP IT! Lily screamed. I SWEAR TO GOD IM GONNA KILL YOU, Tyler was shouting to him, banging his fists against the invisible wall. You wouldnt stand a chance, Eligos shouted to him, letting his guard down for a moment. I jumped up as quickly as I could and went to throw energy back at him but he was too fast; before it was even halfway to him he had disappeared. I turned around to look for him; he appeared again right in front of me, sending a shockwave at me. I flew across the front garden and landed on the hood of my car for a moment, before rolling off and hitting the ground.

I was going to take shelter behind the car, but Eligos had others plans for me. The car rose into the air and was then thrown a few hundred feet behind me into one of the fields. Eligos walked towards me quickly. I got to my feet just as he threw one of his arms to the side. One of the sunbeds from the side garden was thrown at me; it hit me with such force that I ended up on the ground again. Enough was enough. I jumped to my feet and prepared to try and attack him again, but I felt something sharp in my back. When I looked over my shoulder he was standing there with his sword pressed against my skin. If you move I will kill you, he warned. Lilith would kill you if you did, I retorted. I don't care; I think Ive lived long enough, besides it would get me out of this ridiculous job of protecting someone who thinks they know everything. If I had a choice between death and putting up with you any longerI would choose death. Id never heard him talk like that before. His tone was so different, and he scared me. I closed my eyes for a second, and when I opened them he was standing in front of me. His sword was pointing down towards the ground but his eyes were still red. Let that be a lesson to you! he scolded. That was nothing compared to what I could have done to you, and what I will do to you if you ever attack me again. Do you understand me? I stood there staring at him in silence. I said do you understand me!! he shouted. Yes. Good.

Then he disappeared. The invisible wall had gone and the guys could get to me. Keira, I swear the next time he comes here Ill kill him, Tyler told me, putting his arm around my shoulder. No you wont, I said, shrugging him off. What? Firstly I wont let you, secondly I don't mean to sound horrible, but you wouldnt stand a chance against him. But more important than both of those reasonshe was right. I don't understand, Lucian said. Are you saying he was right to attack you? Lucian I attacked him first and I shouldnt have, I replied as my eyes and skin returned to normal. And hes right, I didnt know what I was up against, and that guy who attacked me could have killed me. And he got away, which means he could attack again at any time, and not just me, he could come for you. There is no excuse for what he just did to you, Tyler raged. Don't you get it? Lily told them. He was proving to her that she isnt ready for anything. Its the only way he could show her, Danny said. She wouldnt listen, so he had to go down another road. Theyre right, I agreed, turning to look at Tyler. Don't be angry with him. If you need to be angry with someone, be angry with me.

I walked away from them and went up to my bedroom. I quickly got changed out of my now dirty and ripped clothes and into a loose-fitting pair of jeans and a tank top. I fell back on to my bed, I was exhausted; Id had no sleep and had had three fights, Argyle, the man and Eligos in less than twenty-four hours. I had just gotten comfy when Lily knocked and walked in with a glass of orange juice for me. She closed the door behind her and came and sat on the end of my bed. Thanks, Lily, I said, taking the drink from her. Are you OK? she asked. Not really. Do you want to talk about it? Wheres Jake? I asked her. At the music store. He thought it was time to open it again; its only for a few hours. I agree with him. Don't change the subject. Let it out, she said, getting comfortable. Did you hear what he said? I blurted out as my eyes started welling up. Which bit? He said, if he had to choose between death and spending more time with me, he would choose death. Yeah, I heard that

That really hurt! I choked, as tears ran down my face. I spent a lot of time with him in the three months I was away, and he was never nasty to me. He was always nice, caring and he wanted to help me as much as he could. When he said that, I felt like Id just been stabbed through my heart. She looked at me doubtfully. Keira, Im your best friend, which means I get to be straight with you without you going off on me. OK? OK. You deserved everything you got down there. Did you see his face when he walked in here? Yeah, he was pissed off. Yeah, but he also looked worried sick. Don't you see he cares about you, maybe more than he should? If he only saw you as a job he wouldnt have been so worried, and what do you do? You attack him. You attack the person who has saved you twice, the person who tortured a creature because he dared touch you, I watched him, Keira. Lily, I How could you do that to him? Then you act so cocky, like you could beat anything when it was obvious something had beaten you. He had to show you that youre not invincible, that you don't know everything and you obviously havent mastered your power properly yet. He wiped the floor with you. Yeah he did, and after what he said to me I bet he enjoyed every minute of it. I doubt it very much. I bet it took a lot for him to do that to you.

GOD! I shouted, throwing the glass of orange across my room and into the bathroom. Why am I such an idiot? Keira, everyone makes mistakes, even you. Nobody in this life or any other is perfect. We all have our faults. Yeah, but mine turn people against me. Half the time I don't even realize Ive been off with people until its too late. Just call out to him, or do whatever you normally do to get him here. I havent had to call out to him up to now; hes just turned upwell apart from when we were fighting Argyle. He was waiting for me to give him the go-ahead then. I think there is something affecting you at the moment, something you havent spoken to anyone about. Youve been so different, youve been moody and you have no patience. I could see it when you were explaining things to us this morning. I think you need to let off some steam and then have a good nights sleep or the other way round, whatever suits you. Maybe youre right. OK, Ill leave you to it. Remember what I said though, she said as she made her way to the door. Call out to him, talk to himDon't let this ruin things! I didnt answer her, I smiled slightly instead and she walked out. I lay back on the bed and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes and looked at the clock it was 6.30p.m. I must have fallen asleep very quickly. Id only had a few hours but I felt better for it. I felt more relaxed and less agitated than I had this morning. I got up

and cleaned the broken glass and orange juice up in my bathroom, then I made my way downstairs. When I got near the kitchen the smell of lasagna hit me, I walked in to see Lily dishing it out. Jake was back now and helping her. Hey, sleepy head, she giggled, I came up to see you before, but you looked so peaceful, I didnt have the heart to wake you. How are you? Jake asked. Im OK, I told him. I take it you know what happened. Yeah, the guys told me. Do you think Im an idiot too? Yeah, a little bit. I thought so, I sighed. Did you call for him, Lily asked me. No, I fell asleep too quickly. Don't leave it too long, Jake said. The longer you leave it the harder it will be to face him. I knowThanks. For what? Lily asked. Putting up with me. Oh don't be stupid, were all friends and that's what friends do. Now grab some of these plates, will you; everyones hungry.

I took mine and Lucians plates into the dining room, while Jake and Lily grabbed the others. We were all pretty quiet while we were having dinner, which wasnt like us at all, but once we had eaten and cleared up, we all got comfy in the living room, thats when the conversation picked up. Were going to pack our things up tomorrow and go back home, Danny told me. Our parents are missing us and we said we wouldnt be away long when we first started staying here. Fair enough, you know youre welcome to stay whenever you like. By the way, your car is back on the drive and as good as new, Tyler told me. I fixed it. Thanks, Id forgotten about that. So what does everyone want to do now? Lily asked. None of them really answered her but they all glanced over at me. That means you want me to carry on talking about when I was away, I smirked. We don't want to push you too much, Lucian said. Ill tell you what; Ill make you a deal. Ill carry on where I left off for the next hour. Then I get to pinch Lily for an hour so we can go for a drink together, just the two of us. Deal! they all said.

Chapter Six My Time Away (Part 2)

After Lilith had explained to me about Carla and how she had become pregnant, we spent a few hours just having general chit-chat. She asked what it was like growing up and what it was like when I met all the guys. I told her how much I loved them all and how I would do anything for them; they were my family now. Part of me wished I hadn't said that because as soon as the words came out, she looked a little upset. I told her it was nice to find out who my real mother was, and how I was happy to finally be spending time with her. That seemed to cheer her up a bit. She told me all about life in Hell. It was nothing like life on Earth in some ways, yet very similar in others. Nobody aged there; how they looked now is how they would look in a thousand years. When people died, if they went to Hell it was because they had done something bad in their lives, and Heaven wouldnt accept them. Maybe they had committed murder or been abusive. They would be punished for as long as the relevant court saw fit. Once they had been punished for the said amount of time they would have a choice about what to do next; they had plenty of options and she didnt tell me all of them, but she did say they could join one of the Dukes armies, work helping life in Hell run smoothly, say by growing food or being a carpenter or builder. They also physically changed. If the person was seventy when he or she died, as soon as the punishment was over, they would go back to the age at which they were fittest. Normally, that meant somewhere between the ages of eighteen and forty. Also, initially it was only their souls that went to Hell, so they were given a physical form again. However, if they travelled to another realm they wouldn't be physical. Demons were different. If someone caught Lilith or Lucifers attention or that of a Lord or Duke, when they died their body would be collected by

a demon and brought to Hell. If they accepted Lilith and Lucifers offer of becoming a demon, their soul would be returned to their original body. They would be able to travel to any realm and remain physical. That's what happened with me and Eligos. He accepted their offer and was restored. Im the Queens daughter, so I get to keep my body anyway. Some people never came away from what Lilith called the Pits. If they had committed mass murder, or had abused countless numbers of women, they would be tormented and tortured for eternity or they would have their souls destroyed completely. Those sorts of people were despised and they would pay for what they had done to people. Rapists would get a taste of their own medicine by the people and creatures who worked in the Pits, while murderers would feel what real pain was. Also, once people were free from the Pits, if they ever committed a crime again, say theft or if they caused harm on Earth or in another realm, the punishment would be the death of their soul. I didnt want her to stop talking to me and I was really interested in what she was telling me, but she had to go back to her husband. They had a meeting that afternoon with a judge of the High Court. She didnt tell me what it was about, only that she would see me the next day. If I could move around better she said she would take me around the local area and introduce me to some of the important people down there. She stood up and called for Eligos. A moment later he walked in. Would you look after her for me? she asked. Yes, don't worry shell be fine, he told her. Thank you, she said before turning to look at me. Ill see you tomorrow. She walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. Happy now? he asked me.

Yeah! I smiled. Shes so nice and shes beautiful. Im glad youre happy. How are you feeling? Im aching like mad. Thats normal. After all, your body was lifeless for a while. You tend to stiffen up when youre dead, he teased. Oh you have such a way with words, I smirked. Are you hungry or anything? No, Im fine thanks. OKwell, if you need me, shout! Where are you going? Nowhere in particular. I just thought you might want some time alone. I don't, please don't go, I almost begged, not yet. OK, he said, sitting on the sofa facing me. Lilith told me why people come to Hell. Did she? Why did you get sent here? I killed two men, he admitted, watching me to see my reaction. Why? I asked casually.

It was kill or be killed. Why did they want to kill you? I knew things before they happened sometimes and I was abnormally strong. I knew how to fight and I taught leaders how to win wars. I was highly regarded by the people of my tribe. Tribe? I replied. Keira, don't forget this was a long time ago. We didnt have the army or the navy back then; it was small tribes where I came from, usually with no more than a thousand people in each one. The smallest ones may have only been made up of a hundred. Wow. Times were different, people were different, they fought with their hands, and handmade weapons, not machines. Anyway, I was asleep one night when I heard someone enter my hut. I opened my eyes just in time to see two guys making their way over to me. I jumped up and we ended up fighting. To cut a long story short, I stabbed one of the guys and broke the other ones neck. It was either kill them or let them kill me, so I did what I had to do. Surely you shouldnt have come here for defending yourself. I took the lives of two men; I knew I would be sent here, he told me. But when I died, and I came here, I was instantly summoned to the Palace. The fellas who normally drag your sorry arse to the Pits were told not to harm a hair on my head. I met with Lilith and Lucifer. They knew of my gift of foresight and that I was a good fighter so they offered me a job working for them. I took it without even thinking about it first. As time went on and I proved my worth, I was promoted to a general, then I became a Duke and finally a Grand Duke and a Knight of the Superior Order. I have been for over three thousand years now.

Wow! I didnt know what else to say. Ive studied all wars, past and present. I don't think there is a single fighting style in any realm that I havent studied. I can use any weapon, although my favorite is my sword and I was given powers similar to yours when I first accepted Lilith and Lucifers offer. But Im going to stop going on about myself now. No don't! Im intrigued. I like learning about people, I said. Is that when you became a demon, when they gave you the powers? Yeah, sadly though it interfered with my foresight; it hasnt worked since I was given power. Have you ever regretted taking the offer? Never! he said seriously. Im not being big-headed or anything, but Im damn good at what I do and I care about the people here, so, no, I wouldnt change anything. Well, maybe one thing but theres no point dwelling on the past. What thing? It doesnt matter. I could see he genuinely didnt want to talk about it so I didnt push him. He decided he was going to turn into me for a while and spent the next few hours throwing questions at me. I ended up telling him what I was like when I was younger and how I hated almost everyone in school, how Id studied interior design and was self-employed before moving to Salem. Then I told him about my dad dying.

So I don't know if Ill ever know the truth, I said, finishing my story. Your dad was killed by a demon. What! I gasped. How do you know? I told you I know a lot; its my job too. Who is he? Its not a he; its a she, he told me. Who is she then? Her name is Marimay. She is a higher demon. Is she the one declaring this war? I demanded to know. We don't know yet but we think she is involved. None of us are really sure who it is. Every time we think we have it figured out, we seem to be proven wrong. We cant explain how its staying hidden so well, he frowned. Maybe it has help from someone or something? Like what? Ill let you know when I do. How can I find this woman? I asked nastily. You wont! No one has been able to find her for over ten years. She disappeared just after killing your father. I take it youve looked for her.

Yes, everywhere I can possibly think of. Ive never even found a clue as to her whereabouts. If you do I started. Ill tell you, I promise, he interrupted. You can be the one to kill her. Thank you. Do you know why she killed him? I do, but I don't really want to tell you. Why? Becausethere wasnt a good reason for it. I think you believe he was picked out purposely. He wasntthere was no big plan for himno reason for him to be killed Tell me! He stayed quiet for a moment, studying my face. OK, we think she knew someone was planning to do something to families on Earth who had power in them and he wanted to be in on it. This bit we know for certainShe killed your father just to show that she could. No other reason. She taunted him for a few weeks before his death, and then finally attacked to kill. So he knew something was after him, thats why he made his will. Did she know about me? I don't think so. I don't think anybody other than me, Lilith and Lucifer knew until recently. Don't worry, it had nothing to do with you, Keira; she just wanted to prove her worththat was all. Yeah by killing my dad.

You will get your chance at revenge one day. I don't know when, but you will. I know I will, I confirmed. Were you close to your dad when you were young? Very, I was his little princess. He used to take me horseback riding on weekends and wed always go for ice cream afterwards. He spent as much time with me as he could, and he always brought me little presents home if he had been away with work. Normally it was a teddy bear or clothes, sometimes jewelry. The only things I don't have any more are the clothes. You kept the rest? Yeah, hes not down here, is he? I asked. No, hes in Heaven. Good, that's where he belongs, I said, relieved. Eligos, why didnt you tell me Lilith was my mother when we first met? Honestly, because I knew you would want to meet her. You were asking so many questions and getting so upset not getting answers. I knew if I told you, you would have even more questions. But I did try to give you a hint. When? When I said you looked like her, and when I told you she looked at you as her daughter. I couldnt tell you while I was on Earth anyway in case someone was listening. She didnt want everyone to know at first in case it caused more problems for you. Now, though, she thinks it might frighten them and keep them away from you, he told me.

Why would it frighten them? You havent seen Liliths temper or what she is capable of; its frightening. Since youre her daughter, youll be capable of the same things, and from what Ive seen, I think you have her temper too. It would be nice if they were frightened of me; I might be able to live in peace then, I said. He didnt stay too late, so I was alone all night, but I was so tired that I didnt really care. Then I spent the following two weeks with Lilith mainly. She introduced me to her husband, and gave me a tour of some of the Palace. It was incredibly beautiful and very gothic. The room I was in had been mine since the day I was born. It had been kept clean ready for the day I would come here. Shed studied me as best she could while I was growing up, so she knew what I did and didnt like. So the room was exactly to my taste. Rich red carpets, deep-red walls with a black-andsilver pattern on them, three large dark wooden cabinets and two large wardrobes to match. There were big black sofas, both velvet, and a castiron and glass coffee table in between them. I was introduced to some of the Lords and Ladies who lived on the Palace grounds, along with other Dukes and a couple of the guards. Some of them gave me the creeps a little; one of them seemed to glare at me all the time and look me up and down. Whenever I looked over at him he would grin at me. It seemed like wherever I went he was there and he was really creeping me out. Eligos noticed and told him that if he looked at me again he would rip his eyes out and burn them to a cinder. The guard never looked in my direction again. That was when I saw how scared people were of annoying him.

Chapter Seven How It Used to Be

Thats your lot for tonight, I told them Im sick of the sound of my own voice. Can I just ask one more thing? Danny asked. Go on. He is feared, Eligos, isnt he? Youve just said as much. People there know what hes capable of. Do you? No, I know some of the things he can do and I experienced a few before. I don't know everything, but I would love too, and some people down there know a lot, thats why people don't cross him. Someone out there could kick his ass, Im sure, Tyler said coldly. Maybe, but I doubt they could kill him. Let me put it this way, he has never lost a battle or a fight in all the years he has been in Hell, not that I know of anyway. Wow! Danny said. Tyler turned to face him and threw him an evil look. Im sorry, Danny told him, but I admire the guy.

Right well, time for me and Lily to be off, I said, walking over to her and grabbing her hand. Well see you later. I led her out of the room, grabbed my car keys and we made our way to my car. Shouldnt I get changed first? she asked. No, were not going to a bar. Where are we going then? I don't know, just for a drive or something. Oh good, I wasnt really in the mood for a bar, she confessed as she got in the car. We drove through the town and parked up next to the harbor. We went in a local store and got ourselves a bottle of water each, and then walked along the decks and sat on the end, our legs dangling over the edge. I like this place, I told her. Ive never been; its lovely. Lucian brought me around here. Its really peaceful. He came around here when youd gone; he went in a caf around here too. That was the first place we went out to on our own, I smiled. He was heartbroken you know. He tried to be brave for everyone else but you could see he wasnt coping very well on the inside.

I didnt want him to feel like that. He cares for you a lot, Keira. I don't know what to do. I have three questions for you. One, do you care for Lucian as more than a friend? Two, could you see yourself in a relationship with him? And, three, are you really in love with Eligos? When she asked the third question I glared at her. Don't go off on me, just answer the questions truthfully. Remember, its just you and me now; you can speak freely, she said. Well, firstly, yeah I do care for him as more than a friend, but Im not sure in what way I care for him, if you know what I mean. Secondly, I can and I cant see us in a relationship. I think in a way we would be good together, but I also think we would clash at times. Plus I don't think its fair to be with him when my head doesnt know what it wants I took a sip of my drink and looked out at the water. You didnt answer the third question, she reminded me. Oh, you noticed. Keira! she said, raising one eyebrow. OK, he drives me crazy; I never want to be away from him. Every time he leaves me my heart aches. When he looks at me I melt. When Im close to him I just want to wrap my arms around him and have him hold me against him. Hes on my mind twenty-four hours a day, but none of that matters because Im a complete idiot who attacks him for no reason and upsets him and agitates him so much so that he would rather die than spend any more time with me, I told her, getting more and more annoyed with myself.

OK, OK stop and breathe, she said, putting her hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath and had another sip of my drink. I think youre either falling in love with him, or you already are in love with him, she told me. I don't know. How were you with each other while you were away? We were great, we laughed together and he took me around some places he knew. Like where? Well, some of the places were very similar to the pubs over here. They have alcohol but its a lot nicer than what we have. I could have spent all day in there drinking, I laughed. Youre terrible! she giggled. He took me to see some of the towns close by, and because I told him my dad used to take me horseback riding we did just that. You rode horses? she asked, smiling. Yeah, it was really nice. I went back to his place a few times. The last time he spent a lot of time on Earth he found out he was rather good at playing pool, so he built himself a table and we played a few games whenever I went to see him. So you became friends?

I thought we had, but obviously he only sees me as a job. You don't believe thatI think he really likes you and one day he will prove it. I doubt it. I don't even know if hes going to talk to me again. After what he said, I think he might go back to Lilith and tell her hes not interested in helping me anymore, I said sadly. Well I don't, but it doesnt matter what I say, you wont listen. So all Im going to say is: see what happens. How have things been with you and Jake? She told me how hed told her he loved her, just before she had had to run and hide. She said he confirmed it again this morning and that she said it back. I told her how happy I was for her and how Id known since the night he was hurt that they were in love. It was nice to see her so happy; he was one of the few people shed met in her life that hadn't tried to use or hurt her. He genuinely loved her, and I think they were made for each other. We stayed out for about two hours; we talked about anything that popped into our heads. It was like old times again. When we were in West Chester, I would come home from work and she would be making tea. If we werent going out and there wasnt a good movie on we would spend all night talking sometimes about things as stupid as which vegetable we hated the most and why. We had always enjoyed each others company and wed always been able to speak our minds. We made a deal that we would put at least one night or afternoon aside each week from now on for girl chat. When we got home we found all the guys in the game room. We played a few games of pool with them and had a couple of drinks. Everyone was laughing and giggling again; it was great to see everyone with smiles on their faces. I took Jake to one side and told him how happy I was for him

and Lily. He said he had always loved her and he would love her forever. I got really emotional when he said that. All I had ever wanted was for her to be happy and loved, and now she had it. I gave him a big cuddle and he promised me he would always look after her. Hey, whys Jake getting a cuddle and not me? Tyler asked, walking over to me. Excuse me, he said, playfully pushing Jake out of the way. My turn. He wrapped his arms tight around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder. I put my arms loosely around him, then he moved so he was looking at me and looked a little upset. Come on, I said to him, are we doubling up to kick some ass? I let go of him and walked over to the pool table, it took him a while but he joined me to play against Lucian and Lily. We won and walked away with smiles on our faces. I sat down with Lucian and Jake for a minute while I finished my drink. Why couldnt you hug Tyler? Jake asked me quietly. Yeah I noticed that, Lucian said. You havent been the same with him. Ive only been back a day, I told them. And Im not in a hugging mood that's all. Hmmm Lucian said. Look, Im just tried. I need a good nights sleep, and on that note Im going to bed. I stood up and said goodnight to everyone before heading up to my room.

When I walked in I got changed and sat on the edge of my bed. Eligos, I said, can you hear me? I sat there in silence for a moment, but he didnt answer or appear. Eligos please answer me, I pleaded. I need to talk to youPlease! But still there was no sign of him. That confirmed it he wasnt listening anymore, he wasnt interested and it was all my fault. I got under the bedcovers and made my light turn off. Eligos, I said one last time. Please. It was no good, Id lost him. The next morning when I went downstairs all the guys were in the living room. Lily had cooked breakfast for us all as usual. As soon as wed finished eating they questioned me. How did you know when to come to the church? Tyler asked. How did you know we were being attacked? Purely by chance actually, I told him. I take it you want the full story? All of them nodded. I sighed and got more comfortable.

Chapter Eight My Time Away (Part 3)

I was in my room at the Palace, it was about 6p.m. and Id just had a lovely meal with Lilith and Lucifer. Now I was getting changed ready to meet Eligos, he was going to take me to meet a few more people. I was looking forward to seeing him; I always enjoyed spending time with him. I pulled on a pair of dark-blue jeans and a black top, then slipped my comfy flat shoes on and made my way to the main hall. Ahhh, Keira, Lucifer said as I walked in. Are you going out? Yes, Eligos should be coming to get me soon. Hes with Lilith at the moment, in the room with the viewing pool. He shouldnt be too long. OK great. Where is he taking you this evening? To meet some people, I don't know who, but he said Ill probably like them. Im glad he is introducing you to people here, youll be here a lot soon, he said, smiling. You should try and make some friends. I have friends here now. Yes, but not many. I know, I sighed. Keira I know you miss your friends back in Salem, but you will be with them again soon. Why cant I go now?

We need to wait until something attacks them, he told me. But why? What if they get hurt? Because having you turn up will frighten the attacker and give you the advantage. Plus, your friends need to learn to cope without you. They need to learn to defend themselves and not just rely on you. They need a taste of whats to come. That way, they will know what to expect. I wont argue, but I don't agree with you, I think I should be there now, or, at the very least, they should know Im still alive in a fashion. I want them to know Im still going to fight beside themAnd Lily; shes lost her best friend. I feel like part of me is missing; shes like my sister. Soon, Keira, he said in a caring voice. I sense it will be very soon. Anyway, Im sorry but Im going to have to leave you. I have a meeting with the High Court. Doesn't that include Eligos? Hes already been briefed, so tonight he is all yours, he smirked. I watched him as he walked down the hall then disappeared down one of the corridors leading to the west side of the Palace. I sat on one of the large chairs and waited for Eligos and Lilith to finish talking. I was waiting a while and ended up slipping into my own little world. I sat there wondering what the guys were doing back at the house. Would they be preparing themselves for what was to come? But then, how can you prepare for something when you don't actually know what to prepare for? Then I thought about going back. In a way I couldnt wait to see their faces when they saw I was OK, but I was also dreading it. What if I frightened them and they didn't want to come near me? I shook my head

and stood up. I looked at the clock. Id be waiting around fifteen minutes and I was now fed up. I walked to the end of the hall and into the little room with the viewing pool inside. Lilith and Eligos didn't hear me walk in; they were too busy watching something. I moved closer and looked at the pool. My whole body tensed, and then started to shake. I was watching the guys running into a church and trying to barricade the doors behind them. I saw Lucian shouting to Lily. I managed to make out him telling her to take all their mothers and hide. I watched them run as Lucian and the rest of the men tried desperately to block the doors, but it was useless. Possessed people started to appear inside the church; they didn't need to walk through the doors, they could teleport themselves in. Then I saw Lily and the women being dragged into the main area, each being held securely by one of the possessed. I stood there glaring at the pool, not paying any attention to Lilith or Eligos, and not knowing if they even knew I was in the room with them yet. I watched as a larger demon with orange eyes appeared, he was talking to Lucian and the men. I started to find it really hard to control myself, especially when I saw Argyle raise his hand and then fire some form of energy at the guys. I saw the look of pain on their faces and the women screaming and crying. I couldnt control myself. I couldnt stand there and watch my friends being hurt. I glared at Argyle in the pool, then threw my hand out in front of me. I saw Eligos and Lilith in my peripheral view; both of them turned to look at me. Argyle was hoisted into the air and thrown across the church; he hit the wall and then fell face down on to the floor. I glared at the crucifix hanging on the wall above him. A second later it fell and Argyle moved quickly to keep it from landing on him. Keira! I heard Lilith say. I paid no attention to her. In the viewing pool Argyle stood up quickly and looked around him.

Confused? I asked, as though Argyle could hear me. The ground started shaking and Argyle and his group of followers had to hold on to the pillars and pews to stop them falling over. I was so annoyed that even the Palace started shaking. Keira, stop! Lilith said, but again I paid no attention. My eyes left Argyle for a moment as I turned to look at the church windows. They exploded and a strong gust of wind swept through them. I raised my arms slowly and the roof of the church started to tear itself apart, the wood flying up into the sky and out of sight. Then I threw my arms out to the side and at the same time the east and west walls of the church collapsed. Keira Eligos said. Time for a surprise visit! I said, not taking my eyes off the pool. Ill let you know when I need you, I told Eligos. I sent a circle of earth and dust rotating around the whole church; I didn't want any of them escaping. Then I watched as I started to fade away. A second later I was lowering myself into the church. Once I landed I glared at Argyle.

Chapter Nine The Final Story Time

I don't need to carry on since you were there and saw the rest with your own eyes, I said, looking at each of them in turn. All of them had worried looks on their faces. Whatwhat would have happened if you hadnt appeared in the church? Lily asked. Well, I now know that when Eligos saw that Argyle was going to get the better of you, he was going to get me and we would have come anyway. What if you hadnt? Tyler insisted. I think its best if none of us think like that, Danny said seriously. He was right. If we hadn't seen it happening we might never have known, and that meant one thing. All of them would have been dead, but that didn't bear thinking about. I don't know what I would have done if any of them had been killed; it was bad enough that Tyler had already died. I couldnt cope seeing them all that way. I think it would have driven me insane. Why did Lilith want to stop you helping us? Lucian asked me. It wasnt that she didn't want me to help you; she cares about you all. Youre close to me, and mean a lot to me, so you mean a lot to her too. It was because I was still learning the full strength of my power. I was a full demon then. I had no life in me, so I had no limitations. Like I told you, the Palace started shaking at the same time the church did. I think she was just worried in case I did damage or hurt anyone there as well as here. Why did Eligos and his army come out of the floor? Jake asked. They were gateways, I explained, from the realm of Hell to this realm.

Yeah but the possessed people with Argyle just teleported themselves inside. Eligos and the others could have done that too, but they wanted to surprise and frighten Argyle and his followers. I mean, come on, did you see their faces? They didn't know what was coming, did they? They were all scared. Yes that's true, Danny agreed. Besides theres nothing wrong with making a good entrance. I made sure I did, I giggled. Youre damn right you did! We were all frightened; we didn't know what the hell was going on. That creature that hit you, wow, he looked frightened to death when he saw Eligos. It tried to run away but Eligos went after him. He looked livid! Lucian said. I know I was there, I smiled at him. I saw him go after it. Why was he so pissed with the creature? I know that might sound like a strange question, but you could heal yourself and you werent seriously hurt, Jake asked me. Because it was his job to protect me and I think he felt like he had failed. I dont know why he tortured it so much though. Aww Lily smiled. I think thats really sweet. I sat there smiling to myself for a moment, then all of us went quiet again. What happened to Argyle and the others? Lily asked, ending the silence.

They all had their souls destroyed, I told them. After being tortured. Why tortured? Because we wanted one of them to tell us who the big bad guy or girl was. But none of them said anything really; most of them just laughed and said the end was near for us. Oh apparently one of them said there was more of them than we could imagine, and that their numbers were increasing daily. Then it said we had no chance of winning, but other than that we got zip! Who questioned them? Tyler asked. Eligos questioned some of them, and I really don't know how they managed to laugh. If hed done the things he did to them, to me, I would have told him anything just to get him to stop. Why? What did he do? Danny asked, sitting forwards. Danny, youre a little too interested for my liking, Lucian said to him. I dont really want to say. Put it this way, from what I was toldit wasnt very nice, I said. Who else questioned them? Lily asked. I know Lucifer dealt with some of them, and Lilith too, but other than them Im not sure. I just know that all the little bastards are well and truly gone for good now. How did Argyle know you wouldnt be able to kill him?

Because he knew Lucifer would want some answers from him. He knew he would get out of there alive, I explained. Once again everyone went quiet. I got up and walked into the chill-out room. I hadn't really thought about what would have happened if we hadn't have been near the viewing pool. Now that I had, it worried me. Are you OK? Lily asked walking in. Yes Im fine. Keira, this is going to get really bad, isnt it? Yeah Im afraid so. How are people gonna cope when they find out demons are real? Theyll panic; therell be mass hysteria, fights, murders, I said, sitting down. Religious wars. Well, if people live long enough to start one. This sort of thing should only exist in books and movies, she frowned, sitting next to me. I wonder what would have happened to us, or the guys, if we hadn't have come here. I don't know, I mean, both Salem and West Chester are safe at the moment. Neither of them have been attacked. Maybe we would have been OK up to now. It doesnt bear thinking about. I feel stronger knowing I have everyone here. Does that sound silly?

Not at all, everyone looks after everyone here. Plus theres a family love here too; that's bound to make you feel stronger. Yes I guess. What happened when you went back to Hell; you know when you left the church? Yeah I wanted to ask that, too, Danny said, walking in the room and sitting down. I took Argyle to the Palace and handed him over to Lucifer. Then they both disappeared, I told them. And then Lilith told me it was time to come here. She put life back inside me and sent me back. I arrived just outside of the church. I bet she was sad to see you leave, Lily said. She was a little, yes, but its not like Im never going to see her again, is it? I bet Eligos will miss you too, Danny smirked. Why do you say that? I asked, raising one of my eyebrows. Youve spent a lot of time together lately; hes bound to miss you. I doubt it. I don't. Change the subject, I told him plainly. He sat there smirking at me for a moment, and then left the room. Me and Lily decided to have a relaxation day and do absolutely nothing.

Chapter Ten A Difficult Position

I had now been back with the guys for three days. They hadn't questioned me about my time away since Id told them about seeing them the night Argyle attacked. They said they wanted me to enjoy being around them again, not dread it, and so there would be no more question times. I told them I would tell them bits in general conversation, or maybe when we were sitting together having a meal. They were all happy with that and just wanted things to go back to how they used to be. I tried to be as normal as I could, but I found it very hard to hug or be close to Tyler. I knew it was upsetting him; all the guys told me so, but I couldnt help it. Jake and Lily were back at the music store full time and the guys had moved their things back to their parents houses. I hadn't seen or heard from Eligos since the altercation. Id called out to him every night, but he never came. One day Danny was working with his dad, Lucian was going with his mom and dad to visit his aunt, Jake and Lily were working and I hadn't heard from Tyler. I made myself a cup of coffee and walked outside. I stood on the porch for a moment and looked down at the ground; all I could see was Tyler laying there, his lifeless eyes staring straight at me. I got pains in my chest every time I thought about it. My eyes started tearing up. Hey, I heard someone say. Err hello, Earth to Keira! I lifted my head to see Tyler standing in front of me.

Whats wrong? he asked when he saw the tears in my eyes. Nothing, I said, turning from him. Ive got something in my eyes. I think Ive had grease or something on my fingers and rubbed them or Liar. He stood in front of me and cupped my face, lifting my head so I had to look at him. Tyler, don't, I told him. He ignored me and went to wrap his arms around me. I put my hand against the top of his chest and pushed him away. He looked so hurt. I walked over to him and put my hand on his chest again, frowning. I knew Id felt something. I saw a silver chain around his neck; it was quite long so it disappeared under his shirt. I pulled it out and froze on the spot. Attached to it was the bullet that had killed him, the same bullet I used to kill the ones who shot him. It was in your hand after youdso I kept it, he struggled to say. I couldnt say anything, tears rolled down my face as I stared at the bullet. He wrapped his arms around me again and pulled me close to him. This time I didnt push him away. I let go of the bullet, buried my head in his chest and hugged him back tightly. I broke down in tears. Hey, whats all this? he asked softly. Im so sorry. What for?

I should have stopped it. Eligos told me not to let my guard down, and that night I did it again. If Id have been on guard all this might never have happened. Keira, its not your fault, it was nobodys fault. Besides were all OK now, arent we? he said, tightening his grip on me. Please don't blame yourself. Every time I closed my eyes for weeks after, all I could see was you lying on the porch, dead, staring up at me. And all I could see was the last smile you gave me, before I turned around and saw you on the ground, he said, moving so he could look at me. I don't ever want to feel the way I did that night ever again. I know. Is this why youve been so distant with me? Yeah, I nodded, wiping the tears from my eyes. Every time I looked at you, all I could see was you on this porch; it was your eyes more than anything. Well, look at them now, he said, turning my head so he could look into my eyes. Theyre looking at you now, theyre full of life, and its you that put life back in them. The person they are a part of worships the ground you walk on. He always has and he always will. Im sorry Ive been so cold with you. Its OK; just promise me, you wont be like that anymore. I promise.

Good, because I have something else to show you, but you need to understand something. I thought you were dead and gone forever. I needed something to help me deal with that. He took me inside the house and closed the door. He took his shirt off and turned his back on me. There on his shoulder blade was a tattoo of an angel, with long black hair, green eyes, purple-and-red wings, and dressed in black and red. Underneath it, written in Old English style text was my name. I reached up and ran my fingers over it, causing him to get goose bumps. Tyler, its beautiful. Youre my guardian angel, he said, turning to face me. I wouldnt be here if it wasnt for you. Once again my eyes welled up. I wiped them quickly and was about to say something, but before I got chance to, his lips were on mine. Part of me wanted to push him away, but not because I didnt like him; instead, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. My head was screaming at me the whole time I was kissing him; he didnt know how different I was, and how I would never be able to be with him. How could I tell him? He would blame himself; I knew he would. I couldnt do that to him, not now, not after everything that had happened. When the kiss ended he kept his face close to mine. Ive wanted to do that for so long, he breathed. Tyler, I don't think I can do this. Why? Because youre human; Im not. I don't care, he said before kissing my cheek.

You don't know how different I am now. I don't care, Keira. I wouldnt care if you were a zombie; Id still want you. Tyler, I I didnt get to finish my sentence; he kissed me again, this time backing me up against the wall. He was an amazing kisser. His lips were soft and warm against mine and he held me so close to him, I could feel the warmth of his skin through my top. I realized he hadn't put his shirt back on yet. Even though Id had my arms around him, I hadn't realized until that point. I ended the kiss and looked at him. Tyler, put your shirt on. Why? Is it bothering you? he said, putting his arms out so his hands were against the wall either side of me. Yeah, but not in a bad way; that'sthats the bad thing. Why bad? Because I cant be with you I whispered, ducking under his arm and moving away. Is it because of Lucian? No, its nothing to do with Lucian, I told him. Its Eligos, isnt it? You want him, don't you? he asked, putting his shirt on. I like him, yes, but its not him thats

Whats stopping us then? I am, Tyler. Youre not ready to hear how Im different yet, not after everything youve just been through. Try me, he said seriously. No, not yet; Im not ready to tell you either. What can be so bad? Ive told you already, nothing would stop me wanting to be with you. It may not stop you wanting, but it will make you understand why we cant be together, I told him. Tyler, I like you a lot, I always have, and I think after recent events you know how much I care about you. But I cant do this, no matter how much I may want to. I cant be with any of you, please, justjust try to understand. How can I understand when you havent told me why? he asked. You always said you trusted me, well trust me now. Will it ever change? I don't know, I don't think so, I told him. Im sorry. No, Im sorry. I shouldnt have pushed you. Dont be! I don't regret anything that just happened. I just don't want to give you false hope. Can we still be friends, as close we used to be? I couldnt cope not having you close to me at all.

Of course, I said, walking up to him and hugging him. Ill always be your friend, always. Promise me if anything changes youll tell me. I promise. When we let go of each other we walked into the kitchen and I made us both coffee. He looked sad but not heartbroken. I think it was the not knowing why we couldnt be together that was bothering him, more than us not actually being together. We spent the afternoon together, sprawled out on one of the sofas in the chill-out room watching horror films. The curtains in there were really thick and blocked out most of the light, so it was nice and dark in there. We took loads of snacks in with us and in the end we opened a bottle of wine too. It was nice spending time on our own; Id missed it a lot. I always felt comfortable around Tyler; he never judged me or argued with me, well, not unless we both wanted to watch different films, but then I would just attack him with cushions until he let me have my own way. Jake and Lily came back just after six and found us both still watching films. I told her not to cook and that we were ordering out for dinner; they had had a really busy day so she was more than happy to stay away from the kitchen. Lucian and Danny arrived just before we were about to order and decided they wanted a pizza too, even though they hadn't long since eaten with their parents. We all spent the rest of the night watching horror films, getting drunk and eating more than we needed to. At 11p.m. the guys headed home. They were drunk, but the power in them would keep them safe and they could collect their cars tomorrow. When they had gone I took Lily into the living room and told her what had happened with me and Tyler. Why cant you two be together? Tell me the truth, Keira. Its Eligos, isnt it? Partly.

I knew it! she said, not realizing Id not told her the other part of the reason. Have you called out to him? Yes, every night since the fight. And he hasnt come? she frowned. No, I havent heard anything from him at all. Maybe hes still upset with you. Or maybe its like I said to you, hes not helping me anymore. What are you going to do? What can I do? I asked sadly. I don't know how else to contact him. Besides, I think hes made it pretty clear that he doesnt want to speak to me. Then forget him and be with Tyler; he would treat you like a queen and you know it. I know, but I cant.

Chapter Eleven The Man

Just over two weeks had now passed. Tyler had been OK with me and hadn't made another move on me. Lucian had been trying to get close but luckily I didnt have to fend him off; every time he went to make a move or say something to me, Tyler interrupted. He said there was no way Lucian was having me if he couldnt. After about the ninth attempt Lucian finally seemed to give up and just concentrated on having a giggle with me. I still hadn't heard from Eligos and about a week ago I stopped calling out to him. I missed him a lot and thinking about him upset me a great deal. We had just celebrated Jakes twenty-fourth birthday. Wed all gone out to Heaven and Hell on the Saturday and had a fantastic night. He had loads of presents and went mad at us all for spending our money on him. On the Sunday, Lily cooked a big meal and all the guys parents came around, so we had a really nice weekend. I woke up this morning to the sun shining through my windows. It was a Tuesday, so Lily and Jake were at the shop, and I had told the rest of the guys last night that I wanted some time to myself. I went into town and bought a few tops and a new pair of light-blue jeans, then I went to the hairdressers for a trim before driving back home. I had the windows down and was enjoying the warm breeze when I saw him. He was standing in the field next to the road staring at me. I slammed my breaks on and screeched to a stop. It was the man from the church again. I got out of the car and stood as still as a statue, staring back at him. This time he had something in his hand, but I couldnt quite make out what it was at this distance. He started walking towards me. I made my way towards him very slowly, but after Id taken a few steps forward he faded away. I looked around me but there was no sign of him. I thought he was taunting me until I felt a searing pain in my back. I hit the ground instantly, crying out in pain. I managed to roll over on to my side, now I could see what he had in his hand, and what had just hit me. It was a mace, and a large one at that. The spiked ball was bigger than my head. I didnt have time to heal myself. He stood over me and went to strike me again, but something hit him and sent him crashing into the side

of my car. As soon as he tried to stand he was bombarded by energy balls, then a lightning bolt struck him, before a blaze of fire soared a few feet above me, scolding him, burning through his flesh. He screamed out in pain. I couldnt see who was attacking him; I couldnt move to look around. The man managed to escape the blaze and started walking forward, swinging his mace out to the side of him. He looked down at me and went to strike me again, but a blade engulfed in flames blocked it; the chain that the ball was attached to wrapped itself around the blade a couple of times. The man looked horrified. At first I thought it was because something had stopped him. When I saw another blade appear, I realized it was because he knew he was about to die. The blade sliced through his torso like he was made of jelly. Before his body hit the ground he had dissolved into the air. The mace fell to the ground beside me and the fiery blade seemed to evaporate. I started to feel a tingling sensation in my spine and then pins and needles. I could move again. I turned around to see Eligos standing in front of me. His red eyes changed back to the sapphire blue as he held his hand out towards me to help me up. I stood in front of him staring at him for a minute, before I jumped up and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and hugged him. He took hold of my arms and pulled them from around his neck, then pushed me away from him. Im only here because your new protector hasnt been chosen yet, and Lilith was worried about you, he told me. When one has been chosen he or she will come and introduce themselves. What? I said gasped. You heard me. Goodbye, Keira, he said, backing away from me and half disappearing. No, wait I pleaded.

He didnt pay any attention to me and disappeared completely. I don't want anyone else, I shouted. I only want you. The ground started shaking as I got more and more upset and annoyed. Send who you want! I almost screamed. Ill send them back to you in pieces. I felt my eyes turn and the vines appeared on my skin. The sky turned black and deafening thunder roared through the air. I turned to face my car and bombarded it with energy balls. I made lightning strike it over and over again. I threw my hands out in front of me and sent flames at it. Then someone grabbed me from behind and turned me away from the car; their strong arms were over mine, restraining me. Calm down! Eligos ordered. Calm downnow! Get off me! Calm down and Ill let go of you If you don't get off me Ill blast you off. If you do that I will make sure I never see you again, he told me. And since this is all about me leaving, Im guessing you don't want that, so whats it going to be, Keira? Its your call. He was right; I didnt want him to leave. I stopped the thunder and lightning and made the clouds disappear. My eyes and skin returned to normal. Thats better, he said as he let go of me. I turned around to face him.

You have quite a temper and it doesnt take much to trigger it at the moment, he told me. Why are you quitting on me? I asked. Im not, he said, turning to look at my car. He walked over to it, holding his hand out towards it. The car was fixed within a split second. He leaned against the door and looked over at me. Believe me I wanted to, but I cant. Why, is there nobody to take your place? I asked coldly. There are plenty of others who would take on a job like this. Then why arent you leaving me? A moment ago you said you didnt want me to leave you; now it sounds like you do. I don't want you to, but one minute you say someone is replacing you and the next youre saying you cant quit on me, I said plainly. So I want to know why. Because I don't trust anyone else with you thats why, he almost shouted at me. If any of them let any harm come to you I would hunt them down and kill them. I walked over and stood about a foot in front of him. He constantly fixed me with his eyes. I called out to you for more than a week, not once did you answer me, I said. Why? Because I was trying my best to stay away from you. Why though, did I piss you that much?

Yes you did, but thats not the reason. Why then? Because I was getting too close to you, he said, moving away from me. I cant allow myself to do that. I don't mind, I said, walking after him. You would, believe me you would. No I wouldnt! I hate it when you leave me, and I miss you like crazy Keira, don't! Im doing my best to fight this. Don't make it any harder for me. Is this why you used to just turn up, because you wanted to be near me? Yes, he said, looking at me again. But I cant You can. I need to go. Take me with you, Eligosjust for a little while, please. No, your friends will worry about you. So Ill call them and tell them Im with you. No, not now. He stared at me for a moment before disappearing.

Chapter Twelve Surprise

When I got home I jumped in the shower and then flopped down on the sofa in the living room. I didnt move until I heard Lily and Jake come in from work. I said hi and then went outside and sat on my swing, staring at my grave that still hadn't been moved. My mind was completely clear now. Im sick of seeing that miserable face, Eligos said as he appeared next to me. It doesnt suit you. So make me smile then. Get your car keys, he told me, standing up. Why? More bloody questions! For once just do as youre told! He grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the house. We walked in and I got my keys out of the kitchen. Hey, Lily said, rather shocked when she saw him. Hi, Lily, how are you today? he asked her. Im great, thank you.

Glad to hear it. Now I hope you don't mind but Im stealing your friend for an hour or so. Oh, OK, well at least I know shell be safe, or at least she will be if you don't end up fighting again. We wont fight and I wont keep her too long, he told her. We walked through the hall, out the front door and towards the car. He wouldnt tell me where we were going; he just told me to head into the countryside. He wound the window down and sat back with his eyes closed, letting the breeze blow on his face and through his hair. I had to fight with myself to keep my eyes on the road. He was so amazingly gorgeous; I could happily sit there and stare at him all day, every day. Weve been driving over half an hour where are we going? I asked. You can stop anywhere you like, it doesnt really matter; I was just enjoying the breeze too much to stop you driving. I slammed my foot on the break and we screeched to a stop. What was that for? he asked. Oh look at you asking questions, I said nastily, getting out of the car. Whats wrong with you? Youre whats wrongYou infuriate me! OK, he said carelessly.

He got out of the car and leaned against the bonnet. You know sometimes I wonder why I speak to you; I wonder why I don't just let you quit, I said coldly. Because you know you can tell me anything; you can talk to me about things your friends don't understand. Oh and because I know that some part of you, no matter how small, actually likes me. Why else would you have gotten so pissed when I said I was quitting? You keep telling yourself that. He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. He held it in the palm of his hand and then a few seconds later, it burst into flames. I watched as he let the ashes fall to the ground. Then he spoke. See how pissed she is, he said, looking up at the sky I need you, mate; besides, you owe me. Who are you talking to? An angel. Oh now Ive heard it all. She doesnt believe me. I don't like being made out to be a liar, he added, this time looking at me. Youre not amusing, I told him, heading back to the car. Just go home. Keira? I heard a man say. I stopped dead in my tracks; my whole body started shaking badly. I turned around slowly, frightened in case this was some sick joke. But when I saw him I knew it wasnt.

Dad! I choked. Hello, princess, he smiled, holding his arms open. I ran over to him and threw my arms around him. He picked me up and spun me around a few times before putting me back on the ground. How did you get here? I asked. It seems someone owed your friend over there a favor, he said, looking at Eligos. How long are you here for? Not long, sweetheart; were not supposed to do this; youre not supposed to be able to see me. Oh, I sobbed as a tear ran down my face. Youve grown into a beautiful young woman. I always knew you would. Well, I had a good-looking dad, I told him. We both laughed for a moment. I know what you did for your friend, and I know whats inside you. Oh. Im proud of you, he smiled. Youre an amazing young woman. Thank you.

Don't ever change; follow your heart like you always have; it wont lead you astray. Dad, I know who did this to you. I thought you might, he said seriously. I swear Ill get her. Shes very dangerous, Keira; please don't do anything stupid. I wont, I promise. God, its so good to see you, I said, hugging him again. I wish I didnt have to leave you again, he sighed, kissing my forehead. But my times up. He cupped my face and wiped my tears away with his thumbs. I love you, darling, he said as he started to fade away. Ill always be watching over you. I love you, Dad. I watched as he faded away completely with a smile on my face. Do I still infuriate you? Eligos asked sarcastically. I turned round to see him smiling at me. I cant believe you did that, I said. It put a smile on your face, didnt it? And isnt that what you told me to do?

You know sometimes, just sometimesyou amaze me. Hmmm, only sometimes; well, I suppose I can live with that. I walked over and stood in front of him. Are you going to pass me to someone else or not? I asked. No. Good, I swear I will never attack you again, I said, letting out a sigh of relief. Keira, it wasnt the attack that pissed me; it was the fact that you could have been killed. You didnt call for me when you knew he was strong. I know youre strong, but you havent mastered even a quarter of your power yet and until you master it all youre going to need help. I know I was a bloody idiot and acting cocky; I was just so annoyedEligos, do you only see me as a job and Liliths daughter? I wish I did. I couldnt help but smile, but he didnt smile back. I reached up and kissed him on his cheek. His eyes went wide, showing just how big they actually were. That was for bringing my dad here, I told him. Then I reached up and kissed his other cheek. That was just because I wanted to. You wouldnt do that if you knew the real me.

That took me by surprise and I stood there looking at him with a frown on my face. Id spent the best part of three months with himhow could I not know the real him? Whats that supposed to mean? I asked him. It means, what you see isnt what you get. As soon as he finished his sentence he disappeared. All the way back to my house I was wondering what he could have meant. I knew he wasnt a horrible person; I knew him well enough to know that. I knew he cared about me and that he wouldnt hurt me, so it couldnt have been anything to do with that. What you see isnt what you get. Those words went through my head over and over, repeating themselves like a broken record. When I walked in the house I found Lily and Jake in the living room. They told me the others had decided to give us some peace that night and had stayed at home with their families. I was relieved really; I didnt want to have to put a smile on my face to stop them from worrying. I walked into the living room and stood in front of them both. I need to ask you something, I said. Fire away, Jake said. Would you mind if I went away for a few days. Do you mean back to Hell? Lily asked. Yeah, I answered. Keira, we know youre not dead; that makes a big difference, Jake said. If its something you either need or want to do, then you

must do it. Were not your keepers, no matter how badly some of us wished we were. Thanks, guys. Just let us know when you go, so we don't worry and wonder where you are. I will. I walked up to my room, smiling to myself for a moment. Then I shut the door and sat on my bed. Eligos, I said. You know sometimes I wish you didnt know my name, I heard him say from behind me. Tough! I giggled. You could always ignore me. I might try that next time. I turned around to see him lying back on my bed with his hands underneath the back of his head. Comfy? I asked. Quite, thank you. I want you to tell me what you meant before. Keira, just forget it. I don't want to? Tough!

Please, its driving me mad, I said, moving so I was lying on my side next to him. He got off the bed quickly and stood next to it instead. Why do you do that? When I was in Hell with you, you wouldnt stay close to me for long. You never seem to want to come near me; you wont catch anything you know. I know. So what's the problem? Like I said before, I cant get close to you. You say you cant, but do you want to? I asked him. It doesnt matter whether I do or not. What if I want to get close to you? Look, Im not arguing with you, he said walking away from me. Lets just leave it there, OK. But Please! he almost pleaded. Don't do this to me. I don't understand you. You want to be close to me, but when I try you push me away. What about how I feel? Doesnt that matter? Yes, of course it does, but it doesnt change anything, you live here, I don't. Im older than you, and you have people here who love you and who you could be with.

How can I be with them? Im not like them anymore, and what if its not them I want to be with? This needs to stop. Or what? Youll decide to get someone else to watch over me? I asked. If I have to I will, whether I want to or not. I cant believe you, I said, turning away from him. Hate me if you want, I would rather you hate me than get close to me. One day you would find out about me, and you would leave meKeiraI couldnt handle that. When I turned to look at him again, he had gone. There was a knock on my door and Lily walked in. Hey, she said, closing the door behind her. I take it you and Eligos are OK now. I don't know what we are and what were not. Where did he take you? To see my dad. What? She almost choked. Yep, it seems an angel owed him a favor, so he claimed it and brought my dad here for a few minutes. Wow!

Yeah, I couldnt believe my eyes. It was amazing, Lily. I hugged him and talked to him, and he knows what I am and what's happened recently. What did he say? He said he was proud of me, I smiled. I knew he would be, and I told you Eligos liked you. Doesnt that prove it? I know he does. What! she gasped, getting excited. Tell me more? Theres nothing to tell, he wont get close to me. He said if I was to see the real him I would leave him. He said he wouldnt be able to handle that. What did he mean? I don't know, he wouldnt tell me. If he said he couldnt handle you leaving him, then it sounds to me that he likes you more than hes letting on. It doesnt matter though, does it? I cant have him. She didnt know what to say to me so she sat there cuddling me instead.

Chapter Thirteen


It had been three days since my conversation with Eligos. I hadn't called out to him and he hadn't appeared. Lily hadn't mentioned his name and I hadn't spoken about him with anyone. I told them Id changed my mind about going back to Hell for a while; after all, what was the point in going when your reason for going in the first place wouldnt be close to you. I was sitting with Danny and Lucian at one of the tables on the deck beside my house. Right, Keira, its Friday, so how do you fancy a night out to Heaven and Hell? Danny asked. Yeah, Im up for that, I told him. Ill call the others and let them know, Lucian said, pulling his phone out and walking away from us. Tyler told me what happened the other week, Danny whispered. Don't worry; I havent said anything to anyone. Thanks. Why cant you two be together? Danny, I don't want to talk about it right now. OK, no problem, he said sweetly. Right, the others are up for it, Lucian said, joining us again. I said wed all meet there about nine. It was four oclock now, so they decided to go home and have their dinner and get ready. I had two hours to myself now before Lily and Jake

got back. I don't know why Jake hadn't just moved in; he spent all his time round here anyway. I ran a nice hot bath and stayed in there for over an hour just trying to relax. My mind had been working overtime these last few days. All I could think about was Eligos. I think Lily was right; in fact I knew she was. I was in love with him, desperately! I kept thinking what it would be like if we were together, to be able to hold him and kiss him, to have him hold me and hear him say he loved me. It didnt matter how many times I told myself I couldnt have him; I knew I would never stop wishing and hoping. By the time Lily and Jake came home I was out of the bath and picking my outfit out. I chose my little black dress that came halfway down my thighs. It was low cut and had an open back. It looked really nice with my black leather boots and jacket. At eight we were all downstairs ready to go, and decided to leave; at least if we got there early we would get a good table. We called a taxi and set off. Well, I tell you, there are a lot of guys who would love to be in my position at the moment, Jake smiled. What do you mean? Lily asked. Sitting between two beautiful women. Both of us smiled at him. When we arrived at the club Jake went to get the drinks while me and Lily went to get a table. We chose a table next to the dance floor. It was quite busy considering how early it was. Jake brought the drinks over and sat next to Lily. Ive missed this place, I told them. I know; so have I, Jake said. I love it here; you can be yourself.

Hey, guys, Tyler smiled as he sat next to me. Youre here early. So are you! I said. I got fed up and thought Id come and wait for you all. Are the others with you? Lily asked him. No, but they should be here soon. He took his jacket off and put it under the table. You look very nice, he said to me. Thank you. He looked me up and down a few times then looked me in the eyes and smirked. Behave! I told him, giggling and giving him a playful slap on his arm. Keira, come and dance with me, Lily said, grabbing my hand. Do I have a choice? I asked as she dragged me over to the dance floor. We ended up staying on the dance floor until Lucian and Danny arrived. Then we went back to the table for a while. Tyler went to the bar to get us both a drink, so Lucian pinched his seat next to me. Hell kill you when he gets back, Jake told Lucian. Oh well, he said, turning to me and smiling. You two drive me crazy, I told him. Its not a competition.

I know its not, but he hogs you; the rest of us would like to spend time with you too. I don't want any nastiness. Come and dance with me, he said. Oh, Ive only just sat down, I moaned jokingly. Well, just get back up. Were coming too, Lily said, grabbing Jakes arm. Where are you all going? Tyler asked as he put the drinks on the table. To dance, Lucian told him with a smirk. The look on Tylers face was a picture. OK thats enough, I said, pushing Lucian towards the dance floor. Stop winding him up. Suddenly Lily grabbed my arm. Keira, look! she said, pointing towards one of the fire exits. I looked over and saw Eligos watching me. My stomach did a somersault. The guys looked over and saw him. Ill be back in a minute, I told them. I walked over to him slowly. Hey, I said.

Hey, he replied as he looked at my dress. You look nice. Thanks, do you want a drink? No. Lilith needs to speak with you. What, right now? I asked. As soon as possible. OK, well you come and have a drink with us, and then you can take me to her. I don't think thats a good idea. Well, then tell her Im not coming, I said, folding my arms. All right, mate, Danny said to him as he stood beside me. Hey. Im going to get everyone a drink; are you staying for one? I looked at Eligos, raising both my eyebrows, and in the end he relented and agreed to stay for one. I led him over to the table and sat down next to him while we waited for Danny. You don't look very comfortable, I pointed out. I take it you don't like places like this. Actually youre wrong, I love these places. Everyones very dark, so I fit in well. Good point. Oh here comes trouble, he smirked.

A moment later Lucian and Tyler joined us. Long time no see, Lucian said, shaking his hand. Here we go, guys, Danny smiled, handing the drinks out. He sat down facing Eligos. I looked over at Lily who was now making her way over with Jake; she looked at Eligos, then at me and smiled. So to what do we owe the pleasure? Tyler asked him sarcastically. Im afraid I need to take your friend a way for a while, Eligos told them all. Why? Danny asked casually. Lilith needs to speak with her. Fair enough. For how long? Lily asked him. Im not sure. When are you leaving? she asked, looking at me. I don't know yet, maybe once weve had a few drinks, I told her. Eligos turned to look at me. You said one drink, he said. Did I? I don't remember saying that, I smirked.

He shook his head at me and turned away, but I saw him smiling slightly. Jake went to the bathroom and Lucian and Tyler dragged me and Lily back to the dance floor. I looked over and saw Danny and Eligos chatting away and laughing. Every now and again Eligos would turn to look at me and smile, while saying something to Danny. However, when he turned around and saw Tyler dancing behind me with his arms around me, he didnt look impressed at all. He looks jealous, Lily whispered to me. When Tyler looked over and saw Eligos coming to get me, he crossed the line. He grabbed me and kissed me. I pushed him off me and looked at him with an I cant believe you just did that look on my face. Lucian looked as though he wanted to punch him and Lily started to panic. What are you doing? I shouted at Tyler. I saw him look over at Eligos. Hey, I said, shoving him. What are you trying to prove? Danny came over and stood between us. Come on, calm down! Tyler, youre a Jerk. Keira, maybe you should go and see Lilith, he suggested. I think hes right, Lily nodded, putting her hand on my arm. Fine, I said, walking away from them. I grabbed my jacket from under the table and took another mouthful of my drink. Are you ready? I asked Eligos. Yes, he said, avoiding eye contact.

He led me outside and down the road. As soon as there was nobody in sight he wrapped his arms around me and we disappeared. I didnt feel anything, and within a split second we were outside the entrance to Liliths palace. Shes waiting inside for you, he said, still avoiding eye contact. Arent you coming in? No, he said as he started to walk away from me. Eligos, whats Don't keep her waiting! he shouted back to me. I walked into the Palace and down the long hallway. When I reached the end she was standing there waiting for me. Hello, she smiled. Hi. Whats the matter? It doesnt matter, I said, shaking my head. Keira, I need to tell you a few things, and then were going to have a little talk, mother to daughter, OK? Alright. She led me into a large room which looked like a meeting room. There was a long table in the center with maps of Earth scattered along it.

Look, she said, pointing to the maps. Each red circle is a place that has been affected. By what? In each of the areas circled, families have disappeared without a trace. Up to now there have been seven. Why? All we know is that some of the families had power, not the same as your friends, but similar. We don't know if they all did; we havent looked into it that much yet. I suggest you watch the news when you get home. It will probably be on there. When did the first family go missing? I asked. A week ago. Is that a week in Hell time or Earth time, and what has this got to do with anything? That's in Earth time, my dear, and it may be something, it may be nothing, but families with power disappearing without a trace, leaving all their possessionswell, its odd It does sound a little strange. Exactly, she said seriously. Lilith, can I ask you something? I asked. Of course you can. When I first came here I was in my room speaking to Eligos. Its just something he said, and its been bugging me.

OK. He told me my dad was killed by a demon, Marimay. He said no one has been able to find her for the last ten years and that everyone presumed she was part of this war. That's right. So just how long exactly have you known about all this and why wasnt it stopped before it escalated? And why was she able to kill my dad without you knowing, before it was too late? You said you watched us, so you would have known something was wrong We didnt know then what we know now, she told me. You see sometimes people summon demons to make deals with them or to ask for help. The demon wont do it for free and asks for something in return. Back then, there wasnt so much as a whisper of someone planning this attack, so we just thought he had made a deal with her, and that he hadn't stuck to his end of it. To be honest, we never asked questions, rules are rules Keira, even though he was your dad, I couldnt interfere. Its only now that were putting two and two together. If wed have thought for one minute it was the start of something we would have stopped it. It was a few years after that we found out she had killed him for the hell of it. Didnt you think it was strange that Marimay disappeared? Keira, sweetheart, there are millions of demons; its very hard to keep tabs on all of them. In fact its impossible. Can you imagine trying to find out where every single person is on Earth and what they are doing at a certain time? I understand, I said sadly.

Im really sorry about your father; I know you were close to him. Yeah I was. Anyway, I cant dwell on the past; he wouldnt want me toSo what now then? Something might come for you and your friends, and their families, so be careful, warn them all and protect yourselves. As soon as we know any more we will tell you, but until then Im going to ask Eligos to stay with you. He wont! I can tell you that now. Whats going on, Keira? she asked, sitting down. I don't know. Start from the beginning. I told her all about the argument and how it had affected us. I told her how well we had got on before that and how once we had made up, we spoke a little about feelings. I spent ages telling her about the conversations Eligos and I had had, and all the time she sat there quiet and just listened. I can tell you partly what's wrong with him, but the rest you need to get out of him yourself. Its not for me to tell, she said. In all the time Eligos has been here, hes been alone. Hes never had a girlfriend or partner. Why? Because She hesitated. You need to ask him to show you; hes never hidden it from anyone before, only you. Hes never cared what people have thought because hes never been interested in them. But with you, hes different; he wants to be close to you, but hes scared of what you will do when you see him properly. Ive never

known him to care about someone so much; its nice to see that he is still capable of it. For a long while, I thought he would spend eternity alone, and that shouldnt happen to anyone. Why what's wrong with him? I cant tell you, I promised him I wouldnt. Do you really care for him? she asked. I more than care for him. Then tell him, but be prepared for what he may show you. I don't care! Nothing he could do or say would change how I feel about him. Then tell him, she smiled. Go now and tell him. I don't know where he is. She closed her eyes for a moment. Hes at home, she told me. Go, Ill speak to you when we have an update, and tell Eligos I need to speak to him before he takes you back. You think a lot of him, don't you? Yes I do. He is an extraordinary person, with a good heart. I have always wanted him to find someone he could connect with and now he has, Im so glad its you. Now go to him. I ran out of the Palace and straight to Eligoss place. The door was open when I got there; I popped my head around and shouted his name. Come in! he shouted back.

I walked in and found him in his living room. Lilith wants to speak to you before you take me back, I told him. OK, Ill go now. Are you so eager to get rid of me? No, but I thought you might want to get home. Ill tell you what, you tell me what youre hiding from me, and Ill leave you in peace. No, he said seriously. You stay here while I talk to Lilith, then Ill take you home. I didnt get chance to argue with him; he disappeared leaving me on my own. I sat down on one of the burgundy sofas admiring the beautiful dcor. On top of his large stone fireplace were a series of stone angels, all of them with black hair and wings. I don't believe this, Eligos said when he eventually walked back into the room. Did you know about this? If you mean about her asking you to stay with me, then yes I knew. And you didnt argue with her? No, I told him. Why is it such a big deal? You get on with everyonewell all right, maybe not Tyler, but Thats not the point. Have you told her youre not doing it?

I did at first, and then she told me she was worried about something happening to you and your friends, with the other families going missing. So are you staying then? I asked. It looks like it, doesnt it? he said, walking over to me. He held on to me and took us back to my house.

Chapter Fourteen A Bit of Fun

When we got back to the house Danny, Lily and Jake were in the games room. That was quick, Lily said. Don't forget, for me it was longer, I told her. By the way, Eligos will be staying with us for a while. Im not going to start explaining why until everyone is sober. So tomorrow morning or afternoon, whenever, well talk. OK, Lily and Jake said. Cool. Can you play? Danny asked Eligos, motioning towards the pool table. Quite well actually, he answered.

Want to play a game? Why not? he said, taking his jacket off. Where are Lucian and Tyler? I asked, making my way over to Lily. Oh they both got a little bit too drunk, she said. So we put them in a taxi and sent them home, Jake told me. Fair enough. I went to the bar and poured myself and Eligos a drink. Oh come off it, Danny moaned. Thats not possible. It is when you know how to pull it off, Eligos told him, laughing. Right, Ive got to try that. Here you go, I smiled, passing him his drink. Thanks, he said, still laughing. I stood watching them for a few minutes. I knew how good Eligos was; Id played against him a lot when I was first in Hell. I very rarely beat him, but I was a better challenger than Danny was. Right, were calling it a night, Jake announced. Im drunk and I need to sleep, Lily giggled. Make sure youre all up by ten. Ill be making us pancakes for breakfast, she told us all. Eligos, you do eat, don't you? Yes, Lily, I do, he laughed.

Oh good! OK, night Jake took her hand and led her out of the room. I like her, Eligos said. Shes so harmless. I know, everyone loves her, Danny told him. And especially her cooking. Are you staying over? I asked Danny. Yeah, if you don't mind. Not at all, youve got your own room set up anyway. Thats true, he agreed as he took his shot. Ha, get out of that one, he said to Eligos. I shook my head at them both and went and sat on the leather recliner. Oh man! Danny whined. You need to teach me how to do that. I will, when youre less intoxicated. Yes, thats why youre beating me. If I was sober Hed still kick your ass, I told him laughing. Ignore her! Danny told Eligos. Im good when Im not drunk. They finished their game and then we decided to call it a night. Danny staggered to his room.

Hes going to feel rough in the morning, I said to Eligos as I closed his door. Hell be fine. You like him, don't you. Yeah, I like him more than the others. I get on well with him. He admires you, I told him. I think you two could become good friends. Id like that, he said as we made our way to the top floor. You don't really have many friends in Hell. You have people you get along with, but when you do the job I do, people tend to stay away from you. Why? Because they know if they upset you or annoy you, well, it can get ugly. Nobody wants that. Besides, before I started babysitting you, I didnt really have time for friends. I spent most of my time with my army, training them and keeping myself and them fit. Babysitting, I said, giving him a funny look. Shut up, you know Im only playing. Im so sorry Ive interrupted your busy schedule. So you should be, he smirked. Right, I said, stopping halfway down the hall. This is your room. I hope its to your liking. Im sure it will be.

Are you going to tell me what? Shut up, goodnight. Goodnight, I sighed, shaking my head and walking to my own room. The next morning I woke up to the smell of pancakes cooking. I got showered and dressed and made my way to the kitchen. Everyone was down and waiting for me. Good morning, I said in a bubbly voice. Someones happy this morning, Lily said, laughing. Well, its a nice day, Ive had a good nights sleep and Im in a fantastically good mood. Oh no! she said, shaking her head. What? Jake asked. Wait and see. She dished breakfast out but I didnt sit down with them. I was too giddy. Lily, this is gorgeous, Eligos told her. Its a great hangover cure, Danny nodded. Keira, will you sit down? Lily said. Nope.

Sorry, guys, every now and again she wakes up like this. Although I havent seen her like this since we left West Chester, she told them. Like what? Tyler said, walking into the kitchen with Lucian. Shes all giddy, Eligos told them. Lily, breakfast was lovely but I cant eat it all, I smiled. Leave it there. Ill finish it off, Jake said. Oh no, here it comes, Lily said, giggling again. I gave her a big smile and walked out of the kitchen, straight into the chillout room. Thats where the best sound system was. I found the cheesiest music I could find and turned it up full blast; the floor and walls were shaking it was that loud. A moment later Tyler came in. Are we friends again? he asked. Yeah. Good, he said as he moved all the furniture to the outskirts of the room. He took my hand and started dancing around the room with me, twirling me around every now and again. Then a song from the 70s came on. We both started to pretend we were swimming and doing the mash potato dance. When I turned around I saw everyone standing in the doorway watching us, then one of Lilys favorite songs from the 80s came on and she couldnt control herself. She danced her way over to us. Now thats what Im talking about, Tyler said, two beautiful women.

We both laughed and carried on dancing around. Finally Tyler ran out of energy and sat down. Lily was just about to sit down, but then Jake put another song on that she loved and she came running back to me. All of them were wolf-whistling. Eligos never took his eyes off me; everywhere I went his eyes followed me. In the end Lily collapsed on one of the sofas which meant I no longer had a dance partner. So I left the music on but walked out of the room and danced around the kitchen while tidying everything up. Eligos came in not long after. How much energy have you got left? he asked, smiling. Err, a little bit, why? Just wondered; Ive never seen you like this. Not many people have, I said, dancing past him to tuck all the chairs under the breakfast bar. Don't you ever just let go and have fun. Actually I was just about to, he said, grabbing my hand. He pulled me close to him, keeping hold of my hand and wrapping his other arm around my waist. I put my free arm around his shoulder and he started dancing round the kitchen with me, twirling me round sometimes and dropping me back over one of his arms. Id never seen this side of him before and I loved it; I couldnt take the smile of my face. Wooo-hooo! Lily shouted when she walked in. Both of us just burst out laughing. Then the music went off. Hey! Lily shouted. Put it back on!

We didnt touch it! Jake shouted back. We heard a loud smash just before all the windows imploded. Eligos grabbed me and sheltered me from the flying glass. What the hell I heard Tyler shout. We ran out into the hall just as Tyler opened the door and walked outside. We saw something hit him and knock him out of our view. We all ran to the door. Tyler was on the floor dazed. Keira! Eligos shouted just before he pulled me out of the way of a flying brick. It hit the wall just a few inches away from me. We all turned around to see four guys standing on my driveway; they all threw energy balls at us. Eligos put his hand up and created a barrier just in front of us all; as soon as the energy balls hit it they vanished. Then he sent shockwaves out at them while Lucian and I threw energy balls back at them. Two of them hit the floor but the others came running at us. Danny and Jake stepped forward and sent static electricity at them both, but it didnt stop them; it only slowed them down slightly. I watched as Eligoss eyes changed. He walked down the steps of the porch towards them; they tried to stop running at us too quickly and slid backwards on to the ground. They struggled trying to get back on their feet, and trying to back away from him. The two who had been hit by the energy balls disappeared as soon as they saw him. He held his right hand out and his sword appeared; it was so big, easily three-quarters the size of him. The flame appeared around it and he swung it at the guy closest to him, decapitating him in one swift blow. Like all the demons before him, he dissolved into the air before his head hit the ground. The other guy then vanished. Eligos looked around him before his sword disappeared; he turned around and walked back towards me, his eyes now blue again.

Did they know you? I asked. Yes. Who were they? Army rejects, he told us all. I wouldnt worry about them; I seriously doubt they will come back. Well, if Id just watched you cut my friends head off I don't think Id come back either, Lucian said. Yeah, sorry about that; I get a little bit carried away sometimes. I forget Ive got people with me. Don't be, I told him. Don't ever be sorry for killing them. So will he go back to Hell now? Lily asked. No, hes gone for good, Eligos told her. My swords have the power to kill a demons soul. End of story. Oh! she said, rather shocked. So why didnt it kill the creature that was with Argyle? You ran it through its chest. That was a different sword; I wanted to play with him for a bit. Why? Tyler asked. Because I was pissed that he had hurt Keira. Why else? Eligos told him. Lets go back inside. I think I need to tell you all what Lilith told me, I said.

Go and put the kettle on, Jake said. Well fix the house up and meet you in the living room. I walked in the kitchen with Eligos and put the kettle on. Then I lost my temper a little and slammed my fists down on the worktop. Calm down! he said. No, every time I try to have a bit of fun someone or something has to spoil it. I know I wish I could stop it for you; if I could stop it right now I would. I know you would. He walked over to me and put his arms around me. I stood there with my head against his chest, hugging him for a moment. Hed never done this before; normally he didnt like to touch me for longer than he had too. But today hed danced with me and hugged me. What was going on? Once the kettle had finished boiling he let go of me so I could make the drinks, then helped me take them through to the living room. He sat down on one of the sofas and I sat next to him. A moment later everyone else came in and sat down. Everything's as good as new, Tyler told me. Thanks. OK, so whats going on? Jake asked. I told them about the maps and what Lilith had told me about the families. I don't know what surprised them more, the fact that entire families were disappearing off the face of the planet, or that there were other people out there with power in them.

So thats why youre staying, Danny said to Eligos. Yeah. Youre staying here? Tyler said, glaring at him. Yes, why, you got a problem with that? That was the first time Eligos had risen to Tylers nastiness. I just wondered thats all, Tyler told him. So she thinks were going to be on the disappearing list? Lucian said. Yeah, and shes worried; she said to tell all your families and get them to protect themselves, I told them all. How? Get your fathers to renew the spell on their house to stop any demon or spirit entering. If they find themselves being attacked, tell them to stay inside and call us, Eligos told them. And after whats just happened Id get in touch with them right now. Tell them to use the ones we found in that book at Dannys, I advised. And to use more than one. All of them phoned home and told their parents what was going on. Each of their dads said they would look into it straightaway. We cant put it on this house though can we? Lily said to me. Not unless I move out for a while, and Id have to take Eligos with me too Im afraid.

No, don't do that; we need you here, Jake said. Both of you! Ill keep my eye on the news and see if they mention anything on any more families, Lucian told us. Keep your eyes peeled for anyone you don't know lurking around. Even if they look like a regular human being, I told them all. You know how deceiving they can be.

Chapter Fifteen Too Close

It was Monday morning. Lily and Jake had just left for work, the guys were staying home with their parents to help them cast more spells on each of the houses, and Eligos was still asleep. Everyone had gone quiet since the attack on Saturday. It was always the same, someone would attack us, and then everything would go quiet for a few days. Then just as we started getting happy and cheerful, something would come and stop us. I sat outside on my swing looking at where my grave had been. Tyler and Jake had finally moved it and I felt comfier sitting outside now. I was sitting with my shoes off, my legs tucked under me and with a nice cup of coffee in my hands. I kept thinking about Eligos dancing around the kitchen with me, and how he had hugged me for the first time. Id enjoyed every minute of it; being so close to him felt even more amazing than I thought it would. It was as though he had finally let that side of his personality come to the surface. I hoped I would get to be like that with him again sometime soon.

I finished my coffee and put the cup on the ground next to me. Then I stretched my legs out across the seat and went into my own world again for a few minutes. It was a nice day and I had a pair of shorts on, so maybe I would get a bit of a suntan. Good morning, I heard Eligos say. Hey. He walked over to me, picked my legs up by my ankles, sat down next to me and put my legs back down so they were resting on his. He kept one of his hands on my ankles. It was nice; his skin was always cooler than mine. I stared at him wide-eyed; his behavior was very unusual. Where is everyone? he asked, looking down at my legs. Work and at their own houses. It looks like its just you and me today, I told him. Well, until about six. Good, Im not used to being in a house full of people. No, youre used to being alone. Don't start! he said, turning to look at me. Im not starting anything; Im just saying it as is it. What are you going to do with yourself today then? he asked, changing the subject. I don't know; I havent got much to do. Talk to me then, tell me something I don't know about you. Like what?

I don't know. Something you havent told me yet. OK, err, when I was fourteen I got suspended from school for throwing a scalding hot pizza at one of the teachers. Why did you do that? he asked, laughing. Because she shouted at me for using ham for the topping instead of mushrooms. I hated mushrooms and I didnt see the problem with using something else. She screeched at me in front of the rest of the class so I retaliated. It was either make her wear the pizza, or launch her across the classroom. Fair enough, he said, still laughing. I can imagine you doing that actually. Your turn. Why not tell me what youre hiding from me? I said. No, try again. I sighed and went to get up, but he tightened his grip on my ankles. I havent been this close to a woman since I was a regular human being, he told me. I sat back to listen to him but he didnt loosen his grip on me. Even previous to my death Id only been close to one woman. And I didnt really like her. Why havent you been close to anyone? I asked.

Because of what I wont show you; it tends to keep women away from me. But it doesnt bother me anymore. Ive gotten used to being alone. Don't you miss being cuddled or kissed? Its been so long since I kissed someone that Ive forgotten what it feels like. As for being cuddled, I don't think I ever have been, so I couldnt tell you if I missed it or not. Never? Not that I can remember, he said, stroking my leg slightly with his free hand. I stared at him all the time he was doing it but he never looked at me. How did you die? I asked. I got hurt in a battle, badly hurt. I knew I couldnt live like that, so I finished myself off. Thats another reason I ended up going to Hell. He was getting warm in the sun and sat forward slightly while he took his top off. He put it on the ground next to him. That's when I saw his tattoo. It more or less covered the whole of the top half of his back. It was the same symbol that was on his ring. Wow! I said, sitting forward and touching it. He turned his head quickly to look at me, but he didnt move my hand away from him. I traced some of the drawing with my fingers. That looks amazing, I told him. When did you have it done?

I didnt have it done by choice; it was mandatory when I became a Grand Duke and received my seal. I like it, I said, sitting back again. Then I noticed the ones on his arm, and when he sat back I saw the one on his other arm. I also noticed how toned, but slightly pale, his body was. What about the ones on your arms? I had them done a few years ago, he said, looking at them. On his left upper arm was a large Celtic-looking cross, the bottom of which disappeared into a sea of flames. And on the right was a pentagram with what looked like an energy ball surrounding it. Theyre beautiful! I told him. Thanks. Do you want some coffee? I asked. That would involve you moving, wouldnt it? Well, yeah. In which case the answer is no, he said, holding my ankles again. Fine, Ill do it the other way then, I smirked, as my eyes turned white. The kitchen window opened and my cup floated inside. He looked at me and grinned. I loved it when he did that; he looked so cheeky and cute. A few minutes later two steaming hot cups of coffee came floating over to us. Thanks, he said, taking hold of the cup.

Anytime, I said as I took mine and my eyes went back to normal.

We sat outside until just after one in the afternoon, by which time we were hungry and he finally let go of my legs so I could move. We went inside and I fixed us some lunch. Sadly, when I took it into the living room for him he had put his top back on. Once wed eaten I took him into the chill-out room and pushed him back on to the largest sofa. It was so big that two people could lie side by side on it. I turned on the TV and put a movie on, before closing all the curtains. When I turned to look at him he was lying across it. Perfect! I thought to myself. I climbed over him and lay with my back against the back of the sofa. He looked at me and one of his eyes squinted a little. I moved his right arm up so it was above his head for a moment. What are you doing? he asked me. Showing you what a cuddle feels like. I lay my head on his chest and pulled his arm down so it was resting over my shoulders, before wrapping my arm around his waist and putting my leg slight over his. His whole body went tense for a moment, but he didnt move away from me. Now relax and enjoy the movie, I told him. When we were about fifteen minutes into the video he was completely relaxed, and when we were halfway through, he started running his fingers through my hair. I didnt draw attention to it in case he panicked and moved away from me. I just lay there smiling to myself, enjoying being so close to him, breathing him in as much as I could. When the movie finished I leaned up on my elbow and looked at him.

That was quite good he said, stretching. Yeah, it wasnt bad. What time is it? Three thirty, I said, turning to look at the clock. What time do Lily and Jake get back? Normally about six. He looked me in the eyes for a moment with a soft expression on his face. Then he ran the backs of his fingers slowly down the side of my face. I leaned forward to kiss him; as soon as my lips touched his he pushed me away and stood up quickly. Im sorry, I panicked. No, Im sorry. I shouldnt have gotten so close to you. Eligos I cant do this anymore, he said, turning to look at me. Im sorry. He disappeared. No, Eligos, Im sorry, I said, standing up. Come back. He didnt answer me or come back and I started to get upset. Why had I been so stupid? I knew he would react this way and yet I still did it. Why did I always push him? First I bug him about what he is hiding, when hes obviously not comfortable talking about it, and now I come on to him when he didnt want me to. He had never pushed me to tell him anything and he had never put me in a position where I would feel

uncomfortable. I had to apologize to him. I had to tell him I was sorry for being so selfish. I walked into the kitchen and wrote Lily a note saying that Id had to go away for a bit and that I didnt know when I would be back. I stuck it on the front of the fridge and walked outside locking the door behind me. I stood in the garden and closed my eyes. Lilith, Mother, if you can hear me, I really need you, I said loudly. I need you to bring me to Hell, please. I waited and waited, stood completely still with my eyes closed. Lilith, please!

Chapter Sixteen Scar

I gave up and opened my eyes, only to find myself standing outside Eligoss castle. Thank you! I whispered, hoping Lilith would hear me. I was about to knock on the door when I heard something smash. I jumped a little and looked around me but I couldnt see anything. Then I heard it again, only it was louder this time and I realized it was coming from inside. I walked in without even knocking and followed the sounds of glass and pot breaking. I walked into the living room and found him looking out of one of the back windows, with his back to me. Whats going on? I asked as I looked around the room. Everything was broken, the little coffee table was in half, chairs had their legs broken off and the big mirror from over the fireplace was smashed into

a thousand pieces on the floor. Ornaments had been thrown against the walls and now lay on the floor broken. Eligos, answer me! I demanded. How did you get here? he asked coldly, still with his back turned on me. I called out to Lilith. Just leave. No, not until you listen to me, I need to apolo I cant do this anymore, he told me. I cant be around you. Why? Because you drive me crazy, that's why. Ive never felt like this before, and I cant keep feeling like this. I don't understand, I sobbed. I said I was sorry. I swore to myself, not long after it happened to me, that Id never give my heart to anyone. That way they could never hurt me. Ive never hidden myself from anyone, and so nobody had ever shown any sort of affection towards me. I cant say I blame them either. But then I met you. I knew that, if I turned up looking natural, you wouldnt have given me the time of day. So I hid from you. I cast a spell on myself so you would never see what I really look like when Im around you. But it was the wrong thing to do. You befriended me, and got close to me, and I did the one thing I never wanted to do. After what happened to you? What thing? I asked confused.

I let myselffall in love with you. My stomach did a somersault, my heart started racing, my legs felt as though they were about to turn to jelly. He was in love with me. That was the one thing Id hoped and prayed I would someday hear him say to me. And now it doesnt matter how hard I fight it, I cant stop, he continued sadly. Good, I almost cried. I don't want you to stop. You will. Show me the real you. No, just leave me alone. Never! Keira SHOW ME! I shouted as I started to walk towards him. Fine. He turned his head quickly and stared straight at me. My mouth fell open slightly and I stopped dead in my tracks. His beautiful face had changed down one side. He had a thick silver-colored scar running down his lefthand side. It started on his forehead, just over his left eyebrow, then it ran down over his left temple branching off slightly into the corner of his eye. The main scar carried on down over his cheek, and about an inch away from his lips, again with little branches coming of it, then down and under his jaw. The shape of it reminded me of fork lightning. It had affected his left eye too; instead of it being the beautiful sapphire blue, it was now almost white. The same color as a blind persons eyes.

Happy now? he asked, walking past me and out of the room. I stood there for a moment, still in shock I think. I couldnt believe he thought he had to hide himself from me. I thought he knew me! Just because he was scarred, that wouldnt have changed how I saw him, and I would have still wanted to get close to him. I turned around quickly and ran out of the room into the hallway looking for him. I called his name but he didnt answer me. After checking a few of the rooms leading off the hall, I found him in his dining room. He was slumped against the large table, again with his back to me. I cant believe you didnt tell me, I said, walking slowly into the room. I cant believe you thought you had to hide it from me. I wanted to see if you could he started to say sadly. Forget it! Go and ask Lilith to get someone to take you home. I don't want to go home. Well, at least leave me alone. I walked over to him slowly and stood between his legs. He turned his head away from me quickly, so I could only see the unmarked side of his face. Eligos look at me, I pleaded. Please! He slowly turned to face me before looking into my eyes. I ran my fingers lightly down the side of his face, tracing the scar with my fingertips. I couldnt work out the look he was giving me. Just because a rose starts to wither slightly, it doesnt make it any less beautiful, I told him. Don't ever think you need to hide yourself from me. I wouldnt care if you grew a second head, three more arms

and two more legs. I would still want you; it doesnt change who you are. How can you say that? Look at me. I am looking. Don't pity me, Keira. I don't want pity from anyone, I never have. Im not, I told him. Then leave. I cant leave you. Why? he asked. Because I love you. He glared at me as I moved closer to him, wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and kissed him. I was surprised when he didnt push me away. Instead he kissed me back and after a few seconds he wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed me so passionately and held me so close to him. I never thought kissing anyone could feel so amazing. When the kiss ended I kept my arms around him and my face close to his. This doesnt bother you? he said quietly. Not in the slightest. I cant believe it. Well, you better start to. Now is there anything else I need to know about you?

No, this was the only thing I kept from you. Good, I smiled. So does this mean youre going to stop running away from me? Is that what you want? I want to know what you want; now I know what you look like, and now that you know I don't care. Simple, I want you! he said, staring into my eyes. Well, youve got me, for as long as you want me. What if I want you forever? Then Im going to start looking forward to forever, I smiled again. This time he kissed me. When the kiss ended he held me close to him for a few minutes before leading me into another living room. He sat me down on the sofa and poured us both a glass of wine. I suppose you want to know how I got this? he said, sitting next to me. If you don't mind telling me, then yes. It happened in my first fight. Id been in Hell for just over nine months and I was doing well in my training. One of the Dukes came to me and told me a demon was planning to attack the Palace. He wanted me to go after him. Just an average demon? I asked.

No, he was a Lord and extremely powerful. On top of that he was one of the best fighters in Hell. Anyway, I did what was asked of me and I went looking for him. Why did they ask you? I was a damn good fighter. The only problem was I had been so busy learning all the fighting styles that I hadn't learned how to use my power very much. When I found the demon, I could fight him physically, no problem, but when he saw I could beat him he resorted to his power. He pinned me against a wall and attacked me with his sword. I hit the floor unconscious and he must have thought I had been defeated, that my soul had been extinguished, so he left. He was wrong, of course, but his blade scarred me for life. No magic can cure it; its not like being cut by a normal blade. Did you ever find him again? No, nobody knows where he went or what happened to him. We havent heard from him in over four thousand years. Everyone just assumes hes dead, in demon terms, that is. What if he isnt? Then one day our paths will cross, he said as his jaw tightened. And Ill kill him. What if he is stronger than you? What if he kills you? I asked worriedly. He wont, don't worry! You don't know that.

Yes I do. I wouldnt give him a chance to fight back. That bastard should have checked to make sure I was dead. Instead he left me looking like this. Im glad he did walk away, I said, taking his hand in mine. I couldnt imagine not knowing you. If Id have mastered my power as well as my fighting, you might be looking at a nice face now, instead of this. You still have a nice face as far as Im concerned. Plus, if he hadn't scarred you then some other demon would have snapped you up and I would have had to kill her. I doubt it, he laughed. Don't forget, I wasnt interested in anyone until I met you. I could have hidden myself from everyone; nobody has to see this, he said, pointing to his scar. But theres only ever been you thats gotten my attention. Ive only ever wanted one person and that's you. Good, keep it that way! I said before kissing him again. Im not showing your friends yet, he told me. I don't know them well enough, and I don't want Lily to get scared or anything. Also I think Tyler may use it as an excuse to try and come between us. You shouldnt have to hide from them. Lily would be OK after a minute or two. And what about Tyler? I just wouldnt listen to him; its about time you started being natural. That would be nice. The spell I cast doesnt last that long, so I have to keep recasting it to make sure I stay covered up.

So be yourself then. OK, the next time were all together Ill show them, he told me. Good, Jake and Danny wont be any different with you, I can guarantee that. Lucian, Im not sure about. Tyler is Tyler, so well have to wait and see. As for Lily, she thinks a lot of you, so I seriously doubt it will bother her. Are you going to tell them were together? Id like to, unless you don't want me to. Oh I want you to, he said seriously. Mainly because if Tyler ever grabbed you and kissed you again, Id rip his lips off. Hes lucky I didnt do it last time. He wont do it again. I know he wont, he said matter-of-factly. Anyone would think you were jealous, I smirked. I was. Im not afraid to admit it. I had to watch a guy I don't particularly like grab the only woman Ive ever loved and kiss her. You have no idea what that felt like; I wanted to kill him. Don't be jealous! Im with you, no one else, and that's how I want it to stay. That's how Ive wanted it to be since I met you. If youd have been honest with me, we would have been together a long time ago.

I didnt know that though, did I? I just saw a beautiful woman, surrounded by guys with normal faces. I didnt think for one minute you would have chosen me over one of them. Well, it just goes to show you don't know everything, doesnt it? I smiled. After an hour or so of cuddling each other we returned to my house. Due to the time difference we were home before Lily and Jake finished work. Both of us had wanted to stay at his place for a while longer but we knew we had to come back; it wasnt safe there for any of the guys at the moment. We knew if they were attacked they wouldnt be able to defend themselves without our help. They werent powerful enough to take on the higher-ranking demons. Possessed bodies they may be able to handle, but only if there were a few of them. Anything more than that and they would be seriously hurt. As for Lily, how would she be able to stop them? We got a beer each and had a game of pool while we waited for everyone to come round. The game took a lot longer than normal, since every time we passed each other we would stop for a kissing session. Hey, I didnt mind; I could do that all day every day. He didnt hide himself from me now either, which I was really happy about, but when we heard Lily and Jake come in he cast his spell and hid the scar. We made our way downstairs hand in hand and went into the kitchen to greet them. Hey, I said to them both. Hi, they said, turning to face us. Oh my God! Lily said, getting all excited when she saw us holding hands. Are you two together now? Yes we are! Eligos told her as he put his arm around my shoulders. About bloody time, Jake said, smiling. You make a good couple.

Thank you, I said. Listen, you two, we need to talk to you all later, and Eligos has something he wants to show you. What is it? Lily asked Cant you show us now. What do you think? Eligos asked me. Its up to you, darlin. Pleeaaassee Lily said, smiling sweetly. Its nothing good or nice, Eligos told her. I don't care, come on. Do you remember when I told you he said what you see isnt what you get?? I asked her. Yes I do. Well, this is what he meant. I turned to look at Eligos just as his face turned natural. Bless him, he looked really worried. Wow! Lily said, walking closer to him. Does it hurt? No, Eligos told her, smiling a little. How did you get that? Jake asked. He told them about the fight with the demon Lord. Do you hide it from everyone? Lily asked him.

No, Ive never hidden it before. Well, stop hiding it now; it doesnt change who you are, Jake told him. Youre a good guy whats it matter if you have a scar or not? You know, even if youd have come here like this originally, Keira would have still fallen for you, Lily told him. It doesnt bother you then? Eligos asked her. Not at all, but I bet you thought it would, didnt you? Yeah, a little. Are you going to show the others? Yeah, Im sick of casting spells on myself; it would be nice to be able to walk around natural again. Well, be warned. Tyler will probably make some stupid or mean remark, Jake told him. Just ignore him; hell just be jealous that you have Keira and he doesnt. Oh and I bet Danny will think its cool. Probably! Lily agreed. I don't give a shit what Tyler thinks, Eligos told them both. Can you see properly? Lily asked him, looking at his left eye. Yeah, Im not blind in it. We heard the front door open and Tyler, Lucian and Danny walked in. Hey, guys, Danny said, walking over to us.

Eligos tightened his grip on me and I wrapped my arm around his waist. Whats going on here? Danny asked, standing in front of us. Wow! he said when he looked at Eligos. What happened to you? Whats happened to who? Tyler asked as him and Lucian came over too. Wow! they gasped. OK, OK! I snapped. Enough staring. Sorry, mate, Danny said. What happened? Once again Eligos told them the story. Danny and Lucian looked intrigued but I couldnt work out what Tyler was thinking. He seemed to smirk every now and again, then eventually went and sat down. Jesus, youre lucky you didnt lose your eye completely, Lucian said. I cant wait to see what happens if you ever find that Lord, Danny smirked. I want to book ringside seats now, please. Whatever the cost, Ill pay it. Eligos started laughing but promised him, if he could, he would let him watch. I think he was also relieved that nobody seemed to be bothered by it at all. So, mate, is that why youre single then? Tyler asked, smirking at him. I mean, its not very attractive, is it? For your information, pal, Eligos replied sarcastically. Ive never been interested in anyone, well until now. And this may come as a

shock to you, but, even though Im scarred, she loves me. Don't you, Keira? he said, turning to look at me. Yes I do, I smiled. More than anything. I turned to look at Tyler; he had a look of sheer horror on his face. So, Tyler, the next time you insult him, Im going to be insulted too. If I were you I would be very careful what I said from now on, I told him. What, are you two together? Danny asked. Yes! We both smiled. Congratulations! I knew it would happen one day. You better look after her, Lucian told him. I will, don't worry about that.

Chapter Seventeen Proposition

Once everyone had gotten their heads around things, Eligos and I walked into the living room. I turned the TV on before sitting on the sofa and cuddling up to him. I decided to watch the news channels to see if it mentioned anything about the missing families. It was the main topic of

discussion. Thirteen families had now been reported missing, and up to now only one family had been different to the others. The anchor man said:

The Winters are the only family up to now to leave a member behind, their nine-year-old son, Matthew. His mother Jill, father Simon and sixteen-year-old sister Joanna have all disappeared. A neighbour called the police when young Matthew told her he couldnt find his family and that they had been missing for three days. Investigators say there was no sign of a struggle at their home in Pelham, New Hampshire, or any sign of a robbery. This is now the thirteenth family to go missing in just over a week, police are asking anyone with any information to come forward to try and help solve these mysterious disappearances.

Whatever it is thats doing this is upping its game, Eligos said to me. No ones going to be safe soon. We need to get these guys here sorted out. They need to learn to fight properly and they need more power. I know, I think we should call them all in. Whenever youre ready, he said, kissing my forehead. I walked into the kitchen and told everyone we needed to talk to them properly. They all saw by the serious look on my face that this was going to be something to do with what was going on. So they followed me back into the living room and sat down in silence. Alright, guys, Ive just watched the news and now theres thirteen missing families! I told them.

What!!! Lily and Lucian gasped. Its getting worse, and whoever is doing this is moving quickly, Eligos told them. Who knows how many more will be missing come tomorrow! We know some of the families have had power, but not all of them, I explained. Why take people without power though? It doesnt make sense, Tyler said. There are more people in the world without power than with. If there are a lot of demons who want this war to happen; all they need is a body for their spirit followers to possess. See this is where I go dizzy, Danny said. Eligos, youre a demon; Keira, youre part demon, youre both human in appearance and have a physical form. So why do other demons have to possess bodies? Demons don't, spirits do, Eligos told him. Why though? When people die and go to Hell, its their spirits that go there. In Hell most of them have a physical form you can see them, touch them, talk to them but when they travel to another realm, the people or creatures there cant see them. However, for some spirits its different; sometimes its part of their punishment. If, for example, a murderer goes to Hell, the court may sentence him to one hundred years in the Pits, but, if he was a mass murderer or he was particularly cruel in the way he killed people, once he had done his time in the Pits, he would have his physical form taken away; that way, no one in Hell would be able to interact with them. All that is left is a wondering soul. I cant think of

anything worse than being alive and not being physical, he said, looking at his own hand, not being able to touch anything, move anything, nobody can look at you, you cant talkI cant imagine what that would be like. Well, then, they shouldnt have committed the crime, Lily said. Is that done to people often? Only to serious sinners, he told her. But there are a lot of them, and don't forget this punishment has been around since the dawn of time, so, over the years, well, you can imagine how many there are now. So they may be possessing these people? Jake asked Eligos. I would think so. Some of them would do anything just to have a physical form again. Would the people still be alive but be controlled by the spirit? Lucian asked. That rarely happens, Eligos told him. Normally, the people are already dead. I think these people are being taken, killed and possessed. Oh my God! Lily said sadly. How can this be allowed to happen? How can Heaven stand by and watch this? Tyler asked, almost shouting. Its Hells problem, and we are the ones who have to sort it out. We have a certain amount of time to stop this or Eligos said, trailing off. Or what? I asked. War.

But war is going on everywhere. No, I mean war like you couldnt even being to imagine, Heaven versus Hell. The last time that happened, it nearly brought about the Apocalypse. Why, if its between Heaven and Hell? Lily asked him. No member of Heaven can travel to Hell, and vice versawell, not unless its Lucifer or God. But that's never happened before either; its against the rules. So the war is fought on Earth, or in whatever realm the problems originated from. Thats not fair; its not peoples fault, or the creatures from the other realms. Earth and the other realms are ruled equally by Heaven and Hell; they can do what they please with them, he told them all. Its not something I agree with, but thats just the way it is. How many times have there been wars like that on Earth? I asked Eligos. Only twice, but they were bad enough. Were you around for them? For one of them, yeah, and I don't ever want to see it happen again. Have there been wars like that in the other realms? Lily asked him. Yeah, quite a few, and before someone asks, Eligos said, looking at them all in turn, I have been involved in five of them. Involved?

I mean I fought in them. They lasted a long time. There were a lot of casualties, from Heaven, Hell and innocents from the realms, he said, shaking his head. It should never happen, but sadly he trailed off. How long do you get to stop it? To avoid the wars, I mean, Jake asked him. It depends on whats happening; I think we have a year left now to end it completely. That means killing the souls of the demons and spirits involved, not just returning them to Hell. None of them spoke what could you say to that really? Even I was silent; the last thing I wanted was innocent people to die for something they hadn't done, asked for, and in most cases didnt know was possible. This couldnt be allowed to happen, they had to be found and they had to be stopped. Just out of interest, who won the last two wars on Earth? Tyler asked Eligos. One each. How can we fight them, were not strong enough, Jake said. Youre not strong enough, what about me? Lily asked, panicked. You could be, I told them. Again all of them went quiet. When I was in Hell, Lilith told me you wouldnt be strong enough to keep yourselves alive. The power you have in you, although its handy and you can attack with it, is only weak, and obviously Lily has no power at allDo you remember when I said we have a proposition for you, when we walked out of the church. Yeah, they all said.

WellLilith introduced me to a lady in Hell, who happens to be a goddess of sorcery. Her name is Unsere. She has agreed to increase the power you all have in you so you will be strong enough to fight the demons that are coming. Would we be as strong as you and Eligos? Tyler asked. No, but you would be stronger than you are now, I told him. Also, I can get you the weapons that can kill demons souls, Eligos told them, and teach you how to use them properly. OK, Im in! Danny said. Hey, hey hang on a minute, Lily said, standing up. What about me? Are you sure you want to fight in this? I asked her. Your damn right I do. I lost my best friend, and I nearly lost the man I love and all my other friends. I want to fight the bastards that are responsible. In which case I think Hecate will be more than happy to help out, Eligos informed me. Whos that? she asked. A personal friend. She is known as the Queen of Witches, Eligos said. She will give you the power you will need. Whats the catch? Tyler said. This isnt being done out of the goodness of their hearts.

Youre right, there is a catch, Eligos told them all. If you accept these powers you have to fight; you have to help take down every demon thats involved in all this. If you don't, and you just take the powers and runWell, lets just all think back to those souls without a physical form. You mean well go to Hell and be punished forever? Jake asked. Thats exactly what I mean. No other human being will have ever been given the amount of power that you will be given, well, except for Keira. And you are really going to teach us to fight? Jake said looking at Eligos. I will, and Keira will show you all how to use the new power. Especially Lily. Im in! Danny said seriously. So am I! Jake said. Me too! Lily said, looking at me. Im with you all to the end, Lucian told us. Just tell us what we need to do, Tyler said.

Chapter Eighteen New Power

Eligos left us and returned to Hell, leaving me with the guys and Lily. Where did he go? Lily asked. To get Unsere and Hecate, I told her. What, you mean theyre coming here? Jake asked, shocked. Yes they are, oh, and keep your eyes in your heads guys. Ive met Unsere, and she is beautiful. Shes small, with long dark-blonde hair, shes slim and shes got big pale-blue eyes, so be warned. I cant comment on Hecate, Ive never met her. Ive got my own beautiful woman, thank you, so I don't care what she looks like; Im not interested, Jake said. Oh God, pass me a bucket; Im gonna be sick! Danny laughed. I couldnt help but laugh; Lily grabbed one of the cushions off the sofa and threw it at him. How long is he going to be? Tyler asked. I don't know maybe an hour as far as hes concerned, which to us is fifteen minutes. Maybe longer, I told him. So when did you get together? Jake asked. While we waited I told them the whole story. Everyone except for Tyler seemed really happy for us, but then I expected him to be funny about it. Lucian surprised me though; he said he was glad I was happy and that he wished us all the happiness in the world. I don't know what I was expecting him to say, but I wasnt expecting that. Danny, I think, was just happy

because he knew he would get to be around Eligos more. He had a lot of respect and time for him and he couldnt wait to be taught how to fight properly. Do you think theyll want drinks when they get back? Lily asked. Maybe we should open a few bottles of wine, Danny suggested. Ill go and get some. Ill fetch the glasses. Ten minutes later Eligos appeared again and a moment later two women were with him. All the guys, except for Jake were staring at them. Hecate was just as beautiful as Unsere. Her long wavy dark-brown hair fell loosely down her back; her eyes were green, just a little darker than mine. She was pale and like all the other demons Id seen, her skin was perfect. She had a beautiful curvaceous figure, not skinny and not fat, just right. Hi, Keira, Unsere smiled at me. Hiya, I smiled back. Eligos introduced us. OK, firstly, Keira, this is Hecate; Hecate, this is Keira Nice to meet you. Its an honor, she said, bowing her head slightly. You don't ever have to do that, I told her. Keira, its an honor for any demon to be in the company of a Royal, Eligos informed me.

No, its me thats honored to have you here. To have you helping us. Please don't ever lower your head to me; it should be the other way round, I said to Hecate. Thank you, she smiled warmly. Eligos introduced Hecate and Unsere to Lily and the others, before motioning for them to sit down. Eligos came and sat next to me again. So I take it youre mine then? Hecate said to Lily with a smile. Yeah, I guessI am. Youll be fine, don't worry about anything; it doesnt hurt. And these four young men are mine! Unsere said. They are, I told her. OK, guys, this is what happens: I stab all of you through the heart, feed power into you and then fix you back up. You might have a little scar, but other than that you will be fine, she explained to them. All of them turned white, fear and horror appearing on their faces. Relax, Im just kidding she laughed. Youre so mean! I smirked. I know. No seriously, guys, all I need to do is spend five minutes alone with each of you. You may feel a little warm as it enters you but that's all. Lily, Hecate said, Its the same for you, lovely; theres no pain at all.

OK, she whispered, taking a deep breath. Now, when you get it you will feel stronger, physically too, but you wont know how to use it all. So I suggest you all go out somewhere you wont be seen and play with it. Its all instinctual but you wont know what you can do until you actually do it. Keira will be able to show and tell you a few things though, Unsere told them. So, are you all ready for this? I asked them. All of them nodded. Take it away then, ladies, I said to Unsere and Hecate. Hecate went into the little living room with Lily; while Unsere went with Lucian into the chill-out room. A minute later Lily came running back into us. Keira, will you come with me? she asked. I could see her shaking from across the room. Come on, I smiled, walking out with her. We walked into the little living room and I sat down on the sofa facing where Lily was going to sit. Shes nervous, Hecate said. That's understandable. Lily sat down and took a deep breath. OK, are you ready? Hecate asked her. Yes.

Hecate stood about two feet away from her and stretched her arms out in front of her. The lights in the room started flickering on and off and the furniture started to tremble slightly. A blue flow of energy came from each of her fingers and surrounded Lily for a moment, before seeping into her skin. She closed her eyes tight and her breathing started to get faster. I could see she was panicking. Hecate walked towards her. The flow of energy had now stopped. She put her hand on Lilys chest and both their bodies illuminated for a split second. Then it was all over. Lily, you can open your eyes now, Hecate told her. Were finished. Really? she said, her eyes opening wide. Thats all there is to it. Hecate, I said, when our ancestors got their power it really hurt them; they screamed out in pain. Why, when Lily obviously didnt feel a thing? Their power came from a demon called Abdiel. He is the Lord of Slaves and Slavery. He likes to cause pain, so that's probably why, she told me. Youve just answered a question that everyone with this power has wanted the answer to. What? Who gave it to them; nobody ever knew. The person who called it would have known to whom they were calling. Obviously he didnt want anyone to know. Do you know what power I have in me, I asked her.

I know you have more than one, but Im not too sure; theyre mixed up with each other so its hard to tell. Ask your mother, she should be able to tell you. You see its easy with the guys; they only had the one power in them, and I am one of only a few who can sense who gave it to them. Would Eligos have known? No, its not one of his gifts. Thanks, Hecate. My pleasure. Lily, are you OK? I asked. I feel different, strong, like I could blow this house down. You probably could now. Try and use it, try and move the table to the other side of the room and back again, Hecate told her. Will my eyes change? Yeah. She stood up and looked at the table. Her eyes turned black, the same as the guys did, and the table flew across the room. She jumped up and down with excitement. Then the table came back to its original position. Now I understand why when I asked you how you used your power, you found it hard to answer; it just happens, she said, turning to look at me. Your eyes are black, I told her.

Wow. Why do mine go white and yet the guys go black, I asked Hecate. Because you have power in you from a Royal and its mixed with others. By rights, though, you should just go natural now, so they should be red. They do go red when I go demonic. You should always be demonic, she said puzzled. You are after all I understand I interrupted quickly. Lily now looked at me with a puzzled expression. Come on, lets see how the guys are getting on, I said, getting up and walking out of the room. I heard them following behind me, and Lily thanking Hecate over and over again. Lily ran into the room and Hecate grabbed my arm. She pulled me down the hall and looked around to make sure nobody else was near us. Havent you told them yet? she asked me. No, theyd had enough to deal with. Its not a bad thing; its not something they have to worry about, Keira. I know I just, I don't know. Please don't say anything.

Course I wont; its not my place to. Just be honest with them, and with yourself. You are what you are, be proud of it. I am. So tell them, soon. I will. We walked into the living room and I poured everyone a glass of wine, before sitting next to Eligos. Lucian and Danny now had the extra power and Jake was still in the other room with Unsere. This feels amazing, Danny told me. I never knew anyone could feel this powerful. Imagine how Keira and Eligos feel then, Hecate told him. Each of them is more powerful than you five put together. Wow he said, looking over at me and Eligos. I hate you both. A moment later Jake joined us and Tyler left. Jake, watch this, Lily said, getting excited. All the windows opened and closed repeatedly, before finally staying closed again. Then she rose into the air, only around five feet, but she was so excited about it. Youre crazy! he laughed. A few minutes later Tyler was back in the room, followed closely by Unsere. Well, that was a good nights work, she said, flopping on the chair. Oh, is one of those drinks for me.

Help yourself! I smiled. Oh we have something to tell you. What? I asked. Me and Hecate will be with you when all this comes to a head. Well be fighting by your side. Really? Lily said. Definitely, this has caused a lot of problems and we don't want a fullscale war, so well do what we can, Hecate told us. Thanks, Eligos said to them both. Hecate and Unsere stayed with us for around half an hour before they had to go back to Hell. All the guys thanked them again and they told us they would be in touch. If we needed them all we had to do was call out to them. I liked those two, Lucian said. Yeah I bet you did, I smirked. I admit, I do think Unsere is very attractive. Nah, sorry, I think Hecates beautiful, Danny said. Are they seeing anyone? Lucian asked. Unsere is married, mate, but Hecate is single, Eligos told them. Well, Unsere can get divorced, Lucian said with a grin. Actually she cant.

Why? The rules are different in Hell. Once youre married, thats it. I don't understand, Lily said. Not many people in Hell are married, simply because, once youre there, you live for eternity or until you ask for your soul to be destroyed. Some people get fed up of forever and want an end. Anyway, if you get married you have to be completely in love with the person, because you will be together forever. Literally. If you cheat on your partner, you spend eternity in the Pits. If you think for one moment there may be a time you wont love the person youre with, or that you may develop feelings for someone else, be the person in Hell or on Earth, my advice is don't get married. Although, saying that, I know a few people who are married down there and have been so for thousands of years, and they are still very happy and still very much in love. What if someone comes on to your partner because they didnt know they were married? Tyler asked. Well, you see, that cant happen, Eligos told him. Because, if two normal people there get married they are marked on their left wrist, both have the same mark. If a lord, Duke, higher demon, Royal, or basically anyone with status and who has a seal gets married, then their partner is marked, kinda like a tattoo, on their left wrist. They are marked with their partners seal. So when you look at Liliths left hand you see the ring on her finger, but you also see Lucifers seal tattooed on her wrist. Does everyone know whose seals are whose? Lily asked him. Its mandatory for everyone to learn the Royal seals and Grand Ducal seals, but othersno, not really.

So is it just Lords and Dukes that have seals? Danny asked. People of status and Royals. But Royal seals are very different to the rest of ours, Eligos said. Keira, do you have your seal yet? Can I see it? Lily asked. No not yet, Lilith is creating one for when this is over and I return to Hell. What if someone who died already had a tattoo on their left wrist? Jake asked. Its removed, just in case they decided to marry. Nobody has a tattoo on their left wrist unless they are married; that's just the way it is. Well, I suppose that's one way of finding out if someone truly loves you or not, Lucian said. Asking them to marry you I mean. Not that many people ask the question for fear of the reply from the person they are with, Eligos told him. Can you imagine asking the person you love more than anything, who you want to spend eternity with to marry youDanny started. And them saying no, Lily said, finishing his sentence. That must be heart breaking. OK, can we change the subject, please? Tyler said, pouring himself a glass of wine. Like to what were going to eat, Im starving. Well order out, Lily told him, shaking her head at him.

When can we start playing with this new power then? Jake asked me. We can go out tomorrow if you want. Great. Eligos, when do we get to fight Danny asked. Learn some of your power first, and then Ill teach you. Dont make the same mistake I did. Speaking of power, I said, I found out something very interesting tonight, and I think you may all want to hear it. What is it? Jake asked. Is it good? I know where our families power came from. WHAT! they cried excitedly. Hecate told me. Well tell us then, Danny said. Abdiel, I smirked. Yeah, because that means a lot to us, Tyler said to me, shaking his head. He is the Lord of Slaves and Slavery. Did he give John Putnam his first power too? Lily asked.

No, I still don't know where that was from, but Im going to ask Lilith, I told them. Hecate said she might be able to tell me exactly what's in me. Finally, we start to get some answers, Lucian sighed. Do we know anything else about this Abdiel then? Only that he is quite powerful, Eligos told us all. Ive never actually met him; Ive only ever heard stories about him. Like what? Danny asked. Some say he had an argument with Lucifer, well before I came along, and that he was banished. Others say he was killed, and some believe he ended his own life, but we now know that's not true since he gave your ancestors power. Was he as powerful as you? Tyler asked him. Nowhere near. I wonder where he is now, Lily said. I don't know, Ive never really given him much thought, Eligos told her. What happens if youre banished? Jake asked him. Hell is an extremely large place. Ive been there over four thousand years and I havent even seen half of it. If someone is banished I believe they are sent thousands of miles away, to an island specifically for banished souls. Why don't they just kill them? Tyler asked.

I know its Hell, but not everything is about death and killing people. If you say so. I do. OK, OK, less of the niceness you two, I said, shaking my head. There is no need to start being off. I wasnt! Tyler said, defending himself. Good, weve had a huge question answered and I think we should be a lot happier than we are. I am happy, its justwith everything that's going on it doesnt really seem so important anymore, Jake said. When we all first met we werent in this situation. It was the most important thing on our minds, but now Yeah, I know, I sighed. All of us went quiet for a while. We ordered pizza for supper since it was now 10p.m. Once we had all eaten and Lily had finished making everyones pizzas spin around, which was quite annoying, the guys headed home. Jake went too this time; he wanted to tell his parents everything that had happened, so he told Lily he would meet her at the shop tomorrow. Lily wasnt sleepy yet so she stayed downstairs, but Eligos and I were getting tired. We said goodnight and walked upstairs. He was a complete gentleman. He stood in the hall while I got changed for bed and only then came in and sat next to me. Are you OK? I asked him. Yeah, its been a funny day.

I know. But its also been the best day of my life. Why? I got you! he smiled. I leaned over and kissed him for a moment. I was surprised how everyone reacted too, he said. I told you not to worry. If ever you want me to cover this, he said, tapping a bit of his scar, just say so. I don't want you to; I just want you to be yourself, nothing more and nothing less. OK. Listen, I want to talk serious for a moment. Oh God, he smirked. Shut up! I said, pushing him back so he was lying on the bed. I lay on my side with my head resting in my hand. Im thinking about telling the guys exactly how Ive changed, I told him. Well, you have been back a while, and they seem to have got over everything that happened, so I think they should be OK now.

Hecate told me I should be honest with them. You should, but you needed to give them time to process everything. I know, at least Ive got your backing on it. Course you have, he assured me. Lily knows something isnt right. Hecate said something before and it got her thinking; I know it did. Tell them tomorrow then. He stayed with me for a few more minutes, just for a few kisses and a cuddle, and then he went to his own room.

Chapter Nineteen The Truth about Me

I woke early and went downstairs. Lily was already up and making breakfast. Morning, I yawned. Hey, were not going to the shop today; we want to play with this power. I think learning this is more important than opening the shop.

I don't think you ever want to go to work, I told her. I don't now to be honest. Im fed up of it already and so is Jake; we might just sell the place. Why not? You know youre OK for money. I know. Thanks honey, she said, hugging me. Do you want some breakfast? No, Im fine, thanks. Im just going to have an orange juice. What did Hecate mean about you last night? Pardon? You stopped her from saying something. Did I? I was starting to chicken out a little now. I knew what I had to tell them wasnt bad, but I didnt want them to look at me differently. I know youre hiding something. Ive known for a while, she told me. I don't know why youre hiding it from me though. I need to tell you all something; Im just worried, that's all. Worried about what? Danny said as he entered the room. Bloody hell, youre here early, I said. I know we wanted to get an early start; the others are on their way in.

Theyre already here, Lucian said as he and the other two came in. So what you worried about? Danny asked me. I need to tell you all something. About what? Me. You know I told you all I was different. Yeah, they all said. Well, I need to tell you how Were all ears, Tyler said. I knew he would want to know; he would want to know why I said we couldnt be together. Morning, Eligos said as he walked in. Hey! I said. Go on then, how are you different? Tyler asked. Eligos looked at me for a moment and nodded his head. OK, where to startHow you see me now, is how you will always see me. I havent aged at all since I diedAnd I never will. What? Lucian said in shock. Why? Lily asked.

I died, Lily. I was only sent back because of everything that's going on. So youre dead now? Danny asked. Not quite. I had life given to me again, I explained. OKI think, Jake frowned. Also, I am a demon, through and through. Im not human now, except for my appearance. Youre a full demon? Tyler said in shock. Yes, I am. When I died, the human in me died. That couldnt be brought back, I told them. And yet youre not dead? Danny said really confused. The only blood that runs through my veins is demon blood, but there is life in this body. When I die again, the life will be gone. All that will remain is my soul and my body; the demon and power in me will preserve it forever, but I will have no heartbeat. Don't you have a heartbeat, Eligos? Lily asked. He walked over to her, took her hand and placed it flat against his chest. Nothing, she said, staring wide-eyed at her hand. Yet you live. Its like Keira just told you demon, power, preserved, he told her. Once Ive died again I will be able to come and go from Hell as I please without having to get someone to take me. Its only the life in me

that stops me being able to do it myself and spend long amounts of time there, I explained. But you were there for three weeks, or months, whatever, Jake said. Yeah, and I had no life in me; I only got that back when I came back here. Did you have life in you when you fought Argyle? No, it was put back in me before I came back to you. When I have life in me Im weaker than when I don't. Sadly, having life in you when youre a demon causes side effects. So this is the reason you wouldnt be with me, Tyler said. Why you stopped yourself kissing me again, after kissing me and holding me. I saw Eligoss jaw tighten; he didnt look happy at all. No, it was because she loves Eligos, Lily shot at him. Thats not what she told me, he shot back. I asked her if it was because of him and she said no. No I didnt! I said. Yes you did! You said that you did like him but he wasnt why you wouldnt be with me, and then you said the reason was that you were different, that was all. You bastard, you shit-stirring bastard! I said nastily and walking towards him. Hey! Lucian shouted, grabbing me.

Behave! Danny said, standing between me and Tyler. We cant be turning on each other, Lucian said. I shrugged him off me and walked out of the kitchen. I took one of Dannys cigs out of his coat pocket and went to sit outside on my swing. Just as Id lit the cig Eligos came out and stood in front of me. You didnt tell them the rest, he said. I know, and Im not. We both went quiet for a moment. Was that true, do you want to be with Tyler? he asked me sadly. No, I dont want to be with him. At first I thought I did, but then I met you. As soon as I saw you I wanted you, not him, not Lucian, none of them, just you. You took my breath away; ask Lily, shell tell you. The only reason I didnt tell him that was because I wasnt in the mood for an argument with him. And that is what I would have got. He knelt down in front of me and looked deep in my eyes. You don't believe me, do you? I asked, getting upset and throwing the cigarette away. Actually I do, he said, taking hold of my hands. You know if you hadn't been there he wouldnt have said anything. I know it was done to annoy me. And did it?

Oh just a little bit, but I think I hid it well. Im proud of you, I said, trying to smile. He reached up a little and kissed me. I love you! I told him. I love you! He sat next to me on the swing and I cuddled up to him.

Chapter Twenty Rain

We went out at 11a.m. and drove deep into the countryside. Eligos and Danny got in my car while the others piled into Lucians. Luckily hed brought his dads SUV, so he could fit everyone in. Once we were in a safe place we parked the cars and walked into one of the fields. All of them were excited, especially Lily; this was all new to her. I wanted to be excited for her, but I was still so pissed off with Tyler that I found it hard to be happy. OK, Eligos said, You can face off against each other. If anyone gets hurt either Eligos or myself will heal you, so don't worry, but please don't kill each other, I added.

What about me? Im new to all this, Lily asked a little worried. You stay with me, I told her. Go on, Ill watch the others, Eligos said. Take her over there and teach her. I kissed him and then walked a few hundred yards away with her. Are you OK? she asked me. Tyler just winds me up. Oh ignore him! Eligos knows you love him. I don't think he knows just how much though. He will one day, she assured me. Lets forget about that for now. Lets concentrate on you, I said. OK, what are we going to do? Defense first, I think, I said as I looked around me. OK, go stand about thirty feet away from me. What are you going to do? Attack you with things, youre going to block them or destroy them. I don't know how much power you have in you now; it will be different from mine and the others. So we will experiment. Err, OK, Ill try. Remember, Lily, instincts.

Her eyes turned black as mine turned white. I threw an energy ball at her and she moved to the side quickly. Use your power, I told her. I threw another one at her and this time she threw one herself. When they met in the air they cancelled each other out. Hey, did you see what I did? she shouted, getting all excited. Good, I smiled. This time I threw two at her, one from each hand. She sent a small shockwave out to cancel them. OK, good, I said. Now, if I throw an object at you, you should hopefully be able to destroy it before it touches you. A large piece of wood ripped itself off the fence surrounding the field. I moved my hand quickly and it went flying toward her. She put her hand up and sent energy at it, smashing it into tiny pieces. I sent a shockwave towards her and she levitated above it. Everything I sent at her she either blocked or destroyed. OK, youre doing well, I told her. Now, do something of your own, show me something, I said, sitting down on the grass. Like what? I don't know anything. The ground beneath us started to tremble a little and the wind suddenly picked up and blew ice cold. Im impressed, I said.

Err, Keira, Im not doing this. KEIRA! Jake shouted. IS THAT YOU? THAT WIND IS FREEZING. NO! I shouted back as I jumped to my feet. Lily ran over to me and we both made our way to the others quickly. Whats going on? Danny asked, looking around. Somethings here, Eligos said eyes now red. All of us stayed close to each other. Looking around us, we waited for someone or something to attack us. I cant Tyler went to say, before an invisible force hoisted him in the air and threw him into Lucian. Shit! Eligos said. Everyone to the cars, NOW! He grabbed my hand at the same time I grabbed Lily, and we all ran as fast as we could to the cars. Eligos and I made sure everyone was inside with the doors locked before we got in mine. Lily squeezed into Lucians and sat on Jakes knee on the front passenger seat. Whats going on? I asked him. We cant fight them, we cant see them yet. What are they? I don't know, but until they take form we cant fight them. Get us all out of here.

I was about to start the engine when all the windows in my car shattered. I turned quickly to see if the others had been attacked but they hadn't. They were staring out of the window with looks of horror on their faces. I could see they were struggling to get out of the car, but something was stopping them. They want us, not your friends, Eligos said, opening the passenger door. I thought you said we couldnt fight them, I said, grabbing his arm. Were going to have to try. I opened my door and got out of the car. Both of us stood together a few feet away from it. Id put your game face on, he said to me. Show them youre a demon, not just someone with power. I did as he told me and stood there waiting to see what or who would come at us. My car suddenly flew into the air and halfway across the field, before hitting the ground again and bursting into flames. YOU BASTARDS! I shouted, I LOVED THAT CAR. There was a loud bang as the car exploded, sending pieces of metal and tires everywhere. Oh when I get my hands on you I will kill you, I said through gritted teeth. Then something hit us both and sent us flying against Lucians car. Are you OK? I asked him, picking myself up off the ground.

Peachy, he said in an annoyed tone. How can we win this? I don't know, Im thinking. Keira, Eligos, run! I could hear Lily shouting. Make it rain, Eligos said to me. Why? If the rain hits them, we may be able to see their outline. Dark clouds formed above the field and heavy rain began to fall. A moment later I could make out three shapes heading quickly towards us. The rain had worked its magic and made it so we could just about see them. Eligos had seen them too and sent flames out towards them while I threw static electricity at them from each of my fingers. The creatures, or whatever they were, screamed out in pain; their cries were so loud and high-pitched that my ears started to hurt. I made lightning strike them all again and again, until finally they seemed to explode. See, Eligos said, sometimes its not the actual fight that's hard; its working out how to fight them. That was good thinking, I said, walking over to him checking that he was OK. Don't worry about me; it takes a lot to hurt me. Are they dead? No, just injuredTheyll leave and heal themselves rather than carry on attacking us and risk being killed.

The rain stopped falling and the sky returned to normal. The others had by now been able to get out of the car and made their way over to us. Are you OK? Danny and Lily asked us both. Fine, Eligos said. No, I told them. They completely destroyed my car, how the bloody hell am I supposed to fix it when half of its gone? Keira, Eligos said sincerely, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, theres no easy way to say this, so Ill just come out with it. You may have to buy a new car. Shut up! I said, elbowing him in his ribs. I loved that car. What are we going to do now? Danny asked. Im going home, I told them. Im in a bad mood now. I can make two trips, Lucian said. Its OK, mate, Eligos said. Ill take me and Keira back; well see you there. Hang on a minute; I need to get rid of the car. I cant just leave it there, I told him. I did the same with my car as I had with the old windows from my house. The Earth opened up and swallowed it, before closing itself up again. Ready now? Eligos asked me. Yeah, I answered, turning to the guys. See you later.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I watched as I started to disappear. Everything went fuzzy for a moment and then we were in my living room. I flopped on the sofa and stared at the wall. Its only a car; it could have been worse, Eligos said, sitting next to me. I don't care; I hate losing things I love. Go out tomorrow and get a new one. No, Im going now, I told him, getting up. I called a taxi and wrote the guys a note telling them Id gone into town. Are you coming with me? I asked him. Yeah. We pulled in the drive in my new black SUV and saw Lucians car parked up. They heard my engine and came running out. Wow! Danny said as we got out of the car. That is nice. Thanks, but its not as good as my Hummer, I told him sadly.

Chapter Twenty-One Taken

When I opened my eyes the following morning it was still dark. I thought I had woken up too early until I realized I wasnt in my bed. I was lying on my back on something hard and cold. I went to move, but my arms and legs were caught on something, I tried to pull them free but no matter how hard I tried I couldnt release them. I tried to use my power but nothing happened. Nothing at all. It was as though all my power had been taken away from me. I started to panic and tried to tell myself I was just having a bad dream, then the place lit up. I looked around me. I was lying in a cave of some sort, and my arms and legs were tied to four metal poles sticking out of the stone floor. I looked above me and saw a symbol painted on the stone ceiling. It was a large circle, bigger than me, with lots of weird little drawings and symbols inside it. The only symbols I recognized were the pentagram in the center, and the elemental symbol for fire. The others just looked like scribbles or some form of writing Id never seen before. Wake up, Keira, I said to myself. Come on, snap out of it. But I couldnt wake up. I was panicking more and more. I started sweating from every pore in my body, and my breathing was getting worse and worse. I pulled and pulled at the poles but they didnt move. Oh I love to see people frightened, I heard a womans voice say. Please, do carry on. I looked around and saw a woman standing a few feet away from me. Her eyes were bright orange. Who are you? I asked. The one who is going to take great pleasure in torturing the Queens daughter, she grinned. What do you want? What have you done to me?

You cant escape me, youre trapped and powerless, so theres no point in trying, she said, pointing to the symbol above me. Oh yes, and I want you to scream. As she finished her sentence she threw some form of green energy at me from both of her hands. It ripped through me, and every muscle in my body seemed to cramp up. I screamed out in pain. More? she said as she increased the energy flow. STOP! I screamed. I felt like I was being ripped apart. I could hear her laughing at me. The more energy she sent, the more I screamed and the happier it made her. I was praying that the pain would make me pass out but I wasnt so lucky. She stopped the energy flow. Kill your friends, kill Eligos and Ill let you go, she said. Never! I told her. Have it your way then. The metal poles flew out of the ground, and my arms and legs were free. I tried to stand but she started waving her hands around and the poles hit me over and over again. One of them hit my left arm hard and I felt something snap. I cried out in pain before another pole went straight through my thigh. I hit the floor, now in tears, clutching my leg and shaking like a leaf in the wind. Think about what I said, she laughed. The three remaining poles flew towards her; she caught them and then walked away. I looked at my leg; the pole had gone through the back of my thigh and was sticking out of the front about an inch. I tried to pull it out

but whenever I pulled it, blood started gushing out and the pain was unbearable. ELIGOS!I screamed. ELIGOS, HELP ME, PLEASE! The room started spinning and then there was nothing. Hey, wake up! I heard the woman say. I felt something wet hit my face. I opened my eyes to see her standing a few feet away from me again. She had thrown cold water on me to bring me round. I don't remember telling you that you could pass out, she snapped. Youre not ruining my fun. You sick twisted bitch. Why thank you. Ill take that as a compliment. Now, we need to talk. I don't want to talk to you, I told her. Well then don't; you can just listen. I want you to kill your friends, and I want you to kill Eligos. You do that for me and Ill let you live. You can find new friends and a new lover, and live your life peacefully. Go to Hell. Been there, done that. Got very, no sorry, extremely fed up. I like it here, and so this is where I plan on staying. Youre not welcome here.

Well, I suppose Im not welcomed by you, but others welcome me, and the others that Im here with. At the end of the day, what you think is irrelevant. Its a shame, you know, someone with your power wasting their time with pathetic humans. You should be with us; humans are a plague on this Earth. They destroy everything and each other, but they are given such a beautiful place to live in. Yet we have Hell, no crystal-clear blue oceans, no seasons, no perfect sun shining on us. Jesus, we cant even watch the TV. Andandwe cant have children, not our own. Every woman should have the right to have a child, but no, not us. All because we made one mistake in lifewell, I don't think thats very fair, do you? I mean, surely you can under- Oh do shut up, youre making me feel sick. You know, if you truly want to torture me then just keep on talking, I would choose pain over listening to you going on about yourself any day, I told her nastily. Really? She stood up and threw an energy ball at me. I bit my tongue to try and stop myself screaming. I didnt want to give her the satisfaction. Last chance, Keira Screw you! I told her. She turned away from me and disappeared. I looked at my leg again. It wasnt a pretty sight; there was dried blood all over me and in a pool on the floor. It wasnt oozing out of the wound anymore; the pole was the only thing stopping me from bleeding to death. My arm was now black just above my elbow; the bruising had really come out. My mouth was so dry and my stomach was screaming at me, although I didnt feel hungry at all, just dehydrated. I lay on the floor for what felt like hours, drifting in and out of consciousness. I kept thinking about Eligos and the guys; did they know where I was? Would they come for me? Would Lilith know where I was; if so she would surely call to Eligos and send him

here, wouldnt she? But if he came here would he be hurt? Was this a trap? I finally managed to drag myself across the floor a little, but as soon as I was in line with the edge of the symbol on the ceiling, an invisible wall blocked my path. I lay down again and finally cried myself to sleep. I was rudely awakened by an energy ball hitting me. WAKE UP! the woman shouted. I didnt even look at her, which seemed to annoy her. She threw the energy at me again, but this time only from one of her hands. It still hurt like hell, and I couldnt help but moan with the pain. Then she threw energy balls continuously from her other hand. Now I screamed. Oh sorry, did that hurt? she asked when she finally stopped attacking me. My friends will find me and they will kill you, I told her, very slowly. Oh I doubt that. You see, since you wouldnt kill them, we had too. Rubbish! I said, hoping she was lying. Actually it isnt. Eligoswell, hes gone for good, and you see if you kill a demons soul thats it. Theyre gone and theyre never coming back. Ill give him this though; he fought as hard as he could. As for your pathetic little friends, they were no match for me. The males I killed rather quickly, but not too fast that we didn't have fun, but your little friend LilyOh how she screamed and cried. I had a lot of fun with her; she was in pieces when I left. You should have seen her face when I killed her lover in front of her. NOOOOO! I screamed.

Yeah, she was pretty upset, she said, smiling. Its your fault that happened you know. If you had done what I asked you could have made all their deaths quick. Im gonna kill you, I said, now in a flood of tears. Oh, Eligos said something before he died. He looked up and said, Lilith, tell Keira I love her, she said as she walked away again. I lay on the floor crying so much that it was hard for me to breath. How could she enjoy killing them? How could I go on living when everyone I loved was now gone? What must have been going through Lilys mind when that woman killed Jake? And Eligos, how, how could she have defeated him? How was I supposed to face each day without him. I knew one thing; I didnt want to live anymore.

Chapter Twenty-Two Missing Eligoss Story

I woke early and got up straight away. Once I was awake that was it, I could never get back to sleep. I got dressed and made my way to the kitchen. Lily was already up and cooking breakfast for us all. Good morning, I said. Morning, Eligos; youre up early. Are you OK? she asked. Yes, Im fine. Sometimes I just cant sleep for too long.

Yeah same here. Is Keira up yet? I don't think so. I didnt go in her room; I didnt want to risk waking her up, I said. She doesnt normally stay in bed late anyway; shell probably be down before this is cooked. Wheres Jake? Still sleeping; he sleeps like the dead. You two make a good couple, you know, I told her. Thank you; I think so too, she smiled. You and Keira do. I knew you would end up together. Ive always wanted her. I was just afraid if she saw the real me, well She loves you, more than anything in the world. I love her. Ive never been with anyone properly before. I never thought I was capable of loving anyone until I met her. Sheshe intoxicates me. Im glad you found each other. Its like Ive been waiting all my life to meet her. Theres never been anyone else in over four thousand years, and there never will be. What was it about her that got your attention? she asked me. Everything about her the way she looks, the way she talks, how she moves, breathes, everything.

Wow, you really do love her, don't you? I couldnt live without her now; I don't know how I ever did. She smiled at me then carried on making the breakfast. Once it was cooked we went upstairs to get Keira and Jake. I knocked on her door but got no answer. Im coming in, I said as I opened the door. I looked at her bed but she wasnt there. I looked through into the bathroom but there was no sign of her. Keira!, I shouted loudly but there was no response. Is she up? Lily shouted. I walked out of her room and into the hallway. Shes not there, I told her. Well, she hasnt left a note saying shes gone anywhere. Ill call her. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed Keiras number. I could hear the phone ringing and opened her bedroom door again; it was on her bedside table. No good, she hasnt taken it, I shouted to Lily. Thats odd, she always takes her phone, she said, walking into the room. I walked over to the window and looked outside.

Her cars still here, I told her. Ill check around the house; you check outside. I checked all the gardens but there was no sign of her. When I walked back into the house Lily told me she definitely wasnt in there. Maybe shes gone for a walk or something; she may have thought wed have been in bed longer, Jake said, joining us. Yeah maybe, Lily said. Come on, lets eat and wait for her. I sat in silence, not really eating much. I could feel there was something wrong. Eligos, I heard Lilith shout. Eligos, you must come now. I need to go, I told Jake and Lily. Liliths calling to me. When Keira gets back tell her to shout my name, just so I know shes OK. Will do. See you later, Lily said. I arrived at the Palace and walked down the long hallway. There were people running around everywhere. When I got closer to the main room I could hear Lilith shouting. I ran in wondering what was going on, only to see her standing with Lucifer and looking anxious. Oh thank God youre here! she cried, running up to me. Theyve taken her, theyve taken my daughter. Who has? Crystal has her somewhere.

Crystal, why would she take her? Because she has sided with the ones starting the war. Anger filled me, anger like I had never felt before, how dare she take my girl. Who the hell does she think she is taking her away from me like this? Eligos, I could feel her pain. Crystal is doing something to her. You must find her. Do you have any idea where they have taken her? We cant track Keira; its like shes disappeared, Lucifer told me, but we can try and track Crystal. How? Do you even have a clue as to her whereabouts? I asked him, quickly running out of patience. Shes not far from Keiras house, Hecate said, walking into the room. I can sense her. You need to come with me, I told her, Im going to need your help. Lets go, she said. Don't worry, Lilith. Ill find her and then Crystal is dead, I told her. Hecate and I teleported ourselves back into the house and into the kitchen. That was quick, Lily said. Hello, Hecate. Keiras been taken, I told them quickly. What! Lily and Jake both said, standing up.

A demon has her, and shes a very powerful demon too, Hecate told them. We need to find her as quickly as possible. How? Jake asked. By using me. I can track Crystal; its one of my powers. Im calling the others, Lily said. Hecate stood at the front door and closed her eyes for a few minutes. Can you get anything? I asked her. Patience, dear. No, the love of my life is out there somewhere; shes in trouble and could be hurtMaybe worse, so don't tell me to have patience. Just stay quiet, she said, closing her eyes again. A few minutes later Tyler, Lucian and Danny were with us. They went to say something but I put my hand up to them quickly and they fell silent. North, Hecate said. Take me north. Whats going on? Tyler asked Where is Keira? Lily can explain on the way. You all need to come. I don't know whos going to be there or how many, I told them all. Lily came running out with Jake. She threw me Keiras car keys then went to get in Jakes car with him. Hecate and I got into the SUV and I shot down the driveway. Just tell me when to stop or turn, I told her.

I will, she said, closing her eyes. All the time I was driving I was tapping the steering wheel. I was getting more and more anxious by the second. We drove north for about eight miles before she told me to stop. I slammed the breaks on. She got out of the car and looked around for a moment before getting back inside. I could see the guys waiting behind us, all of them looking around anxiously. Go west! Hecate told me. I put my foot down again and drove at high speed for around fifteen minutes, before she told me to head north again. We carried on north for another ten minutes before coming to a stop. Crystals around here somewhere, she told me as she got out of the car. Its dark where she is, and cold; theres no natural light. The others got out of the car and I told them what she had said. They all looked around. All we could see was countryside and hills, some of them very steep with a cliff face. Dark, no natural light and cold, Danny said. What about a mine or a cave? Get looking, I said as I teleported closer to the hills. Hecate ran over with the others, searching for holes in the ground or entrances into the cliff face. There didnt seem to be any openings to anything, anywhere. FOR GODS SAKE!I shouted, slamming my fist against one of the trees. I hit it so hard the tree snapped in half and the top half fell to the floor.

Eligos, calm down; well find her, Hecate told me. Oh we better, I told her. If she dies I die. Simple as that. IVE FOUND SOMETHING! Danny shouted. We all ran over to him. He was standing next to a large hole in the cliff face. Looks like a cave, Tyler said. It looks like you might have been right, I said to Danny. We all walked inside ready for a fight. The passage was very narrow so we had to walk in single file. It seemed to go on and on, but eventually we came to a large open area. Danny and Lucian developed an orb of light each to help us see. Shit, three paths! Lily said. Hecate, any ideas? I asked her. Yeah, the one on the right; she has been in there. I held my hand out in front of me and my sword appeared. Stay here, I told them all. No matter what you hear. If anything moves, kill it. OK, they all said. But if you hear Keira, find her! I ordered, before walking down the passage. As I walked down the passage I began to see a light. I quickened my pace and walked into another opening.

Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. Keira was on the floor, still in the shorts and top she wore for bed, barely conscious, and covered in blood. I got a burning sensation in my chest and anger and sadness filled every inch of me. KEIRA! I shouted. I started to run to her, and then I noticed the demons trap painted on the ceiling above her. Thats why she couldnt fight back; a demons trap renders any demon powerless and keeps them contained within its circle. I couldnt throw an energy ball at it for fear of the ceiling collapsing on her. But it was only painted on, and paint burns. I threw my hand up and sent flames up at it, the thick paint started to crack and burn, until there was a part of the circle missing. Once the circle was broken the spell it cast was broken too. I ran over to her. Her arm was black and obviously broken; a large metal pole had been run through her thigh. She was deathly pale and bruised everywhere. I didnt have time to heal her in here; I had to get her out. If Crystal came back and I was distracted, she could kill her while she was so weak. Keira, Keira, can you hear me, darlin, I said, stroking her face. She tried to say something but she didnt have the strength. Im gonna get you out of here! Youre going to be fine, but I need to lift you, and I may hurt you, so brace yourself as best you can. I gathered her in my arms trying my best not to catch her broken arm or her leg. I carried her through the passage and into the opening. Keira! Tyler and Lily shouted. Oh my God, whats happened to her, Danny said, running over. Shes been tortured, I said between gritted teeth.

Thats right, she has, Crystal said, coming out from one of the other passages. We had some fun Keira and IOh you should have seen her face when I told her you were all dead. Now youre gonna die, I told her. Take your best shot, she laughed. Eligos, you need to get Keira out of here. Look at her. Leave this bitch to us, Danny said. What if she I went to say. Were stronger now, Tyler said. Go, take care of Keira. Well join you soon. I went to walk out with Keira but turned to Danny before I headed for the entrance. Danny, I shouted. What? Hold your hand out. He did as he was told and my sword appeared in his hand. Kill her! I said bitterly. You have my word, he nodded, before turning to face her. I teleported us out of the cave and back to her house.

Chapter Twenty-Three Revenge

I could see my living room now; it was blurry but I knew which room I was in. I felt Eligos lay me on the sofa and saw him kneel down at the side of me. My whole body started tingling and I saw a bright white light, then the pins and needles came and I heard something drop on the floor. My vision slowly started returning to normal and I could see Eligos clearly. Keira say something, anything, he said to me softly. I love you. I love you, he smiled, stroking the side of my face. I thought you were dead, I managed to say. No, she lied. Im here with you, arent I? Where is everyone? Theyre at the cave taking care of Crystal. So thats her name. I gave Danny my sword so he could kill her completely. No, I want to kill her. Youre not strong enough to go back there, Keira. Yes I am, I said, sitting up.

I looked on the floor and saw the metal pipe that had been through my thigh. Anger rushed through me. All I could think about was revenge. Keira please, just let them take care Take me back! I told him. Right now. No. Eligos, you have no idea what she did and said to me. If anyone should get to kill her it should be me. Shell kill you. No, she wont. I reached out to the pole and it flew into my hand. I changed into my demonic form as he wrapped his arms around me and took me back to the cave. We appeared at the end of one of the passages. I saw that Tyler, Lucian and Lily were badly hurt; Hecate, Danny and Jake were still standing. ENOUGH! I shouted as I walked over to Danny and Jake. Get out of here. Were not leaving you, they told me. Then move! I turned to face Crystal. She was cut and bleeding, so they had obviously had some success. Eligos and Hecate went over to Lily, Lucian and Tyler, and started to heal them. Come back for more, have you? Crystal asked me, grinning.

No, I came back to do what I told you I would do. Im going to kill you. I bombarded her with energy balls and kinetic energy. Then I made the metal pole fly into her stomach. Hurts, doesnt it? I said just as the pole entered her. She screamed out in pain. Louder please! I like you screaming, I told her nastily. I walked over to her, still firing the energy at her, and then grabbed her head with both hands. Energy and electricity flowed into her. Her jaw clenched, her eyes started to bleed and she screamed even louder. Then I threw her against one of the walls. She hit it hard and fell to the floor. I threw the energy at her again for a moment before hoisting her into the air. Revenge is so sweet, I said, looking her in her eyes. Don't you agree? I walked over to Danny while she was still suspended in mid-air. He was looking at Crystal and grinning. I took Eligoss sword off him and walked back over to her. Her face changed completely. Whats wrong, Crystal? Are you scared? You should be. Goodbye, I smirked. I lowered her to the floor and waved the sword around in front of her a few times, before I swung it and decapitated her. She disappeared without a trace. Eligoss sword disappeared and I turned to face them all. Then my legs gave way underneath me and everything went black. When I woke up I was lying on my bed. Eligos was sitting beside me holding my hand.

Welcome back! he smiled. What happened? You collapsed. I told you, didnt I? You werent strong enough. I killed her, didnt I? That's all Im worried about. Yeah, you did, he nodded. What time is it? Just after 5p.m. How long have I been out of it? About four hours. Im so tired, I told him. You will be. You need to eat and then you need to relax. Everyone is downstairs waiting to see if youre OK, then theyre going home. OK. Oh and then Lilith wants to see you. She was really worried about you. I went to see her while you were sleeping to let her know we had you back. OK, lets get it all done then.

I got off the bed and got showered and changed, then he took my hand and led me downstairs. We walked into the living room and found them all watching the TV. Hey, Keira, Lucian said. All of them turned to look at me. How are you feeling? Jake asked me. Im OK, just really tired. What did she do to you? Tyler asked carefully. Id rather not talk about it. OK, Lily said. Do you want a drink or something to eat? No, Im fine thanks. I need to go and see Lilith. Oh, OK then. See you later. Eligos wrapped his arm around my waist and we went to the Palace. Lilith was waiting in a small room off the main hallway. When I walked in she came over and hugged me, before checking to make sure I wasnt hurt. Eligos healed me, I told her. I knew he would, she said, looking at him. Is Crystal definitely dead? Yeah, your daughter got her revenge, Eligos said.

Good, Im glad, although part of me wishes you had brought her here. Why? I asked. I would have shown her the real meaning of pain, she said nastily. She would have begged for death. She didnt let her go peacefully, Eligos told her, smirking. She was in a lot of pain before your sweet little daughter decapitated her. Good! Lilith smiled. Right, as long as youre OK Ill let you go. No doubt youre tired and your friends will want to be with you. Im fine, Ill see you soon. She hugged me again and then me and Eligos left the Palace. He wanted to go to his place to get changed and pick a few things up. I sat down in his living room while he gathered his things, then he came to join me. You know for the first time in my life I was actually really scared, he told me as he sat down. Were you? I thought Id lost you. I was trying my best not to show my fear, so the guys wouldnt worry more than they already were. But on the inside I just wanted you in my arms. I wanted you to look me in the eyes and smile at me. Well, thanks to you, I said, moving so I was sitting on his knee, I am OK.

If it would have been left to me to deal with Crystal, I still would have been torturing her. You know, I cant say that I wasnt in pain because I was, but it was nothing compared to how I felt when she told me she had killed you, I said, stroking the side of his face. She said the last words you said were Lilith, tell Keira I love her. I felt like my heart had been ripped out. I just wanted to die. Well, Im glad you didnt; I couldnt have lived without you. You lived without me for a long time. Yes I did. But I honestly don't know how. I don't want to be without you. You never will be.

Chapter Twenty-Four Romance

More than two weeks had passed since Crystal had taken me, and everything had been quiet. Eligos had stayed with me every night since; he was still worried in case someone else tried to get me. He would lie on top of the duvet and hold me in his arms all night. Whenever I told him to get in he would shake his head and tell me we hadn't been together long enough, and that he didnt trust himself with me. I tried to tell him I didnt mind, but he shut me up each time. Lily thought it was really sweet but I

didnt; I actually wanted him to get in with me, but I never seemed to get my own way with him. That was something I would have to start working on. Eligos had started teaching the guys how to use some of the weapons he got from Hell swords, maces, spears and many more obscure things Id never seen before. All of them were doing really well, especially Danny; he spent hours messing around with everything. If we werent doing anything exciting, he would go into the garden and practice some more. Sometimes Eligos would go out with him and fight him, obviously not properly. Eligos was an incredible fighter and a lot stronger than Danny, so he had to hold back a lot. It brought the two of them closer though, which was really nice. Jake had always gotten along with Eligos. Lucian was pleasant with him and Tyler, well, he was however he felt like being on the day. But Eligos liked Danny; they had the same outlook on things, and Danny wanted to learn as much as he could from him. While they were playing around I would see how Lily was getting on with her new power. She was doing really well and she was learning how to fight properly with it. Lily and Jake had closed the shop and had it on the market. Neither of them liked it anymore and they didnt want to be at work if something happened. They spent most of their time keeping fit now; they would go out in the morning and run about six miles, then they would go out for a long walk in the evening. We turned one of the spare rooms on the first floor into a gym, which all of us used, but they were in there more than anyone else. We had had all the guys parents round for dinner again and this time we had a really nice night. I was nervous all the way through the night though, just in case something happened, Eligos and Tyler noticed and tried to keep my mind off what happened in the past. Their parents seemed to like Eligos too, and he didnt hide himself from them. They asked what happened and he didnt mind telling them. Melanie, Jakes mom, got really annoyed for him, and said she hoped one day he could get his own back on the bastard who did it to him.

Soon after that I went out with Lily. We went shopping and bought a few new tops and CDs. We went for a walk along the harbor and had lunch in the caf where we first went when we arrived in Salem. We didnt get home till around seven and we were both starving. Lily was about to cook us something when Eligos walked into the kitchen. Don't cook her anything, Lily, he told her. Why not? she asked. Im taking her out. Where? I asked him. Do you like Italian? I do, yes. Good, because thats where were going. Now go and get changed; if youre hungry we can go now. Give me ten minutes, I said, walking upstairs. I changed into a nice, sexy black dress. I put all my hair down and even wore high-heeled strappy shoes, which wasnt like me. When I walked down the stairs I saw Eligos in the hall waiting for me. Wow! we both said at the same time. Both of us laughed. He looked amazing. He had jet-black jeans on, a black silk shirt and a red tie; he had really smart black shoes on and a thigh-length black coat. His hair fell perfectly, slightly over his left eye, exactly the way it was the first day I met him. When I walked closer to him I saw he had cast the spell on his face; he said he wasnt in the mood to be stared at. He wanted to have a nice night with me. We told Lily not to wait up and that we would see her tomorrow.

He drove us to the restaurant in town. He opened all the doors for me and wouldnt let me pay for anything. We sat at a table next to the window and ordered our food. I wasnt expecting this, I smiled. Well, we havent done anything together except fight, and I think we need a bit of normality in this relationship, don't you? Yeah, I do. We havent even been on a date, so I thought we deserved one. How did you know about this place? I asked him. I asked Danny. I don't know the town and told him I wanted to take you out. He said this was the nicest restaurant in town. It is, but its also the most expensive. Don't worry about the cost, just enjoy yourself. Money isnt a problem, he told me as he poured me a glass of wine. You cant put a price on happiness. You know when I first met you, I wouldnt have thought you had a romantic bone in your body. Part of me didnt want you to like me, so I tried to be as sarcastic as possible instead of nice. That didnt last long though, did it? I said, smirking. I couldnt help myself.

I remember telling Lily that I had to stop thinking about you and liking you. I told her Id never get to be close to you and that you didnt like me in a romantic way. What did she say? She said it was obvious that you did, and that one day I would see it for myself. I used to moan to her constantly, I confessed. About me? Yeah, I kept telling her how much I wanted you and how you never got close to me. Im sorry, he said, reaching over the table and holding my hand. Ive got you now, thats all that matters. The waitress came over with our food and lit a few candles on the table. I used to go home, look in the mirror and shout at myself, he told me. Id stand there shouting, You idiot, she will never want you and Show her what you are, let her be disgusted and then get over her. But I didnt want to get over you; I wanted to be with you so much. I understand why you thought you had to hide, and I wont ever hold it against you. We enjoyed our meal and then went for a slow walk along the harbor. It was a beautiful clear night and the moon was full; the light from it reflecting off the sea. We had our arms around each other as we walked and talked about everything. When we reached the end of the deck we sat down for a while, looking out across the ocean.

You know, Crystal said she wanted to stay here. She said it was so beautiful compared to Hell, I said. I can understand her in a way, but its no excuse for what they are doing. They can come here whenever they want, and stay as long as they want. As long as they don't cause harm and they don't expose themselves, nobody would care, he said. They wouldnt be able to stay in the same place too long though, would they? No, I think people would question why they didnt age. Did you spend a lot of time here before you met me? No, not really. Id come every now and again, just to see how the times were changing. Other than that, I was OK where I was. Didnt you ever get fed up of being alone? I did, but not very often. If I had nothing to do and I was just at home, then I would think Wouldnt it be nice to have someone to come home to. But other than that I was OK; Id gotten used to it. Like Ive said, Id never been interested in anyone anyway. I thought I was meant to do my job and that was it. Well, you do know youre stuck with me now, don't you? I hope so. We stayed out another hour or so before heading home. When we pulled in the drive we saw the house was dark. Lily and Jake must have gone to bed early. We walked in and locked up. Do you want me to stay like this? he asked me as we curled up on the sofa in the living room.

No I don't. Are you sure? Do I have to slap you? I smirked. I just wondered that's all; you may have wanted a nice face to look at. Right, thats it. I grabbed one of the cushions and hit him with it repeatedly. It turned into full-scale war. I ran out and he chased me down the hallway and into my room. I grabbed one of my pillows and threw it at him, then tried to run into the bathroom before he could get me back. Just as I got to the doorway he grabbed me and started tickling me. I tried to break free from him but I had no strength through laughing. He picked me up and threw me on the bed. He ended the spell and his face went natural as he stood at the end of the bed and stared at me. I sat up, grabbed his tie and used it to pull him down on to the bed. He lay over me, looking me in my eyes and stroking the side of my face. I pulled myself up and kissed him. The kiss became more and more passionate as he ran his hand down the side of my body. My stomach did a somersault as I realized I was finally going to get my own way with him.

Chapter Twenty-Five Point Reyes Station

I woke up around eleven the next morning, which was unusual for me; normally Im up at the crack of dawn. I was lying on my side with Eligos snuggled up behind me; his arm was wrapped around me and his head was resting against the back of mine. I lay there for a while stroking his arm and smiling to myself; Id always wanted to be like this with him and now, finally, I was. Last night was amazing; every time I thought about it I got butterflies in my stomach. I was in a world of my own when he lifted his head and saw that I was awake. Good morning, he said, squeezing me and kissing my shoulder. How long have you been awake? Only about ten minutes. I turned around so I was facing him, and we wrapped our arms around each other. Even though he had just woken up, he still looked gorgeous. His eyes were closed but he knew I was staring at him, and he smiled slightly. What are you smiling at? I asked. I know youre watching me; I can feel your eyes burning through my head. I wasnt actually. Liar. Oh well, maybe I was, I cant help it. He opened his eyes and stared at me for a moment. Do we have to get up today? he asked, smirking. Not re I was interrupted by Lily banging on my bedroom door.

Keira, hey, wake up! she shouted. I am awake. Im coming in, Eligos isnt she started to say as she walked in the room. Im not what? he asked her. up walking around or in your room, she said, a big grin appearing on her face. Hmmmm, have a good night did we? Very, he told her. Good, well you can be happy about it later; theres something you both need to see, she said as the grin left her face. Cant you just tell us? I groaned. No, you really need to come down. She had turned serious now, and that meant something wasnt right. She walked out of the room while we got washed and dressed, then we reluctantly made our way downstairs. When we walked in the living room Jake and Lily were waiting for us. We didnt have to ask them what the problem was; they had the news channel on. The anchor man said:

Relatives of the residents of Point Reyes Station, California are at a loss as to what to do next. Jonathan Tanner was the first to notice there was something wrong in the small town when he went to surprise visit his aunt

yesterday morning. Our correspondent Clare Williams is on location with Mr Tanner. Thank you, Robert. Yes the town has a very eerie feel about it this morning. This is usually a busy little community, but today the streets are empty, and the shops are still burning. Schools are destroyed, and there isnt a soul to be seen. Im here with Jonathan Tanner who was the first person to discover the strange disappearance of the residents and the destruction of the town Jonathan, can you tell me what happened when you first arrived yesterday morning? I drove here to surprise my aunty who I hadn't seen for over three years. She lived on the outskirts of the town. At first I was driving through the woods and everything seemed OK, I could smell something burning but I just thought it was someone burning wood. When I got to the start of the town I couldnt believe my eyes. All the buildings were either on fire, burned to a cinder or they had collapsed. Automobiles were over turned; peoples belongings were all over the street. Kids bikes were bent and twisted out of shape and in the middle of the road What did you do next? I drove very slowly to where my aunt lived. Her house was burned to a cinder, and so were her neighbors houses. I ran around looking for people, but there wasnt a soul in sight. It was as though I was standing in the middle of a war zone, but without the people. I searched everywhere for people, but the church, the shops, parks, police station, everything, was destroyed. Thats when I knew I had to get to another town and tell them what I knew. Thank you, Jonathan

I sat down on the sofa with Eligos in silence and turned the TV up. What the hell was going on? How could a town be destroyed over night? I carried on listening to the reporter:

Police and the FBI are at a loss, along with the townsfolks relatives. It seems this small town of around 1000 people has been wiped out overnight. I also have Detective James Valero from San Francisco here with me. Detective, what can you tell us up to now? I really don't know what to tell you. Ive never seen anything like it. We have forensic teams searching through the debris but as of yet they havent found anything. Firemen and police officers have been searching through the rubble and the surrounding woodland, but they havent found any bodies. Its as though everyone who lived here has just disappeared

What's going on? I said out loud. How can so many people go missing? Ive been thinking the same thing since I first heard the story, Jake told me. Come on, darling, youre the one who knows all about wars. Help us out here, I said, turning to Eligos. Theyre recruiting, he explained, standing up and walking towards the window. Their confidence is growing. They started by taking a few families and now they attack a small town. Recruiting for what? What are they going to do next? Tyler asked, walking into the room with Lucian and Danny.

We heard about it earlier this morning and thought we best come over, Lucian said, sitting next to me. Theyre recruiting for the war. Theyre taking people, killing them so their bodies can be possessed. If they have managed to do this, I dread to think what they will do next, Eligos continued. Do you think they will attack more towns? Danny asked him. Yes I do. If I was starting a war, thats what I would do. What about the police though; surely they will catch on. That demons are kidnapping people? I hardly think so. Hes right, I added, People wont have a clue what's happening. Theyll probably blame the government. Possibly accuse them of weapons testing or something. I agree, Eligos said. Similar things have happened before. Like what? Tyler asked. Like things I don't want to discuss, thank you. All those poor people! Lily whispered. What about the children? What would have happened to them? Theyre not big enough to fight, she asked, looking at Eligos. They will have been killed he told her. Why though? Why not just leave them there? They havent done anyone any harm.

Because thats how they are, Tyler said nastily while looking at Eligos. Demons, theyre nothing but heartless, torturing, sick, twisted and demented bastards. HEY! I shouted, standing up. Im not any of those things and Im a demon. Neither is Eligos. Really? he said, walking so he was standing around a foot or so away from Eligos. He said it himself: if he was starting the war he would do it. Tyler, Im going to say this once, shut your mouth and get out of my face, Eligos warned, glaring at him. No, come on, demon, tell them all what else you would do, given half the chance? TYLER! I yelled. Shut up, Keira! That pushed Eligoss patience and temper to the limit and he snapped. He punched Tyler and sent him flying over the coffee table and on to the floor. He was out cold, blood running from his nose. Lily and Lucian ran over to help him and to try and bring him round. The next time he gets in my face like that Ill do a lot more than just punch him, Eligos shouted before he walked out of the room. I ran out after him. He walked into the garden and sat on the swing. Calm down! I said. Hes a pathetic child and I don't know how you all put up with him. Id have killed him by now.

He only does it because you have Keira, Danny added, joining us. He stood in front of Eligos. Ive known Tyler all his life and I was always closer to him than Jake and Lucian were. Ive never seen him like this before; hes completely changed. He hates you, not because of what you are or who you are, but because of whose heart you own .He wants Keira and he wants her to want him. Tough shit! I said. If he likes me that much he should want me to be happy. If he doesnt back off and behave himself, hell end up with more than a bruised face, Eligos said, standing up. I need to get out of here for a while. Where do you want to go? I asked him. Im going home for a while. OK, I said, standing up too. On my own, Keira, he told me as he started to disappear. If you need me, shout. A second later he was gone. I sat back down on the swing and Danny sat next to me. Will he be OK? he asked me. Yeah, he probably just needs to calm down. Youre not impressed, are you? Not in the slightest. Im getting really fed up now. All I want is to be happy and for people to be happy for me. If the shoe was on the other foot I would be happy for them.

I know you would. Maybe that punch will teach him a lesson. I doubt it, I sighed, rolling my eyes. You know part of me just wants to run away. What, from everyone? No, not everyone, just him, but this is just how its going to be and Im going to have to get used to the horribleness. I told Danny I would talk to him later and made my way upstairs to the gym room. I spent an hour attacking the punching bag. Ive never punched or kicked something so much in my life. I punched it so hard my hands swelled up. Nobody came in to see me. I think they all knew I was annoyed. All I wanted was for everyone to get along: surely that wasnt too much to ask? It had taken me months to get Eligos to let his guard down, and to let me in; now I had him, I didnt want anything to ruin it. I loved him so much, and now I knew he loved me, I just wanted us to be happy together. What would Tyler do or say next? Surely Danny must be right. Hed pushed him enough now and hed have the bruise to prove that. Would he really want to go down that road again? He knows he wouldnt stand a chance against Eligos, none of us would. Once Id finished in the gym, I got in the shower and got dressed before making myself some lunch. Lily came into the kitchen after me and shut the door behind her. Are you OK? she asked me. Yes. I heard you in the gym; you were swearing your head off in there. I was annoyed at what had happened and I needed a release.

When is Eligos coming back? she asked. I don't know, why? I just wondered. I don't blame him for knocking Tyler out. I wouldnt want Jake letting someone tell me to shut up like that either. That isnt why he hit him; hes sick of Tyler being funny with him. Ill tell you something else too, its a good thing Eligos held back; otherwise he could have killed Tyler. Hes pure demon, don't forget. He is incredibly strong, he has to be careful when hes messing around with me or even holding my hand; the life in me means I still feel pain easilyWhy cant Tyler just stop being a jerk? Because he is Tyler. How long has Eligos been gone? she asked. Nearly two hours, but to him it will be nearly eight. He must be really annoyed. Can you blame him, really? I said, making myself coffee. Ill have coffee, too, please, she said, passing me a mug. You both need to ignore Tyler; once he sees he isnt getting a reaction he will stop. Eligos didnt rise to him at all at first and he still carried on. Yeah, good point. You know, there are still things you don't know about me, and if things carry on the way they are at the moment. I may just show you one thing, I said, passing her the mug of coffee. Like what?

It doesnt matter. Keira, tell me, she said, sitting at the breakfast bar. Ill put it like this, when I said that, once I die again, Ill be able to go to Hell forever, I don't actually have to wait to be killedI could find out how to get the life taken away again. Why would you do that? To be with Eligos, with my mother, where I belong. But we wouldnt see you again. she said sadly. You would. You could call out to me any time like I do with Eligos, or you could always summon me. Dont forget, once I get my seal, you can summon me whenever you like. I can come and go as I please. Im not the king or queen, so Im not limited to how much time I can spend on Earth. Keira, you can be with Eligos here. Not all the time. Hes only here so much now because of whats going on. Once its finished, I cant expect him to stay on Earth. Hell want to spend time at home. I don't want to lose him, Lily, so I will want to spend time there with him too, without being on a bloody time limit. How long can you spend there? No longer than twelve Earth hours, not while there is life in this body. God, I wish Id never been given life again. I wish I could have just stayed a demon through and through. Why did you take it?

So as not to raise any more questions than necessary. When you die and the life leaves you, the demon in you takes over and your body changes. I mean I know Im pale, but you go really pale; just look at Eligos. You never get any blemishes, spots, freckles or anything. Also my body temperature decreases, Im not freezing cold, but Im always cool, never hot. I can feel the heat but, unless I was in the sun, my skin would stay cool. I wouldnt have a heartbeat and I would be incredibly strong. How would I have been able to get on with my life here and go unnoticed if I was like that? I know Eligos does, but hes had practice; he can control his strength. I would be new to it all so it would be really hard. Plus Lilith knew if I stayed as I was when I was dead, I wouldnt have been here as much. That means all of you could get hurt and she needs you to fight, not die. How would you die then unless something actually killed you? I don't know, I lied. Thats something she never told me, just in case I used it I suppose. But surely if it was what you truly wanted, she would understand. She would, but it would have to be for a reason that she agreed with. You are considering asking her how to do it, arent you? I will ask her if anything else happens. Well, then I hope to God nothing else does happen. I don't want you to leave us, she said sadly. I walked up to her and hugged her for a moment.

No matter what, if ever you needed me, all you would have to do is call my name, and I would come back to see you, any time, any day, anywhere. I know. Come on; lets see if theres been an update on the disappearances. We walked into the living room. All the guys were watching some reality TV show. Tylers face was starting to bruise already; he looked over at me for a moment, and then turned away again without saying a word. Put the news on. I want to see if theyve found anything yet, I told them. Danny changed the channel and moved up on the sofa so I could sit down.

The police believe they have found a connection to another incident that shook the nation only a couple of months ago. Im joined once again by Detective James Valero. Detective, whats the update? We cant be certain but we are thinking this incident may be related to the missing bodys case that happened a couple of months ago. Forensics have found traces of sulphur on some of the wrecked automobiles and on some parts of buildings that are still intact. Have the police got any leads yet on the missing bodies incident? No, the case is still on-going, but hopefully we may be able to find more clues here and then be able to the link the two incidents properly. If that happens we should be able to find the person or persons responsible and justice will be served.

Yeah, right, how exactly are you going to deal with a demon army? Danny asked. Id love to see their faces if they saw just a few of the things weve seen. This is even more serious than we thought, I told them. Think about it, bodies disappearing, a whole town wiped out overnight; it wont be long before you start getting religious groups saying the Apocalypse is coming. Can you imagine if this happens again, if another town disappears, it could cause riots, warMore innocent people will die. I never thought of that, Lucian added. No, neither did I, Danny frowned. Someone needs to consult people in Hell, see what they know, Tyler snapped. Do you think we havent been trying to find out whos behind this? Eligos said as he appeared by the side of the window. Weve known about this for a long time, before all you guys even knew Keira existed, and we are still no closer to finding the one responsible. How long? Lily asked him. We found out a few months before your grandparents died. Your grandparents knew about it so I don't know why you didnt.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Everyone was silent. Nobody knew their grandparents had any idea what was going on. I knew the guys didnt know anything, and I knew for a fact my granddad hadn't mentioned anything to me, not even in the notes he left for me. All we knew up until this point was that they had all died on March 12th at 11.30a.m. and that they had told us we needed to find each other. We all knew there was something strange about it, since they all died at the same time, but we didnt know what. I take it they never mentioned anything then, Eligos said. Nothing at all, well, apart from the messages they gave us about finding each other, Lucian told him. What were the messages? Find the missing link, for only that one has the power you will need, Danny said. My grandfather said, You will need to reunite if you want to live through this; there is one out there with power much greater than yours, Tyler added. Do not think you can do this without the missing power, if you try youll fail, Jake told him. Mine simply said, You must find Putnam, Lucian said. And what did yours say, Keira? Eligos asked me.

He said he always knew I was the one with the strongest and purest, and that the extra power runs through my veins. He said he knew from the moment I was born. And didnt that make you ask questions? They died just after saying those sentences, Lucian explained. Our parents didnt know what they meant and we never got time to ask. Im sorry, Eligos said. I didnt know it happened like that. Its OK, don't worry about it. What do you know that we don't? Tyler asked him, nicely for a change. I know that all your grandfathers, I mean the fellas grandfathers, knew Keira was alive; they had also been in touch with Keiras grandfather. How do you know this? I asked him. Its my job to know, he told me. They all met up, not long after Keiras father died. They summoned the spirit of John Putnam. My ancestor! I said shocked. Yes, thats how they all found out you were more powerful than the guys. Your grandfather already knew but the others didnt, so John explained. He told them his grandmother was a powerful witch and he thought she had demon blood inside her, and that it would have been passed on to you. He told them that something was coming, but he didnt know when. He said they would know when it had started. When

they all got sick they knew it had begun. That's probably why they told you to find each other. If they knew where Keira was, why didnt they tell us? It would have helped, Jake asked. I dont know. How do you know all this? Lily asked him. Keiras family has been watched by Lilith since Elizabeth was given the power. Even more so since Keira was born. Is John in Hell? I asked. No, he is in Heaven. He wasnt a demon, and he never caused anyone any harm. What about Elizabeth, and the other female born into my family? The younger girl is in Heaven, although I don't know why since she had a form of Liliths power in her. Elizabeth was sent to the Pits after she came to see you. Why? I asked annoyed. Because she gave you false information. She knew you were Liliths daughter and yet she told you it was her that got you the power. She never told you that you were related to Lilith and that really annoyed her. Are our grandfathers in Hell? Jake asked. No, they were good people so they are in Heaven, he told them all. I want you to take me to Lilith, I told Eligos.

Why? Ive got a bone to pick with her. No way, Im not taking you there for an argument. I need to speak with her. No, sorry, she was going into a meeting anyway, so she will be tied up for a while, he said. Liar. Excuse me, why would I lie? he asked, a little annoyed. To stop me from screaming at her. I told you where she was, simple as that. Ill take you later when she will be free and you have calmed down. Whatever! I said, turning away from him. Eligos, why didnt they bring the families back together? Danny asked him. If they knew something was coming, surely they should have brought us together. I don't know. Maybe they didnt want you living on edge all the time. But that's just a guess. Could we summon their spirits? Jake asked him. MaybeI don't see why not; there are a few of you and youre all strong. Plus if your grandfathers could do it, theres no reason you shouldnt be able to. Not that I can see anyway. I think we should try, Tyler said, standing up.

Do you know how to summon something? I asked him. No, but I bet Eligos does, he said, turning to look at him. Correct, Eligos replied. You will need a quiet room, a lot of patience and concentration, some incense and a candle. It would also help if you had something that belonged to them. I have my granddads notebook, I told him. And I have my granddads ring on, Danny added. That should do it. You cant expect to get all of them here, but two may be possible, Eligos told us. What are we waiting for then? Tyler said. What exactly do you want them to come for? Lily asked. So we can ask why they kept us apart and to see if they know who is doing this, Lucian told her. Which room can we use, Keira? Jake asked. There are still a couple of rooms on the top floor that havent been touched yet. We can take the coffee table up and some cushions to sit on. Ive got some incense sticks, Lily said. And there are loads of candles in this house. Ill grab one on the way upstairs. Ill go and get my granddads book and meet you in the room. Use the one on the far west of the house, I told them. Its bigger. Danny, Jake, will you get the cushions please? Tyler, can you get the table with Lucian?

Eligos followed me. Why are you getting snappy with me? he asked, turning me to face him and wrapping his arms around my waist. I don't mean to. Im just annoyed with Lilith; Elizabeth was really nice to me. If she hadn't have come to see me I may never have learned about Lilith. Im sorry I was snappy with you. I understand, he said before kissing my forehead. Have you calmed down now? More or less, I just couldnt help it before, Tyler really pisses me off. I know, don't worry! No one was upset with you for doing it. I think theyve been waiting for that to happen for a while. Good, next time I wont be as nice though. Nice! I smirked. Ill knock his head clean off next time. Well, hopefully there wont be a next time. We stood there cuddling each other for a moment and then made our way to the end room. Everyone except Lily and Eligos sat around the table. Eligos talked us through what we had to do. Danny took his grandfathers ring off and placed it in the middle of the table. I put my grandfathers notebook next to the ring. Eligos lit some of the incense sticks around the room, while Lucian lit the candle and placed it between the book and the ring.

Okay, Keira and Danny, you need to think about your grandfathers for a few minutes, Eligos said. Both of us closed our eyes. I kept seeing my granddad sitting in the rocking chair in his house in West Chester, reading to me when I was a child. I would sit on the rug in front of him and listen to him. OK, now you need to call out to them, he continued. Call their names and tell them you need their guidance, tell them they need to come to you. All of you open your minds and your hearts. Joseph Goodwin, Danny said, we need your guidance, we need your help, please come to us. Patrick Jameson, I said, come here this instant! Tyler started giggling. He used to say that to me if Id been naughty when I was a child. Hed stand with his hands on his hips and say Keira Jameson, come here this instant. Come on, granddaddy, Danny said. I used to call him that if I was creeping for something. I giggled at him and opened my eyes. We waited and waited but nothing happened. We kept calling out to them but still nothing happened. In the end I started to get annoyed. I stood up and kicked the table over in temper. Come on, old men. If you had been straight with us from the start we wouldnt be bothering you now, would we? Now show yourselves and tell us what you know, I shouted, looking around the room, COME ON, YOU OWE IT TO US! I shouted even louder. I don't think that's going to work do Lucian went to say.

Two figures started to appear in the corner of the room. When they had fully formed they walked over to us. I didnt know the man standing to the right, but the man on the left was my grandfather. He stood there smirking, and then he put his hands on his hips. Keira Jameson, come here this instant! he said, now smiling. I ran over to him and threw my arms around him. He felt warm and even smelt the same as he used to. I could see Danny beside me hugging his grandfather. We havent got long, my grandfather warned me. I stood back a little and introduced everyone to him quickly. So you are the missing link, Joseph said to me. Youre not what I expected. Sorry to disappoint. Oh no, I didnt mean it like that. I meant I wasnt expecting such a beautiful young woman. I blushed a little and smiled at him. Now, why have you called us here? he asked. Why didnt you tell us you knew Keira existed? Lucian asked. We wanted to but we didnt want you to start questioning why We had a right to know, and Keira was on her own after losing you, Tyler said to my grandfather.

I know, lad, I wasnt happy with myself for keeping it from her. But she had lost her father, and I knew she was going to lose me; I just didnt know when. I didnt want to tell her that. I didnt want to frighten her. But, I did intend on telling her before my time came; sadly I never got the chance. Bull! Tyler snapped. I was sick for a long time, we all were, and there were days when I couldnt move a single muscle in my body. I couldnt talk or communicate in any way. I left a book for you; I started it just before the illness took over me. I couldnt write everything down fast enough, so it was pretty vague I know. In the book you told me not to believe I had demon blood inside me. Why when you knew it was true, if John Putnam told you about it? I asked. I honestly didn't believe it, Keira. I thought it was a load of garbage. What about you, Joseph? Jake said. Why didnt you tell Danny, or your son? By the time we knew the war was starting it was too late; we couldnt talk properly. It was as though we were being silenced. Every time I tried to warn him, my voice would be taken from me; my body would stiffen, so I couldnt even write it down for them. So you were being controlled. To an extent, yes, Joseph told us all. We didn't know how big this was going to be. After Keiras father died we thought something was attacking our families, but we didn't think thousands of people would die or get hurt.

Did you know I was Liliths daughter? I asked, looking at them both in turn. No, Joseph answered. If wed have known that, Patrick would have written it down for you. Granddad, do you know who is doing all this? Danny asked. No, my boy; nobody seems to know anything. Its very strange; someone somewhere has to know something. I think people do know who is behind it, but I think they may be afraid to tell anyone. How did you know it would come for you? Lucian asked them. Firstly it took Keiras father, which wouldn't have been easy. We knew then that something was wrong; why else would something target him and play with him so much? Secondly, her father said that when the demon that eventually killed him first attacked him, she told him he would be the first to die. And finally, we knew we were being watched; we could all feel it. Keira, my granddad said, it wasnt long after they killed us that other people with power started to disappear. These people who are being taken, they arent all being possessed. The followers of the one, or ones, starting the war are killing them. The more they kill, the less there will be to fight them when they attack full on. Did our parents know about Keira? Danny asked his grandfather. Only Lucian overheard We tried to tell them, but we didnt have the strength. Lucians grandfather told Michael you would need the help of the fifth bloodline, but that was all he managed to tell him before he lost consciousness. Could we fi Lily went to ask.

Im sorry, our time is up. We must go. You look after my granddaughter! my grandfather told Eligos. You have my word. They hugged us quickly again before disappearing. Well, that told us a lot, didnt it? Jake said sadly. I know, I sighed. Do you think other people with power know whats going on? Lily asked. Theyll know something is wrong, but I doubt theyll know exactly whats going on, Eligos informed us. You all knew something was wrong, but you didnt know what it was until you met me. So unless they have a demon friend they will be clueless. Basically yes. Well, I doubt people would want demon friends, Tyler said nastily. Especially when all they do is come here and take your women. Piss off! I shouted. Stop being such a jerk. Not a jerk, just truthful. Eligos walked over to him and Tyler got to his feet quickly. No! I said, running over to Eligos and putting my hand against his chest. Don't give him the satisfaction of annoying you; just ignore him.

Eligos looked furious. I knew if I let him get to Tyler he could quite possibly kill him. Why don't you take me to see Lilith? Im not angry now; I just want to ask her a few things, I said, reaching up and turning his head so he had to look at me. What do you say? He wrapped his arms around my waist and we left.

Chapter Twenty-Seven The Pits

We appeared outside the Palace. Im going to meet with my general while youre with Lilith, he told me. OK, Ill go to your place once Im finished here. Ill wait for you there. OK, Ill see you at home, he smiled. I kissed him before going into the Palace. I walked down the long hall. I was starting to get nervous now, I wanted to give Lilith a peace of my mind, but I didnt want to fight with her. God only knows what she could do to me, but she had to know how upset I was at what she had done to Elizabeth. When I reached the end of the hall I

walked into the main room. Lilith was standing talking to a man I had never seen before. He was tall, frighteningly tall; easily around seven feet. His long wavy blond hair fell down his back to just below his shoulder blades. When I got closer to them he turned to look at me. His big brown eyes glared at me for a moment before a smile spread across his face. I believe your daughter wishes to speak to you, he told Lilith. She turned around quickly. Keira, what are you doing here? she asked, smiling and coming close to me. I need to speak to you and I needed to get away from everyone for a while. OK, but firstly let me introduce you to Eaven, she said, taking my hand and walking me closer. Eaven, meet Keira. Nice to meet you, he said bowing his head slightly. You too, I smiled. Eaven is Unseres husband, Lilith told me. Really? In that case its really nice to meet you. I get on really well with your wife, I told him. She thinks a lot of you too, and speaking of Unsere, I must get back to her. If youll excuse me, he said bowing slightly to us both. I hope to talk with you soon, he said to me before he left. Now what do you want to talk about? Lilith asked me, smiling warmly.

Well, you can take that smile of your face; this isnt going to be a nice conversation Oh dear, has someone upset you? Yes, you have! I told her coldly. Her face changed but not in the way I thought it would. I imagined her getting annoyed with my tone, but instead she looked upset. That threw me little. What have I done to upset you, Keira? Why have you sent Elizabeth to the Pits? I asked, folding my arms across my chest. She was lovely to me; she told me more than anyone else had. She was kind and warm and And she lied to you! She didnt even tell you I was your mother, she snapped. Ever wondered why? Yes, because she wanted to take credit for what you had inside you. That isnt acceptable. Its not a competition; we don't Garbage, I wouldnt tell someone that if I knew they werent able to meet with them. Why would she tell me I was your daughter, only to leave me wondering where you werewhy you hadn't been to see meif Id done something wrong? She didnt say anything. She looked deep in thought. You didnt think of that, did you? She led me on the right track; she helped me find out what was inside me, which was a lot more than you ever did. Now bring her back! I shouted.

Do not take that tone with me! she said coldly. I wont stand for it. Don't talk to me like Im your child. Im not. Go home. As soon as she finished her sentence she disappeared. I stormed out of the Palace and through the large gates surrounding it. As I walked down the stone pathway I saw people walking around, talking among themselves. I walked up to one of the women. Excuse me, I said. Yes, she said, turning to face me. Oh, Your Highness, she said as she bowed her head. Please, I need to know how to get to the Pits. The Pits isnt a place for the princess. Please, I need to get there. If you know the way, please help me, I begged. Its a long way from here, thousands of miles away. How would I get there? Well, youre still alive; you havent got time to be walking there. Erm, you would need to get a demon to teleport you there. Oh God! I said, running my hands through my hair. Or, possibly cast a spell to take you there.

Who would know the spell? I do! a male voice answered. When I turned around I saw a middle-aged man with short dark hair staring at me. Who are you? I asked. A friend, he answered. Walk with me. I thanked the woman for her help and followed the man. What is your name? I asked him. My name is of no importance. I can get you to the Pits. How? I asked. Teleport. Are you a demon? He turned to look at me and his eyes glowed red for a moment. I was starting to feel a little uneasy; he didnt come across as a nasty person, but I didnt know who he was. How could I be sure he wasnt trying to trick me? The more I looked at him tough, the more familiar his face became. Please tell me who you are, I said. Im a friend of Elizabeths, he told me. I cannot tell you my name, and you cannot tell the Queen if I help you. She would kill me and Elizabeth. I wont tell anyone, I swear I wont.

Are you going to get her out of there? She doesnt belong there. She is a good-hearted woman and I will bring her back. He put his hands on my shoulders and a moment later we were standing in front of a large wall. She is in there, he told me, pointing to a gate. You will need to get past the guards. I know you! I said as it suddenly occurred to me where I had seen his face. Eligos threatened to rip your eyes out and burn them if you kept looking at me. I wanted to get your attention; I wanted you to approach me so I could tell you about Elizabeth. I didnt mean to upset you in any way. Its OK, Im sorry. Don't worry about that now. Go and get Elizabeth. I must leave. How will I get back? I asked. Elizabeth knows a spell. Once she leaves the Pits she will be able to cast it. She will be able to get you both back. OK, thank you. I walked over to the large gate. I looked around me. The walls surrounding the Pits went on further than my eyes could see. To the other side of me was wasteland; there were no buildings in sight, no people, nothing. When I reached the gate one of the guards looked at me. He was tall, taller than Eaven, around eight feet, and he was five times the width of me and Eligos put together. His face reminded me of a goblins.

What are you doing here, what do you want? he asked me nastily. Do not speak to me like that I snapped Do you have any idea who you are talking to? No, and I do not care. I am the Queens daughter. Pardon? You heard me! Do you not see the resemblance, I said, circling around my face with my finger. Now let me through. Err, yes, yes, my apologies, he said with a worried look on his face. Better still, take me to Elizabeth Putnam. I cannot. I do not know where she is. You would need to ask one of the people in there. Youre useless! I scolded. Sorry, Your Hi- Shut up. I could find you a guard, if that would help, he said, eager to please me now. Go then. He opened the gate and motioned for me to enter. He followed me in and told me to wait while he found someone. In front of me was more wasteland. Was I even in the right place? I walked further inside and I heard

screaming and crying. I looked around me but I couldnt see anyone. The further I walked inwards the louder the screams became; male and female voices were crying out. Erm, excuse me, I heard the guard say. I turned around to face him. Beside him stood a creature, similar looking to the one Argyle had with him the night of the fight. I walked over to them, trying to ignore the screams surrounding me. Who are you looking for, Your Highness? the scaly creature asked. I want Elizabeth Putnam out now. May I ask why? Because I said so thats why. Has the Queen sent you? Yes she has. Why else would I be here? I said, hoping that was the right thing to say. OK, give me a moment, the creature said, walking away from us. Where are the Pits? I asked the guard. Beneath you, can you not feel the heat underneath your feet? I hadn't thought about it until hed said it, but now I could feel it. I bent down to touch the floor but just before my hand reached it I heard Elizabeths voice. Keira! she gasped.

I ran over to her and hugged her. She looked so different now. Last time I saw her she looked very old, but now she didnt even look old enough to be my mother. Her hair was long and curly, dark brown. She had a perfect curvy figure and her skin, other than being dirty, was young and without a blemish. Im taking you away from here, I told her. Has the Queen reconsidered? she asked. Yes. I told her I didnt Its OK, I interrupted. Its all sorted now. Come on. I put my arm around her shoulder, thanked the creature and the guard, and walked out of the gate with her. As we got further away from the gate, I calmed down. Being in there had frightened me, hearing all those people screaming and crying. I never wanted to hear anything like that again. We stopped walking and I turned to look at her. She was covered in dirt and dried blood; her clothes were torn to shreds and she had no shoes on. Elizabeth, what have they done to you? I don't ever want to tell you, she said, taking my hand. Why did the Queen send you? She didnt. I told her about the argument at the Palace and how someone had brought me here. She looked scared to death. I couldnt leave you in there, I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. Look what they have done to you; you didnt deserve that.

I took a few steps away from her and held my hand out in front of me. The white aura travelled down my arm and shot out of my fingertips, straight into Elizabeth. All her cuts and bruises disappeared. Now, cast whatever spell you need to and get us out of here, I told her. She held my hand and mumbled a few words in a language I didnt understand. Within seconds we were standing behind a house close to the Palace. I looked around and saw the guy who had taken me to the Pits. I whistled at him and he came running over. Elizabeth! he said, wrapping his arms around her. Carver, you could be killed for this, she said, hugging him. Neither of you will be killed or hurt or anything else, I told them both. And why is that? I heard Eligos say before he appeared in front of us. Eligos! Carver said anxiously. Please, Eligos, don't hurt her! Elizabeth pleaded. Please, have mercy, Eligos. He turned to look at me. Id never seen him look so angry. His jaw was clenched and I could hear his teeth grinding together. He wont hurt me, I told Elizabeth. He loves me too much to hurt me. Are you two?

Yes, now do as I said and get out of here. She kissed my cheek, thanked me and said goodbye, but I didnt look at her, my eyes were fixed on Eligoss. How did he know what I was doing, and if he knew, did that mean Lilith knew? I felt sick to my stomach. Would she send me to the Pits for freeing Elizabeth? Youre in a lot of trouble, he finally spoke. With you? I asked him. Yes with me, but first you need to face Lilith, and she wants you, now. He grabbed my arm and took me to the Palace in silence. His face was unreadable and he didnt look at me once. When we got inside the Palace, he took me into the same little room I had been in when Lilith first told me about the families going missing. She was standing there waiting for me. Leave us! she commanded. He let go of me and walked out of the room. Lilith, I I went to say. You went behind my back, she glared at me. I know but Just because you are my daughterthat doesnt mean you can do whatever you want. What, and just because you are Queen that means you can turf an innocent woman into the Pits?

I would have released Elizabeth if you hadn't taken such a tone with me. What do you expect? What did you want me to do? Come here and say Please, Mommy, please let Elizabeth go? I asked sarcastically. God, you are more like me than I thought, she said, turning away from me. If you go behind my back again I will send you to the Pits; see how you feel after an hour in there. Do what you will, I told her. I am how I am; I don't like to see people punished for nothing. Don't push me too far, Keira. Don't threaten me, and as for going behind your back, I think you can let me off with that one. I think you owe me that. Why is that exactly? she asked, facing me again, anger spreading over her face. All my life I thought Carla was my mother. I thought she hated me when I was younger because of what and how I am. I lost my father, I had no sisters or brothers, all I had was my granddad. Where were you? My real mother. Where were you when I needed my mother? You said youd watched me growing up, so you know I needed a mother to be there for me. Every child does. But no, not me, I got a woman who didnt want to be near me, while my real mother watched from another realm. Then she expects me to be all nice and loving with her when we meet. After twenty-two years of being without her. So you tell me you don't owe me, Lilith, I said now in tears. GO ON, TELL ME YOU DON'T! I shouted as I banged my fists on the table in front of me. Her face was no longer angry; instead sadness filled her eyes as she looked at me. Then she turned away from me again quickly.

ELIGOS! she shouted. A moment later he walked in. Take her to the Pits; show her what its like down there. Show her where she will end up if she betrays me again, she told him. And don't think I wont know if you don't take her Oh Ill take her, he said as he grabbed my arm. I watched myself disappear and a moment later we were standing near the large gates at the entrance of the Pits. He dragged me over to the guards. Open up! he commanded. Neither of the guards spoke; they just quickly opened the gates and stood aside. We went through and the gates shut behind us. We walked across the wasteland for a couple of minutes, again in silence. The screams that surrounded us grew louder and louder as we walked further in. I went cold, so cold I started to shake. I felt sick to my stomach. The screams and cries were really starting to affect me. How many people must be here? I thought to myself. He stopped us walking and put his hand out in front of him, his palm facing the floor. The ground seemed to dissolve in front of us, showing the true form of the Pits. My legs gave way underneath me and Eligos let me fall to the floor. Now I knew I was in Hell; until this point it had just felt like another realm. I looked down. The hole seemed to go down forever. It had layers on the outskirts of the hole, with stone steps leading to each one, all with different torture devices and tunnels leading off them, but I couldnt see where they led too. People of all kinds and species were tied up, being whipped with large chains by creatures like the one who had brought Elizabeth to me. Scaly creatures, red or yellow in color. Others were being burned with what looked like pokers, and cut and beaten when they tried to fight them off. There were so many of them, all of them crying and screaming, trying

their best to run away. None of them could escape. People were climbing the walls, trying to get away, to hide themselves for some time before they were tortured again, but the creatures would grab them and beat them, before dragging them to whichever torture device wasnt currently being used. I saw people being dismembered, having their hands sawn off while they were fully conscious. Both men and women were being abused. I couldnt see what was happening on the layers further down and I was glad. My stomach couldnt take it. I dragged myself a few feet away and threw up. Tears rolled down my face. How could anyone have deserved that? Not even the movies back home could have made something so horrific. Eligos dragged me to my feet and out of the Pits. As soon as we were outside of the gate he took us to his castle. We reappeared in one of his living rooms. He pushed me on to the couch and left the room, I felt numb, sick and dizzy. I couldnt move. I was half lying on the sofa, my legs hanging off and my feet still slightly touching the floor. I heard Eligos walk back into the room and he slammed a glass of water on the table in front of me. Drink it! he said coldly. I couldnt move; I was frozen. Keira, I said drink it. I felt tears run down my face again. I couldnt stop them. I had no control over what my body was doing. He grabbed me again and sat me up. He had to hold on to me; if he had let go I would have most likely fallen on my side again. Say something! he said, shaking me lightly. Allallthose people! I managed to say.

Its not a pleasant place, is it? he said plainly. But you had to see it; you had to see it with your own eyes. Maybe now you wont be so stupid. I didnt understand how it hadn't affected him; it didnt seem to bother him at all. I knew he had been here a long time and he had probably seen it many times. But could someone ever get used to that, to watching those people being hurt so badly, knowing it would happen to them over and over again. Some of them would be down there forever. After seeing that, two minutes down there would have been unbearable. This was the place I was going to end up spending eternity, could I really do that now I knew what happened here? He put the glass of water in my hands and held them around the glass. Try and sip it, he said, his tone warming slightly. He held my hands as I brought the glass to my mouth and managed to take a few sips. How could you have been so stupid? he shouted, putting the glass back on the table. Don'tshout at me, I croaked. DON'T SHOUT! he said, getting up of the sofa. What do you expect me to do, Keira? Please, don't sho What did you think you were doing, why didnt you tell me what you wanted to do. Why are you so selfish? Selfish! I said shocked.

How could I possibly be selfish when I just risked everything to bring a woman out of there? Yes, SELFISH! he shouted. How do you think Elizabeth would have felt if Lilith had thrown you down there? Well? Did you even stop to think about that? No. What about me? he asked, knocking the glass of water off the table so hard it smashed against the wall. What about you? I asked. What about me? he repeated after me, the look of hurt appearing on his face. What would I have done if shed have thrown you down there? How do you think I would have felt, knowing what those creatures would be doing to you? I couldnt have lived knowing that they were hurting you His voice trailed off for a moment. Touching you he managed to say. Then I thought about the creatures raping the women down there. Do you think I could just stay here and wait for them to stoptouching you, abusing you like that. I looked up at him; his fists were clenched by his sides. His eyes were blood red, a sure sign of him being upset and furious. If you had been sent there I would have come for you. I would have been caught and killed, he told me. Fear filled me at the thought of him being taken from me. Then I realized how he was feeling, he had been frightened. Eligos, Im sorry.

Sorry, doesnt cut it, Keira. I started snapping out of it now; I wiped my tears away and walked over to him. I went to put my arms around him but he pushed me away. I felt like Id been shot through my heart. Then he grabbed my arm and within seconds we were in the hallway at my house.

Chapter Twenty-Eight Aftermath

Hey, you two, did you Lily started to say. Whats going on? Tyler demanded, walking over to us. Eligos glared at him for a moment, his eyes blazing. Tyler stopped dead in his tracks. He let go of my arm and disappeared again. I stood there staring out in front of me. Keira? Lily said, slowly walking towards me. Whats going on? I thinkI think Ive justlost him, I said, bursting into tears. She grabbed me and hugged me. Hey, hey, come on, he loves you, why would you lose him? she said. Come on, come with me.

She kept her arm around me and led me towards the stairs. Danny and Lucian had come into the hallway now, but when they saw the state of me they stayed back and let Lily handle me. I turned to look at Tyler for a moment. He smiled at me a little. WHAT ARE YOU SMILING AT? I shouted. I BET YOURE HAPPY NOW, ARENT YOU? He didnt rise to me; he just turned away from me. Hey, enough come on! Lily said, taking me upstairs. She led me into my room and sat me on the bed. She closed the door and came and sat next to me. Tell me what happened, she said, pulling my hair away from my face. I was an idiot, I thought I was doing the right thing, but now Im not sure. I didnt think about what the consequences might have been and I should have, I said between crying and trying to swallow and breathe. Start at the beginning, she said, taking my hand. I told her all about Elizabeth and the argument with Lilith. Then I told her how Eligos had taken me to the Pits to see where I would have ended up if Lilith had decided to punish me. Lily, Ive never seen anything like it. Id never imagined such a place could exist. I feel sick just thinking about it, so if Id been there Id been throwing up with you. I told her about the conversation when Eligos took me back to his place.

He must have been scared to death, she said quietly. He said he couldnt have waited, knowing what those creatures would have been doing to me. Can you blame him? I mean, I bet the thought of someone else touching you makes him feel sick anyway. He loves you so much, only he is allowed to touch you. So to think those things could have been raping youI cant imagine how that must have made him feel. He said he would have come for me and that he would have been killed for it.

Doesn't that show how much he loves you? He would die for you. I know, I cried. But then how would I have lived? You wouldnt have, she said sadly. I think we both know that. God, what have I done? Why didnt I just talk to Lilith calmly, tell her how I felt. None of this would have happened. You were angry, you made a mistake. Yes, another one, and it involves hurting Eligos again. I attacked him a few weeks ago and now Ive hurt him, I said, turning to face her. Last night was the best night of my life. I had him in my arms, all over me, holding me, kissing me, touching me, telling me how much he loves me. I woke up this morning with him pressed up against me, and now, now Ive lost him.

Talk to him, call out to him, she said. Tell him you love him, that you made a mistake, that you didnt know what would happen. I just want to be on my own, I told her. OK. She got off the bed and walked out of the room. I curled up into a ball on my bed, crying again. I could still hear the people screaming and crying, and when I closed my eyes I could see the fear and sadness on Eligoss face when he told me how frightened he had been. He was right. I was selfish, I never stopped to think about anyone elses feelings or how my actions might affect them. All I ever thought was This is what I want and this is what will happen. He was never like that with me. All he ever wanted was to see me smiling and happy. He did everything he could to make me that way. He took me out, messed around with me, even brought my dad to see me. He defended me all the time, fought for me, saved my life twice, no, three times including the run-in with Crystal. What had I ever done to try and make him happy? Nothing, I never asked him what he wanted or if he wanted to do anything. It was always him asking me what I wanted to do, and then he would just go along with it. I lay there for what felt like hours, staring into space. I thought back to when I first went to Hell, right after the incident with Tyler. I remembered how happy I was spending time with him, even when we were just playing pool at his place. I loved talking to him, being around him. Whenever I had to leave him or he had to leave me I was always so sad. I couldnt wait to see him again. Wed spent hours at his castle just talking; he told me what it was like thousands of years ago and how much the world and the people in it had changed. I loved hearing his stories. I would sit there listening to him, most of the time staring at him and getting lost in his voice. When I was at the Palace, he would walk into the same room as me and my stomach would tie itself in knots. All I wanted to do was wrap my arms around him and tell him he was mine, whether he liked it or not. I

remembered the first time I kissed him properly. Standing in his dining room, after seeing his true face for the first time. How as soon as my lips had touched his I felt as though my whole body was on fire. How happy I felt knowing that he was finally mine and that he loved me. I dragged myself off my bed and went into my bathroom to get some water and to wash my face. I looked terrible, tear-stained and red-eyed. When I walked back into my bedroom Eligos was standing leaning against my window, one leg crossed over the other and with his arms folded across his chest. I stood still, staring at him. Come here, he said, looking over at me. I walked over to him slowly, his eyes never left mine. I stopped a few feet in front of him; his eyes were normal again now, so I knew he must have calmed down a little. He pulled me towards him and held me close to him. I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist and lay my head against his chest. Im sorry! I told him. Its OK. No it isnt. I never thought about what the consequences could be. Its OK, he said again. Come and lie with me. I lay on the bed facing him, my arm around him again. I understand why you did it, Keira, I really do. But you didnt have to do it that way. If you had calmed down and, if you had talked to Lilith about it, she would have released Elizabeth. She is a fair woman; she doesnt just punish people for the sake of it. I know, Im sorry.

He ran his fingers down the side of my face. I think its my fault. If I hadn't of been so angry with Tyler I wouldnt have taken you. But I let myself get so worked up over him and it was either leave or knock his head spinning. It was not your fault, do you hear me. I kicked it all off, I let my mouth run away with itself, how is that your fault? She was so angry with you, he told me. I really thought she was going to send youI don't know what I would have done. I cant stand the thoughts of someone hurting you, and nobody in this realm or any other is allowed to touch you other than me. If any of them had laid a single finger on you I know, and I cant tell you how sorry I am. I don't want to hurt you, or frighten you, and it seems like that's all Ive ever done. I wont ever do it again I swear, I told him. Its not all youve ever done at all. Don't think that, he said before kissing me for a moment. Just promise me that next time you want to do something stupid, youll talk to me about it first. You can trust me you know. I know, and I promise. I don't ever want to feel like that again. I wont let you, I told him before kissing him again. You know, I loved you before you even knew who I was, before you even knew I existed, he told me when the kiss ended. I don't understand how could you?

Well, about a year ago, thats a year ago in Earth time; I walked in and saw Lilith watching you through the viewing pool. You were sitting at a table drawing something out; it looked like plans for a room or something. As soon as I saw youyou blew me away. Lilith saw me staring at you and stopped using the pool. I asked her why she was watching you and who you were. What did she say? She just told me you were a person of interest and that you had a strong power in you. She told me your name and asked me to keep an eye on you for a few weeks while she went away somewhere. I don't know where, before you ask. She said if you got in trouble I had to come to Earth and help you, so I watched you almost every day for over two weeks. All the time? I asked wide-eyed. No, not all the time. When, what did you see? I saw you in the shower and What! I said in shock. Im kidding, I saw you designing someones house for them, and I saw you with Lily. You were out in a bar somewhere and I watched you both dancing. It was the night before Lilith returned. I saw a guy buy you a drink and then I watched you kiss him. I got a shooting pain in my chest and I instantly wanted to kill him. That was when I knewI knew I had feelings for you, he said, looking me in the eyes to see how I reacted. I just lay there, smiling at him and running my fingers slowly up and down his back.

I spent weeks and weeks trying to get you out of my head. I didnt go to the viewing pool and I didnt mention you to Lilith. Then she called out to me and she was in the little room again, watching you. She saw me staring at you again and smiled at me. She said, You like her, don't you? I couldnt lie to her; she always knows when Im lying, so I confessed. She said you were very special, so I asked her why and thats when she told me you were her daughter. What did you say to that? What could I say? Id already told her youd more than caught my attention, but Id also told her that I knew I couldnt have you. You lived here; I lived in Hell. Plus, I looked at myself in the mirror; I didnt think you would give me the time of day. Part of me didnt want to meet you, not just because of the scar, but because I didnt understand why, after over four thousand years, I had fallen in love with someone Id never even spoken to. Anyway, you can imagine my surprise when Lilith asked me to protect you. I was excited, nervous, frightened, all things I hadn't felt before. She told me shed asked me first for two reasons. Firstly because she trusts me more than anyone, and secondly, because she thought it was about time I actually liked someone, and she wanted me to meet you in person. So you accepted the protector position, hid yourself, and came to me? Yeah, after nearly talking myself out of it over a dozen times. And now look, Ive got you in my arms, he said, pulling me close to him. I never for one minute thought I would get close to you, never mind actually be with you. You never seemed nervous when you were with me, you always seemed so confident, and sarcastic.

I did a good job hiding it then. I was quite frightened. I didnt want you to reject me; I wanted you to love me. I just couldnt tell you that, not when you hadn't seen the real me. I think I was born to love you, I told him. Well, you took your time coming here. Ive waited my whole life for you, he said, stroking my face again. Was I worth the wait? I asked, smiling cheekily. Definitely.

Chapter Twenty-Nine Thoughts and Dreams

Its strange what life throws at you. At the beginning of this year I was living in West Chester, with a good job, my best friend was moving in and all was peaceful. I lived my life the same as any other human being. Sure there were bad times, but there were also great times. Then suddenly life takes you out of your normal routine, and throws you in at the deep end of something you never for one minute imagined could be possible. Your life changes completely sometimes you wonder why?! Why did it happen to you? Why couldnt you have just been allowed to carry on as before? Where you didnt constantly have to be on your guard and looking over your shoulder every two minutes, waiting for someone or something to attack you. To try to kill you.

Dont get me wrong, in a way Im glad all this happened. I know that must sound strange, but now, Ive got a family, well; Im now part of five families. Four on Earth and one in Hell. Ive got more friends than Ive ever had before, and, although one of them really winds me up, I wouldnt swap them for the world. My best friend has found love and, despite everything that's going on around her, shes happy. Ive found out more about myself, some of which I wish I hadn't found out. Like how my ancestor was greedy and wanted more power, and how he involved my friends families. If he hadn't, OK we probably wouldnt have ever met, but they wouldnt have been involved in this. They could have led normal and happy lives, had families of their own and not had to worry about being attacked, or worse. None of them had to know what was really out there. I know none of them would change how they are, but sometimes I think they only say that to keep me happy. Thinking this makes me sound like I hate who and what I am. I don't. I love being me, I love having these powers in me and being able to do so many crazy things. I love being here with everyone; I love them all for different reasons. I love my new house, the families, the town, everything. But most of all I love the guy lying next to me. Now, if you had told me only a few months ago that I would I fall in love with someone who loved me back, as much as he doesI would have laughed at you. I would have said, Yeah OK, Ill believe it when I see it. If you had told me that a demon would have come to protect me from someone who wanted to wipe us all out, I would have thought you needed locking up. I never thought for one minute I would fall in love with someone as much as Id fallen in love with Eligos. I thought this kind of love only existed in books and in the movies. But it does exist, and its amazing. I have a demon lying next to me, who is over four and a half thousand years old, who has never had feelings for anyone before. Yet he loves me. I must have done something right in a past life, that's all I can say. Why else would I have been given such an amazing guy, such a gorgeous, loving guy?

Eligos was lying asleep next to me, his arm around my waist, and his hair slightly falling over his face. Id been staring at him now for about half an hour. Wed been together over a month, in Earth time, and I still couldnt stop staring at him. Everything had been perfect for us these last few weeks. Tyler hadn't picked a fight with him, I hadn't upset him at all, and nothing had tried to kill any of us. It was as though everything bad that was happening had stopped, and we were being allowed to be happy for a while. I lay there stroking his arm. Youre staring at me again, he said, keeping his eyes closed but smirking. I know, I giggled. Why do you do that? I cant help it; I love looking at you. Youre strange, do you know that? Yes, but you love me, so youll just have to put up with it. Yeah, he said, pulling me closer to him. How long have you been awake? I dunno, about half an hour I think. What do you think about when youre lying there, staring at me? he asked, opening his beautiful eyes. I think about everything thats going on and how different my life is these days. Are you happy? Im happy with you.

But? I know theres a but coming, he told me. But I just wish everything could be normal. I wouldnt have been sent here if it was. I mean normal now. I wish that whoever was starting this war would suddenly give up and piss off. I wouldnt be able to spend as much time here with you. Id come to you, I said, kissing him on his cheek. How, youve got life in you remember. Yeah, and I can stop that. Don't talk like that, Keira; youd miss Earth if you were away from it for a long time. I could come back whenever I wanted. And do what? he said, turning so he was lying on his back. Watch your friends get old and die around you. See how the land and the people in it changed. Watch everything you once knew and loved disappear. Living foreverits quite sad at times. Sadly Im going to have to do that anyway, and it sounds like you don't want me around forever, I told him. Don't be stupid, of course I do. I told you when we first got together I wanted you forever. I just want you to know what to expect.

I know, and I know it will be heart breaking, but my friends will go to Heaven together; they will have each other. And well have each other. He pulled me over to him. I lay with my head on his chest and my arm around him. He was right. When they were in their eighties, I would still look twenty-two. And in the end I would have to watch all my friends die. I didnt like thinking about it; they were all still young and had the rest of their lives in front of them, or at least I hoped they did. What time is it? he asked me. Nine a.m., I said, looking at my watch. Have you slept in that? Yeah, well, I was kinda busy when I got in bed last night, so I forgot to take it off, I said, leaning up to look at him. He didnt say anything he just got a massive smirk on his face. It caused me to get butterflies in my stomach. You might as well smirk; Im going to be tired all day because of you. I didnt hear you complaining, he teased, the smirk turning into a cheeky smile. Anyway, just go back to sleep. I cant! Im awake now, but Ill be dead later. Well, then I suggest you shut your eyes for a while later then. Or maybe just have an early night tonight? Im up for that, he grinned. I meant to sleep, I said, grinning myself.

Oh, right, no sorry thats not a good enough reason to have an early night. You know, knowing how you are with me, it kinda makes it hard to believe that you went over four thousand years without sex. Im making up for it. But if I hadn't met you, I would have gone forever without it. Im only like this because you drive me crazy. Its all your fault. Hey, don't blame me, I said, giving him a playful shove. Why not? Its the truth, he laughed. And you start it half the time. Besides you could always push me away. Oh yeah course I could, I said, getting comfortable on him again. Its not my fault you cant say no. Im going to practice saying that word from now on. Are you really? Well see. We lay there for another ten minutes or so, just holding each other. Then there was a knock on the door. Keira, Eligos, do you want breakfast? Lily shouted. Yes, we both shouted. OK, itll be about fifteen minutes. Right! I shouted back to her. I looked up at Eligos again; he looked as though he was in REM. A sure sign someone from Hell was talking to him.

Lilith wants to see you, he told me once he opened his eyes. Oh God! I said as my stomach sank. Keira, its been weeks since the disagreement; I wouldnt worry about it. I know, but I havent seen her or spoken to her since. Just go as you normally would, act like nothings happened. Thats what I would do. OK, well go after breakfast. We both got up, and got washed and dressed before heading down to the kitchen. That was good timing, Lily said, passing us a plate of food each. Go and sit down. Jakes in the dining room. Ill come through in a moment. We sat down with Jake, who didnt look very happy. Are you OK? I asked him after a few moments of silence. Yeah. Liar. He wont tell you, Lily said, walking in and sitting next to him. He wont tell me. Out with it, Jake, come on, I said. It doesnt matter.

Jake, come on, if we were like this you would want us to talk to you, Lily told him. I justI just keep having really bad dreams; that's all it is, he said before sipping his coffee. About what? Eligos asked him. Obviously there affecting you so Theyre not nice. Places are being destroyed, people are dying, and I cant do anything to stop it. Do you think that what happened at Point Reyes Station is playing on your mind? I asked him. Maybe. It only started a few days after hearing about it .I just cant seem to shake it. But we saw pictures of the place on the TV, and it doesnt look like that in the dream. What does it look like? Lily asked him. A big town, not somewhere small like Point Reyes. There were tall buildings and hotels, lots of them, Jake said, rubbing his eyes. It felt so real. You need a break, I told him. Seriously, you need to have a vacation or something. Ill be OK; don't worry, Keira. We finished our breakfasts and took our plates into the kitchen. I heard the front door open and a moment later Danny walked in. Hey, guys, he said. Oh bloody hell, I missed breakfast.

Yes you did, and you know what? It was gorgeous, Eligos said, smirking at him. I hate you. What brings you around here so early? I asked him. I was going to see if Eligos fancied going a few rounds. Ive really gotten into swordplay. No you hate me remember, Eligos said. No, I did a minute ago; I don't now, Danny told him. Well, you two do whatever you need to, Im going into town. I want to get a new coat. We can go and see Lilith later. Oh go on then, Eligos said. He and Danny made their way outside. Lily and Jake were going to chill out for a while. Jake was tired out, too afraid to sleep for fear of having another dream. I told them to relax and, if they needed anything, to call me. Then I grabbed my car keys and set off into town. I spent a couple of hours in town and ended up buying more than just my coat. I ended up with six DVDs, a new pair of jeans, three new tops and a new dress. As I was making my way back to my car I bumped into Lucian. Hey, he said. What have you been buying? Allsorts, although I actually came out just to get a coat. Women, you just cant help but spend! he laughed. Oh shut up, everyone deserves a treat now and then.

What you doing now? Going home. Are they waiting for you? No, Eligos and Danny are scrapping in the garden, and Jake and Lily havent had much sleep so theyre just relaxing. Wanna grab a coffee then? Sounds good to me. He took some of my bags off me and we went to a little coffee shop on one of the backstreets. I went to get a table while he ordered the drinks. It was nice in here; Id never seen it before. It was only small, but very cosy. They had sofas and coffee tables instead of the normal hard chairs and larger tables. I could get used to it in here. Here you are. he said, passing me my drink and sitting on the sofa next to me. Thank you. I didnt even know this was here. I didnt either for a while; its well hidden. So what are you up to today? Not a lot. Ive got some work to do on my car, but other than that, its just going to be a boring day. You say it like its a bad thing, I smirked. Well, I suppose I do prefer boring days togetting my ass kicked or fighting a demon day, he laughed. Are Jake and Lily OK, or were they just up all night being naughty?

I told him about Jakes dreams and how they seemed to be really upsetting him. Its getting to us all now, I think, he told me. Why, have you been having dreams? I asked him. No, Im just constantly on edge. Im tense all the time and its wearing me out. You need to relax. I know its easier said than done, but you need to try. I know, and sometimes I do, but just when you think things might be getting better, something else happens. Its like whoevers doing this is trying to wear us into the ground. Well, don't let them! I told him. Don't let it win. I don't intend to, he said, sipping his coffee. Are you OK after everything that happened? I am actually, although sometimes I do go off into my own little world and think about things. Like what? Like what it would be like if nothing was coming. Would we have met, would I have still come looking for you all in years to come? Things like that really. We would have found out more about your family, or at least tried. We would have still tried to contact you, he told me. I wonder if Id have still stayed here.

I think, you may have gone home again, but then come back every now and again. Maybe eventually moved into the Putnam house and been happy here. Maybe. Jake would have still fancied Lily. I would have still fancied you, and so would Tyler. Things may have worked out for one of us, he said sadly. Lucian, I Look, before you say anything, Im happy for you and Eligos. That guy loves you; you can see it by the way he looks at you, the way he talks to you. He would do anything for you, and I know you love him. Its written all over you. Im just glad youre happy. Thanks, Lucian, that means a lot. I just wish Tyler could be happy for you. There is someone out there for everyone, and obviously you were made for Eligos; you two will always be together, you can tell. Somewhere out there is a woman for Tyler; he just hasnt met her yet and hes still convinced its you, he said. He winds me up when he starts with Eligos. Tylers lucky he hasnt killed him. Ive seen the strength Eligos has in him; its frightening. I know, he has to be careful not to hurt me every time he touches me. Were so weak and fragile compared to him. Its crazy. At least you know you will be well looked after.

When I die, Ill be like him; Ill be strong. Its only the life in me that stops it. Although I am stronger now than I was before I died, but only a little. When we die, well never see you again will we? No, youll most likely go to Heaven. What if we don't want to? You don't get to pick and choose, I told him. Well see about that, he said seriously. Why would you want to go to Hell; I bet the others wouldnt. Actually youre wrong; weve spoken about it. What? I asked shocked. None of us want to be split up. Were all so close and we don't want that to end when we die. We know there is something after death now and we want to stay together. As nice as that sounds, and as much as I would really like that to happenI doubt very much it will. Well see, hey, you never know, I might end up marrying a demon, he smirked. Well, you know were nice, I smirked back. Just remember, though, like Eligos said, if you get married in Hell, its a forever dealliterally. Yeah, I remember him saying that. Can you imagine loving someone so much that you would be willing to spend all eternity with them?

Actually I can, I told him, looking up and smiling.

Chapter Thirty Getting Confident

Turn the TV up! one of the guys in the caf shouted to the waitress. Quickly, its happened again. Me and Lucian turned around as the waitress increased the volume. There was a little TV over the counter and the news was on. We couldnt believe our ears; it was happening again. The anchor man said:

No survivors have been found yet in either of the towns. CIA and FBI are on the scene, along with police officers from neighboring towns, but nobody knows what they are thinking, or whether they even know what is happening. The missing person count for both areas combined is now over 6,500. Add that to the people still missing from Point Reyes Station and the total is some 7,500 people who seem to have disappeared without a trace. In Yellow Springs, Ohio, four houses were left standing along with a caf and a restaurant on Xenia Avenue. All have been damaged but their structures are still holding strong. In Mazomanie, Wisconsin, only the Arts Center remains standing. Homes, businesses and churches have all been destroyed. Friends and family members of the missing people are demanding answers from the police and local authorities. No answers have yet been given. Attacks have been made on the police by angry

We need to get the others, I told Lucian. This is going to get ugly really quickly. Ill go and get Tyler and tell our parents. Well meet you back at yours. OK, be careful! I said, gathering my bags. You too. We walked out of the caf and went separate ways to our cars. I threw my bags in the trunk quickly and sped out of town. Seven and a half thousand people now missing. No survivors. People had already started to attack the police, what could possibly happen? No Im not even going to finish that sentence. I drove at high speed down the country lanes towards my house. I stopped at a crossroads and was about to turn left when I saw a young girl, limping and covered in blood, walking the way I was about to turn. I pulled up and jumped out of my car. HEY! I shouted as I ran over to her. She turned around quickly and held her hands out towards me. When I reached her I took hold of her hands. She was in a terrible state. Her long brown hair was matted with dried blood; her clothes were ripped and looked burned. She only had one shoe, her skin was full of cuts and bruises, and she was covered in dirt and blood. Keira! she cried. Yes, I replied warily. Help me, please, my sister, shes in a field back down the roadI cant wake her up.

I looked at her for a moment. My heart went out to her but I was also tense. How did she know my name? I didnt recognize her; I knew Id never seen her around here before. Please, Keira, she begged. OK, how far away is she? I don't know; Ive been walking for a while. Get in the car. No, I need to help my sister. We will. Come on, well drive back the way you came. Well find her. I put her arm over my shoulder and helped her to my car. As soon as she was in I shut the door and got behind the wheel. I turned the car around and began looking out across the fields to see if I could see anyone. How did you know my name? I asked. I had a dream about you; I had to find you, she told me. Why. I don't know, I cant think, I need to find Beth, she said, crying harder. We will, just try to calm down. We drove about a mile down the road. STOP! she shouted. Shes here. I left her near the trees.

Stay here! I told her. Ill find her. I got out of the car quickly and ran towards the trees passing through one of the wheat fields. BETH! I shouted as I got closer. BETH! I couldnt see anyone. I shouted and shouted but there was no reply. I turned to look in the direction of the car, and then I saw her out of the corner of my eye, lying on her back in the wheat. I ran over to her. Beth, I said, kneeling down next to her and pulling her hair out of her face. Beth, can you hear me? Youre safe now. There was no response. I felt for her pulse, it was there, but it was very weak. I looked down at her stomach her top was drenched with blood. Shit! I said, lifting her top. She had been sliced with something; the long gash spread straight across her stomach. Is she dead? I heard the other girl say. I told you to stay in the car, I told her sharply. I couldnt. Theyll come for me. I shouldnt be here. Who are you? Is she dead? No, but she will be if we don't get her help. I swear to God, if you or your sister attack me I will kill you both, I said as my eyes turned white.

She looked at me for a moment and went silent. I put my hands out above Beths body and healed her. Her body glowed as the cuts healed themselves and disappeared. ELIGOS! I shouted at the top of my voice. Beth was still unconscious, but at least she wasnt losing any more blood; she must have been nearly empty. Eligos appeared next to me. The young girl glared at him. What the he said. We need to get her to my house quickly. Take her! I told him. Tell Lily to try and bring her round. Put her in one of the guestrooms. Ill meet you there. He gathered her in his arms and disappeared with her. I grabbed the other girl and took her back to the car. I strapped her in and put my foot down, heading for my house again. Where has he taken her, she asked me. What is he? To my house and he is a demon. She didnt say anything, and when I looked over at her she was unconscious. When I pulled up on my drive Tyler and Danny were standing waiting for me. They ran over to the car. Get her out! I told them. Take her upstairs. I need to check her out. Danny carried her through while Tyler ran ahead and sorted the bedroom out for her. I ran upstairs. Eligos, Lily and Jake were in with Beth. They

were still trying to bring her around. I went in with Tyler and Danny. Danny laid her down on the bed. What do you need? Lucian asked, running into the room. I need a glass of water, something very sweet and a wet towel, I told him. No problem. Keira, who are these girls? Tyler asked. I have no idea, but this one knew my name; I still don't know hers. The girl in the other room is her sister. Her name is Beth. She was seriously hurt when I found her, I told him. I healed her; the other girl watched. You called Eligos, didnt you? Danny said. We were fighting one minute and the next he disappeared. More like screamed for him. He brought Beth here. It freaked this girl out. She asked what he was, I told her he was a demon and I think she passed out. Lucian came back in the room with everything Id asked for. OK, now leave us, please. Shes going to be frightened when she comes around. I don't want people staring at her I told them all. OK, if you need anything just shout, Tyler said. I will. Thanks, guys, just close the door behind you. I got the wet towel and started wiping the dirt and dried blood of the girls face. The towel was cold now and she started to come around.

Welcome back! I smiled once her eyes opened. Don't be scared. Im not scared of you, she told me. Good. What's your name? Marley. Nice to meet you, Marley. Wheres Beth? Shes in the next room. My friend Lily is cleaning her up. Is she a witch too? she asked. A witch? I said, shocked. I dreamed about you; Ive been dreaming about you for months. I knew you were a witch, but I didnt know you were friends with demons. It was demons who did this, she said, getting upset. Eligos isnt with them. Not all demons are like the ones who attacked you. And just to prove it, Im a demon, not a witch, and I healed your sister. Would I do that if I was like the ones youve met before? Youre not a demon! I looked her in her eyes and let mine glow red for a moment. She tried to scramble off the bed but I grabbed her arms and hugged her. Dont be afraid. Im not going to hurt you, or your sister; the only ones I want to hurt are the ones who did this. Do you understand? I asked her.

Yes. Besides, you said youd dreamed about me, so you must know Im not going to hurt you. I suppose. Now, lets get you sorted out. I stood up for a moment and held my hands out towards her, healing her. Once Id finished she looked at her arms and legs in amazement. See, I wouldnt do that if I wanted to hurt you, I told her, passing her the glass of water. Thank you! she said as a tear rolled down her face. How old are you, Marley? Its hard to guess someones age when they look like you do at the moment. Im nineteen; my sister is twenty-two. Well, Marley, Im Keira as you know. Im twenty-two. This is my house, and this is now your room. Theres some chocolate on the night stand for you. I suggest you eat it to keep your sugar levels up; youve been through a lot today. There is a bathroom, so why don't you go and get yourself cleaned up and Ill go and get you some clean clothes. Ill leave them on the bed for you and then once youre ready just come downstairs. Shout at me when youre down, and Ill come and get you. She nodded and made her way to the bathroom. I went to get her some clothes out of my room. She looked the same size as me, so I got her a pair of my jeans, a T-shirt, some new underwear that I still hadn't taken out of the packaging and a pair of slippers. I grabbed a hairbrush and band and

put them on the bed in her room. When I walked out I saw Lily doing the same thing for Beth; she had obviously come through. I walked downstairs and into the living room. All the guys were waiting. I flopped down on the sofa next to Eligos. Beth has come round. Lily is going to help her get showered and changed, Jake told me. She cried out for her sister. She called her Marley, I interrupted. She just told me her name, and she is only nineteen. Shes still a baby, Eligos said. Yeah. Did you see the news? Jake asked. Yeah, me and Lucian saw it in a caf in town. We missed some of it though, I told him. Oh yeah, secret meetings, Tyler said, raising one of his eyebrows. No, you shit-stirring bastard, Lucian told him nastily. We bumped into each other and went for coffee; theres no harm in that. I don't want arguing, I said loudly. I told them what we had heard on the TV. Thats about it really. It showed you the people attacking the police and demanding to know what was going on. They all looked furious. The reporters spoke to some of the people and they said they thought it was a government conspiracy or terrorist attacks, Danny told us.

So many people! I said sadly. Theyre building an army, Eligos informed us. This is ridiculous. How can so many souls and demons leave Hell without somebody knowing one of them, Jake said. No offence, mate, he said, looking at Eligos. What or who or where is going to be next? I asked, staring out in front of me. If we knew that, maybe we could stop it Jake answered. I looked at the places before. The only thing they have in common is the population size. All of them are less than five thousand; other than that theres no connection, Danny said. How can we try and protect every small town in the USA? Lucians phone started ringing. Hey, Dad, he said, Im there nowAre you serious? Where? Oh myIll put it on nowYes we willOK, bye. He got up and turned the TV on:

The UK, France and Italy are now just three of the other countries to experience the attacks. In total, throughout Europe over 9,000 people have now disappeared. Add those to the people in the USA and the total is over 16,000.Police are looking into known terrorist organizations and

None of us spoke. What was there to say? No matter what we said, it wouldnt do anyone any good. All of us sat there in silence as the anchor woman read out the names of the towns throughout Europe that had been affected. All of them destroyed with no sign of bodies or survivors. Now whoever was leading this was confident beyond belief. Nothing was stopping it, we couldnt stop it. All we could do was watch and wait while innocent people died.

Chapter Thirty-One Marley and Beth

Keira!I heard Marley shout. Turn the TV off, I said, as I walked out of the room. I didn't want her to see this, not yet; they had been through enough today already. Marley was standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me. Hey, how are you feeling? I feel fine, thank you. Lily is just getting Beth dressed and then shell be down. Good, now I have a few people I need you to meet. I took her arm and led her into the living room. OK, guys, this is Marley, I said. Marley, this is Tyler, Jake, Lucian, Danny and Eligos. Hello, she said shyly.

Come and sit down, Lucian said, making room for her on the sofa. She walked over and sat down next to him. Are you all demons? she asked. No, Lucian told her. But we all have power in us. So its just you and Eligos, she said, looking at me. Thats right. OK. Marley, why were you both looking for me? I asked her, sitting next to Eligos again. My family had power too. My mom and dad had it passed to them from their parents. Part of my power isI have visions. I see things before they happen and sometimes I dream about people. I dreamed about you for the first time about four months ago. Then in one of the dreams I watched you die. There had been an accident I think, and you died for someone. But then a few weeks later, I was walking home from the shops and I had a vision, I saw you fighting a man near a church. I knew Id got it wrong and that you hadn't died Marley, I did die. Tyler was killed and I died to bring him back. So why are you back? That is a very long story; one of us will tell you another time. Right now, we need to know where you came from and why, why now? Is Tyler your boyfriend? she asked.

No, Eligos is. She turned her head quickly to look at him. She smiled at him for a moment and looked at me again. Hey, guys, Lily said. Everyone turned to see her standing in the doorway with Beth. Everyone, this is Beth. Beth Lily introduced her to everyone. Who found me, who healed me? she asked. I did, I told her. She walked over to me, bent down and hugged me. Thank you! she whispered. Youre welcome. Who brought me here, she asked, standing up again. Me, Eligos told her. She did the same to him, and I heard her thank him. Lucian stood up and went to sit on the floor in front of the fireplace so she could sit with Marley. I always wondered what you would look like, Beth said to me. Marley told me about her vision of you. She said you were beautiful and tried her best to describe you. Im not exactly beautiful, but thank you for the kind words, I said, looking at Marley.

So where did you come from? Lucian asked them. Were from Jacksonville, Beth answered. What happened to you? Tyler asked. We were attacked. Two creatures came for us. They killed our parents last year and now they have come back for us. We were packing, getting ready to come to Salem to find Keira. Marley knew she had to find her because of the dreams she was having. We had nothing to stay in Jacksonville for. We couldnt afford to keep the house, so we sold it. The money had come through and we were staying at a friends house until we were ready to leave and come here. Did they attack you at your friends? Jake asked. No, Marley told him. We were driving here; we were about three miles away from Salem, on a quiet road when we were attacked. Our car was thrown off the road, and we rolled into one of the fields. We dragged ourselves out of the car, but we were badly hurt and we didnt have the strength to fight properly. The two creatures threw some form of energy at us and energy balls. Then one of them Beth trailed off. Its OK, Lily said. You can tell them. One of them she hesitated, violated me WHAT! I shouted. Once it had finished with me it threw me against the car. The other was hitting Marley over and over again, and then it threw her at me. Neither of us could move, Beth said.

Then one of them blew the car up, Marley said. I thought you were both against the car, Tyler said. We were, Beth told him. I generated a shield, and managed to drag us both away. Then I collapsed. I managed to bring her around, but she was bleeding so much. We tried to carry on to Salem but we didnt get very far. Beth collapsed again and I tried to carry on, to find you. Thats when you found me. Marley said, and then she smiled. As soon as I saw you, I knew we would be OK. I felt a lump in my throat and just tried to smile back. Girls, these creatures, can you describe them? Eligos asked them. Yeah, Beth said. Both of them were really tall and quite fat. They both had really rough skin. It looked scaly, and it was like a yellowishbrown color. Their faces werent human, but similar to a dogs, and they had really big teeth and big yellow eyes. One of them had a mark on his back, Marley said. What did it look like? Jake asked. It was like a tattoo, a really big one. It looked like a circle with lines running across it. It had what looked like a spear inside it too andI don't know, some other little scribbles. BASTARDS! Eligos shouted. You know who they are? I said shocked. Yeah I do, he said, standing up.

What are they? Lily asked. The creatures that attacked the girls are from one of the other realms. Do you remember the first time you saw me, when I brought my army? Yes. Did you notice how not all of them looked human? Yes, I said. Well, that's because they werent human to begin with. Some of them are from the other realms. It works the same as here though if youre evil or commit suicide you end up in Hell; if youre good, you go to Heaven. Heaven and Hell are the largest of all the realms; Hell actually being the biggest of all. There are more guilty people and beings than there are good. Do you know them personally? Danny asked. I think I might. Marley, this mark on his back, did it cover the top half of him? Eligos asked her. Yes. Did it look similar to this, he said, showing her his ring. Kinda, but the pictures were different, she said, studying it. Think carefully did it have what looks like a leaf inside the circle, just underneath the spear? Yeah, it did. I couldnt quite work out what it was before, but now I can see ityes.

Then I know exactly who it is, and the creature that was with him, Eligos said, standing and walking to the window. The creature with the tattoo is called Kaligor and his little lapdog is Gurvon. They worked in the Pits for a while. Then Kaligor was brought to the Palace to be commended for running the Pits well. He earned himself the title of Lord and was tattooed. Not long after, he caused problems. Im not even going to start telling you what he did; wed be here all week. He was banished and, up until now, we hadn't heard from him or his lapdog. We all assumed Gurvon went to find him. Can we find them? Lucian asked. No, don't bring them here; theyll kill us, Beth pleaded. No they wont! Eligos told them. Theyd have to get past me first. Are you stronger than them? Marley asked him. Yes, stronger than both put together. What are you? Beth asked. A Grand Duke. I work for the Queen, Lilith, who incidentally is Keiras mother. Wow! Marley gasped. The Queen of Hell is your mother? Beth said in shock. Yes she is; all will be explained, don't worry. Speaking of the Queen, I need to take you to her, Eligos told me. Well go now. Guys will you tell these two about us please, and fix them something to eat if you don't mind.

No problem, Lucian and Lily said. Lets go, I said to Eligos. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we left.

Chapter Thirty-Two Update

Instead of arriving outside the Palace, this time we arrived in the long hallway. I think Eligos did that purposely so I didnt try and run away, so that I had to face Lilith. She was standing at the end of the hall, dressed in smart black trousers and a white corset top. Her hair was tied back, which was unusual; up until now Id only ever seen her with her hair flowing free. She was staring at me with a blank expression. We walked over to her in silence. Eligos, my husband would like to talk to you. He is in the main room, she said. OK. Ill see you later, Keira, he said before walking away. I didnt say anything to her; I just stood waiting. Follow me, she said, turning and walking down a passageway. I followed behind her, still in silence. She led me into a room I hadn't been in before. The walls were white and there was a small table in the middle with four comfortable-looking red chairs around it. On the walls were paintings

of Lilith and other demons; I recognized one of Hecate over a large fireplace. Sit down, she said as she closed the door behind us. I sat facing the large window. Lilith sat directly in front of me, leaning back into the chair and crossing her legs. Its going to get ugly very fast, she told me. Its already gotten ugly; in fact it got ugly months ago as far as Im concerned. Its about to get worse. How do you know? Thousands of spirits and demons have left Hell; most of them people and creatures who had been banished. They must think by joining this war on the mystery demons side, they can get their revenge on us for banishing them, she said, shaking her head. Fools! Cant you stop it? No, we cant. Demons have free rein, same as angels; its all in the rules. Sadly, there isnt a spell strong enough to create a barrier around the whole of a realm to keep them in and break those rules. I thought spirits couldnt do any harm; theyre just ghosts. Not if a demon gives them a physical form. You see its the demon that kills the living person and casts the spell to give the spirit a fresh body. The only way to get them out again is to either perform an exorcism, or dismember or burn the body so badly that there isnt much of it left. Then the spirit is forced to leave. If it doesnt find a new body instantly,

with a demon to perform the spell, it becomes harmless and normally just returns to Hell. So what the hell are poltergeists then? Demons, Keira! Its just magic, the spells they cast, but they get punished for it. They think they can go to Earth or one of the other realms and do as they please. They like to frighten people, fool them. That five minutes of pleasure they get scaring people really isnt worth the punishment that follows, she explained. Why do some people become demons and others remain as spirits, or just everyday people, down here? I asked. Half of the beings that come to Hell become demons. We need them in the armies, and to keep balance on Earth sometimes I don't understand this balance thing. Demons influence people to kill, cause warsSome cause the Earths plates to move, hence you experience earthquakes. Youve caused quite a lot of them yourself. Why do that though? Why cant people just live happy lives? If everything went right, life would be boring, she said. No it wouldnt; it would be nice and peaceful Yeah, like I said, boring. I just glared at her. Keira, you can look at me like that all you want. I am who I am.

Earth, these other realms, theyre your toys, arent they? I said disgusted. To an extent yes, but we don't want the place wiped out like these bastards do, she told me. Anyway, can we get back to the reason I asked you to come here, please? Whatever. We believe more people will disappear, thousands more at the least. I believe the missing person count is now more than forty thousand. No, its around sixteen, I corrected. No, it isnt. Don't forget those countries that arent in the media all the time. I know there are some remote villages and tribes that have been taken. Some in Africa, Asia and some in South America, that's as specific as I can be at the moment, until I speak to Cirrius again. Who? I asked. He is a lord of the High Court. That doesnt mean anything to me. Stop being such an obnoxious little bitch, she said nastily. Pardon? Lose the attitude. Or what? Youll throw me in the Pits? I challenged. If I have to then, yes. Go on then, do it!

Don't think I wont. No I mean it, do it! You couldnt possibly upset me anymore than you already have, or hurt me. So do it; the only person you will hurt is Eligos. Who by the way would come for me, and then you would have to kill him. I don't really think you want to have to kill the person you trust the most down here do you? What do you want me to do, Keira? What do you want me to say to you? she asked with a sad look. Absolutely nothing, I told her. Now, can I go yet? No, actually you cant. As I was saying, this is going to get ugly. I have sent demons out looking for other families with power. I know there arent that many left, but if they find any surviving ones, they will send them to you; they will make them dream about you. You will need them, Keira, and so will your friends. I believe two girls have already found you. Yes, Marley and Beth. Look after them. I don't want this, Lilith; I don't want to have to fight all the time. I don't want to lose any of my friends. I know you don't; I don't want this for you. I didnt ask for all of this, believe me; this is the last thing any of us wanted. So what now? Do we just have to wait? I asked impatiently. Were still trying to find out who is behind this; were pulling people in for questioning. If we find out who it is, or even a clue, I will contact you.

But until then we have to get attacked by these things, fight, risk our lives, not be able to help ourselves, never mind anyone else. That sounds fair. Jesus, if it wasnt for Eligos we wouldnt even know what the things were that were fighting. Im doing all I can; were all doing everything we can, she told me sincerely. I know. We both sat there in silence for a few minutes. Keira, please stop hating me. You know why I couldnt come to you I don't hate you, well, part of me does, but thats because of what you did to Elizabeth. I understand the rest. I thought Elizabeth Is there anything, anything at all I can do to try and track this bastard down? I interrupted. I don't think so, not unless you know a remarkably powerful psychic. We have a few strong ones down here, but none of them have seen anything other than some of the followers. We send demons to try and find them, but theyre on the move constantly, or are well hidden. They don't necessarily stay on Earth all the time. They may jump between realms to avoid being detected. I may know someone who can help, I told her. Ill see what I can do. OK, keep in touch.

I will. Do you think Eligos will be free now? Lets go and find out. We both left the room and made our way to the main area. Eligos and Lucifer were nowhere to be seen. Lilith went into the REM stage for a moment. They are in a meeting; they may be quite some time Lilith told me. Right. Do you want to? Do you have a library by any chance, I interrupted. Yes we do. The third floor is full of books, she told me. Can I go up there? This is your home too; you can go wherever you please. Thats where Ill be if you need me, I told her. She nodded sadly and pointed towards the stairs.

Chapter Thirty-Three Researching the Unknown

I walked up to the third floor, and through one of the large dark-wooden doors in the long hallway. When I walked into the library I couldnt believe my eyes; Id never seen so many books. Lilith was right too: it spread along the entire floor; each of the doors in the hallway was a different entrance to another area of the library. There was row upon row of bookcases, most of them twice the height of me, with ladders at each end so people could reach the books they needed. The room was dimly lit. I knew that, if I was going to start reading, I would have to brighten the place up. I didnt fancy getting a headache through eye strain. I walked further into the room. In the center was a large table, on which there were pads of paper, all blank, and pens. All set up and ready for someone to be able to study. I turned around, looked at the shelves and took a deep breath. I didnt even know what I was looking for, and now; I didnt know where to start. Start at the beginning, I said out loud. Wherever that is. I cracked all my fingers and walked to the bookcase next to the first door. I browsed over the spines of the books, some of which I couldnt understand as they seemed to be written in many different languages. Others were so old that the titles had worn away. I made my way along the larger shelves. Some of the books were thick in dust; obviously nobody had used them for a long time. What the hell am I looking for? I asked myself. Come on something jump out at me. My mind was blank. I didn't know why I was looking up here. There were books on every subject imaginable, from white magic to black, necromancy, the realms, specific demons, torture and atlases. I searched for around twenty minutes before something caught my eye. The book was simply called Lilith; I took it from the shelf and walked over to the table. I developed three orbs of light and let them float just in front of me. I opened the book and started to read. It told me who she was and how she came to be in Hell,

The third chapter is the one which is closest to the truth, I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around to see Lilith standing in one of the doorways. Of course, you could have just asked me where I came from if you wanted to know, she said. I didnt come here looking for information on you. I just happened to find this and I thought Id read it, I told her. I don't really know what I came here to find. OK, she smiled as she walked out and closed the door behind her. I couldnt help myself; I turned to the third chapter. The chapter told me how Lilith was the first wife of Adam, before the creation of Eve. She had been created along with him. However, Lilith was not suitable as a companion for Adam; they didnt agree on much, especially when he attempted to have sex with her. Adam had demanded the missionary position, but Lilith wouldnt have it. She thought that, because they were created equal, sex should be equal, too. Adam apparently wouldnt be equal to Lilith and tried to overcome her. But Lilith was more than Adam had thought she was. She walked away from Adam and the Garden of Eden forever. She went to live in a cave near the Red Sea, where she was said to have accepted the demons of the world as lovers and apparently gave birth to a hundred demons per day. She was known as the Mother of Demons. But then it said she was the wife of Asmodeus, I knew that wasnt true since I had met her husband. I didnt read any further. I knew all the other myths and lore about her. How she would kill children and seduce men in their sleep. I didnt want to read stories; I wanted facts. I would ask her to tell me the truth one day, one day when I didnt have to worry about what was coming. I put the book back on the shelf and continued to search. I still didnt know what to look for. I picked what seemed to be an encyclopedia of demons. I knelt down and flicked through the pages. Some of the illustrations of the demons were horrible; I hoped I would never encounter a lot of them.

Then I found something that brought back memories. It was the picture of it that caught my attention. The human form, its skin looking as though it was rotting away, the description of how when it screamed it could basically shatter your eardrums and the speed at which it could move. They were the creatures that had attacked us the night Jake was thrown on to the glass; the night I found out I could heal people. They were called Liche demons. They are corpses controlled by someone who is deep into the dark arts. Someone who had mastered necromancy, and who could command the dead to do his or her bidding. I wondered if Argyle had sent them; ever since he had been taken out of the picture, nothing like that had attacked us. I closed the book. I was starting to get annoyed thinking back on everything that had happened and knowing there was worse to come. I needed to find something that could help us, something that might be able to protect us. Spells! I said to myself. Strong ones and psychic power maybe. I pulled four books off the shelf and went back to the table. I started flicking through them, reading paragraphs from a couple of the pages. I found a few spells that would come in useful for protection, more for the guys back home than for myself. I wrote them down so I could take them back with me. They could learn them by heart and hopefully feel a little bit safer. I found a drawing of a demons trap, the same as the one Crystal had used on me. I traced over it and put it in my pocket, just in case we ever needed to use it ourselves. I read that once the demon was inside, they would be powerless. Well, I already knew that! After writing down a few more spells I read about psychic powers. I instantly thought of Marley: she knew my name, what I looked like, where I lived. What was interesting though, and what most of these people with this power didnt know, was that they could do these things at will. The book said that, if the person was to concentrate hard, and providing the person opened their mind, they could see into the future. The book warned

that it would take a lot of practice and determination. They could also sense when danger was near, if they learned how to use their power properly. Thats it! I said out loud. Marley will be able to see who is doing this, or at least get a clue. I slammed the book shut and put it back on the shelf. The orbs of light disappeared and I ran out of the room. I ran downstairs and into the main room. Lilith was sitting there on her own staring into space, a thoughtful look on her face. I ran over to her and sat beside her. I think I could I went to say. Marley would have to be strong to pull it off, she interrupted. How did you know I was going to say anything about Marley? I have my ways of knowing. Do me a favor and stay out of my head! You may not like some of my thoughts. I didnt delve into your thoughts; you were talking to yourself, I simply listened! she retorted. Oh, sorry. Try it! It may take a lot of practice, if she is willing to do it. Its got to be worth a try. Ladies, I heard Lucifer say. I turned to see him and Eligos walking towards us. Keira has an idea, Lilith said to Lucifer.

Do share, he said, turning to look at me. There is a girl at my house at the moment; I only met her today, she has visions, shes psychic, I think maybe, if she practices and concentratesshe may be able to see who is causing this, I told him. Try it. Tell her what will happen if we don't find the one responsible. I will, I justWhoa! I said, putting my hand to my forehead. Keira, what is it? Lilith asked, moving closer to me. I feel really dizzy. Eligos, get her some Oh my Suddenly I wasnt in the room anymore. I could see Tyler, Danny and Lucian fighting two creatures, both yellowish brown in color. Then the scene changed to Jake and Lily standing in the living room with Beth and Marley. They were protecting them. Both of them standing there, eyes black as coal, waiting to see if the creatures got past Tyler and the others. Then I saw Marley standing with her fingers on her temple; her lips were moving; she was saying my name over and over again. Keira? Lilith was saying. I was back in the main room of the Palace. Keira, what is it? Eligos asked worried. Are you OK? We need to get back, NOW! Theyre in trouble, I told him, standing quickly.

How do you kn Marley, she was calling to me. We must go. Eligos grabbed my arm and within a second we were in my living room. Keira! Marley said, sounding relieved. They found us. They were in the garden a minute ago, near the rose bushes; the others are trying beat them down. We ran out of the room and into the garden. When we got near them I saw Danny had one of the creatures pressed against the wall, yet he was standing several feet away from it. He shot energy at the creature and it squealed out in pain. Tyler and Lucian were both attacking the other one but couldnt seem to get the better of him. I put both my hands out, one in each of the creatures direction, and then moved my hands closer together. The creatures moved with them, both of them unable to escape. Being able to put things into suspended animation came in really handy sometimes. About time you showed up! Tyler said to me. One of you go and get Beth and Marley, Eligos said. They might feel better if they are involved in this. In what? Lucian asked. Them dying, he said, turning his attention to the creatures. Danny ran inside. I held the creatures in mid-air until the girls came out. Both of them stood slightly behind me, and both of them had a hold of my top. Don't be frightened, I told them. These two arent going anywhere unless I want them too.

Neither of them let go of my top though. Eligos held both his hands out and his two swords appeared. Come here, girls, he said, turning to face them. Beth and Marley walked over to him, not taking their eyes off the creatures. Take one of these, he said, passing them a sword each. These will kill them, they will kill their souls, and you will never see them again. I thought you might like to do it. I lowered the creatures so the girls would be able to reach them. Beth walked over to them first. She looked at the biggest one, the one with the mark on his back. This is for our parents! she said. She glared at him for a moment before running the sword straight through his stomach. She watched as he disappeared and then turned to Marley. My turn! Marley said, walking over to the other creature. This is for nearly killing me and my sister. She ran the sword through his chest, the creature vanished and then so did Eligoss swords. Do you feel better now? I asked them while lowering my arms. Yes, they both replied. Thank you. I thought you would, Eligos smiled. Thank you, Beth said to him. Im glad I don't carry them things around though. God, it was heavy. He nodded and smiled at her then walked over to me.

How is your head? he asked me. OK now. Im sorry, Keira, Marley said, walking over to me. I was trying to make you see what was happening here, did you see it? I did. I saw the guys out here fighting and I saw you four in the living room. I could see you calling my name, then the vision stopped, I told her. I cant believe it actually worked; Ive never done that before. There will be a lot of things you are capable of. I didnt know I could do half the things I can do now before I came here. Its funny how quickly you learn when youre under attack. Yeah, the guys were telling us how you found out about all your powers, Beth told me. I don't know all of them yet, only a few; Im still learning.

Chapter Thirty-Four Painful Memories

Marley and Beth spent most of the night listening to us explaining everything. They now knew 90 per cent of the story so far. Neither of them

had realized how big all this was; they knew something wasnt right, but they never for one minute expected to be part of something like this. They were both clearly shocked and frightened, although they tried their best to hide it. But when Marley went to get her cup of coffee, I saw her hand shaking. She was only a teenager. She shouldnt have to go through this; none of us should, but certainly not someone as young as her. The guys had gone home late, about 2a.m., all except for Jake; he was practically living here now. The rest of us had just gone straight to bed. The following morning I was sitting outside on my swing with a cup of coffee. I was in a world of my own. It was 10a.m. Eligos had gone to speak to some of the members of his army. Lily and Jake were still asleep, which was unusual, but I suppose they needed to catch up after all those sleepless nights. Marley was dead to the world; she must have been exhausted. Id checked on Beth but it sounded as though she was in the shower so I came downstairs alone. That was very unusual these days. Id had half an hour to myself, alone with my thoughts. Keira, I heard Beth say. Do you mind if I join you? I turned to see her standing a few feet away from me, mug in hand. No, of course not. Sit down, I said, patting the seat. Are you OK? You looked like you were in a world of your own, she asked. Yeah, I do that a lot; youll probably get used to it. Ive got a lot on my mind. I can imagine! she said, smiling slightly, I don't know how you do it. Do what? Stay so calm, just carry on as normal.

Its not easy, I can tell you that. You must have some strength in you. Not really, I just put a brave face on. Im just as frightened as everyone else, I told her. Beth, if you don't mind me asking, what happened to your parents? Did those thingsGurvon and the other one I meandid they just turn up one night? No, they attacked us a couple of times. Our family, we have power, but its not strong. My mom knew a lot of spells and they helped keep us all alive for a few months, but You don't have to talk about it if its too hard, I told her. No, no its OK. It was a Tuesday night, wed just finished our dinner and were about to watch a movie together. My mom put some popcorn in the microwave while my dad put the DVD in the player. Me and Marley were on our way upstairs to get our pajamas on we heard our mom screamthen there was the sound of glass shattering. My dad screamed for me and Marley to hideI grabbed Marleys arm and ran into the small room at the back of the house. It was a safe room. My mom and dad had cast several different spells on it so that if ever we were attacked, if we could get in there, we would be safe. We curled up together in the corner. Marley was shaking and crying. All we could hear was my mom shouting and crying, begging something to get off my dad. Then there was a lot of banging and thennothing. Silence, Beth said, wiping a tear from her cheek. We didnt know what to doWe were so frightened. My parents had always said that if something like that was to happen, we werent to go downstairs for a long time afterwards. Just in case something was waiting for us. How long did you wait? I asked.

All night and most of the morning. It had been silent all night. I made Marley wait in the room while I went downstairs. The kitchen was in ruins, there was blood all over the place. My mom was on the floor in front of the kitchen tableHer eyes were still openMy dad, oh God, my dadhe washe Don't say it if its too hard, I told her. He was in pieces, she said after taking a deep breath. I screamed and screamed and cried. Marley came running downstairs. I tried to keep her out of there but she pushed past me. She was silent; she just hit the floor. My next-door neighbors came barging through the front door; they had obviously heard my screams. When they saw my parents they grabbed me and Marley and took us outside. Then they called the police. What did you tell them? NothingWhat could I tell them? Oh yeah it was two creatures that looked like they were from another planet or something? I told them we were in bed and that wed heard a disturbance. I said that when we went to go downstairs my mom screamed for us to hide. I told them Id not seen the attackers, only that we had heard a lot of shouting and banging. They had forensics round at the house and it was taped off for weeks, but obviously they never found the ones who did it to them. Im so sorry, I said, wiping a few tears away. Marley didnt talk for months afterwards; she would sit there staring into space. I didnt know what to do for her. She only started talking when she started having the dreams about you. I didnt know what to say to her. She told me how shed seen a girl with power on her way to Salem with another girl. She said she knew this girl was powerful. Her dreams

don't play like a movie. She doesnt see everything that happens; she sees a few seconds of something, then a few seconds of something else and so on. What made her decide to find me? When we started seeing the creatures again. They taunted us for weeks; she said she knew if we could find you we would be safe. Shed always said she felt safe in her dreams when you were there, and so she knew if you were with us she would feel safe while she was awake. How did she know I was real? Shes psychic; she just knew. Is her psychic powerstrong? I asked. Yeah, it frightens her sometimes. She found you, didnt she? Someone wed never met or heard of before her dreams. That must tell you something about her strength. Youre right, it does, I said with a thoughtful look on my face. Look, Im sorry youre involved in this, I added sincerely. So am I, but everything happens for a reason. Were not on our own anymore. I know that makes me feel a lot better and Marley feels safer with you being around her now. Good Im glad. Ill keep you both as safe as I can. We all will, I assured her. Well fight with you when the time comes, she told me. But we might not be much help; we're not that strong. We can fix that, but lets not get carried away just yet.

OK. Can I ask you something? Fire away. What happened to Eligoss face? Hmmm, I said, smirking. I was waiting for one of you to ask that.

Chapter Thirty-Five Panic Stations

Just as Id finished telling Beth about Eligos, he appeared. He had another man next to him. He looked older than Eligos, around thirty-five I would have said. His light-brown hair was short and spiky. He was around a foot taller than Eligos which made him a giant to me. Eligos was easily six feet tall and this man made him look small. Keira, Beth, Id like you to meet Brandameer; he is my right-hand man, Eligos told us. Nice to meet you! I smiled as I walked over to him. The pleasure is all mine, he said, bowing his head. Hello! Beth said shyly. Hello, Beth.

That was when I noticed his eyes. They werent human. They looked like cats eyes, pale green with a black diamond-shaped pupil. He wanted to meet you, Eligos told me. Its only fair since hes going to be fighting with us all. Of course, I said. Theres nobody else up at the moment, otherwise I would introduce you to them. Its OK, Brandameer told me. It was you I wanted to meet, and not because of the fighting, he smirked, looking at Eligos for a moment. I just wanted to see who had finally got his attention I just smiled at him. We were all rather shocked when we found out he had got himself a girlfriend. Hes never even looked at a woman like that before, he told me. I believe so, I said, still smiling. Anyway, I must leave. Someone has to do his job while hes here, he said, winking at me. You know, having a vacation. Piss off! Eligos laughed. Ill contact you in a few days, oh, and, ladies, call me Brad. Everyone else does; its a lot easier than my full name. OK, Brad. Ill see you again, I said. Goodbye. A second later he was gone.

Was he with you when you first brought your army here? I asked Eligos. Yes, he was on one side of me and I had Carlos on the other side. Hes not as sociable as Brad so he didnt come. Fair enough, miserable sod. I was going to introduce you to them when you first came to Hell, but both of them were assigned to a job. Hes not human, is he? Beth asked. No, Eligos answered. He is from another realm. Yeah, the guys were saying there are quite a few other realms. Around two hundred. Wow! Time is different in Hell too, isnt it? Tyler said everything was four times longer or something. I got a bit confused. An hour here is four in Hell, I told her. Thats a real head-doer, she giggled. Yeah, you ought to try going there and back all the time. You feel jetlagged sometimes, Eligos said. I bet you do. Right, anyway, Im going to see if Marleys up. See you later, she said just before walking away. I sat on the swing again and Eligos joined me. How are they? he asked.

Beths OK. She told me about her parents. It was awful. Marleys still asleep so I havent spoken to her. What happened? I explained everything Beth had told me. Sick bastards! If they werent already dead Id have taken them to Hell and let some people have some fun with them, he said in disgust. I think the girls feel better knowing theyre dead though. Yeah I should think so. This is messed up, I sighed. I mean, why not just attack full force, get it over and done with. Why do they mess with us, let us think everything's OK and then BANG, were fighting again. Theyre gathering their forces. They know that when the time comes theyre gonna have a lot of people to face. Theres only us up to now. No there isnt. Theres us, Hecate, Unsere and her husband, all my army, all Buers army, plus anyone else with power that turns up here. Thats just for starters. Whos Buer? Another Grand Duke. Hes a demon of the second order. He is going to join us when the time comes. Lilith will be talking with other army leaders too, so there will probably be a lot more. Wow! I gasped. Eligos, just how big is this going to get.

Theyre recruiting on a large scale. Tens of thousands of people have disappeared up to now. Who knows what the total will be by the end of the week? At least well have the numbers. Im worried about the guys, I told him. How so? They have more power now, and yet they struggled with Crystal. And they were all together. Thats because they havent spent time mastering their new power. They havent really had the time. Well, we need to make time, otherwise We will. Danny is doing well. Hes not spent much time on his power, but hes good with a few weapons now. They all need to be good, I told him. We spent another ten minutes or so on the swing before heading inside. Lily and Jake were in the kitchen having their breakfasts. Both of them had had a good nights rest and Jake looked a lot better. He hadn't had any bad dreams last night and was relieved to say the least. Marley came down and Beth made her some toast and coffee; she too looked a lot better than yesterday. Are you sure you don't mind us staying? Marley asked me. We didnt expect to stay with you; we would have checked into a motel or something. Nonsense, youre obviously meant to be near me, so near me youll be, I told her. Besides Ive got plenty of room. Thanks, Keira.

Now the thing is we tend to get attacked quite a bit around here. Its been quiet recently, so were due something soon. That means youll need to be able to defend yourselves. Im gonna need to know what youre both capable of. Im psychic, I have visions, I can throw energy balls and shockwaves, but theyre not very strong, and Im pyro kinetic, Marley said. Oh Tylers gonna hate you, I told her. He would give anything to be pyro kinetic. He should be now, Eligos told me. Tell him to try. Oh hell be happy then, I smirked. Beth, what about you, what can you do? Erm, I can generate shields, that's my strongest power. Im telekinetic; I can manipulate fire but I cant create it; I can create strong winds, andthat's about it. Fire is your strongest weapon against the possessed bodies, Eligos told her. Burn them, dismember them. If the body is wrecked the spirit leaves. God how many times have I said that now; I sound like a broken record. Electrocuting them seems to work well, I informed them. It worked for me when I faced Argyle and his gang. It will work if the current is strong enough to burn them to a crisp or disIm not saying it again. OK, I said, laughing. Would you like me to say it for you? I added cheekily.

Would you like me to toss you through the window? he asked with wide eyes. You wouldnt do that to her Lily pointed out. Wouldnt I? Eligos said turning to face her. No, you love her too much and that would hurt her. Id heal her afterwards. You wouldn't do it, I know you wouldnt. Oh shut up, he said, knowing that what she was saying was true. See, told ya, she smirked. Ill toss you through it in a minute, he said smirking himself. Keira would beat you up if you did, wouldn't you? she said looking at me. Yes. Women! Jake giggled. Lily took the metal spoon out of her hot cup of coffee and put it against Jakes forearm. Ow! he shouted, quickly moving his arm away. What the hell was that for? Being cheeky, she told him. If I get a blister now, I swear to God

Youll what? Beth interrupted. Oh God, I forgot theres two more of them now, Jake said, burying his head in his hands. Were all done for. Lily looked over at Beth and smiled at her. Oh stop moaning! Marley told him. Jesus, theyre all at it, Eligos remarked. Problem? I asked him cockily. Not at all, my sweet beautiful little princess. Creep! Beth, Marley and Lily said, all at the same time. All of us burst out laughing. We were still laughing when Jakes phone started ringing. It was Tyler telling him they were all on their way over and to turn the TV on. He said it wouldn't matter what channel we put on we would see it. He told him me and Lily would have to be prepared for what we were about to see. We all walked into the living room. The laughter had stopped; we knew what we were about to see was going to be bad. Tyler was right: no matter what channel we put on, the news was on. It looked as though an atomic bomb had gone off in a city. Jake messed with the remote to try and turn it up, but there was no need. I felt sick to my stomach. I recognized the burned-out buildings and shops. I turned to look at Lily. She was as white as a ghost. The city on TV was our home town, our birthplace, West Chester. Mom! I said, running out of the room.

I ran into the kitchen to grab my phone. Lily ran in after me to get hers and tried to call her parents. It wont connect! I told her. No, mine wont either, she said in tears. Neither of us had been particularly close to our parents. Lilys were horrible to her and my mom and I were never close. What worried Lily the most was that her grandparents lived in West Chester too, along with her aunt and uncle. All of them had tried to get Lily away from her mom and dad when she was younger. We tried again but we still couldnt get a connection. Keira, Lily cried, shaking her head. Were going, I said as I grabbed my car keys. We both ran into the hall just as Tyler and the others walked in. Eligos, Jake and the girls were now in the hall too. Where are you going? Eligos and Beth asked us. West Chester, we both answered as we ran out of the door. Why don't I take you? Eligos shouted to me. No, you need to stay here just in case they need you here. I need you here, I said as I got in the car. None of them said anything. As soon as Lily was strapped in I put my foot down on the accelerator and sped out of the grounds of the house. Keira, what if Dont. Not yet! I told her.

Chapter Thirty-Six West Chester

Both of us were silent all the way to West Chester, Pennsylvania. I was so anxious; I held on to the steering wheel so tightly my hands and arms were aching. I broke every speed limit. On some of the straight roads, thanks to the power in me, we were going so fast that the speedometer couldnt keep up. At this speed it would take only a few hours to get there. We had tried calling our families again, but we still couldnt get a connection. We had been sent a few text messages from the guys, telling us that all the channels had just been showing the same footage. Nothing new at all. We told them we would call them when we arrived. I kept asking myself over and over, Why are you going there? and What are you going to do? You cant help anyone there what are you trying to achieve? But I wouldn't turn back; I had to see what had happened with my own eyes, not through the TV set. When we arrived in West Chester we both got the shock of our lives. The whole place was in perfect condition, the buildings were intact, people were walking around getting on with their everyday lives. There was no sign of anything being wrong anywhere. I pulled up outside my moms house. Everything was the same as it had been just before I left for Salem. Whats going on? Lily asked, extremely confused. I have no idea, I said, getting out of the car warily.

She got out and followed me towards the house. Before we got to the porch my mom walked out of the front door. When she saw us she stopped dead in her tracks. Keira! she said in disbelief. I was so relieved to see she was OK; I did something Id never done before. I ran up the steps of the porch and flung my arms around her, tears started rolling down my cheek. Keira, what is this? she said, pulling me back from her. I thought you were dead, I told her. Why? Why would you think that? Its a long story. Do you want to come in? I can make us all a cup of tea, she said, smiling. I don't want to bother you, I just wanted to Keira, I know weve never been close, but you are my daughter. Let me make you and Lily a cup of tea. Then you can tell me why on earth you thought I was dead. She took me and Lily inside and into the kitchen. We sat down on the stools while she made us both a drink. Nothing had changed in the house since I moved out four years ago. There were still photos of her and my dad all over the place and some of me when I was a little girl. The furniture was the same: the pale wood chairs to match the cupboards, the sand-colored granite worktops and beautifully carved table. Here you are, girls, she said, passing us both our drinks. Now, what's all this about?

Me and Lily told her what we had seen on the news. My mom was really confused; she didnt understand what was happening. She knew some towns had been wiped out, but she had no idea why. She knew I knew what was going on and questioned me over and over, until finally, I told her. I didnt tell her about my personal life and Lilith; I only told her about the attacks and that something was coming. This is crazy she said. Why do you have to stop it? Surely this is Hells problem. I was chosen, I suppose, I lied. I hadn't told her Id died, gone to Hell and now I was a demon. I just told her I was extremely powerful and that there was more in me than anyone had known. This is ridiculous! This sort of thing should only exist in the movies, my mom said. Well, its real, Im real, everything is real, I shot back coldly. She didnt respond. She just walked over to the sink and turned her back on me and Lily. All of us stayed quiet for a few minutes. Well, I can see youre OK so well be leaving now, I told her. If anything should happen or if you get frightened just- If I get frightened, she laughed. Ive been frightened since the day I found out what your father had in him. Oh yeah, and frightened since I got pregnant with you when Id been told I couldnt have kids, and since you turn out to be whatever it is that you areIm used to being frightened, Keira. You just worry about yourself, not me.

Fine, be like that! I snapped. I drive all this way to check to see if youre OK and youre still a witch with me. Im sorry I came. So am I. Come on, Lily; shell never change, I said, making my way out of the kitchen and to the front door. You know, I heard Lily say to my mom, if you had taken the time to get to know her, you would have realized what a fantastic daughter you actually have. Everyone loves her; its a shame her own mother doesnt. I pity you, you always wanted a child, then you have one, but shes not good enough; shes different, so you shun her. You didnt deserve to have her, and you still don't. As soon as she heard you might have been in trouble she got in the car and raced here, and this is the thanks she gets. Ill make sure she doesnt bother if it ever happens again. My mom didnt respond and a moment later Lily was walking out the front door with me. Are you OK? she asked me as we walked to the car. Fine, Im used to her. Ill call the guys and tell them what's happened. Oh God, I forgot. I said Id call them when we first got here. Yeah well, we had a bit of a shock. Im sure theyll forgive us, she said, putting the phone to her ear. Id just put my seatbelt on when I heard my mom call my name. I told Lily to give me a minute and got back out of the car.

What is it? I shouted to her. I know Ive never been much of a mother to you, but that doesnt mean I don't love you. Actually it does. You see a mother who loves her daughter holds her hand when her father dies; she doesnt pass her on to her granddad. She takes her to school on her first day. She shares her joy and her tears and they spend time together. Thats just a few things a parent should do with their child. My dad loved me. He spent time with me when he was alive. You never did! You just stayed away from me. In fact you didnt do any of those things I just said, so don't give me that I love you crap, I told her bluntly. Do you think Im proud of what I did? Keira, I was mixed up in things I never for one minute thought could exist. I didnt know what to do, how to do itthen I lost your father, and then I lost you. You didn't lose me! You pushed me away; you left me to look after myself when I was just ten years old. All you did was make sure I had clothes and food. Oh sorry and a roof over my head when I wasnt at my granddads. Keira, Im sorry, she said in tears. Youre twelve years too late. I got back in the car and drove off. Do you want to talk? Lily asked me. No Im fine. She doesnt upset me, and seeing her upset doesnt bother me. She chose this relationship twelve years ago, not me. Its a bit late to try and fix things. Anyway, do you want to stop by your parents place or anything?

No, God no, now I know everyones OK, I just want to go home. OK. I spoke to the guys. They were shocked to say the least; they were just as confused as we were. Especially since it was still on every channel they put on. I think something's messing with us again, I told her. It sure sounds like it. Well see if we can figure it out when we get back. But for now, just sit back and enjoy the drive.

Chapter Thirty-Seven Empty House

Wed had the music on in the car that loud all the way back to the house, that when we turned the stereo off our ears were ringing. We pulled up on the drive. None of the guys cars were there. Do you think theyve gone somewhere with Eligos, maybe to practice fighting? Lily said. Probably, you know how bored they get when were not with them.

I know. Its cute. We got out of the car and walked inside the house. Anybody home? I said loudly, closing the front door behind us. Nobody answered us. Looks like were home alone, Lily smiled. Wow, Ive forgotten what that feels like. Lets see what the news channels are saying now. I followed her into the living room and sat down while she turned the TV on. We flicked through channel after channel but there was nothing about West Chester. Just the same boring TV programmes and documentaries. OK well, since were just waiting for them to come home now, how does a beer, a bag of chips and sitting out on the porch sound? Its a nice evening; itd be a shame to stay indoors. Yep, youve got my vote, I told her. I got the beers while Lily got the chips and some other snacks. We hadn't eaten since this morning so we were both really hungry now. But neither of us could be bothered with cooking and we were sick of ordering out. Both of us would end up looking like a pizza one day. We sat on the chairs outside, kicked our shoes off and put our feet up on the chairs facing us. Cheers! Lily said, holding her beer bottle up. To us, just for being us, I laughed, tapping her bottle with mine.

Are we gonna spend some time together, so I can master my power? Yeah we need to; I need to spend time trying to master mine. Jesus, I mean, according to Eligos, I havent used a quarter of it yet, I said with wide eyes. I cant wait to see what youre capable of. Neither can I. We sat outside for an hour or so and had a couple of beers. I looked at my watch, it was now 8p.m. and the guys still werent back. Where do you think theyve gone? I asked Lily. God knows. Tyler probably picked a direction and drove in it. Somewhere out of the way of people though. I bet theyve gone for a beer too, I said. Hmmm, maybe, Ill give them a call. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and tried to call Jake. It wont connect, she told me. Have you got reception? Yeah, its full. Maybe its his reception then. Try calling one of the others, or use my phone, I said, sliding it across the table to her. Your network might be busy. She tried to call Lucian but again the call wouldn't connect.

Use mine, Lily. She tried Jake and Lucian again, on my phone this time, then Tyler and finally Danny. Eligos, Marley and Beth didnt have phones. It still wont connect! she said worriedly. Lily, calm down; theyre all together, Eligos is with them, theyll be safe. I bet theyre all in the middle of some bloody field somewhere, messing around. I bet Dannys keeping them out late so he can play with the weapons longer, and I bet theres no reception where they are. It makes perfect sense. If something was wrong, surely Lilith would have found a way to tell me or sent someone to me. Youre right, Im sorry. Don't be sorry for being worried. Im just so scared of something happening to them. Look at it this way: nothing has been able to get to us yet. They have a Grand Duke with them who can call on 360,000 demons at any time to help him. Something tells me they dont have to worry. I know, I know she sighed.

Chapter Thirty-Eight Worry (Part 1) Dannys Story

I walked back into the living room to find Jake putting his phone away after speaking to Lily. Id just been on the phone to my parents telling them that West Chester was fine and dandy. They couldnt understand what was going on either. None of us had any answers, not even Eligos, which was really unusual. He was normally the one who could answer our questions but now he was just as confused as we were. Theyre on their way back now, Jake told us all. How long do you think it will take them? Eligos asked. Well, she probably wont drive like a madwoman now, so it will be few hours at least, Lucian answered. Unless Im wrong and she works her magic. I mean it only took them a couple of hours to get there. The speed they must have been goingthats frightening! Well, its not like shed lose control of the car, is it? Her power would keep it grounded, I said. Im surprised she didnt make it fly, Tyler said. Hey, do you think she could do that? All of us laughed at him. This isnt a movie, Tyler, Marley told him. Hey, hellloooo! Demons exist, Heaven and Hell exist. Why not flying cars too? he said very seriously. Tyler, shut up! I grinned. So whatre we gonna do now then? Jake asked. Its strange Keira and Lily not being here; I dont like it. You know, maybe we should spend time learning to fight and mastering some of this new power, I suggested.

Yeah, you should, Eligos agreed. I dont think well be waiting for the big fight much longer. They are building their army quickly; it could happen any time. None of us spoke for a few minutes; we all seemed to go into a world of our own. We were going to drive out somewhere but then I remembered that Keira owned a hell of a lot of land around the house. As long as we went to the outskirts nobody would see anything. We walked over a couple of large fields and decided to stop there. OK, Eligos said. Marley, Beth, if you decide you want to join in, just say so. Can we just watch today? Were nowhere near as powerful as you guys. I suppose were quite boring actually, Beth said. Youre not boring at all, Lucian told her. Weve been topped up, don't forget; you havent. Besides that, nobody with power is boring. Something was telling me he liked her. It didn't surprise me: she was quite pretty. She had blondish-brown hair that went down to just below her chin, her eyes were a greyish blue and she had rosy cheeks. She was small, Id say about five foot two, and she had a slim build. Right well, someone start it off then, Marley said as she sat on the grass with Beth. How? Jake asked. Just play with it, Tyler said. That's what Keira did when we went out that time. So we spent a few hours showing off what we could do. What surprised me was how different our powers were now. Even though wed all been

topped up by the same person, we could all do different things. Tyler was ecstatic because he was now able to create fire, so thats what he spent most of time doing. He threw it out in front of him and set some of the gates around the field on fire. He was extremely upset though when Lucian showed us all that he was now hydrokinetic. Every time Tyler set fire to something or threw it out in front of him, Lucian would throw water at it and put it out. It nearly caused World War III. Eligos ended up throwing them both to opposite ends of the field to stop them attempting to kill each other. I found it highly amusing. What did impress me was Jakes power now. He created storms similar to the ones Keira did, just not quite as powerful, and he couldnt keep the lightning on the ground as long as she could. But the thunder, wow, it was deafening. The dark cloud would appear out of nowhere and then bang! Everyone had to cover their ears. Then he decided to move on and find out how strong his attacking power was. He and Tyler faced off against each other, and neither of them held back. If it wasnt for Eligos constantly healing them, both of them would have been dead. The energy balls we now created were still the same semi-transparent whitish color, but they were a lot stronger, in fact a hell of a lot stronger. Lucian threw one at Tyler and he fell to the floor in absolute agony; he couldnt move and could hardly breathe. Eligos ran over to him quickly to sort him out. Lucian felt terrible for hours afterwards. I was glad it had happened to him, because, when Lucian and Jake were showing off, Tyler came over to me. He told me he wanted to challenge Eligos. He said now that he had his new power and he was stronger, he thought he might have been able to take him on. I asked him why he would want to do that, when all Eligos was doing was helping us. He just gave me a funny look. I knew it was for one reason and one reason only. To get revenge for him being with Keira. I told him he wouldn't stand a chance against Eligos. Tyler might be stronger now, but Eligos was a full-blown demon, plus hes had over four thousand years of fighting experience. Tyler still wanted to face him though; if Keira had been here she would have gone crazy on him. Luckily though, he saw sense when Lucian knocked him to the floor. He realized that, if his friend could take him out

someone who had only just started learning to use his new power Eligos would do it without a second thought. Beth and Marley didn't join in; they were enjoying watching us. I didn't really practice my power. Id been doing it anyway and had spent quite a bit of time with Eligos already, so I mainly watched and talked to whoever wasnt fighting. Id already found out I was pyro kinetic now and I could move extremely fast, but the best thing I could do, the thing I loved doing the most, was putting the guys into suspended animation. It really pissed them off because none of them could do it oh I was so happy. Everyone was really enjoying playing, so much so that we lost track of time. When I looked at my watch I saw it was 5p.m., so we decided to head back to the house and wait for Keira and Lily. When we walked in Eligos walked straight into the smaller living room while the rest of them headed into the larger one. He hadn't been himself all day. Normally he was quite chatty with me, but today he only spoke when he had to. The rest of the time he seemed to be in a world of his own. I followed him into the room and watched while he flopped down on the sofa. Are you OK? I asked him. Yeah fine. You don't seem it. I just want Keira to get back now. You don't like being away from her, do you? No, he said seriously. Shes OK, you know; we spoke to Lily before. I know that. I just want her home. Does that make me sound like a possessive freak?

No it doesnt; you just love her. Yeah, too much. Is it possible to love someone too much? I asked, sitting on the sofa facing him. I don't know Ive never been in love before. Youre asking the wrong one. Ive never known two people love each other as much as you two do. I would love to be in a relationship like that. One day you will. I hope so. Got anyone in mind? he asked, raising one of his eyebrows. Yeah, but I can tell you straightaway, it wont happen. I thought that with Keira, but Ive got her. Who is it? Hecate, I finally answered. I thought so. Pardon? I saw the way you looked at her when she was here; it was rather obviousAsk her out, you might be pleased with her answer. Are you serious? I asked as my stomach tied itself in knots.

Very. He closed his eyes for a moment; he looked like he was experiencing REM. Shes with Lilith at the moment; otherwise Id get her here, but of course, now Ive tried to contact her, shell probably come when shes free anyway, he told me. Don't panic, if she didn't like you Id know. How? Ive known her a long time, several millennia; she talks freely to me. What's she said? Ask her. She tells me in confidence, so Im afraid I wont betray her. I understand. Eligos went quiet again and kept looking at the clock above the television. I sat with him for another twenty minutes, not really saying much. Then my stomach started rumbling and at the same time the guys said they were ordering out for dinner. None of us were patient enough to cook a meal large enough for all of us. I wished Lily was here. We tried to call Keira and Lily to see how long they would be and if they wanted us to order anything for them, but we couldnt get through to them. We knew their phones would be on; they always were. Eligos really didn't like that and started to get a bit uneasy. He didn't say anything to us, but I watched him; he hardly ate anything and continued to look at the clock every two or three minutes. At around 6.30 we all thought we heard Keiras call pull up on the drive and a moment later the sound of the front door open. Eligos seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and we all waited for them to come in. After a few minutes they still werent inside. Beth looked out of the window and

told us there was no sign of the car. I got up and walked through the hall; the door was shut. I looked into the other room but there was nobody there. Nope, theyre not here, I said as I walked back into the main living room. Surely they should be back by now? Tyler added. Call them again. See if you can get hold of them; they might have reception now, Jake said. Eligos wanted to talk to her so I threw him my phone. I think he just wanted to hear her voice and know she was OK. Still wont connect, he said, throwing the phone back to me. I wonder whose car we all heard, Marley said. I don't know, I cant explain that, I frowned. We all went quiet for a while and finished our meals, Eligos left his uneaten and walked out of the room. Is he OK? Beth asked. Hes just worried about Keira, I told her. He doesnt like being away from her, the last time they were apart, she wastortured. I know, she said softly. They ran out pretty quick this morning; theyve had a long drive. Maybe theyve stopped off for something to eat? Marley suggested. That would make sense, Tyler added.

Everyone except Eligos went into the chill-out room to watch a movie while we waited. 7 p.m. came and went, then 8 p.m., 9p.m. and 10p.m. There was still no sign of them and we still couldnt get through to their phones. At 11p.m. Eligos came into the room. This isnt right; where the hell are they? he said. I was just going to come ask you the same thing, I told him. Have you called them? Weve tried, but still no luck. Is there nothing you can do? Beth asked him. Im going to see Lilith, see if she can see them in the viewing pool, he told her. See thats something else, Lucian said to Eligos. If they were in trouble, Lilith would call you straight away, wouldn't she? Thats what Im going to find out. A split second later he had disappeared. All of us were getting worried now; even if they had stopped off for something to eat, it wouldn't have taken them this long to get home. Should we go out looking for them? Jake asked anxiously. Where? We could only go to the edge of town, and we don't even know which way theyll come back. Plus if were not here when they get home, theyll worry, I said. Danny, theres seven of us; we don't all need to go, Lucian told me.

Fine, Ill wait here. Ill wait for Eligos. Ill go out, Jake said. Ill come with you, Lucian told him. Me to, Beth and Marley both said, standing. OK, Ill stay here with Danny, Tyler decided. Well split up. Jake you take Marley. Beth, you come with me, Lucian decided. We said wed call each other if we saw them, and they left. Tyler and I as they drove off. We both sat in silence, waiting. Fifteen minutes later Eligos came back. You took your time, Tyler shot at him. Eligos scowled at him before walking quickly into the living room. We both followed him. I told her, I told her she wasnt here, what the hell does she think I am. Stupid fu Hey hey, chill out, whats happened? I interrupted. I went to see Lilith; I had to wait twenty-five minutes for her to come back from some chat with someone. I told her I was worried because we couldnt get hold of Keira, and asked if I could use the viewing pool to see where she was. She took me to the room and worked her magic on the pool. I saw Keira and Lily standing at the window in the living room. I told her the pool was wrong and she got a little annoyed. She said the pool only shows the truth and that I should come back to see for myself. I tried to

argue with her but she stopped the spell on the pool and asked me why I was winding her up. She said Keira was at home and that was that. What happened then? Tyler asked. She left, and a few minutes later so did I. But not before speaking to Hecate. About what? I asked. I told her Keira and Lily werent at the house and that the pool had said they were, Eligos said, sitting down. She said she would see if she could do anything and get back to me. She was going to try and track her like she did with Crystal, but the life in her would make it harder to do. Could the pool be broken? No its not a machine. Its a spell used on the water in a sacred pool. But theyre not here, Tyler said, getting annoyed. Do you think I havent noticed that, Eligos snapped, standing up again. Stop it; this isnt the time for arguing, I said loudly. The others have gone out looking for them. We waited for hours and hours. Everyone came back but without Keira and Lily. Again we tried their phones, but we still had no luck. We tried to do a tracking spell, but we kept being told they were at the house. Eligos was pacing up and down; Marley and Beth were fidgeting like mad, not knowing what to do. We hadn't heard from Hecate and we knew that if Eligos went back to Lilith, he would be told the same thing. In the end Eligos walked into the kitchen. I followed him to see what he was doing, but again he just started pacing. Beth walked in and I left. I walked through the hall towards the living room.

Wow! I said as I got near the stairs. I felt as though someone just walked straight through me. All the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and I went really warm and dizzy. Keira! I said loudly while holding on to the wall to steady myself. I heard the guys run into the hall. I turned to look behind me just as two demons appeared. One with fire red eyes, the other with jet black, in outline, they looked the same as a female human. Their skin was dark grey and looked like granite; their hair was so blonde it was almost yellow. Both of them stood there staring at me for a moment.

Chapter Thirty-Nine Worry (Part 2) Keiras Story

It had now gone past midnight and there was still no sign of anyone. Even though I tried to reassure Lily that everything was OK, I was worrying now too. We had been trying to call them for the last two hours and still couldnt get a connection. We both had full reception on our phones, but whenever I pressed the call button the phone just beeped at us and cut off. Every time we tried to send them text messages we were told message failed. We tried calling their parents but again the phones wouldnt connect. I shouted out for Eligos too, but he never came. This is going beyond a joke. Where the hell are they? I said, getting up and walking over to the window. I dont know, Lily eventually replied.

Lilith, I said loudly, Lilith, can you hear me, I need your help. I waited and waited, and called out to her several times but she never responded. I was now starting to get annoyed. I felt like wed been cut off from everyone. I keep trying them but its still not connecting, Lily told me. Something tells me it wont no matter how many times you try. So what now then? she asked after throwing her phone across the coffee table. If we go out and look for them, where do we start? They could be anywhere. Also if were out and they come home, theyre gonna worry. If we stay here we could be on pins forGod knows how long and they might not come back. Oh yeah and we cant split up, because if we get attacked or something were gonna need each other, I explained. So basically were screwed. Yeah. There must be something we can do, Keira. Why is always left to me to think of something? Im new to all this, she replied, hurt. I know, Im sorry, I just don't know what to do. And I don't mean to be snappy, but I don't know what to do either, I said, burying my head in my hands.

We both went quiet again for a while. Ive got an idea, Lily said, I think. Im listening. You see it in the movies sometimes; I don't know if it can actually be done though. Anyway, I think its called scrying, or its a form of it at least. Thats where you have a crystal on a string and hold it over a map to find someone, I said, my eyes getting wider and wider. Ive got several crystals on necklaces, they might work. Its got to be worth a try. Ill go and grab one. OK, oh, erm have you got a map? Ive got the map we used to get here; it shows all of the town and village. Its in the drawer in the kitchen, the one next to the fridge, I told her as I walked out of the room. Great, Ill clear the dining room table. I ran upstairs and into my room. I used to love charms and crystals when I was younger, so I had quite a few. I didnt know which one to use, so I took three downstairs with me, two clear and one purple, all of them on leather necklaces. OK, do you want to do it? I asked. No, you try; you have more power than me. You might get more out of it.

OK then, Im not too sure what Im doing but here goes. I held the leather necklace between my fingers and let the crystal dangle down so it was hovering a couple of millimeters above the map. Just concentrate, clear your mind and then think of the guys, think of Eligos. The crystal should start to move and hopefully, if it works, drop on their location. I nodded and took a deep breath. I tried to empty my mind as much as I could, and closed my eyes. Instead of thinking about everything that had been going on, I thought about the first time I saw Eligos, how he had taken my breath away, literally. After what felt like hours but could actually have been about five minutes, I felt the crystal tug a little. I relaxed my fingers and it dropped on to the map. Both of us looked quickly. The crystal had landed on the area where my house was. Well, that obviously doesnt work, does it? I said, letting go of the necklace. We know theyre not here. Try again, Lily said. Whats the point? Let me try. I moved out of her way and she took hold of the necklace. She let in dangle like I had, and stood there in silence with her eyes closed, just as I had. It took longer, but after ten minutes or so it fell on the location of the house. See, I told you, its pointless, I said, walking away from the table. It was a good idea, but its not going to work.

I don't know what else to do. ELIGOS!!I shouted, so loud that Lily covered her ears. WHERE ARE YOU? Keira, I don't LILITH!! I shouted as I started to get upset. Its no good; were on our own, Lily said. I don't know what to do, Lily; were cut off completely. I looked at the clock: it was now 2.35a.m. There was no way on earth they would have just stayed out somewhere until this time and not called us. Forget this! I said. I walked out of the room and into the kitchen. What are you doing? Lily asked, quickly following me. Leaving them a note, I said, getting a piece of paper and a pen. Im saying weve gone looking for them and telling them to try and call us if they get here before us. Where are we going? We don't know where they went. Anywhere, countryside, around town. I don't really care where we go; I just need to do something, I need to try and find them. I wrote the note then grabbed my car keys. We got in the car. We decided to head into town first in case they had gone for a drink together. We drove down every street we could get down, and one of us ran down the smaller ones where I couldnt take the car. We drove around all of the car

parks and took a walk around the park and cemetery, but there was no sign of any of them or their cars. Where now? Lily asked. Lets drive down some of the country roads. Keep your phone close in case they call. Its been in my hand since we left the house, she said, waving it a little. We were driving around until 5a.m. Dawn was breaking and we were both getting really tired. However, we both knew that, until we found the guys, neither of us would sleep. Were not going to find them. Lets go back home, Lily said in tears. We drove back to the house hoping their cars would be on the drive. We all had our own space there, but theirs were empty. I parked up in my usual spot and got out of the car. I started swearing my head off and kicked a load of the stones off the path. I was just about to punch the car when Lily grabbed hold of me and hugged me tight. I burst into tears. I was so annoyed and frustrated, I just didnt know what to do, I couldnt think properly through worrying. Come inside, we need to eat something and get a drink, keep our sugar levels up. I dont want either of us passing out, Lily said. She took my hand and led me into the house. I started walking through the hall while Lily shut the door. I was halfway down when I felt like someone had just walked right through me. I went really warm and light-headed. Every hair on my body felt like it was standing on end. I had to grab hold of the banister to stop myself falling.

Keira! Lily said, running over to me. What is it, whats wrong? Danny. What about him, where is he? I dont know. It just felt like he walked straight through me. I can smell him on me, Lily, I said, smelling the collar on my shirt. You smell it; its his aftershave. I love it, so Id recognize it anywhere. She leaned over and smelt my collar. Her eyes went huge. How can this be, who could She lost her voice and her eyes started watering. Lily, what are you thinking? Do you think thatthat maybe it was hishis spirit, she managed to say. I couldnt answer her. How else could we explain what had just happened? Then it dawned on me: it would mean that the rest of them would most likely be dead too. But how? For starters how could something get past Eligos? I turned to look at Lily; she had tears rolling down her face. Lily, we cant thi- I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence. A creature appeared right in front of us. Four more creatures walked into the hallway from the living room. How had they gotten inside? Then two more came from the kitchen. They all turned to look at us. Anger and pain filled me and Lily, and our eyes changed instantly. Mine to blazing red and Lilys to the blackest of blacks. They glared at us for a moment before they attacked.

Chapter Forty Fuelled by Emotion

I threw a shockwave out in front of me. It sent the one in front of us crashing straight through the front door. Then I turned to face the four who had come from the living room. I sent energy balls at them, firing them constantly from both my hands. I turned my head slightly to see Lily attacking the two from the kitchen. She too was sending energy balls at them. One of the ones in front of me, near the living room door, generated a shield. Then it looked at the other three for a moment, before turning its attention back on me and Lily. It said something, but I didn't understand it; it wasnt English. The smallest one came forward and just out of the safety of the shield. I threw my hand out in front of me and sent purple energy at it. It squealed and then hit the floor. I waited for it to disappear or get up and run away, but it remained on the floor motionless. I felt stronger, like I was using more power than I had before to attack them. Maybe it was because I was frightened about had happened to the guys, and it was coming out when I was attacking them. I wanted to hurt them. Id felt Danny walk through me and then these appeared. It was obvious that these creatures were the ones responsible and they were going to pay. There were now three left near the doorway. Two of them grabbed the motionless creature and dragged it into the living room. Id never seen demons or spirits do that with each other before. The other one came towards me, its black eyes staring at me. I moved forward slightly and threw fire at it, but as I did it threw water back at me. When the fire and

the water met in mid-air, they cancelled each other out and I couldnt see anything for a moment except steam. Fine, if I cant burn you to death Ill hammer you to death, I said, not knowing if the grey-skinned creature could understand me or not. The steam cleared quickly and I glared at the creature. I don't know how, but I knew I didn't need to use my hands. I looked up slightly while still concentrating on the creature and it rose into the air. I moved my eyes from side to side and up and down. The creature hit the walls on either side of the hall several times, then the ceiling and finally the floor. Then I threw static electricity at it. I heard it moan loudly for a moment, then it went silent and still. The other two creatures ran back into the hall from the living room. I sent more shockwaves out at them, one after another, then I tried fire on them. These two didn't throw water back. One of them sent fire back, while the other sent energy balls at me. Three of them hit me and sent me flying into the stairs. Whoever these creatures were, they were strong. I saw Lily out the corner of my eye. She had thrown some form of yellow energy at one of the creatures and it was now on the floor, completely still. I looked at the other one facing her. This one was different from the others. This one had blazing red eyes the same as mine. It sent a ball of light at Lily. When it hit her it seemed to explode and sent her flying down the hallway. NO! I shouted. She recovered quite quickly and dragged herself back to her feet. You take those two I told her Ill deal with this one. She nodded and attacked the two who were originally from the living room. I jumped up and turned to face the red-eyed creature.

Come on then, you bastard; show me what youve got, I said nastily. It threw a ball of light at me and I sent a wave of energy out and it cancelled out his attack. It disappeared for a moment then reappeared right in front of me. It struck me with the back of its arm and sent me straight into one of the creatures Lily was about to attack. I landed right on top of it. I rolled off quickly and slammed my hand against its chest. Its body shone as I threw energy into it. When I pulled my hand away, it too was unconscious. Lily was now in the living room fighting the one remaining black-eyed creature. I turned to see the tougher one, the one who was most definitely a demon of high degree, walking toward me. I stood up quickly. The house began to shake violently. A large crack appeared in the floor beside me, then quickly travelled the length of the hallway. I couldnt make out whether it was me doing it or the demon. When my temper was up, all sorts of things just happened; I couldnt control it. I moved away from it quickly and sent energy at the creature, then energy balls, but it blocked them all. I moved towards it so fast that I startled it. I slammed my hand in its chest and it flew backwards into the kitchen. I ran in after it. It was on the floor with its head against one of the cabinets. A kitchen drawer flew open and I made all of the sharp knives float up out of it. I turned to look at the demon quickly and all the knives flew towards it. It jumped up quickly and managed to dodge all but one of them; it went straight through its right arm. It lost its temper and made all the stools hit me over and over, as it pulled the knife out its arm. I threw flames at it as best I could and burned it. It was enough to stop it from battering me with the stools. I sent a shockwave at the demon and sent it crashing into the wall. Then I put my hand out in front of me and pinned it down. I walked towards the demon slowly; I knew I couldnt kill it. I didn't have the weapon to do so; I would just have to injure it enough so it left. I was about three feet away from it when I was flung across the room, over the center island and on to the floor. I was bleeding, bruised and furious. All the windows imploded and a strong wind filled the room. I struggled to get to

my feet. The demon was fighting against the harsh wind, trying to get close to me. It had a sword in its hand now, large and similar-shaped to Eligoss. I reached out and the sword flew out of its hand and into mine. Die! I said as I raised the sword above my head.

Chapter Forty-One A Shock Revelation

NO! KEIRA, STOP! NO! I heard Hecate shout. She ran and stood right in front of the demon. Keira, you must stop! Its not the sort of demon you think. Its Eligos, she told me frantically. Youre all under a spell, Keira. Eligos thinks youre an enemy; he cant see you as I can now. You look to him as he looks to you. Keira, you have to believe me, lower the sword. I looked at the creature; it was glaring at me. I didn't know what to believe. Why wouldnt I be able to see him? Why would he look like this? How could a spell be strong enough to fool us all and change our appearances to one another? Prove it! I said, lowering the sword slightly. She dragged her arm backwards as though she was pulling an invisible rope. A young man came floating in; he was in suspended animation.

TELL HER Hecate shouted to him. The man didn't respond. So she threw energy at him for a moment; he screamed out in pain. Tell her or I will drag your sorry arse back to Hell and let them deal with you. How do you fancy an eternity of inescapable torture? she said as she shot the energy at him again. ITS TRUE! ITS TRUE! he screamed. Break the spell, Hecate told him nastily. NOW, before I tell Keira to dismember you. I turned to look at the creature again. Its shape and appearance seemed to change. It went hazy for a moment, then I was looking into Eligoss eyes. I dropped the sword instantly and ran over to him. I flung my arms around the back of his neck. He picked me up and held me tight for a moment. I couldnt believe it. All this time I was fighting him, hurting him. I wanted to break down in tears. KEIRA, STOP ITS THE GUYS! Lily shouted as she ran in the room. Eligos put me down but didn't let go of me. Lily looked over and saw him with me. She had tears in her eyes. Keira, theyre all seriously hurt, she told me. You don't look good either. Im not, but at least Im still awake. I looked over at Hecate. She still had the man floating.

Go and see to your friends; this one isnt going anywhere, she told me. Thank you, so much. Go. We ran into the hall. Lily was right: the guys were seriously hurt; Marley and Beth were bloody and beaten to a pulp. Lucian had cuts and bruises all over him, as did Tyler. Jakes arms were burned and his head was pouring blood. Wheres Danny? I asked. Here, he answered as he walked through the broken door, holding his head. What happened? he asked when he saw the state of everyone. We need to heal everyone, I said to Eligos. He nodded and ran over to Danny while I ran to Marley first. As soon as one of us had healed someone, Danny, whose head was now better, helped them into the living room and on to one of the sofas. Everyone was awake now and deeply upset. We were all hugging each other when Hecate walked in, followed by the floating man. Tell them what you told me, she said to him. I don't know who is in charge, he said. I got orders from a demon. I had to trick you, me and another spirit. The one who gave me the orders said that everyone who had tried to kill you before had failed. So he gave me and another the powers and spells we needed to make you see each other differently. He said that, as he didn't have the power to kill you, then you would have to kill each other. We made you see each other as a threat so you would turn on each other. We cast a spell allowing you to be in the

same place but not see each other until we decided it was time when emotions were high, and you would want to take your upset and anger out on something. Did you have anything to do with the news showing West Chester destroyed? I asked him. We had to make sure you were split up, so we used another spell to make you see something that would get you to leave the house. We had hoped more of you would have gone. But, although we knew that a fight that was two against seven was probably not going to end up in all of you dying, we hoped it would kill a few of you off. Well, you failed. Who is the one who gave you the orders? Lucian asked. Ill never tell. If I do, hell kill me, the man said. If you don't tell, Ill kill you, Hecate said, and I swear it will be a hell of a lot more painful if I do it. Do what you want; I will not betray him. You people make me sick. You think we just want to wipe out the human raceYoure wrong. This needs to happen. If you try and stop it instead of understanding it, then you deserve to die. And now, so do you, I told him. Leave him to me. Im going to enjoy this, Hecate told me. Ill be back once Ive gotten bored. She disappeared and took the man with her. Is everyone OK? I asked, turning to each one of them in turn.

Were fine, but youre a mess, Danny said. And you? he said, looking at Eligos. Ill live, he said, looking at his arm. Blood from the knife wound ran down his arm, staining his shirt. Why don't you two go and get sorted out? Ill make us some drinks. Then we can talk, Beth suggested. OK, I said, taking hold of Eligoss hand. We walked into the chill-out room, the door closed behind us; he pulled me towards him and held me tight. One of us would have died in here if it wasnt for Hecate, he said, tightening his grip on me. I know, oh God, I cant stand the thought of it. I lifted my head off his chest and kissed him. Im so sorry, he said when the kiss ended. Look what Ive done to you. He looked so sad as he ran his fingers over the cuts on my arms and collarbone. Youre sorry! I stabbed you. I was gonna run your sword right through you, I said, swallowing hard. Oh God, I feel sick. Its OK, were OK. Lets just be thankful for that now, he said as he held me against him again. We stood there holding each other for a while, before healing each other and heading back into the living room to join the others.

Lily was sitting on Jakes knee with her head on his shoulder. Danny and Tyler were sitting on the armchairs, both leaning forward with their head in their hands. Lucian was sitting on one of the sofas with Marley and Beth, all of them staring out in front of them. They were all silent. Is everyone OK? I asked. Not really, Marley and Tyler answered. You have a drink each on the table, Beth told me and Eligos, pointing towards the cups. Thanks, we both replied. I sat on the sofa with Lily and Jake while Eligos leaned against the wall next to one of the windows. I don't quite know what to say, Lucian said sadly. Other than Im sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for, I told him. You did the same as me and Lily; you attacked a demon. That's what we had to do, I justWhat if it happens again and One of us is killed? Tyler said, finishing my sentence. Yeah. We need to have a code or sign or something, so we know its one of us, Jake said. Yeah, I can see it now, Tyler said. Oh excuse me, Mr. Demon, but before you attack us and we try to kill you, can I just ask do you know the secret handshake? he said mockingly. I doubt we would have time to ask.

Don't be stupid! Danny told him. We would have to do something quickly, like, cross ourselves or something as soon as we see the attacker and they see us. I don't think crossing ourselves is a good idea, Eligos said. Oh yeah, sorry. Well, how aboutOh, I don't know. Theres an easier option, Hecate said as she appeared in the room. Whats that? Beth asked. Simple, whenever someone uses that spell the demons look the same yellow hair, grey skin and so on. No matter who casts the spell or who its cast on, the result is always the same. So as long as you don't attack a creature that looks like the ones you saw, you wont hurt each other. Is that for definite? Eligos asked her. Yes, she replied. And I don't know of any other demons looking like that, so don't worry. No, neither do I. Did you have your fun with that guy? I asked her. Yeah, but then I got bored so I killed him. With what? Danny asked. A little dagger of mine, she told him. So what do we do now then? Marley asked.

Well, we just carry on as normal, whatever normal is, Tyler said. I agree, I nodded, or we could always sit here and mope and feel guilty. Hecate, how did you know? I asked. Eligos came to tell me he was worried about you, so I said I would see what I could do. I cast a spell and created a little viewing pool of my own. I saw you all walking right past each other. I looked around the house and spotted a man. His lips were moving but I didn't know what he was saying. Sadly my little pool doesnt produce sound. I came here and listened to what he was saying. I recognized the spell. I grabbed him and we fought for a few minutes, but he was weak, so I didn't have any problems taking him down. I heard the windows smash and I knew you must have been fighting, thats when I came in. And thank God you did! Eligos said. Well what are friends for? she smiled at him. Besides, I owe you a lot, so that's one debt repaid. Don't be stupid. What do you owe him for? Lily asked. If you don't mind me asking of course. Not at all, Hecate said, sitting on the arm of Dannys chair. Eligos has saved my life four times, and he has saved me from the Pits a couple of times too. Plus, he rescued someone who means a lot to me, and he stopped her being taken to the Pits. Youre good friends then, Marley said. Put it this way, Eligos told her. In Hell, when you do my job, you don't really have that many friends. Hecate never cared what I was or

what I did. We had a mutual respect for one another; we became friends and ended up working together a few times. She is one of only a few people I would trust with anything at any time. Who did you rescue? Danny asked him. Unsere. I don't understand, Lily said. I was on Earth when Unsere was born, Hecate told us. Her mother abandoned her when she was only a couple of weeks old. I never had a child when I was living and I had always wanted one, so I stayed on Earth and looked after her until she was fourteen years old. People were starting to notice that I had never aged and so I knew I had to leave before anything bad happened. So I faked my own death, which isnt hard to do when you don't have a heartbeat. I watched from Hell. I watched her grow into a beautiful young woman. She married but found she couldnt have children, her husband was furious and started beating her; he thought she was a devil or under some form of spell. Back then they didn't know that sometimes women just cant have them. They instantly thought of demons and witchcraft, she said, shaking her head. The things they did to her: they burned her, tortured her Then, one day while I was watching her Eligos passed me. He noticed me crying and asked what was bothering me. When I told him he said he would help. I believe his words were, Well, if they think its a demon, then they will get a demon. He disappeared and the next minute he appeared next to the now-dying Unsere, his eyes glowing red and with his sword in his hand. All the people screamed and ran they were so frightened and I was so glad. Unsere was tied to a large tree, Eligos untied her and took her away from the little village she had lived inGod I see her every day and I still cant say this, she said sadly. Unsere was in a very bad way she died in my arms, Eligos intervened.

Unsere was being tortured for killing two women who had previously tortured her. Because of this I knew she would come to Hell. Back then I didn't have permission to speak to Lilith and Lucifer myself. So Eligos spoke to Lucifer and asked for Unsere to be turned into a demon instantly. He explained her connection to me, and told them she could be of use to us all. Eligos went to collect her from the Pits before any damage was done to her. Lucifer and Lilith bestowed her with power, and then he brought her to me. She was so shocked and yet happy to see me. I told her who I was and weve been friends ever since. Wow! Marley smiled, looking at Eligos. Looks like youre everyones hero. Hardly, he laughed. So yeah, I owe him a lot, Hecate said. He always says I owe him nothing, but I do. I looked at the clock. It was now 7a.m. and all of us were tired. The guys decided to stay over and went up to get a few hours sleep. All except for Danny. He stayed downstairs with Eligos, Hecate and myself. I went into the kitchen to make us all another drink. Hecate followed me in. Are you OK? she asked me. Yeah, just relieved. Ill be forever in your debt. No you wont! Im just glad I got here in time. I was gonna kill him, I said sadly. But you didn't hes still here, alive, well sort of. He still loves you and looks at you with such passion in his eyes. I envy you. Do you have feelings for Eligos? I asked her. Be honest.

I wouldn't have the guts to lie to a Royal anyway, but no, I don't have feelings for him in that way. I care about him, but like a brother. I love him like a brother, not the way you love him. Arent you with anyone? The one I want, the first person Ive wanted in centuries, isnt in Hell, she said. Where is he? She looked embarrassed. Hecate, you can tell me; I wont say anything, I assured her. Hes in your living room. Danny? I said quite loudly and in shock. Shhh! Hecate said, shutting the kitchen door quickly. Im sorry I think he is a lovely guy, on the outside and the inside. He is. Hecate, you must tell him. Ive seen how he looks at you. He likes you; Im sure of it. I doubt it, Keira. Ive never had any luck with men. Ive only dated a few and all of them have turned out to only be after one thing from me. What?

Sex, of courseoh and power, she said as if I should have already known the answer. Bastards! I said shaking my head. Well, I can assure you, Danny isnt like that. No? Definitely not! He is very shy around women. Trust me, Ive watched him, I told her, passing her a cup of tea. Thank youWould you have any objections? Why would I? And besides, what would it matter if I did. I like you, Keira. I trust you, so does Unsere and obviously Eligos loves everything about you. I would like us to be friends, and so I would like your blessing. We are friends, and you most certainly have my blessing, I smiled. Great! she said, smiling back. We took the other drinks back into the living room and sat with Eligos and Danny again.

Chapter Forty-Two Sunset

Time went by and once again we were left in peace. No doubt the demons who had failed to get us to kill each other were out there somewhere planning their next move. While they were planning we could relax a little and actually enjoy our lives. There was a strange buzz in the air now. Instead of it being filled with tension and fear, it was filled with love and romance. Jake and Lily were even closer now where there was one there was the other. Ever since the whole changed appearance attack, they had been joined at the hip. The same went for me and Eligos though; we went everywhere together to the shops, for walks, to Hell and back, even just out for drives to kill a couple of hours. Danny had been going out quite a bit and spending more and more time with Hecate. The night of the attack Eligos and I had a drink with them then decided to call it a night. The next day Eligos told me Danny had finally asked Hecate on a date. That night he took her for a meal and a couple of drinks in a nice bar-restaurant near the harbor. He was absolutely besotted with her and she seemed to be the same with him. It was nice for me too, because she was spending more time at my place, so I got to see more of her. Lucian and Beth were spending a lot of time together too. He had even taken her to his house to meet his parents. She was really nervous about going, but I assured her they were really friendly people and that she had nothing to worry about. They had also gone out on a date and I thought that maybe, just maybe, this could turn into a really nice relationship. Both of them were really nice, loving, caring people and they deserved each other. The only two who didn't seem to be interested in love or a bit of romance were Marley and Tyler. Marley said she didn't want a relationship with anyone; she said she was too young to be getting into deep and meaningful relationships. She just wanted to enjoy herself and have fun with her friends. However, she did admit that she thought Tyler was cute. As for Tyler, well, none of us knew what he was thinking half the time. Sometimes he seemed jealous of everyone around him, and yet at other times he would say he didn't want a relationship and that he agreed with Marley. He just

wanted some fun. But if that was the case, why, when we had been together for months, did he still glare nastily at Eligos whenever he came near me. Surely after all this time he would have gotten over it. If he had been in love with me I could have understood the jealousy, but he hadn't been; he just liked me. At the moment I was happy. I was sitting outside on my swing, drinking a cold beer and enjoying the sunshine. The love of my life was in the gym with Danny; Lily and Jake had gone into town with Marley and Tyler; and Lucian and Beth had gone out for a picnic. I had been sitting on my own for about half an hour, enjoying the peace and quiet. But now I was starting to get bored and fidgety. Hey, do you mind if I join you? I heard Hecate ask. Not at all, take a seat, I said, moving over on the swing. I was going to see what Danny was up to, but I heard him in the gym so I decided not to interrupt. Yeah, I went up before and they were both punching holes out of the punch bag. It sounded like they still were a moment ago. How are things going with you two? Very well. I couldnt believe it when he asked me out. I was even more shocked when after the first date he didn't try to sleep with me. Maybe Ive finally found a decent guy. You have. He would do anything for you and nothing that would make you uncomfortable. Ive noticed that. He was even worried about kissing me goodnight in case I didnt want him to.

Did you want him to? I asked, smirking. Yeah. And did he? Yeah he did. My stomach did a somersault. I giggled. Oh shut up! she said, giggling herself. Has Danny asked you about tonight yet? What about it? I asked. We were going to go out for a drive; he said he would take me into the hills. We were going to take a few drinks with us and some food and watch the sun go down. We were going to see if you and Eligos wanted to join us. We thought it would be nice if the four of us went. I would really like that. Like what? Eligos asked as he and Danny walked over to us. Finished teaching the punch bag a lesson now, have you? I asked him, smiling. Yeah well; it looked at me funny. Oh right, I see. Have you told Keira about tonight? Danny asked Hecate. Yeah, shed like to go.

Oh good, Eligos said. I said wed go. I thought you might like it. Definitely! I replied. What time will we be leaving? Hecate asked. About sevenish, Danny told her. It will only take about half an hour to get there, so well have plenty of time to get settled before she sets. Right, Im going for a shower, Eligos said. See you later. Yeah, I think I need to do the same, unless you don't mind me smelling the place out, Danny said. You tramp, get showered! Hecate laughed. OK, see you later. He smiled at her before heading into the house. Oh its so cute, I said mockingly. Shut up! she grinned. Stop tormenting me. We both giggled. The rest of the day flew by. Id told Lily about us going to watch the sunset and she couldnt help but smile. She thought it was so romantic and hoped we had a nice night. Her, Jake, Tyler and Marley were having a movie night. None of them wanted to do much except slob, so that was their night sorted.

It was just before 7p.m. Danny and Hecate had packed some food into his car and were waiting outside. Eligos and I grabbed a few bottles of beer and wine and some glasses and met them near the cars. We decided to take two cars just in case anything happened. That way hopefully one of them would remain intact and we could get home easily. Although I supposed we didn't have to worry really since Eligos and Hecate could teleport us back here. Eligos rode with me and we followed Danny into the countryside. We were driving for just over forty-five minutes. We parked up on top of the hill and lay three blankets down on the grass. One for Hecate and Danny, one for me and Eligos and one for the food and drink. He threw a bottle of beer to Eligos and then poured Hecate and myself a glass of red wine. Heres to friendship, love and romance, Danny said, raising his beer bottle. All of us tapped our bottles and glasses together. And hopefully a nice uninterrupted night, he said afterwards. Heres hoping! Eligos said, lying on his side with his head resting in his hand. Its beautiful up here, Hecate smiled, looking out towards the lights of the town. I know, I used to come up here all the time, Danny told us. What changed? This stuff started happening; I guess Ive just not had chance since. But lets not talk about that; lets completely forget about everything for tonight. I agree, Eligos said.

OK, well, Im the stranger here, so I think you should all tell me something about yourselves. Well, not Eligos obviously. Ive got a better idea. How do you fancy going back to your childhood days? Danny said, looking at Hecate and Eligos in turn. Play the truth game. We can all ask questions and whoever has to answer has to tell the absolute truth. Oh God, I used to play this with Lily and some guys back home when I was drunk, I said, smirking. We all decided to see what sort of questions we would come up with. Plus it was some light-hearted fun. Something we didn't get very much of now. OK, Ill go first, Danny said. Keira, what was the most embarrassing thing you did as a child. Oh no, Im not answering that. Oh come on. You cant chicken out already, Hecate said. OK, OK, I was eight. My mom was out and I always used to like dressing up in her clothes. So I ran into her room and put all her underwear on. I padded her bra out with my dads socks, pulled one of her skirts on and ran downstairs in them. Notice I didn't say I pulled a top on. Anyway, I ran into the living room to find my dad in there with loads of his friends having a few beers. All of them thought it was really cute, but I just wanted the world to swallow me up. I was so embarrassed I just burst into tears. The three of them were laughing at me now. Oh shut up, leave me alone, I giggled.

You should dress up like that again, Eligos laughed. Let us all see what you look like. Thats not funny! I said, giving him a playful shove. OK, OK, lets not embarrass her too much. Shes tough remember; she could take us all on and win, Danny smirked. Right, Eligos. What is the worst thing that could possibly happen to you? Oh hang on, Hecate protested, Keira has to get embarrassed but Eligos gets an easy question. Yeah, I do, Eligos grinned. The worse thing would be if I lost Keira. Awwww! Hecate said. I turned to look at him and smiled slightly, before leaning over and kissing him. Thats the truth. Nothing else would break, no sorry, destroy my heart, he said when the kiss ended. Right, stop it now or Ill end up in tears, I said, getting rather emotional. Yeah, we want a happy night with no tears, Danny said. Right, now I get to ask a question Hecate said. Hmm, Danny, your turn Oh God, here we go, he smiled. What is your dream in lifewhat do you want more than anything?

Thats an easy question actually. I want to be respected for who I am, and I want to be the best I can be. I want to be able to protect the people I love most and never see them hurt. I want to marry a woman who makes me go weak at the knees every time I look at her. I want her to love me as much as I will love her, and I will do everything, anything, to make her happy. Danny, you big softie, I smirked. Yeah well, thats just how I am. Im not cold-hearted or one for sleeping around. I just want to be with someone and keep them. Got anyone in mind? Eligos asked him, grinning. Its my turn. Hecate, Im picking on you since you havent answered anything yet. Be kind. Ohhh, I got a horrible questionwhy should I be nice? Please! she begged. Fine, what do you look for in a guy? I asked. Hecate answered without embarrassment. I like them to be loving and caring, to take an interest in some of the things Im interested in. I don't expect them to like everything I do, but a few common interests would be nice. He would have to be tall and dark haired, since Im not attracted to blonds. He would have to have nice teeth and smell gorgeous. He would know his own mind and have his own opinions, but not force them on others. I don't care about his skin color or eye color or anything like that. I just want him to be nice to look at in my eyes. I don't care what anyone else thinks of him, I want him to love and respect me as much as I would him.

I think everyone wants that, Eligos said. So you don't think Im asking too much? Not at all, I told her. You could have said: rich, with fast cars, blue eyes, small nose, big lips, small ears and so onbut you didn't; you just want a man with a heart. That isnt a lot to ask for. I don't want him to only see me as someone to warm his bed, and I don't want a selfish lover, she added. Every girl would agree with you. I wouldn't want to be a bed warmer or be treated like a piece of meat either. You will never be seen as that, Eligos said, stroking my back slightly. Hey, guys, shes setting, Danny said, pointing out towards the sun. All of us went silent. Hecate moved closer to Danny and laid her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her and laid his head against hers. Eligos sat behind me and pulled me backwards so I was sitting between his legs. He wrapped his arms around me and put his head next to mine. I put my arms over his and squeezed slightly. We stayed silent as we watched the sun disappear beyond the horizon. It was a beautiful moment. All of us were happy and comfortable around each other. We spoke freely together and thoroughly enjoyed each others company. Who would have thought, after the way me and Danny started out, that we would be sitting together, close friends, with our lovers beside us, watching the sunset?

Chapter Forty-Three All You Have To DoIs Try!

I was lying on one of the sunbeds in my side garden with Lily lying on the one next to me. I was telling her how nice it was up on the hill the night before, watching the sunset and feeling love and friendship all around us, as though it was in the air itself, surrounding us. She thought it was beautiful and asked if she and Jake would be able to go with myself and Eligos one night. I knew she would love it and so I told her I would go whenever she wanted, knowing that Eligos wouldn't say no to going there again. Are you sure he wont mind, Keira? Lily said to me. Listen, he loved it, he loves all the romance. Hes never experienced it before. Its all new to him. When we got home and wed gotten in bed, he pulled me into his arms and said he wished that we could do something that romantic every night. Bless him! I actually feel really sorry for him you know. I know hed go mad if he heard me say that, but I do. To go four and a half millennia without love, or even just a companion, I couldnt do it. You would if you had to, I told her. Yeah, but he didn't have to. He could have gotten himself a girlfriend. He was on his own all that time by choice. He said it himself; he wasnt interested in anyone. How could that be, really? He must have met billions upon billions of people over that amount of time. How could nobody have caught his attention? she asked, bewildered.

I don't know, but that's how it was. Lilith confirmed it. Not that I needed her too; hes never lied to me about anything. He doesnt have to and he knows that. Oh no I didn't think he was lying, Keira. Please don't think that. I just cant imagine it, that's all. But at least he found you; you two were destined to be together. I told him I thought I was born to love him, that I was made especially for him. Whether hed have wanted me or not, I would have always wanted him. I know you would have. And what are you two lovely ladies up to? Tyler asked, as he walked over and sat on the chair in front of us. Not much, Lily said. Just chatting away and enjoying the sunshine. Wheres Jake and Eligos? Jakes gone to see his mom. And Eligos has gone to see some of the members of his army, his captains I think, I told him. Whats he gone to see them about? He just wanted to check everyone was OK and see that they were still training hard. Fair enough, he said, like he wasnt really interested. So have you got anything planned for today?

Im going out with Marley. I need to talk to her in private about a few things, I told him. Right, OK. Well, God knows what Im gonna do today, he sighed. Youll find something, I said, getting up off the sunbed. Im gonna see if Marleys finished her breakfast and if shes ready. Ill see you guys later. I walked into the house and crashed straight into Marley. I was just going to shout for you; Im ready when you are, she said, smiling. I got my car keys off the key holder in the kitchen and we left. I took her to the quiet little caf me and Lucian went in a while ago. The one I never knew existed tucked away down a little backstreet. There were only three other people in there. I bought us a latte each and we sat in the corner next to the window. Is everything OK? she asked. Yeah, I just need to talk to you about something. Its something Lilith mentioned to me not so long ago and it made me think of you. What is it? Well, as you know, nobody up to now has been able to find out whos killing all these people and giving the orders to attack us. Countless people have been questioned Lords, Ladies, even goddesses have used spells, very powerful ones may I add, to try and find the demon responsible, I explained. I asked Lilith if there was anything I could do to try and help and she saidNot unless you know an extremely powerful psychic.

Im not extremely powerful, Keira. But you could be. Youve never really tried; youve never had too. What if you could see them, Marley? If you knew who it was we could stop them before anyone else died. I cant control it like that. I have visions, and they just come when they want to. Ive never just made them happen you know; they just do. Would you try? I don't knowWhat if I fail. Marley, you probably will a few times before you see anything that could help. Don't worry about that. If you cant do it you cant; its as simple as that. None of us would hold anything against you. Youd have tried and that would always be appreciated. We all need to stop lazing around and do something, but without a lead, something to start us off, what can we do? I said. Who would help? she asked, looking deep in thought. Most likely Hecate and myself. Possibly Eligos and Unsere. Who is Unsere? A friend, she is a goddess. She should be able to help us, and shes really nice. I think you will like her. Is she as nice as Hecate? She is. Ive known Unsere longer than Hecate. I met her when I first went to Hell. If there is anything she can do to help, shell do it, I told her.

What will I have to do? Im not sure yet. I read a few books in the Palace library while I was away a few weeks ago. It said that with practice and concentration, a physic should be able to see whatever they wanted to see. As long as they opened their minds. My mind is always open. Ive never been any different thats why I have visions. So will you try for us? I asked. Please. Ill try, but I cant promise you a result, Keira. I wish I could. Don't worry! I told you, just trying is appreciated. When are we going to start then? As soon as possible. OK, she said, taking deep breath. We both went quiet for a while and drank our lattes. I could tell she was worried. She wanted to help as much as she could, but she was frightened, and I understood that. She was so young and this was all so new to her. She had lost half of her family, and seen things she should never have had to see. She knew what was coming could possibly mean that some of us, all of us, could end up dying, and yet she remained by our side and had vowed to stay with us till the end. No matter what the outcome. She was braver than she thought, stronger than she knew. Maybe, just maybe, if she pulled this off, she would realize what power she had inside her. As a matter of fact I had a vision last night, she said, not looking at me.

About what.

Im not sure. I saw two figures, but I couldnt make out who they were. One was on the floor, in what looked like a pool of blood. He was half lying in the middle of some big drawing, like a circle with patterns inside He? I interrupted. I think it was male. I sensed both the figures were male. I could be wrong though. OK, carry on, I said softly. Well, the other figure seemed to be throwing energy at the one on the floor. Then the one who was standing had a dagger of some kind in his hand. He walked over to the one on the floor and went to stab him I think, she trailed off. And then? And then the vision ended. Do you know where they were? No, it was quite dark, no sunlight. The room looked like it was made from stone. It was old, no furniture, just some rock slabs dotted about. I saw candles on the floor and flames without candles to support them around the back of the room. But that's about it. I don't know what that means. Do you? No idea, but I didn't feel scared. Just angry, upset, it wasstrange.

I don't know what to do with that information, but Ill remember it. I suggest you do too, just in case. I never forget my visions. Not any of them, I could tell you every vision Ive ever had, she told me. Wow! I said, rather shocked. Every one of them? Yeah. Ive only ever had two visions. What happened in them? I explained the visions I had when I was going to leave Salem, and the one I had when I was out with Lucian, showing our relatives summoning their power. Were you frightened when you had them? she asked me. Well, I wasnt exactly happy. I didn't know what was going on. Don't ever worry about them. I doubt they would be able to hurt you. Marleys mobile started ringing. It was Beth asking what time we would be back and if we needed them for anything; she wanted to go out somewhere with Lucian. Marley told her to enjoy her day and if any of us needed each other we would call. A moment later my mobile rang. It was Eligos calling from Lilys phone, he was just checking we were OK and asking if Id spoken to Marley about the tracking the demon yet. I told him I had and that she would try. He said he wasnt going to mention it to anyone else in case it made her panic. When are we going to start? Marley asked once Id hung up the phone.

We could start tonight if thats OK with you? Yeah, OK. When we got home we found only Lily, Jake and Eligos at the house. Tyler had gone off somewhere not long after Marley and I had left. Beth and Lucian had gone out and Danny was at home. We found them sitting in the living room watching the news; waiting to see if anywhere else had been attacked. Its gotten worse, Lily told me as I walked in the room. There are now more than 150,000 people missing. What are the police saying? Not much; they are refusing to comment. Marley gripped my arm and pulled me away for a moment. You can tell Lily and Jake; in fact, you can tell them all. I don't mind, she whispered. I nodded to her and turned to the others. I told Lily and Jake what I had discussed with Lilith and Marley. They were both intrigued, and told Marley the same as I had not to worry whether she could pull it off in the end or not. Marley said she wanted to start learning everything she would need to do straight away. We turned the TV off and closed all the curtains. We didn't want any distractions; Eligos said even a bird flying past the window could break her concentration. She sat on one of the armchairs and closed her eyes, trying to relax herself. Right, everyone, stay quiet, Eligos told us all. Marley, when youre ready let me know.

He sat on the sofa facing her, next to me. We all waited. Im ready, she said after a few minutes. OK, Marley, I want you to listen to my voice, Eligos said softly. No one else will speak. If you see anything start talking; if you want to stop, just say so. She took a deep breath and nodded. Nothing will harm you; no one will know what youre doing. Again she nodded. Tell me who is doing this, concentrate, ask for help. You have a strong mind power; ask it to help you and us. I didn't understand what he was saying for a moment, then I realized. We all command our power, we use it when we want to, and it lies dormant when we don't. Our instincts control it; we tell it what to do subconsciously. That's what he wanted Marley to do, to tap into her power and use it to its full potential. She sat there quietly for a long time. Everyone remained silent. There was a weird buzz in the air. Everyone was nervous. Im not getting anything, she sighed, opening her eyes. Nothing at all. Its OK, Eligos told her. Its your first attempt at something youve never done before. Don't worry. It will take patience and practice. Im sorry, guys, she said, looking at us all in turn.

All of us told her she had nothing to be sorry for. She said she would keep on trying, several times a day and at different times. If she got anything at all she would shout for us. Marley spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening in her room, occasionally coming downstairs for a drink or a snack. We knew she was still trying to see something, but none of us questioned her. We wanted her to be as stress free and relaxed as possible. Eligos and the guys were outside training. Lily joined in with them sometimes and actually beat Lucian in one fight. She came running in all excited to tell me shed kicked his arse. Id spent most of my time sitting in front of the TV, something I didn't do very often. I made the mistake of watching some of the chat show programs. I got so annoyed at how stupid the stories were, and how obviously fake some of them were, that I started shouting at the TV. When the TV didn't answer me or the people on there didn't change the subject, I got so frustrated that I threw an energy ball at it and blew it up. Eligos and Tyler came running in to see what the noise was. When they saw the TV set they both glared at me. What? I asked, looking at them both. What happened? Eligos asked. Chat shows are fake or most of them anyway. Its pathetic Oh someones sleeping with my man or Oh I don't know who my babys father is, I said in a sarcastic tone. Why go on the TV with that? Hmmm, Tyler smirked, You gonna fix it or buy a new one? I don't think its fixable, so Ill go shopping for a new one probably, I told him. Eligos smirked and walked back outside, closely followed by Tyler.

After they left I went upstairs to check on Marley. She was asleep on her bed. I didn't know what to do with myself after that. I had to learn more about my power, but it was so strong that it would be dangerous to practice close to the house. I didn't know what I was fully capable of either, so I didn't want to be too close to people in case I lost control and hurt someone. Sadly for me, I would have to either go out alone and practice and risk not being able to snap out of it, or wait until we were attacked and then let the power flow free. Eligos had said he wanted to come out with me, just the two of us. He said he would be able to snap me out of it if need be or move away quick enough before I hurt him. I didn't feel comfortable with that though, although I knew it was a good idea. I was so scared of hurting him. I decided to watch the guys practice for a while, then went to help Lily with the cooking.

Chapter Forty-Four Oroan

I would like to say time passed quickly, that the weeks that came and went only felt like days. But they didn't. The last few weeks or so dragged terribly. More people had disappeared the total was now over 450,000. Spain, Australia, Poland and Egypt were just a few of the places to have towns attacked. People were going into hiding; religious groups were now saying the Apocalypse was coming. Others chose to ignore what was going on in the world and live their lives as normally as possible. They still went to work, took their children to school, and went shopping. However, it was obvious people were nervous, wondering whether they would be next to disappear.

Id sat at the window in a little caf with Hecate one morning watching everyone. It was a sad and frightening sight to see. Lilith had told me that Lucifer had executed more than three thousand demons, some of them Lords and Dukes; because he had heard they were secretly involved with the rebel leader. None of them confessed or gave any clues or hints about anything at all before they died. He felt guilty sometimes; after all, he had known some of them for thousands of years. But he said he would rather execute than risk setting a follower or possible leader free. Eligos, Hecate and Unsere were nervous, I could tell. All of them wondering whether old enemies would accuse them just to get them killed. Id heard them discussing it one night, but surely since they were with me, they would know that they were on our side. I wouldn't allow anything to happen to any of them anyway; I would tear the Palace apart bit by bit and kill anyone or anything that tried to hurt any of them. If I couldnt get to them in time and Eligos died, I would kill myself. Of that I was certain. It was now Wednesday morning, the sun was shining bright and I was outside cleaning my car with Lily. I hadn't cleaned it since I got it and it was in a terrible state, so I thought it deserved a treat. We were chatting away, about nothing in particular, just giggling and throwing soap suds at each other, when Lucian pulled up on the driveway with Beth. They were a couple now, and were really happy together. Everywhere they went they were either holding hands or had their arms around each other. Morning, ladies, he shouted. Morning! Lily and I shouted back. Whos here with you? Marleys upstairs in the game room with Tyler; Danny and Eligos are scrapping around the back, I told him.

Jakes gone somewhere with his mom, and Hecate is with Unsere and her hubby in Hell, Lily added. Fair enough! Beth smiled. Hey do you mind doing my car when youve finished with yours, Lucian said, smirking. Get real! Lily said jokingly. So what are your he went to say. Hey guys, look at that! Beth interrupted, shielding her eyes and looking up at the sky. We all turned to see what she was looking at. The moon was visible and was slowly starting to move in front of the sun. Since when was there going to be an eclipse? Lily asked. Don't they normally mention it on the TV so everyone can watch? Its going to be a full one too by the looks of it, Beth said. Wow, you know, Ive never actually seen one, I added, watching in amazement. We all stood there watching as the moon covered more and more of the sun. The daylight started to fade and an aura of light surrounded the moon. It was beautiful. Eligos and Danny came and stood by us, watching it too. I didn't know about this, Danny said. No, none of us did, Lucian told him. It didnt take long for daylight to fade completely; it was like standing outside at midnight.

Errr, does that normally happen that fast? Lily asked. No! Eligos said very seriously. Guys! we heard Hecate shout. She ran over to us, with Unsere by her side, then looked up at the sky. Oh no, its too late. Hecate, what is it? Danny asked. She seemed to ignore him and looked directly at Eligos. Lucifer called a meeting this morning with a demon, she told him. That demon didn't show up. Oroan? Yeah. Damn! he said, taking a few steps forward and looking up again. We need to find him. Fast. OK, OK, hang on a minute. Who the hell is Oroan, and what's the problem? I asked, walking over to him. Oroan is the demon of the eclipse. He can control any planets movement, and its moons. If this lasts too long, the world will be in turmoil. Imagine this, Keira, Hecate said, tidal waves, like nobody has ever seen beforeHe could shadow the rest of the sun, and then the whole world would be in darkness. Within hours the Earth would feel cooler, just as it does at night. Within a few days anything operated by solar panels will stop working. The planet will freeze How long could he keep it up for? I asked Hecate.

As long as he wants. He got the power when he first came to Hell. He was a nice guy who wanted to show the people of the world something amazing and beautiful. But now, I don't know what's wrong with him, or why hes changed. OK so lets just put it this way long solar eclipse and blocking off sun is bad. Therefore he needs to be stopped, Lily said. Pretty much yeah, Eligos told her. Lilys phone started ringing so she walked away from us for a moment. So how do we find him? I asked. I can try and track him, but I cant promise anything, Hecate replied. OK, see what you can do; we need a plan B. Does Lilith know about this? Eligos asked. Yeah, she does, I heard Unsere say. She came over to us and stood next to Beth. She and Lucifer are working on tracking him down. That was Jake, Lily said, coming back towards us. Its a breaking story on the news channels. It seems the whole planet is going into darknesswell, the half where it isnt night already. We need to work quickly, I said. Keira! Tyler shouted through the games room window. Keira, quick. Its Marley.

I was about to run but Eligos grabbed me and teleported us into the room. Marley was on the floor in the corner of the room, her head in her hands, crying. Get out of my head, she said over and over again. Leave me alone. Marley! I said, grabbing her arms. Marley look at me. Youre OK, youre safe. Make him go away, she sobbed. Who is he? I cant see him, Marley. Please, Keira, make him stop! I stood up and looked around the room, but nobody was there, I couldnt even sense a presence. Eligos and Tyler shouted to the others to check the house. Marley, theres nobody here, darlin; youre safe, he cant hurt you he Hes taken the sun, she said. Hes taken it and he wants to keep it. Its so dark, Keira. I cant see. I didn't understand what she was saying. Tyler had thought to turn the lights on when he noticed it getting dark so the room was brightly lit. Marley, look at me, I said, moving her arms from in front of her face. Look at me. Keira, theres nobody in the house, Beth said as she walked in the room with Lucian. Marley! she cried when she saw the state of her. She started to run over but Lucian grabbed her quickly.

Take her outside, I told him. No, Marley, no! Beth said, struggling with Lucian. Beth, you cant do anything for her. Let Keira handle it, he told her, as he picked her up and carried her out of the room. Lily walked in with Eligos and shut the door after them. Marley, come on, I said. No I cant hes coming. What? Here? I don't know! Hes grinning at mehe can see me, she cried hysterically. Right, that's it! I grabbed her and pulled her to her feet. She went to slide down again but Eligos held her up. Last chance, Marley! Look at me. I cant I I didn't let her finish her sentence; instead I slapped her across her face. Keira! Lily gasped. Marley looked straight at me, confusion on her face. Are you with us? I asked her. Yeah. Good, now who is coming?

I don't know his name, she said in a shaken voice. He had bright-red eyes, he was looking up at the sky at first, then the sun disappeared and then he turned and looked straight at me. Did he say anything? He said something like Orion or Oroan, Eligos said, letting go of her. Yes, yes, that was it. Where was he? I don't know, she said, shaking her head. Think, Marley, Lily said softly. What did you see around him? Erm, I dont know, erm, I could see a church, a really big one. Ive seen it before, I know I have. Where, tell me where? I said. Oh, oh, it was the same church I saw in a vision I had of you, Keira; you were fighting some man in a suit. The one on the hill? The same place we fought with Argyle. Figures, Eligos said. A long, long time ago Oroan and Argyle were good friends. He must have been pissed when he found out Argyle had been put to death. Im going after him, I told them. Lucifer knows where he is, Hecate said, barging into the room.

Yeah the church where we fought Argyle, Lily said. How didnever mind. Im going now, I told them while heading for the door. Hey, hey! Eligos said, grabbing my arm. Think about it, Keira. He chose somewhere close to where you live. He told Marley who he was. Hes not cast any spell to stop him being traced. Keira, its a trap he wants you to go to him. What choice do I have? Let me go. No, no way, not without me. Keira he began. We can all goWell, well hide Marley and Beth; theyre not strong enough. Ill go with you, Lily and Hecate said at the same time. So its settled then. Im coming! Marley said to me. I don't care what you say. Marley I said Im coming. Fine.

We walked downstairs and headed for the cars. Hecate updated the guys, including Jake, who had now turned up. Eligos, Unsere and Hecate and I set off first, closely followed by Jakes and Lucians cars carrying the others. When we were a few minutes from the church I turned to look at Eligos; he was going through REM. Who are you talking to? I asked. Brad, Im telling him to be on call. We don't know what's going to meet us, he said. Hes trying to contact Carlos. Hes another one of your top guys, isnt he? Yeah, good memory! he said. Carlos is an idiot, Hecate snapped. He should never have been given such a duty. Why? I asked. Well tell you another time, Unsere said. I pulled up a few hundred yards away from the church. Everyone got out of their cars and walked over to us. How do you want to do this? Jake asked. I don't know, I said, looking around me, scanning the bushes and small groups of trees. Eligos? Its not my call, mate. Shes the boss. OK, Ive got an idea, I said, taking a very deep breath. WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU YOU FU-?

Keira! Marley and Tyler shouted. Language! Lily said, shocked. Ha ha, we heard a voice say. Telling a princess off, youre a brave girl, Lily. We looked around us but we couldnt see anything. It was so dark the only light we had was from the headlights of the cars. How does he know my name? Lily whispered. And who else do we have? Eligos, Beth, Jake, Lucian, Tyler, Danny, Hecate nice to see you, Unsere, Marley, ah yes, my little Marley. Tyler put his arm around Marley. Hecate and Unsere moved closer to her, ready to protect her. Show yourself, you prick! Danny demanded. As you wish, the voice said. A split second later a rather small man was standing a few feet in front of us. He was middle-aged, a few inches shorter than me and actually had a friendly face. Why are you doing this, Oroan? Eligos asked. Why have you joined them? I havent joined anyone, my friend, he said, walking a few steps closer. As for this, he said, looking at the eclipse, this was just me using my power one last time. I don't understand, I said.

Sweet Keira, your mother and Lucifer have been pulling demons in and killing them for weeks. Nobody who has been taken in has walked back out. I went travelling between worlds for a while, using my power and seeing the awe on peoples faces when they watched the skies. Because they didn't know where I was, and because I was alone, they summoned me to the Palace. I know what fate awaits me. Why did you say you would keep this up, that you would hide the sun? Marley asked in a shaken voice. Dont be frightened of me, Marley; I mean you no harm. I said those things so you would come for me, Oroan told her. I knew if I turned up and asked for help you would have doubted me, he said, turning to face Eligos. You my friend would have done your job and taken me to the Palace, and I respect that. But I wouldn't have come out of there alive. So I thought, if I threaten, if I frightened one of you, all of you, you would come for me and have no choice but to kill me. And I would rather die by your hand, for actually doing something, than die by theirs for travelling and not having an alibi. Oroan, my friend, I will not kill you, not when you have done nothing wrong, Eligos told him. Please bring the sun back! Lily said. He smiled warmly at her for a moment, then his eyes turned red and the moon slowly started to move away from the sun. Thank you, she said to him. Oroan, I will come with you to see Lilith, Eligos told him. I will defend you. They will demand you leave. They can demand all they like. I shall not leave.

They will kill you if you defy them, he said worriedly. No they wont, I told him. If he dies, I die, and Lilith wouldn't want that. I will go with you too. No, I wont go. Im sorry but I will do what I have to, to make you kill me. Ive lived long enough now. I want a decent death, not to be executed, please, my friend, he said, looking at Eligos again. I studied Oroans face. Although his words sounded sincere, his eyes, now back to normal and visible with the light from the re-appearing sun, looked frightened, frantic. Something was wrong. I looked at his hands, it looked like he was trying to move them but they were being forced to stay by his side. Oroan, can you give me a moment with Marley, I said. Shes young; I don't want her to see this. Of course. I grabbed her arm and dragged her away. Keira I can handle Shhh. Listen, I whispered. Get inside his head; theres something not quite right with this. How do you mean? she whispered back. Just trust me. Get in his head and tell me what hes thinking. Ill try. Quickly.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. A few seconds later she opened them again. He keeps saying, Carlos, stop, please stop. Why me, Carlos, stop please, she told me quietly. I knew it! Hes being controlled, hes doesnt want to die. Oh no, who is Carlos? One of Eligoss top men; theres him and Brad. What do we do? she asked me. Stay here. It makes it look like you don't want to see him die. Just give me two minutes, OK. OK. I walked back over to the others and asked Tyler and Jake to go to Marley. OK, I said, looking at Oroan. I will do it, if you don't mind it being me. I don't mind. Youre a nice girl, a powerful girl. I just have one question. Go ahead. Why is it that you want Oroan to dieCarlos? What! Eligos shouted. Where are you, you bastard? I asked.

Oroan dropped to his knees then looked up at me. How did you know he asked. Your eyes and Marley got inside your head. Thank you. Where is he? Eligos asked between gritted teeth. I don't know. I just know hes close, Oroan told him.

Chapter Forty-Five Carlos

We looked around for Carlos near the church, but we couldnt find him anywhere. We took Oroan back to my house and Hecate and Unsere returned to Hell to explain to Lucifer and Lilith what had happened. We all sat together in the living room. Why did Carlos want you to die, and if he wanted you dead, why didn't he just let Lucifer kill you? I asked Oroan. Lucifer can detect if a spell is being used on someone if he is close to them. He would have known I was being controlled and Carlos would have been exposed. Which is why he wanted me dead. He knew I had found out he was against you all.

How did you find out? Eligos asked. I heard him muttering to himself after a conversation with Brandameer a while ago. He held me prisoner and under a demons trap for weeks, then made up the story that Id been travelling alone and all that nonsense. Then he got me to tell you all that. When I find him, Ill kill him! I said. No you wont! Eligos said sternly, standing and walking towards the window, Hes mine. Can you take him? Beth asked. You just watch me. Hecate and Unsere appeared next to the fireplace, both with smiles on their faces. Oroan, you do not have to go to the Palace, Hecate said happily. What? he replied in shock. We told Lil and Lu what had happened, Unsere told him. Lil and Lu! I giggled. Yeah, she smirked. Anyway they said it was a close call, and that we are to find Carlos and take him to them. No! Eligos said. You can tell them both, that bastard is mine! Thank you all so much. Im not ready to not be here just yet, Oroan smiled. I owe you all, and when the time comes, Ill fight by your side.

Thank you, I said. That means a lot, especially after I trailed off. Its a small thank-you, he smiled again. And don't worry about what happened to Argyle. We were friends millennia ago. I knew he had a wicked side and decided I didn't want to associate with someone like that. So don't feel guilty or anything on my account. If Id have known about what he was going to do to you all, I would have gone after him myself. Anyway, if ever there is anything I can do for you, just let me know. I don't suppose you can tell me who is the one starting this. Im sorry, my dear, not a clue. No, its OK. Nobody does. I looked over at Eligos just as the window behind him smashed, and watched in horror as an unseen force sucked him outside. Everyone ran over to the windows while I flew out the front door. Eligos was picking himself up off the floor. So you think you can take me, do you? he said, dusting the bits of glass off his top. Come on then, you bastard, come and try. He turned around; his eyes were blazing red. Hecate, Danny, Lily and Jake were now standing just behind me, and I could hear the others coming out. I went to walk over to Eligos, but he raised his hand and an invisible wall stopped me in my tracks. This is my fight! he said, lowering his arm. I pounded against the wall. If any normal person had seen me they would have thought I was mental, banging my fists against thin air.

Keira, hell be OK, Hecate assured me. You know that for certain, do you? Youve never seen him fight properly, Unsere said. Youve only seen him torture a creature that was no match for him, and slice a few demons in half. Actually I have. He fought me when that demon played a trick on us. Keira, that was nothing, Hecate told me. Im going to enjoy this, Danny said, glaring in Eligoss direction. Show yourself, you pathetic excuse for a demon, Eligos shouted, looking around him. A moment later a man started to appear a few feet in front of him. He was taller than Eligos by at least a foot, his red hair was cropped, his face was pale and he wore what looked like black jeans and a black T-shirt. He was the one who was standing on one side of Eligos, while Brad was on the other, the night he brought the army. He stood still with a horrible smirk on his face. Eligos, how nice to see you, he said sarcastically. How long? A while. How long? Eligos repeated. How long have you been a traitor?

Since before you met your little woman over there, he said, looking at me for a moment. I threw him a look of disgust and he laughed a little before looking at Eligos again. I must say, it was awfully nice of you to have brought me that night. You know, show me where she lived, what her friends looked like You make me sick. Ill tell you something else too. I sent two spirits to shoot her and her friends. Of course, I didnt know she was Liliths daughter back then. Shame really. But still, it scared them, and one of her friends died, even if it was only temporary. I remember the looks on all of their faces; it was fantastic. Bastard! I shouted, banging my fists against the invisible wall again. Well, I hope you enjoyed yourself, because youll never get close to her or any of them again, Eligos told him. In fact, after tonight, you wont get close to anyone ever again. Is that a fact? Carlos laughed. Well see about that. Carlos quickly bombarded him with yellow-colored energy balls, throwing them constantly from both hands. Eligos moved so fast that I couldnt keep up with him; he dodged every one of them. Then he disappeared and reappeared, right in front of Carlos. He punched him with his true demon strength and sent him flying across the driveway. Carlos hastily gathered himself. Eligos moved quickly and in a split second was no more than two feet away from Carlos. He threw what looked like an orb of energy at him and sent him crashing to the ground again. Looks like youre not as tough as you thought, Eligos taunted. I knew killing you would be easy, but come on, at least try.

This seemed to really annoy Carlos. He jumped to his feet and held his hands out on either side of him. A long thin-bladed sword appeared in each hand, glowing green. Eligos grinned at him and then his large, fiery blades appeared. Carlos went at him. I jumped a little as their swords met. They were both so strong and the noise from the blades crashing against each other was so loud my ears were ringing. I watched while covering my ears as they fought on the driveway. Not only did Eligos use his sword, at one point after attacking Carlos so hard he stumbled backwards, he held his arms out to the side as a blast of purple energy seemed to burst out of his chest. It slammed into Carlos, causing him to scream out in pain and drop one of his swords. One of Eligoss swords disappeared and he reached out to the one on the floor. It flew into his hand, now he had one of his own and Carloss. Hmmm, it would be terrible to die by your own sword, wouldn't it? he said, smirking at a livid Carlos. Eligos went for him. He attacked harder still, and Carlos fought hard to defend himself, throwing energy at Eligos and, at one point, even forcing him to back off a little. He shrugged it off and threw kinetic energy back along with a shockwave. Much to his disgust Carlos managed to dodge both and lunged at him. But it did him no good; Eligos was too fast for him. Their swords clashed again and again, until Eligos lost one of his swords and finally Carlos lost his other one. He was on the ground beaten, bloody, but still looking angry. Eligos moved over to him quickly, the greenbladed sword still in his hand. Carlos rose from the ground, unable to move his arms and legs. Goodbye, you bag of shit! Eligos said. Carloss eyes went wide as he watched his own sword swing towards him. It decapitated him in one swift blow. All the swords disappeared, followed by the invisible wall and Carlos.

That was awesome! Danny said as Eligos walked over to us. That was boring, he answered. Far too easy. I thought after all these years he would have learned to fight properly, Im disappointed, he said as he came over to me. Im sorry I blocked you, Keira, but Its OK, I understand; you don't need to apologize, I told him. Im glad hes dead, Oroan said. He walked over and shook Eligoss hand. I can finally go home now. Enjoy! I said. Thank you, all of you, he said, looking at us all. And remember, if you need me, just let me know. We all nodded and smiled, then he disappeared. What a nice guy! Jake said. We all agreed and headed inside. Well, what an eventful few hours, Beth said. Its not even 3p.m. yet, whats next? Food! Tyler answered. Lots of it. I agree, Jake, Marley and Danny said. Im not cooking, Lily said matter-of-factly. Im not ordering pizza, I said as I fixed the living room window. Why don't we go out? Beth suggested.

I need to get home, Unsere said. I have a husband waiting for me. OK, thank you, Unsere, I said. See you soon, guys, she said as she faded away. Where should we go? Theres a lot of us; not many places can cater for so many, Jake asked. The Chinese restaurant on the main street can. Its massive, and its open now, Lucian told us. Lets go! Lily and Beth said. I don't fancy Chinese, I said. No, I don't, Eligos said. Danny and Hecate didn't either, so we decided to part ways. They would all go for a meal together and us four decided to go to the Italian restaurant near the harbor.

Chapter Forty-Six Possible Replacements

We ordered our food and waited for the waiter to leave before talking. We were sitting in a quiet corner away from everyone so that we could talk properly. Once again Eligos had cast his spell so his scar disappeared and

nobody would stare at me, and once again I was a little annoyed that he couldnt be his natural self. Well, now the fun really starts, Eligos said. Ive got to find a replacement or promote someone. Why don't you ask Unseres husband? I suggested. I would but hes gonna be busy enough soon. Why? Hecate asked. I know nothing, he said, grinning. Oh I hate it when you do that. Sorry, but its secret. Anyway, theres nobody in my army who I think would be up for the job. Theyre all amazing fighters but they havent got what Im looking for. They all do their job, and then they switch off and go home. I need someone else like Brad and myself always ready, tough, with a strong power in them, someone who is eager to learn and be the best they can be. How about Carver? Hecate grinned. No way. OK, wellI don't know then. I don't know many people so I cant help Im afraidWell, actually, I suppose I could do it I suggested. Youre not allowed, Hecate told me. Why not?

Because youre a Royal. You will have enough to do when youre back permanently, she continued. Lilith will want you with her, keeping an eye on things, liaising with the Courts, the Dukes and Lords. Helping to decide suitable punishments for new arrivals. Believe me, when your day is through, you will just want to go home. I help Lilith now; Im beat when I get home. It will be nice to have some extra help with it all. Ill do it! Danny blurted out. You know I want to learn, and I said when we were out the other week, I want to be the best I can be. Yeah but, Danny mate Id learn, watch and observe, be ready at any time, follow orders That's all very well and good but I would never turn on my own people, I Danny! Eligos said. That's great, and I know all this already. The problem is youre not dead. So kill me then. Youre a good guy. You would go to Heaven, not Hell. Fine, Ill kill myself, then I will, he said seriously. And what about your family? They would have to understand, this is what I want. They should be happy for me. Id never grow old, Id never die, so to speak, and I would be happy.

Danny, Eligoss job isnt glamorous you know. He has to kill people, torture people for answers, fight in wars, Hecate told him. People fear you. Its hard to be friendly with people when you do a job like that. People are so scared of pissing you off that they stay away from you just in case, Eligos added. Ive already got all the friends I need, Danny answered. We all went quiet for a moment while the waiter served our meals. Plus, think on this, you will have to watch all your family grow old and die. You can never have children; youll watch everything you once knew disappear, Eligos told him. I know all that, but I still want you to consider me. Danny I would hire you, without interview, but I don't want you to ruin your life. Youre still young; enjoy yourself. I would enjoy myself. Danny I went to say. No, Im serious, so don't try and talk me out of it. It doesnt matter what you sayMy mind is made up. Talk to your parents first, and your friends, then come back to me, Eligos told him. I will talk to my parents when were finished here. As for Tyler and the others, I love em, but its not for them to decide, Danny said before turning his attention to his food. I could understand Danny wanting the job, but surely he didn't want to kill himself. Hecate seemed to get a sparkle in her eye when he said he was

serious and that he really wanted it. I knew it was because she could have more time with him; he wouldn't grow old and want to get married on Earth and have a family. She could keep him, for as long as they were both happy together; maybe even spend eternity together like Unsere and Eaven would. I was worried about what his parents would say, though, if they said they didn't want him to go ahead with it. I don't think he would listen to them. Tyler would definitely vote against it. I think the others might too, and again I could understand that. As much as I was worried about it all, though, I hoped he would do it. It would be nice, once this was all over and I returned to Hell, to have one of my friends there too. As soon as wed finished at the restaurant Danny headed home. He said as soon as he had spoken to his parents he would be back round. Hecate went back to Hell. Dannys parents knew they were a couple and they liked her, but she didn't want to get in the way while he was talking to them about something so serious. Eligos and I went home. We flopped down on the sofa in the living room, we were alone and it was lovely; everyone else was still out eating. Are you OK? I asked him. Yes why? Well, you know, youve had a weird day, killed one of the top men Im fine, Keira. I never liked the little prick anyway. Why hire him then? I asked. I didn't, Brad did, and he regretted it soon after. But he always did his job. It was just his attitude that pissed everyone off. What did Hecate mean before when she said he shouldnt have been given such a duty and that?

Hecate hates him, he explained, with a passion. He was always cocky with her and Unsere, and when Unsere first came to Hell, he really irritated her. Hecate loves Unsere like a daughter as you know, so that added to her dislike for him. Unsere just ignored him though and that really annoyed him. I put him in his place in the end, and he never did it again. But Hecate never liked him afterwards. Ask her, shell tell you what he used to say. Just make sure youre on your guard though. Why? Because she gets so pissed about it that sometimes she loses control. She wont attack you, but a few things may smash and your electrics may mess up. Fair enough. He sounds like a complete idiot to me. He was. No one will miss him and its his own doing. I don't want to ever end up like that, pissing everyone off all the time. I doubt you would, he said, smiling. I hope not. Anyway, we have the place to ourselves, soooo I said, moving so I was sitting on his knee, what do you fancy doing? He didn't answer me; he just grinned. How did I know youd think that? I asked, grinning myself. A second later we were in my bedroom; he had teleported us both on to the bed. A couple of hours later we heard everyone come in. Eligos reluctantly agreed to us getting dressed again and going downstairs. They were all very

full and looked tired. We piled into the chill-out room and put a DVD on. Halfway through the film Danny came in. Eligos, Keira, can I talk to you outside, please? he said. We both walked outside and stood near the cars. You were gone a while. I take it you got a lot of earache off your parents, I said. Actually I didn't really, Danny told us. You mean theyre OK with it? Hmmm, theyre not thrilled, but they know they cant stop me. They tried to talk me out of it, but I wouldn't listen. My moms a bit upset, but she knows I can still come and see her. So your mind is definitely made up then, Eligos confirmed. Yes it most certainly is, he said, reaching into his jacket pocket. I even got this. He pulled a gun out of his pocket, followed by one bullet. Danny, where the hell did you get that? I asked. I know a guy who knows a guy he said, shrugging his shoulders. This is why I was gone a while; I had to go and meet him. Don't you think you should warn the guys first? I asked, unable to take my eyes of the gun. No. Danny they will wonder where you are.

How long does it take for me to wake up in Hell? About seven to ten Earth hours, then youll have to meet with Lucifer or Lilith to get your power and be changed from a spirit into a demon. Thats all saying Lilith allows this to happen; its her Im going to speak to, Eligos explained. Why wouldn't she? Suicides normally get punished. But you didn't, I said. I need to speak to her first, make sure you will be saved from the Pits. Do not, I mean it, do not do anything until I say so! he told Danny. Ill be back soon, he said just before disappearing. Danny and I stayed outside. Youd be missing in total about twelve to fourteen hours, I reckon, I told him, more to break the silence than actually inform him. Do you think she will allow it? I don't see why she wouldn't. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I will. How long will he be gone? I don't know, maybe just a few minutes as far as were concerned.

Yeah, yeah, time difference, yeah, he said as he started pacing. Danny, relax. Lilith adores Eligos, and she trusts him more than anyonewell, except her hubby and maybe me. I cant see why she wouldn't let him hire you; she listened to him with Unsere. She stopped her going to the Pits. Yeah, Hecate told me about what happened with Unsere, he said, leaning against my car. Now do you see why I admire Eligos so much? He helps everyone he can; hes not afraid of anything. Actually he is. I know hes frightened when hes not with you, you know after what happened with Crystal. Hes scared to death of someone or something taking you away from him. But other than that, its like hes immune to fear. He isnt, nobody is! He gets worried; he just hides it well. Don't get me wrong. There isnt a lot that worries him, but some things do. Like what? Hell be worried now, in case Lilith says no; nervous in case he has to return with bad news and youre already dead. He worries about all the guys and whether they will be skilled and powerful enough to survive what's happening. Hes got a big heart, hasnt he? Yeah he has, I smiled, and its all mine. Danny just laughed at me. You know, Cinderella, the way we started out, he said, I never would have thought wed turn out like this.

I know! I laughed. But I like it. So do I. We both went quiet for a few minutes, eagerly awaiting Eligoss return. Luckily we didn't have to wait long. He reappeared next to me. Im sorry, mate, he said, looking at Danny. Poor Dannys face dropped. Im really sorry, but youre going to have to get the guts to pull the trigger, he smirked. YES!!!! Danny shouted. Shhh, theyll all hear you, I giggled. Oops, I forgot about them. Right, OK, when? Whenever youre ready, Eligos told him. What time is it? Just after eight, I said, looking at my watch. Great, if I do it now. Ill be back here what, about lunchtime tomorrow? Yeah, Eligos nodded. Well, Ill just tell the guys Im tired and having an early night. Well wait here for you. He ran into the house to tell everyone his lie. Then he came running back out. We knew we would have to go away from the house; if the guys heard

gunshots, they would panic. Eligos teleported into the house to tell Lily and the others we were going for a drive. Then came back outside. Danny, where is your car? I asked. I left it at home, just in case. Right, everyone in mine then. We drove a mile or so into the countryside then got out of the car. OK, heres what will happen, Eligos said. You will wake up at my place. You will feel stiff, like all your muscles are cramping. You will have your body because as soon as youre dead I will take it to Hell. Once you are awake, the dizziness that you may experience will pass within a few minutes. Then you will be taken to the Palace. By who. By me and Keira, he said, looking at me for a second. Ill take your body and when youre close to waking Ill bring Keira. Hecate will probably be waiting for you too. She doesnt want to watch this; she doesnt want to see you lifeless. I understand that, Danny said. Once youre at the Palace you will meet with Lilith and Lucifer. They will bestow what power they deem fit on you. Then, you will be a demon, just like me and Keira, only you wont have life in you like Keira does. I hate you, Danny, I smirked. Anything else you want to know? Eligos asked him. No, that's fine. Oh hang on, Keira, does it hurt?

I didn't shoot myself, so I couldnt tell you, I said. Ive spoken to people who have shot themselves. Apparently they didn't feel a thing, Eligos told him. OK then, Ill see you both soon, he said, stepping away from us. I watched him as he looked up at the night sky for a moment. He took a deep breath and put the gun to his temple. My stomach tightened. I felt sick. I covered my ears just before he pulled the trigger. My heart skipped a beat as he fell to the floor and my body was shaking like mad. I had a flashback of being in the bathroom and hearing the same sound the night Tyler was shot. This was the second friend Id seen dead, and, even though I knew I would see Danny again in just a few hours, it still affected me. Are you OK? Eligos asked me, wrapping his arms around me. Yeah, yeah Im OK. Will you be OK getting home? I need to take him. I can look after myself. Don't worry. Now, go! What will you say when the guys ask where I am? Ill say Lilith called for you. You little liar! he smirked. I know, I said, smirking back. Ill never go to Heaven, will I? He giggled at me for a second before kissing my cheek. Then he walked over to Danny while I got in my car. I watched out of my window as Eligos

crouched down next to him. He took the gun and gripped Dannys arm, then they both disappeared. I sat in the car for a moment. I was still shaking and felt rather warm and worked up. I needed a few minutes to myself, to calm down.

Chapter Forty-Seven A New Demon

When I got home I acted normal around everyone. Id told them my lie, then said I was going to get in the shower and have an early night. Once Id dried my hair I got on the bed and waited patiently. Before I knew it, Eligos was gently shaking me. Keira, sweetheart, wake up. he said softly. Im awakeIm awake. You were sleeping like a baby. What time is it? 7.30a.m. What! I gasped. I came back about midnight. You looked so peaceful that I didn't have the heart to wake you. Im sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep.

Oh behave, no point staying awake. Theres nothing you could do, he said while stroking the side of my face. Anyway, hes awake. Do you want to go? Yes, just let me get dressed. Ive healed him, so you wont see the bullet mark on him. Oh good. I got up quickly and got myself washed and dressed. I left the guys a note telling them that Lilith wanted to see me now and that I didn't know how long I would be gone. Then we went straight to Eligoss home. Danny was sitting on a dark-blue sofa in one of the bedrooms. Hey, how are you feeling? I asked him as I walked over. Stiff. I remember feeling like that myself. I feel strange, no heartbeat, cooler. You get used to it pretty quickly, I told him. Hecate will be here in a few minutes, Eligos told him. Good! he said, smiling as best he could. Just relax, this will pass sooner than you think, I said. Oh hang on, relaxing prolongs it. You need to move around actually, get your body working again. OK, he said, slowly getting up off the sofa.

I stood next to him as he walked over to the window, just in case he needed to hold on to me. We heard knocking and so Eligos went to the door. A couple of minutes later, just as Danny had gotten to the window, he walked back inside with Hecate. How are you feeling? she asked him, walking over to us. Stiff, but OK. Youll be fine. Im sorry I couldnt be there last night, but I couldnt watch you Its OK, I understand, he told her. I went to stand with Eligos while she gave him a kiss and a cuddle. He turned around to look out of the window. Wow, this is crazy! The airs red, he said in amazement. You get used to that too, I giggled at him. Cool. Youre strange, Danny, Hecate laughed. Jesus, how high are we? Youre on the fifth floor, Eligos told him. We look higher than that. Big rooms, very high ceilings. Youre in castle, don't forget, I told him. Remember I told you Oh yeah, I forgot about your homes reflecting your status.

He continued to look out of the window for a few minutes before walking around again. When can I go and see Lucifer and Lilith? he asked Eligos. When youre ready. Im ready now. Don't you think you should walk around a bit more first? Hecate asked him. No, Im OK, he told her. Its wearing off already. It took ages for it to stop with me, I said. Thats because I couldnt get your soul into your body as quickly as I could with Danny. All your friends were around you, so I couldnt take you, Eligos told me. Oh I see. Lets go, Danny said. We slowly made our way to the Palace. Danny was constantly looking around at everyone and everything. When we reached the Palace he stopped dead in his tracks. Wow, this place is amazing. Ive never seen anything so big, not even in the movies, he said. Wait until you see it inside, I told him. Is this where you live?

This is my home, yes. Ive had my own bedroom here since the day I was born. Wow. We started walking again and entered the Palace grounds. We went through the gardens and through the big wooden doors into the hallway. Lilith was standing there waiting for us. I walked straight over to her. How did you know we were here? I asked, before giving her a hug. The viewing pool showed you walking over here. Well, Lilith, this is my friend Danny; Danny this is Lilith, my mother. Its a pleasure to meet you, Danny, she said, smiling at him. And you, Ive heard a lot about you; its great to actually be able to meet you. I hope what youve heard is all good. Yes it is. Good. Now follow me. She put her arm around my shoulders and we led the others into the main hall. Lucifer was standing there waiting for us. Hi, Lu, I said cheekily. Who? Sorry I don't know anyone by that same, he smirked. Unsere and Hecate call you that.

Yes they do, and I ignore them too, he smirked again. Lilith introduced him to Danny, but Danny could hardly talk. I get this reaction a lot, Lucifer said. Were you expecting a horned monster with a pointy tail? he asked, laughing. No, noI just cant believe all this exists, that it's real he managed to say. I knew it did, but it was still hard to believe; now Im here. Itscrazy, but awesome. All of us laughed, including Danny. So, Danny, Lucifer said, you want to work with Eligos. I do. Hmm, you would need to have some strength in you to keep up with him. Be able to commit to the job, take orders from him. I have a lot of respect for Eligos, as well as considering him a damn good friend, Danny told him So I wouldn't have a problem taking orders. This is what I want. And Eligos, my Grand Duke, my Knight of the Superior Order, the one person myself and my wife would trust with anything, are you sure this is what you want. Not anyone else, Lucifer asked. Im certain. Then so be it. Eligos will explain how things work here, Danny the laws, about the people, the Pits, about us. You will be expected to understand and follow the rules. I will, Danny said.

Then come with me. Lucifer led him into a room just off the hall. I knew what was happening; he was changing him into a demon. Giving him power. Lilith did it to me when I first came to Hell. It doesnt hurt, you just feel like your filling up with something warm at first, then you go cooler again. You have to close your eyes tight, because the light that surrounds you is blinding. He wasnt gone long, only about ten minutes. When he walked out his eyes were blood red. Mine were like that when it first happened to me, until I learned how to return them to normal. Lucifer shook his hand and Danny thanked him. He walked over to us and Hecate threw her arms around him, and his eyes returned to normal. It was at that moment I knew hed made the right decision. He looked so happy now, and so did Hecate. He shook Eligoss hand, and I knew an everlasting friendship, one of trust and mutual respect, had just begun. I walked over to Lilith and Lucifer. Any new developments? I asked them both. No nothing, Lilith said. This is ridiculous, Im wondering if it really is a demon doing this. Well, its not going to be a human, is it? No, its not Keira, Lucifer said. Well find him, or her; I promise you. Well, Marley keeps trying. Her power is getting stronger, and she can get inside peoples heads now. So well see what happens there. Keep us updated. I will. Now on a personal note, I said seriously, why the hell do I still have to have life in me? Danny doesnt, Hecate doesnt, or

Unsere, Eligos. Just me. It makes me weaker; it puts a limit on everything I do. Its not fair, I almost shouted. Keira, you know why, Lilith said. When the time comes to face the one were after, I will take it out of you again. I wouldn't just leave my friends, Lilith. OK, so I might actually spend more than twelve Earth hours here, but I would always go back to them. Marley could contact me if they needed me. They could all call out to me, the way I did and still do with Eligos. He knows exactly where to find me; I would know where to find them. Not necessarily, Lucifer told me. When you first came here, Eligos swore to stand by you. Youre connected to him, that's how he can come straight to you. But only when you call for him. What do you mean connected? We cut you both, and put your wounds together. Your blood mixed, not much, but enough. The only time he wouldn't be able to come to you is if a spell was used on one of you to block the other. Like when you were under the demons trap. Why didn't anyone tell me? I asked. Why didn't Eligos tell me? You never asked, Lilith said. Oh for Gods sake. Pardon? Lucifer cringed. Sorry! I giggled. Please take the life out. No! Lilith said.

I hate you both! I said, turning my back on them and walking away. I mean it, I really do! I walked over to the others. Come on, lets get out of here. I walked away from them towards the hallway. I heard Danny thank Lucifer again. Slow down, speedy! Eligos smiled, appearing beside me. I hate you too, I said. What! he said, grabbing my arm so I stopped walking. You heard me. Guys, do mind if we go on ahead, he asked Hecate and Danny. No, Ill walk with him to yourskeep him active, Hecate said. The next minute I was standing in front of Eligos in his living room. Why do you hate me? he asked. Remember when you first showed me your scar? I asked you if there was anything else I needed to know about you. Yeah. You said no, but that was a lie, wasnt it? You could have told me that some of your blood is in my body, and vice versa, I said angrily. Its like something from Blood Brothers. I don't know what that means, Keira No, you lied.

I didn't lie. I just never thought, that's all. I was shocked beyond belief that you loved me, even with this, he said, pointing to his scar. I wasnt thinking about anything else. So why not tell me another time, after that? I asked, raising both my eyebrows. Keira, I swear, I just never thought about it. A lot has been going on, you know. Andand, when you said you were going to leave me, you couldnt have anyway, could you? No I couldnt So why say it? I just wanted to see if you really wanted me there. I love you, Keira. I loved you before youd even met me. You know that. I had to see if you wanted me there, he told me, and, I was pissed at you. So I wanted to piss you off. I turned my back on him just as Hecate and Danny walked in. Are you guys OK? Danny asked. Were fine, Eligos told him. Yeah, just bloody peachy, I said, sitting on the sofa. Im not going to ask. I stayed quiet for a while. Danny sat next to Hecate on the sofa facing me, and Eligos came and sat next to me. He explained to Danny about life in Hell. About how he would see beings from other realms as well as people. What happened to people when they came to Hell. How there was no

money, and how everyone just pitched in to help life run smoothly. He told him how he would be able to travel freely between Earth and Hell, but that, if he had to go to another realm, he would have a spell put on him so he looked like the beings from that particular place. He explained about status down there, and how Danny was now a Captain. He would have a house built for him shortly to reflect that, most likely a three-storey one. Danny was intrigued and listened to his every word. If there was something he wasnt sure about, he asked questions, and Eligos and Hecate seemed to take turns answering him. We were sitting there for hours. Every now and again Hecate and I would fix us all some drinks. Then they would be talking again. He had just finished telling Danny about the High Court when he noticed the time. Wow, I think we need to take you back, Eligos said. Your friends will be wondering what's happened to you. You too, Keira. How long have I been gone? I asked. Err, only two Earth hours, but you know what theyre like. I cant believe weve been here eight hours already. Come on, time to go back. He told Danny to think about where he wanted to go, and then the power would take over and take him there.

Chapter Forty-Eight An Unwanted Revelation

Me and Eligos arrived in my hall, while Hecate and Danny arrived outside. Everyone was at the house; none of them had gone home last night. Keira, have you seen Danny? Tyler asked. Ive tried calling him but his phone is off. His mom said he didn't go home last night. Relax; hes on his way here with Hecate. Oh thank God. Hey, guys, Danny said, walking through the door. Where the hell have you been? Tyler asked. Out, why? We were worried. Sorry, I took Hecate to a little hotel for the night instead of just going home. Oh really, well next time, check in, Tyler almost shouted. Sorry, Dad. Hecate giggled. What are you giggling at? Tyler said nastily. Don't start with me, Tyler, she said, letting her eyes glow red for a moment. We both know wholl come off worse. Walk away, Tyler. Now! Danny said, moving closer to him. Whatever, man, he muttered, walking into the living room.

Woo, I said, check out, hard man Dan. Shut up! he laughed. Hey, guys, Lily said, walking over to us. Wow, Danny, you look pale. Are you OK, honey? Yeah, not had much sleep, that's all. Oh really now, she grinned. Not because of that, he said, smirking. You and your dirty mind. She gave him a big smile before walking into the kitchen. Good saves, I said to Danny. Yeah, not bad. Just said the first thing that popped into my head. Now listen, mate, Eligos said, walking over to him. Physically you are twenty, thirty times stronger than you were yesterday. Remember that. I know, don't worry. Im not, but I know youre worried. Maybe just a little, he admitted. Maybe you should just tell them, Hecate told him. No, not yet, not yet, he said, shaking his head. Why are you so scared of telling them? I asked him.

I remember how I felt the night Tyler died, when youd killed those guys and turned around to walk to your car. All those vine markings on you, the look on your face, it frightened me. I don't want to frighten them. When you saw me as a demon, a full demon in that church, were you scared then? A little, but I knew you would never hurt us. Exactly, and they know you would never hurt them. Not yet! Let me get used to it myself first, he said, and speaking of markings, will I get them? No, Eligos answered. Keira gets them because shes a Royal, and because all her powers make her so strong, it shows itself. Its a side effect of having so much power. Can too much power kill you? I asked. I don't think so, no, but you can become unstable, not able to control it, Hecate explained. You could go to reach for something and end up sending an energy ball at it instead, even though you didn't mean to. If someone startled you, the power would defend you and attack them, even if you didn't want it to. You would have to have so much strength to keep them at bay. I don't know if I could handle what you have in you. I can handle it, or at least I have up until now. You have a very, very strong mind then, Eligos said, the same as me.

We were interrupted by Marley screaming. We flew into the small living room. Jake and Beth were with her. Marley was lying on the floor, her eyes closed. Whats going on? I asked. We don't know. She passed out, Jake said. A minute later everyone was in the room. What was she doing? Eligos asked. She was trying to see if she could get us a clue. Shes been trying daily since you mentioned it to her. This time, I think she may have seen something, Beth told us. Jake picked Marley up and laid her on the sofa, then Beth started trying to bring her around. Come on, she doesnt need an audience, Lily said, pushing Lucian, Tyler, Danny and Hecate out of the room. Eligos and I waited until she was awake. What did you see? Beth asked her. Eyes. I don't understand. Blue eyes, they were glowing, she said. They were beautiful, cobalt blue. So why did you scream? Jake asked.

Something else came, a creature. He glared at me with his red eyes, and then snarled at me. His teeth were huge. He scared me; its like he knew I was watching him. They shouldnt know, Eligos told her. Maybe he wasnt snarling at you, maybe at someone standing somewhere from the way you were looking. If that makes any sense. Maybe, I don't know. Lets go back to the blue eyes. They were so beautiful. How did you feel when you saw them? Safe, warm, loved She was powerful; I could feel it, like the power was pouring out of her. She was so strong. You saw this woman? I asked. No, but I know it was a woman. God, she was so powerful. It was overwhelming even for me, and I wasnt even standing near her. It was just a vision and I felt it. I cant imagine how it would feel actually being near her. What was she? I asked Eligos. Im not sure. I don't know any demons that have blue eyes. What else could she be? I don't know. All of us went quiet for a moment.

We were all startled when we heard the sound of pots and glasses smashing. Then we heard Lily screaming Lucians name. We ran out into the hallway, just in time to see Lucian get thrown out of the kitchen and straight against a wall. We ran into the kitchen. Id never seen anything like the two creatures that were standing in front of us. They were walking on all fours, snarling, showing their huge teeth, their eyes a fiery red. They looked like a cross between a large bear and a wolf, with massive claws. Thats the creature I saw, Marley said in a frightened voice. Theyve come for me. They cant have you! I said at the same time as Beth. I felt my eyes change and I turned to look at the others. Everyones eyes had changed, including Dannys, not to black, but to red. Heres your first fight, partner, Eligos said, obviously to Danny. Protect Marley! I ordered Beth and Jake. Lily was backed up against the wall, frightened to death. Tyler was on the floor, his head dripping blood, but conscious. Lucian was back on his feet. Hecate healed him quickly so he could fight. Keira, they didn't attack us first, Lucian told me. They just snarled at us; they only attacked when we went for them. They are stupidly strong. They are one of the strongest creatures you can ever hope not to meet, Eligos warned. This will not be easy. Should we attack them then? No, don't risk it! Marley cried. They just want me. Let them do away with me, then youll all be safe.

No chance! Danny said. We don't sacrifice our friends to save our own asses. He turned to look at her then realized his mistake. She saw his eyes, as did Jake, Beth and Lucian. All of them glared at him. He turned back to face the creatures quickly. What do we do then? I asked. Demons, attack! Non-demons hide and protect Marley, Hecate shouted. Lily and Tyler heard and nodded, then looked straight at Danny. Get over it! I shouted to them both. We have bigger issues. As I shouted one of the creatures snarled at me. That really pissed Eligos off and he went for it. Danny, Hecate and I followed. Before we got to them a figure appeared in front of us, blocking our path. The creatures cowered and started edging backwards. It was Lilith. She threw black orbs at both of them; they howled in agony then fell to the floor before dissolving into the air. She turned to look at me. I hate those things, she smiled at me. Thank you, I said. Youre welcomeWell, must dash. See you soon. The next minute she was gone. Who was that? Tyler and Lily asked. That was my mother, I told them. Lilith! everyone said.

Yeah. I thought she couldnt come to Earth. She cant for long; no more than about five minutes, Eligos told them all. Wow! Lucian, Jake and Tyler said in awe. She was amazing, did you see how frightened those things were, Lucian continued. Thats because they knew she was going to destroy them, Hecate said. Keira, youre the double of her, Lily told me. Not quite, but were very alike. I noticed that the first time I saw her. Wow! Tyler said again. For a moment I thought, Great, theyve met Lilith and forgot about Danny. But I couldnt have been more wrong. We started to walk out of the room. Hey, where do you think youre going? Lucian asked, looking straight at Danny. Youve got some explaining to do, Beth said. Hey, don't you tell him what he has to do, Hecate told her, jumping to Dannys defense. He hasnt known you two minutes; he doesnt have to tell you anything, In fact, he doesnt have to explain himself to any of you; youre his friends not his keepers.

Hecate, its OK, Danny assured her. Thanks, but its OK. She scowled at Beth before walking out of the room. Im a demon, simple as that. Cant change it wouldn't change it. This is what I wanted, I did what I had to do, and now I am what I am, he said, looking at them all in turn. You werent at a hotel last night, were you? Tyler asked. No, I was dead. What! Lily said in shock. Yeah, Danny nodded. I woke up in Hell. I don't understand, Lily and Lucian said. Danny, why don't you sit them all down and start from the beginning? I suggested. Everyone sat in the living room, listening to Danny explain about the conversation in the restaurant. About talking with his family, killing himself and everything that followed. So this is your fault actually then, Tyler said, looking at Eligos. Ill put it to you like this, Eligos told him calmly, Ive knocked you out before; I have no problem with doing it again. Im stronger now; you wouldn't take me so easily. Really?

Try me! Tyler said, walking over to him, but Eligos didn't move a muscle. Lucian and Jake quickly stood up, eyes turning black. Then the three of them were thrown across the room and pinned against the wall. I turned around to see a very pissed off, red-eyed Danny with his hand out in front of him. You listen to me! I wanted this...I practically begged for it, he told them. You want to attack someone, then attack me. All Eligos did was allow me the chance to do something with myself, something I felt strongly about. If you don't understand that, that's fine, but get over it. Eligos still hadn't moved an inch and just watched them all as Danny lowered his hand and they were released. Guys, I understand its a lot to take in, I said to them all. But hes happy. I cant believe you let this happen, Beth snapped. Beth, firstly, Hecate was right, we don't owe you an explanation. Secondly, what do you want more than anything in the world? My parents back. OK, and say you had to make a deal with the Devil for that to happen. Would you do it? Without a second thought. But what if Marley didn't like the deal? She would have toshe would have to understand, she admitted.

There you go then. Danny really wanted this. As soon as he knew Eligos needed to replace Carlos he was there. Jesus, he killed himself for it. Doesnt that tell you how much he wanted it? Why didn't you kill him? Marley asked. Because he would have gone to Heaven, Eligos told her. He didn't want that, and suicide is a sinThat way, he would go to Hell. So youre part of Eligoss army? Lily said calmly. She was the only one who actually looked genuinely happy for him. Yeah, I am, Danny told her. Im one of his Captains. Congratulations! she said, walking over to him and hugging him. Thank you, Lily. The others looked at her, well, in disgust really, but she didn't care; as long as he was happy, she was happy for him. Everyone went quiet and Danny walked out of the room. I sat there for a moment staring out in front of me. I could feel them all looking at me but I wasnt going to say anything. It would have only caused an argument. A minute later Tyler walked out, and I heard him slam one of the doors off the hallway. Hes jealous, Lucian said. Of what? Lily asked. A few things. Care to elaborate? Marley said.

It started off the four of us me, him, Jake and Danny. Then, Keira and Lily came, which we were all really pleased about. Tyler and Keira were close, always laughing together and messing around. Then Eligos turns up. At first he didn't mind him being there; in fact he was glad. He saved Keiras life. ThenKeira died. It broke his heart. When she came backI cant tell you how he felt. How we all felt. But he had feelings for her, quite strong ones too. Then he learns that Eligos is going to be around a lot; he saw the way they looked at each other, and he knew what they felt for one another. So he got jealous. Then his friend, one of his best, befriends Eligos, which Tyler could have done if he hadn't been such a jackass. You mean Danny, Beth said. Yes, they got along from the word go. Then Keira and Eligos got together. He found out what she was; now Danny is the same. Nothings changed for him. Were all in relationships, well, apart from you, Marley, he said, looking at her, but that's by choice. Tyler says he doesnt want a relationship. But he does and he has for a long time, and he thought that maybe he could have had Keira. Its hard holding down a relationship with normal people when you have to constantly lie and keep things from them. With Keira, he didn't have to do that. Anyway, because hes been a jerk, they arent as close as they used to be. Nowhere near, and it upsets him. He knows hes a jerk; he just cant control his mouth. I don't know what to do with him, I sighed. I really don't. Why not spend a bit of time with him, rebuild your friendship? Lily suggested. Would you have a problem with that Eligos? Not if he kept his hands and lips to himself, no, he told her. Well see what happens. Let him get this about Danny in his head first, I said.

Chapter Forty-Nine What I want

It had been a couple of days now since Danny had become a demon. He had spent time in Hell with Eligos, learning about the army and meeting some people. When he wasnt there, he was with the guys or Hecate. All of them seemed to have come to terms with things now, even Tyler. They all saw that Danny was still the same guy they all knew and loved. Even his parents were OK with it, a bit freaked out, but OK. Last night Danny had stayed with Hecate in Hell, and Eligos went to meet them in this morning. I went food shopping with Lily and Beth, and then decided to take Lilys advice and try and spend some time with Tyler. I left it until the afternoon in case he wanted to stay in bed for a while. I called him but there was no answer. Jake was around and told me he might have gone out. His parents were away for a few days visiting family, telling them what was happening and what to do if they were attacked. They didn't have power, but they could hide. Plus while they were there, they were going to cast some spells on their houses to try and help protect them. Just in case. I called him and called him but got no answer. After a couple of hours I started to get worried and drove over to his house. His car was in the drive, but there was no answer. Nothing was out of place, so I knew nothing serious was going on. I went back home and watched a movie with Marley, still trying Tyler every twenty minutes or so, and still not getting hold of him. Just as the movie was ending Danny appeared.

OK, Miss Jameson, hand him over. You cant have him to yourself all the time, he said, smirking. Hand who over? You know who. You mean Eligos? I asked, confused. Who else? Now where is he? Hes already missed the meetings; hes not in Liliths good books, I can tell you. Danny, I said, standing up, he left me hours ago. He said he had a meeting with you and Brad, then one with you and the High Court members, and then one straight after with Lucifer and Lilith. He did come first thing this morning, Earth time that is, but not long after he got this little grin on his face and said he was being summoned. I thought he meant you were calling for him. I didn't call for him; I knew he was busy, I panicked. He hasnt been back since in Hell hours hes been gone nearly half a day. Jesus, how long are the meetings? Marley asked. Not long, they were over hours ago. I just mean thats how long its been since I last spoke to him. Thats three Earth hours, I said. And he said he was being summoned? Yeah. And he grinned.

Yeah, I thoughtWell, dirty mind and all that, but maybe it was something else. I suddenly got a really bad feeling and ran into the dining room. I rummaged quickly through all the drawers and cupboards. Keira, what is it? Danny asked, walking in behind me. Not long after the incident with Crystal I was in the library at the Palace. I found spells and a picture of the demons trap. Yeah I know, I remember looking at everything. Its missing! I said, glaring at him. OK. Tyler isnt answering his phone, wont text me backnothing. I don't think even he would be that stupid, Danny frowned. Would he? I ran into the kitchen and grabbed my car keys, then flew outside, almost knocking into Lily. She asked Danny what was going on and I heard him start to explain everything to her. I jumped in the car and sped off. Just as I got out of the driveway, Lucians car came into view and we both had to swerve to miss each other. When he saw the speed I was going, he spun the car round and chased after me. When I pulled up in Tylers drive I noticed his car hadn't moved. I knocked on the door frantically, but there was no answer. Whats going on? Lucian asked as he pulled up in front of the house.

I think Tylers summoned Eligos. I think he has him trapped, I shouted, banging my fists against the door. How the hell would he trap him? Eligos would kill him. Demons trap, I said, stepping away from the door slightly. Keira! I heard Danny say, Lucifer cant sense him. I turned around to see a furious-looking Danny and Hecate. Lucian got out of his car and walked over to us. Even he looked livid. Hes dead, I seethed, as my eyes turned white. I threw my hand out towards the door and it went flying off its hinges. It landed halfway down the hall. I grabbed Hecate and dragged her into the house. Tylers parents had cast a spell on the house a while ago to stop any demon entering. The spell had now obviously been broken since we were able to go inside. That confirmed everything. He had Eligos in here somewhere. Tell me where he is, I commanded. Keira, I cant sense him, not if hes under one of those things. Im so sorry. Start looking! Wait! Danny called to me. He has a basement. You get into it through the trapdoor in the drawing room. Stay here! I said between gritted teeth. I ran down the hallway and into the drawing room. As I was opening the trapdoor I remembered Marley telling me about a vision shed had.

About two males, one of them on the floor, the other about to stab him. Could this be what she saw? I ran down the stone steps and down a little corridor. There were boxes stacked up against the walls. It was obvious that they used the space for storage. When I got to the end there was a white door. I blasted it with an energy ball and walked in to a large rectangularshaped room. My heart sank. Every inch of me felt sick. Tyler was standing with a dagger in his hands, eyes black as midnight, now glaring at me. The dagger was one of the weapons Eligos had brought them, one that could kill a demons soul. Eligos was lying on his back in the middle of a demons trap. He was cut to shreds, bleeding, battered and unconscious. Tyler had painted the trap on the floor and covered it with a large sheet of plastic. It was ripped close to where Eligos was lying. He must have realized what had happened and torn through it to confirm his suspicions. I moved my hand quickly and Tyler went crashing against the wall, and then hit the floor hard. You coward! I shouted to him, before walking over to Eligos, being careful not to get too close in case I too got trapped. You have to trap him, make him powerless to be able to get the better of him. Youre pathetic. I threw an energy ball at the floor, just at the edge of the trap and far enough away from Eligos so I didnt end up hurting him. The floor cracked, ruining part of the drawing and breaking the spell. Tyler jumped to his feet, with the dagger still in his hand and started to walk towards us quickly. I stood in front of Eligos, blocking Tyler from getting to him. The ground started shaking violently. It shook so hard that it started to affect the whole house. We could hear things falling and breaking upstairs. Tyler found it hard to walk without falling over. Back off or I will bring this house down around you! I warned him. What the hell? Danny said as he ran in the room with Hecate and Lucian.

They all looked at Eligos, then Tyler, and finally me. Keira, you will destroy the house. You need to stop, Hecate said, leaning against one of the walls to steady herself. Get Eligos out of here Now! I ordered as I turned to look at Danny. I cant leave you alone in here with Tyler, he said seriously. Would you dare defy a Royal? I almost shouted. Danny, if you want to keep your soul, do as she says, Hecate told him. That was the first time Id used my status to my advantage, but I wanted my time with Tyler. I knew the only way to get them to leave us was to threaten them. They both went over to Eligos, still battling to keep their balance. Tyler went to throw himself at Eligos, still with the dagger in is hand, in one last attempt to kill him. I attacked him with energy balls and sent him flying to the other side of the room. I saw Danny and Hecate hold on to Eligoss arm out of the corner of my eye. Take him to the Palace. I dont know what Tyler has done to him, I told them both. Seconds later, the three of them had gone. Lucian, leave us! I said, looking him straight in the eyes. He looked at Tyler in disgust then walked out of the room. I had expected him to argue with me, but he never said a word. Tyler was on his feet again and staring at me. I turned to face him, and at the same time my eyes turned from white to red and the vines appeared on my skin.

Now youll fight me, I told him. His eyes went wide and he dropped the dagger; it fell to the floor beside him. I fired red energy at him; he dropped to his knees in agony as the energy entered his body. I walked closer to him, still firing the energy. When I was just in front of him I stopped. I made him rise from the ground a few inches, unable to move a muscle. Next time think before you attack someone I love, I said before hitting him with the back of my arm and sending him into the wall again. What has he ever done to you? Well? He leaned back against the wall and said nothing. He just spat blood from his lip on the floor in front of him. He helps all of us, fights with us, gets all your powers increased, teaches you all how to fight, I almost screamed, firing another energy ball at him. And this, this is how you repay him. I wont fight you, Keira, neverYou can kill me if you wish, but I wont fight you. Oh Im not going to kill you Tyler. However, when Eligos comes around, I dont know what he will do with you, but I promise you this, I wont defend you, and I dont think anyone else will when they find out about this. Why did you have to show up? He could have been gone. I dont want him gone. I love him, Tyler, more than anything in this world; I want to spend eternity with him. Dont you understand that? I doubt you will when you see what he looks like now. I remember him saying that if youre cut by a soul-destroying weapon, youre

scarred for life. You might want to tell him to keep his shirt on from now on, he said with a twisted grin on his face. I lost my temper and bombarded him with energy balls and static electricity. He screamed out in pain, but that only made me want to hurt him more. I knew how upset Eligos would be when he saw more scars on himself. It wouldnt upset him when he looked in the mirror, hed be upset because hed think I wouldnt love him. I stopped firing at Tyler and looked at him curled up on the floor, gasping for air. I hate you! I told him. More than I have ever hated anyone or anything in my whole life. I reached out in front of me and the dagger that he was going to use on Eligos flew into my hand. I hope your power will be enough to protect you from whats to come, because you will never be given another weapon. Ill make sure that no matter how hard you call for them, they will not come. You cant do that, he said in a broken voice. Oh I can and I will. I turned my back on him and walked out of the room. I walked up the steps and into the drawing room. Lucian was standing there watching me. Your eyes are still red, he said plainly. Thats because Im still pissed. If it wasnt for the fact that I love all you guys, and his parents. Id kill him. Im glad you didnt. I know hes a jerk, and completely out of order, but hes still one of us.

If he ever tries anything like this again, Im sorry, but I will kill him. I wont think twice about it. I walked out of the room and heard Lucian walking down the steps to the basement. I knew he would go down there. Hed known Tyler since he was born. I knew that no matter what he had done, Lucian would have to help him. I walked outside and saw Lily, Jake, Marley and Beth standing near Jakes car. I turned to face the house and fixed the front door; it wasnt his parents fault, and I didnt want them to panic if they came home to this. I knew Tyler wouldnt tell them anything, and neither would I. They were worried enough about things at the moment; I didnt want to add to their fear. I sat on the steps of the porch saying Dannys and Hecates name over and over, hoping one of them would hear me. But neither of them came. I didnt know how to summon them yet, and I had no blood connection to them. I didnt know what to do. A few minutes later Tyler came hobbling out with Lucian supporting him. Keira can you heal him, please, Lucian asked me. No. Please. You know my answer. Hes really hurt. Oh really, I said, standing up and facing them both. The man I love is scarred for life now because of this cowardly bastard! Do you think I give a shit what state that little jerk is in? I turned away from them just as Danny reappeared. I ran over to him quickly.

How is he? I asked, my eyes returning to normal. Lucifer said it will take him a few days to recover fully. And you he said, looking at Tyler, youre lucky youre still breathing. Lucifer and Lilith want you dead. Tyler went white, fear filled him and he started to shake. They said to tell you that when your time comes, because of what you have done, you will go to Hell. Then you will pay for what you did, Danny continued. I want to see him! I cant go there on my own. The life in me stops me. You need to take me, I told him. I cant Keira. Excuse me? He told me not to take you to him, he told me sadly. Im a Royal. I outrank him, and Im telling you to take me to him, I told him seriously. Keira, I cant. Lucifer told me I had to respect his wishes. Isis he dying? I asked as my eyes filled with tears. No, but hes in a bad way. Hes terribly scarred. Lilith and Hecate have healed him the best they can, but, because of the blade, he will always have the scars. Why doesnt he want me to go?

He thinks youll take one look at him and be disgusted, that you wont be attracted to him anymore. He said hes damaged enough. He hasnt got the strength to cope with his heart being broken too. I don't believe this. He doesnt want you staying with him out of pity, he told me. No, no, you take me to him right now, I demanded. Keira, Im so sorry, but I cant, I cant defy Lucifer. Keira, Tyler said. Don't you see? You can be free of him now. What! I snapped, turning to face him again. Are you completely out of you mind. You can be with a normal guy, one who isnt scarred, who would love you just as much. Shut up, shut up now, before I send you straight to Hell. Keira, I know its what you want, just admit it. What I want! I said, glaring at him. What I want! Ill tell you all what I want. I stepped back from them all, looking at each of them in turn. Ill tell you what I want, I said as my eyes turned red once again. I WANT TO DIE! I screamed. I saw a figure start to appear in front of me, but before I could make out who it was, it threw a beam of orange light at me. I felt like something warm was being ripped out of every pore in my body. I wanted to scream,

not in pain, because it wasnt a painful feeling I was experiencing, but through fear. I couldnt move. I didn't know what was happening to me. I could hear the girls screaming; they must have been frightened to death. The experience only lasted a few seconds, but it felt like it was going on for hours. Then the beam of light faded and I dropped to my knees. I expected my heart to be racing, but I couldnt feel it beating. I put my hand against my chest quickly. I had no heartbeat. I looked up to see Lilith standing about twelve feet away from me. Go to him! she smiled warmly. Keira, no, please, Tyler begged. Lilith turned to look at him, her eyes as red as rubies. No! I shouted to her. He isnt worth it. Hell get what's coming to him. Eventually she turned away from him and looked at me. Go now! she told me before fading away. I stood up and looked at everyone. The girls were crying. Tyler was frightened. Lucian and Jake just nodded to me and Danny was smiling. Where is he? I asked. Hes at his place. I left him in the living room with Hecate, Danny told me. I nodded and then watched everything around me vanish.

Chapter Fifty A Love That Will Last for Eternity

I arrived in Eligoss master living room. To say he and Hecate were surprised to see me, especially on my own, would most definitely be an understatement. He was lying on the sofa in his dark-blue jeans and black shirt. He had been cleaned up and brought around. Hecate was sitting on a chair next to him with a glass of water in her hands. Hecate, would you leave us, please? I asked, walking over to them. Of course. No! Eligos said to her. Eligos, I have to, you know I do, she said, putting the glass of water on the table. I havent got the guts to defy her, she told him before disappearing. I walked just in front of him and looked down at him. He wouldn't look at me. Eligos, please don't be like this, I said, sitting next to him on the edge of the sofa. I take it you called out to Lilith again, he said, still looking away from me. She brought you here, did she? No actually I I told her I didn't want to see you. Why? I asked sadly.

Look at me. I am. I accepted that you could love me with the scar on my face. But thisall theseKeiraHow could you be close to me, physically, passionately, and actually be attracted to me? You have no idea what I look like under this shirt. Tyler said you would be scarred. Danny said you werebadly scarred, and I didn't care. Well, I cared obviously, someone had hurt you, I was pissed. But a few scars arent going to stop me loving youNothing A few? he said, finally turning to look at me. You think I have a fewHe ripped his shirt open to show me exactly how many he had. He was covered in them; he must have had at least fifteen to twenty over his chest and stomach. But none of them more than two inches long. How can you call that a few? Eligos, everyone has marks and scars, spots, stretch marks. Who cares? I don't! Im not perfect, but do you care? In my eyes you are perfect. And in mine you are! I told him. When I look at you, I don't look at your scars, I look at you. I see you for who you are. I wouldn't change anything about you. Keira No! I almost shouted, You might not be comfortable in the skin youre in, but that doesnt mean I

I don't care what I look like. I care that you care. That one day you will be repulsed by me. I don't care what anyone else thinks, or says, or anything. Just you! he said sincerely. I don't care about your scars. I wouldn't care if you lost your arms and legs, or if your whole body was one big scar. I love you, I always have and I always will, forever. Ill never, ever love anyone else. I just want you. How? How can you? If I got hurt bad, lost my arm, an eye, anything, would you still want me? Ill always want you. But why? I asked. Because I love you, more than anything. So why is it so hard for you to believe that I love you, scars and all? He couldnt answer me; he just looked away from me again. I went to put my hand on his chest, but he pushed me away before I touched him. Don't! he said, still looking away from me. You know what, I said standing up and raising my voice, I just beat the crap out of one of my friends for what he did to you. I nearly brought his house down around him. When Danny told me he wouldn't bring me here, that he couldnt, and that you had told him you didn't want to see me, it broke my heart. I thought you knew me, Eligos, that you didn't think I was so shallow. But you obviously don't. If you truly believed me when I said I loved you, you would know that this, the scars, no matter how many you had, they would never bother me.

Keira he went to say. I stood there in front of everyone and screamed at the top of my voice that I wanted to die. I had the life ripped out of me in front of them all, not knowing until afterwards what was happening to me. And why did I do that? Because I didn't care what you looked like, I just wanted to be with youI had to get to you, I cried. What's the point of being with someone when they don't believe you truly love them, I said, walking over to his window. A few minutes later he was standing behind me. It had taken him all that time to get the strength to walk a few feet. He turned me around so I was looking at him, and he looked me deep in my eyes. Im just so scared of losing you, he told me. But you never will! I said as a tear ran down my cheek. Never! Keira, you understand all the rules of Hell, yes? Yes, so? All of them? Yes, I said again, Why? So youll understand why you will need to think carefully about your answer to what Im about to ask you. Ive been around more than four and a half thousand years; you havent even seen a quarter of a century yet. I know how long forever can be, and Ive still got forever to live. Youll also understand why this is such a scary thing to ask you. Eligos, youre confusing meNow what is it?

Are you sure you really love me, Keira, as much as you think you do? I don't think I love you, I do love you, I more than love you. Then he said, taking a deep breath and wrapping his arms around my waist. What is it? Will you marry me? He looked me deep in my eyes when he asked me, and my stomach tied itself in knots. If my heart was still beating it would have just skipped a dozen beats. Yes, I said without hesitation. Keira that means that even a million years from now, you would still have to be with me, are you sure you? I silenced him by kissing him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed him tightly. I felt him tense up and I let go of him quickly. Id forgotten he was still in pain. Im sorryIm sorry, I said between kisses. I willI will marry you, I said, kissing him again. He held me as tightly as he could manage to. We stopped kissing each other but kept our faces close together. I was so scared of asking you, he whispered. Why?

Like Lucian said a few months ago, Can you imagine what it would feel like if the person you wanted to spend eternity with, said no? You should have known I would say yes, I smiled. I was scared, just in case; theres always a chance of someone saying no. Are you sure you can handle being with me for all eternity? I can think of nothing better, he said before kissing me again. This time when the kiss ended, I opened my eyes and realized we were in his bedroom. Before you think Ive brought you here to get you in bed, I havent. I honestly wouldn't have the strength or energy to go through with it. As much as I may want to, he smiled. He let go of me and slowly made his way to a large chest of drawers. He opened the top drawer and pulled out a small shiny black box, before making his way over to me again. Ive had this a long time; in fact I think wed been together about a week when I bought it. I knew from the start that I wanted to marry you, and have you to myself forever, he told me. If I thought Id be able to get back up, Id get down on my knee with this. I couldnt help but smile at him, and told him I didn't care whether he was on his knees or not. When he was in front of me again he passed me the box. When I opened it I couldnt believe my eyes. The ring was the most beautiful thing Id ever seen. It was gold with a huge solitaire diamond. Thats a two-carat diamond. Id have gotten you a bigger one if I could have found one, he told me.

Eligosits beautiful, I said, taking it out of the box. Not as beautiful as the woman wholl be wearing it. I smiled at him and went to put it on my wedding finger. Ah-ah, oh no, that's my job, he said, taking it off me. He took my hand and slowly put it on my finger. I love you! he breathed, once it was on. I love you! I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him again. When the kiss ended we lay on the bed next to each other. We held each other and kissed each other for hours. I put my hand on his chest and he tensed a little. You know, I said, smirking. If you wanted to hide them, all you would have to do is grow some hair on your chest. Oh shut up! Ive never had a hairy chest. Actually Im really glad, I hate hairy chests. So why tell me to grow one then? he asked, raising one of his eyebrows. I don't know. If it was part of you Id love it I suppose, I cringed. Behave! he giggled. How long will it take you to get back on your feet again?

I don't know, a couple of days maybe he said, running his fingers through my hair. Maybe not that long. Do you want to stay here? Im not bothered. We can stay here. Its not like youre on a time limit now. Or we can go to yours. Just keep that bastard away from me, or Ill kill him. He wont come near you; I don't want him in my house. You know he said he was doing it for you. That if I was gone you could start enjoying your life again, and not be with someone because you felt sorry for them. Did he? I said between gritted teeth. He thought he was doing you a favor. I never, ever, gave him reason to think that. I know. My jaw clenched and I had to look away from him for a moment. Hey, forget it now. Its over; he didn't win. If Lilith hadn't have taken the life out of me, if I hadn't have come herewhen would I have been able to see you? I wanted to stay away from you, but honestly, I don't think I could have handled being away from you for more than a day. Please don't ever keep me away from you again. Promise me you wont.

I promise. I lay in his arms with my head on his chest, closing my eyes and breathing him in. When I opened my eyes again the room was almost in complete darkness, I must have fallen asleep. I looked up at Eligos. He was still asleep. I sent a small orb of light over towards the large clock on the other side of the room. It was 10.30p.m. We had been asleep almost five hours. I tried to get up without disturbing him, but as soon as I took my weight off him he woke up. Where are you going? he asked, tightening his grip on me so I couldnt get up off him. Just to stretch my legs. OK. He let go of me while I got up of the bed and stretched. I cant believe how late it is; I cant believe I fell asleep, I said to him. You fell asleep before me. Did I? Yeah, he smiled. How are you feeling now? Better than I did, I just need to keep moving around now I think. Yeah, well, just take it easy.

What time is it in Salem now? I dont know, probably about five-ish. Hmmm, I wonder if Lily will be cooking, he said, smirking. Only one way to find out. Let me get changed first. He got up and got changed then I took him back to my place. We arrived in the living room and scared everyone to death. Jesus, Keira, give us a bit of warning next time. You nearly gave me a heart attack! Jake said. I looked around the room, half expecting Tyler to be sitting with them, but there was no sign of him. Where is it? I asked, referring to Tyler. We thought it safer for all concerned if he stayed at home. His parents are back now, so hes not alone. I dont know how hes going to explain his bruises though, Lucian told me. Luckily we managed to fix the house up, that little ground-shaking stunt you pulled broke a lot of things. I dont care. How are you? Lily asked Eligos. Ill be fine, he told her, smiling. I couldnt keep her away. Sorry, mate, Danny smirked.

Im glad. Are you two OK? Hecate asked, concerned. We looked at each other for a moment and smiled. Then I held my left hand up so everyone could see the ring. Lily and Hecate stood up quickly and ran over to me. Danny and Jake went straight to Eligos to shake his hand. Lily and Hecate were hugging me and jumping up and down. Lily was in love with the ring; she couldnt take her eyes off it. Once Danny and Jake had finished with Eligos they came over to me and hugged me, while Lucian got the chance to congratulate him, then he too came over to me. Finally Marley and Beth got to come over to us for a few seconds before Hecate and Lily took over again. They hugged us both to death and got very giggly and girly about it, which made me fifty times worse. Danny teleported himself to his house then returned two minutes later with two bottles of champagne. He passed one of them to Lucian; they both shook the bottles then pooped the cork. It sprayed all of us. Beth and Marley ran into the dining room to get the glasses out of the cabinet. Danny and Lucian poured us all a drink, and everyone stood round us. To the couple who were destined to be together, may you enjoy every moment of eternity together! Danny said, raising his glass. Everyone raised their glasses to us. We all sipped our drinks, and then Eligos leaned forward and kissed me.

Chapter Fifty-One My Powers

Over the next few days Eligoss health returned to normal and his scars turned silver, just like the one on his face. He no longer cared if I touched them. I think the fact that I had agreed to be his wife and spend eternity with him, kind of made him realize how much I loved him. Finally he understood. Wed switched between Salem and Hell while he recovered. Tyler hadn't shown his face. Lucian and Beth had been to see him, as well as Jake and a reluctant Lily. She really liked Eligos and couldnt bring herself to forgive Tyler for what he had done. Danny hadn't spoken to him at all; he was in Hell most of the time with Hecate and the rest of Eligoss army. Brandameer was showing him a few things and making sure all the members of the army knew who he was. Marley had kept herself to herself, spending most of her time still trying to find out who was starting the war. But all she kept seeing was the blue eyes. Eligos and Hecate said they didn't know what that meant, but I was sure they did. I think they knew but didn't want to worry us. The problem was that made me worry more since I didn't know what we could end up dealing with. I was now waiting in the main hall at the Palace for Lilith. She had given me a few days with Eligos, without calling me in for anything, but now that he was better I knew what was coming. She was going to try and put the life in me again; well, she would have a fight on her hands, I didn't want it in me again. Eventually Lilith and Lucifer walked in and took me into a little meeting room. I sat down with them at the small dark wooden table. The room was cozy; the walls were painted cream with a golden trim. The floor was covered in a beautiful thick cream carpet. First of all, Lilith said after a few minutes, congratulations. Thank you, I smiled. He asked me for my permission to ask you to marry him months ago. Ive been waiting for the good news ever since. I knew you would say yes, she told me happily.

Im glad youre happy about it. Oh we are. He will always look after you, Keira, and everyone knows he will never stop loving you, Lucifer said. I hope not. Now, we can be all excited about it later on, Lilith said, winking at me. When its just us girls. OK, I giggled. Now, weve brought you here to talk to you seriously, Lucifer said. Youre not putting life back in me, I told them both, so if that's what you want to talk about the conversation is over. We wont do that, Lucifer said. And by the way, you owe me one. Why? Because when Eligos said he didn't want to see you, and told Danny and Hecate not to bring you. I told them to respect his wishes, knowing full well that you couldnt get here without the life being removed. And knowing full well that it would completely piss Lilith off. She wants nothing more than for you two to be together. I knew she wouldn't defy me and bring you here Are you saying you did that so I would take the life out of her, she asked, glaring at him. Yes, I believed Keira when she said she wouldn't be here all the time. I knew you doubted her, but I wanted you to give her the chance to prove to

you that she would stay on Earth. I knew you would take the life out of her so she could get to Eligos, he smirked. Bastard! she called him. Youre right then. I do owe you one, I said, smiling at him. Don't encourage him, Keira, Lilith said to me. Ill deal with you later, she told him. Yeah yeahAnyway, this is what you need to know, Keira, he said to me. We pulled a demon in for question this morning. He didn't say much until just before he died. What did he say? He said something was on its way to Salem, and that Salems people were next. What! I said, panicking. He said it would happen soon, sooner than we thought; you don't need to hear the rest. Yes I do! Keira Lilith went to say. No, tell me. OK, Lucifer said. He said the people would burn, that they werent going to possess them, just kill them, unless you and your friends surrendered yourselves to them. If you did that, they would leave Salem in peace. No they wouldn't.

No youre right. They wouldn't; they would kill you all, then kill everyone in the town, Lilith said. And you have no idea when this is going to happen. It may not even be the truth. He knew we would warn you. Maybe its to distract you, take your attention off something else, Lucifer told me. Like what? We don't know. Right, I sighed. We all went quiet for a few minutes. OK, well I suppose I need to get back, I said. Yeah, Lucifer agreed. No, hang on a minute. I always do this. I always come here, listen to what you have to say to me, and never get to ask you what Ive wanted to ask you for months now. What is it Keira? Lilith asked. How many powers do I have in me? You have three. Mine, Abdiels, who is the Yeah I know about him. Where does his come from? John Putnam called on him; it is his power that runs through your friends veins too.

OK, and the other one? I asked. Arioch, he is a demon of vengeance; he gave the power to Elizabeths husband. He passed it down to you. So he was Johns first power before he called on Abdiel for more? I said. Yes. OK finally I get to know. Right, secondly, what has blue eyes? Erm, people, some animals Lucifer said. Cobalt blue and they happen to glow. Why do you ask? he asked seriously. Marley had a vision. She saw blue eyes. She didn't see the person or thing that had them, but she sensed it was female. She said she could feel the power coming from the being, she was so strong, I explained. Marley wasnt frightened; she felt warm, and peaceful she said. Hmmm, let me look into it for you, he said before turning to look at Lilith. She glared back at him. What arent you telling me? I asked. Ill come back to you, he said seriously. Until then, stay with your friends. The last thing I wanted to do was get on the wrong side of him, so I agreed and left quickly.

I returned to my house and walked into the kitchen. Lily was rummaging through the cupboards. What are you looking for? I asked her. I was going to cook us all a nice meal. Now that Eligos is OK, I thought it would be nice to sit together and kinda celebrate your engagement. That would be lovely, I said, smiling. Hey I found out about all my powers today. Really? she said, turning to face me. Yeah, I finally remembered to ask before I left. Well, do tell. I told her what Lilith had told me. Wow, thats amazing! she said wide-eyed. A demon of vengeance, I wonder why? I don't know; I didn't ask. I just wanted to know what power was in me. Well, Im glad you finally found out, she said before turning around and rummaging through the cupboards again. Whats wrong, Lily, youre like a woman possessed. Everyones outside practicing using their powers with Eligos and Danny, and I havent got all the ingredients I need, she said, stressing out. If I go into town I wont get everything done in time for the meal; everyone will be starving.

Well, Ill go into town for you. I don't mind. You prepare what youve got here; write me a list of what you need and give me, what, an hour or so to get there and back. Would you mind? Not at all. Great. And listen, when I get back I need to talk to you all. I have some information for you. OK. She wrote down everything she needed and told me she would let Eligos know where I was. Then I grabbed my car keys and went into town.

Chapter Fifty-Two Where Did That Come From?

I drove into town and went into one of the little supermarkets to get Lilys ingredients. It was really quiet in there so it only took me five minutes. When I was walking down the street on the way back to my car I bumped into Tyler. Hey! he almost whispered. Whatever, I said, walking away from him.

Keira, pleasewait! He grabbed my arm and stopped me walking; I turned around and glared at him. I just want to talk, please, Keira. Ive got nothing to say to you. Keira, Im sorry. I was an idiot. I cant apologize enough. Youre not sorry. Youre just scared of going to Hell and facing Lucifer and Lilith, I told him. No, no Im not. I was being selfish and stupid, and Im deeply sorry. I don't know what came over me. Please, Keira, just come and have a coffee with me or something. I cant; I need to get back to Lily. Just fifteen minutes; thats all Im asking for. If you piss me off once, youve had it, I told him. OK. We went into a caf and he bought us both a latte. We sat on one of the sofas near the window. I spoke to Eligos on the phone before, he told me. He said you were with Lilith. I was. Why did you speak to him? To apologize. I said I wanted to do it face to face, but I didn't think you would want me at the house.

Youre right about that. He said I had to talk to you first, before he said anything else. OK. I was jealous, he said, putting his drink on the small coffee table in front of us. I felt like I was losing you completely; we never spent time together. At one time, we were together all the time. I know that changes when someone gets into a relationship, but we never did anything together after you got together with him. I blamed him. I thought he wanted to take you away from us all. But I was wrong. Then when I found out about Danny, I thought he wanted to take my best mate away from me too. Again, I was wrong. All Ive done these last few days is think about what you said to me in my basement, and you were right. Hes only ever tried to help us; we all owe him a lot. Including me. Yep. I want to make it up to him, and to you, if you will both let me. Trouble is Tyler. I don't believe a word you say now, and I most certainly don't trust you. I can understand that, he said sadly. And I want to prove to you both that you can trust me, that Im not lying to you. You know were getting married, don't you? I told him, showing him my ring. Yes, Lucian told me. Congratulations. He said it so sincerely that I was actually quite shocked. I mean it, Keira. Im happy for you.

You told him you were killing him so I could live my life normally with a normal-looking guy. You said you were doing it for me. You had no right to say that to him. I love him. I know, I know, he said, lowering his head. Im sorry, Keira. I don't know what came over me. I cant forgive you that easily, Tyler. Please, let me try and make it up to you, he almost begged. Please, I don't want to lose you. I used to trust you more than anyone; now I don't at all. I don't like the thought of you being near Eligos. I will never try and do anything to hurt any of us ever again, I swear. I swear on everyones life that I know and love, I swear. If he wants to forgive you, that's up to him, but I don't know if he will; youve scarred him for life. Ill find a way to fix it, to get rid of them. There is no way, I told him. Lilith told me. There has to be, and if there is I will find it. Whatever, I suggest you talk to him; hes at my house with the others. Do not take him away from my house. If I get back and he isnt there, I will hunt you down and tear you apart, do you understand me? I understand. Then go! Leave me alone! I said, turning away from him. Thank you.

He finished his drink and left me alone in the caf. I sat there for a few minutes, finishing my drink. Part of me just wanted to hug Tyler, but only a very small part. Most of me just wanted to kill him. I didn't want to go home yet either. If Eligos turned on him, I didn't want to see it. I didn't want to have to pull them apart. Danny was there, the others were there; they could deal with Tyler for a change. I looked at my watch. Id been out for just over half an hour. I left the caf and slowly made my way back to the car. When I was driving home I passed the spot where I had first met Marley. I remembered seeing how frightened she was. I shook my head quickly, trying to get rid of the images. I put my music on and carried on driving, singing my head off, and probably completely out of tune. I wasnt too far from home when something in the distance caught my eye. It looked like a white building. Id driven home this way dozens of times and I knew Id never seen it before. Curiosity got the better of me, and instead of turning off to head to my house, I drove in the direction of the building. As I got closer it became clearer and clearer. I pulled up across the road from it. It was a small church, beautifully built with the most beautiful stainedglass windows I had ever seen. I got out of the car and walked up to it. The walls seemed to be made of white and grey marble. I tried to look through the windows, but they were so thick I couldnt see inside. I walked around to the other side and found the doors. They were white with perfectly decorated golden handles. Where did you come from? I asked out loud, as though the building itself could answer me. I pushed the door and it opened silently. Hello? I shouted as I popped my head around the door. Hello, is anybody in here? Nobody answered me. I walked inside and the door closed behind me, once again in silence. The church was amazing. There were two rows of pews,

probably with just enough room to seat around fifty people. There were unlit candles in holders all around the walls, and small statues of angels praying. I turned to look at the altar; it, too, looked to be made of marble, the same color as the outside walls. It had a chalice on it, golden like the door handles, with some kind of gemstone decorating it. Above the altar was a crucifix; it reminded me of the one in the church where we fought Argyle, only this one was smaller. The whole of the church, inside and out, was spotlessly clean. I walked halfway across the back of the church until I reached the aisle between the rows of pews. I looked around me again, just to make sure nobody was watching me. Then I slowly made my way down the aisle towards the altar. I was only a few feet away from it when all the candles seemed to light themselves one at a time in a clockwise direction. I turned around quickly; nobody was there. All the hairs on the back on my neck stood on end. I turned to face the altar again and noticed what could only be described as a glowing white fog starting to form. I started to take a few steps back but the fog followed me. I turned quickly to run away, but the fog surrounded me. I felt myself rise up from the floor and I turned in mid-air so I was facing the altar again. I screamed and cried for Eligos, for Danny and Hecate as the fog started to seep into my skin. There was no pain, but I felt myself getting warmer and warmer. I screamed again and again then everything seemed to go hazy. I tried to scream again, but I had no voice; I couldnt make a sound. I could feel myself going dizzy; I knew I was about to pass out.

Chapter Fifty-Three Blue Eyes Lilys Story

I had just put the chicken in the oven when there was a knock at the door. I knew I couldnt leave it to one of the others to answer it; they were all far too busy playing together while I was slaving away. I walked down the hall, pulling my pinafore off before opening the door. Oh, I said, looking at Tyler. Its you. Keira, told me to come and speak to Eligos, he told me. Really and when exactly did she say that? About ten minutes ago. I bumped into her in town; shes been shopping. Why would she say that? I asked him, not letting him inside. After I practically begged her, she came for a coffee with me. I explained a few things and she told me to come here. She doesnt trust me and Eligos being alone together; she said everyone was here and I should talk to him here. Hmmm, OK, theyre in the back. Don't try anything funny, Tyler, I warned. I wont. I promise you, Lily. I moved aside to let him in, then closed the door and walked outside with him. As soon as Eligos saw him his eyes turned red. Lucian and Danny quickly stood in front of him. Everyone went silent. Keira, told me to come and talk to you, Tyler told him. She said to do it here.

Did she? Eligos said between gritted teeth. If you want to kill me then just do it. Its not like I don't deserve it. This seemed to soften Eligos a little and his eyes returned to normal. Can we talk alone? Tyler asked him. Why not? he said, motioning for Tyler to walk to the other side of the garden. I watched as they both made their way towards Keiras swing, then both of them sat down. Sadly as much as I tried, I couldnt hear what they were saying. I just know Tyler was doing most of the talking. Jake walked over to me, constantly looking over at them both. Whats going on? he asked me. I don't know. Did Keira really send him here? I think so. He saw her in town. Shell be back soon anyway, so if hes lied hes in deep shit. Hmmm. Anyway, just keep an eye on them. Ive got things to do. I will, he said before kissing me on the cheek and then making his way over to the others. I walked back into the kitchen and carried on making what I could without the things Keira was getting for me. I was cooking us a three-course meal. I

wanted to make us something exotic, but Keira and Marley were such fussy eaters that I had to keep it quite simple. Id decided on a simple prawn cocktail for starters, followed by chicken in a white-wine sauce, with fresh strawberries and cream for dessert. I had a few bottles of wine chilling in the fridge. I could have done with drinking a bottle myself now. I did what I could then went to sit outside with the others until Keira got back. Eligos and Tyler were still talking. Danny was fighting with Lucian while Hecate was teaching Marley and Beth a few spells. Both of them had the look of sheer concentration on their faces. Jake was slumped on the grass watching Danny and Lucian. I sat down next to him. Hey, gorgeous, hows it going in there? he asked me. Not too bad. I just need Keira to hurry up now. I cant do anything else until she brings me my stuff. She shouldnt be long now. How long has she been gone? About forty-five minutes. Oh she wont be long. I hate waiting around. I might go and set the table actually. Lily, just chill out for a bit, OK. Youve been in there most of the day. I know but I said chill, he said, pushing me so I was lying back on the grass. Learn to relax more often. He lay on his side next to me, and we both watched Danny and Lucian. I only moved when I felt myself getting sleepy.

I need to get up before I fall asleep, I told Jake. Tired? A little. Early night for you tonight, I think. Most likely. As I stood up, I saw Eligos and Tyler walking over to us. I didn't say anything. I just watched as they both joined Danny and Lucian. I think its best if you fight Tyler, Eligos said to Danny. Either that or one of you guys, he said looking at Jake and Lucian in turn. Its not safe otherwise. Ill do it, Jake said, looking at Lucian. You look like you could do with a rest. You two fight then. Danny, you observe, he said before walking into the house. I walked in a few minutes later and back into the kitchen. Eligos was standing at the window, watching them fight. Hey, I said as I walked in the room. Hey, Lily. Are you two OK now? I don't know. What was he saying, if you don't mind me asking?

He turned to face me and stood leaning back again the counter, folding his arms across his chest. He admitted he was jealous of a few things, and that he was wrong about a lot of things. He apologized profusely for what happened the other day. That was it really. So what happens now? I asked. We see how things go. He knows I don't trust him. He knows if he tries anything ever again, hes dead, be it by my hands or not. Yeah, Keira told him she didn't trust him too. I know she did. She said she didn't believe he was sorry either. He told you that. He told me about the conversation they had in the caf in town, he said. But Im gonna check with her anyway, just to see. Yeah I would too. Where is she? She should have been back by now. Yeah I know. I bet shes chatting away to someone or gone clothes shopping while shes there. I doubt it; not if she knew you were waiting for her. True, I cant ring her either. Her phones over there charging. How long has she been gone?

An hour and a half. Hmmm, he said, closing his eyes for a moment. I cant reach her. What? I asked puzzled. I was trying to contact her, call out to her. I cant track her. Should we be worried? Shes a full-blown demon now, and a ridiculously powerful one at that. She should be OK. I watched him as he said his last sentence. His voice sounded certain, but his face and eyes told a different story; he was starting to worry about her. We waited and waited, but Keira never came back. Eligos went to Hell to see if Lilith had called her there, but Lilith hadn't seen her since shed had the meeting with her. He didn't want to worry her so he didn't tell her Keira was missing. Instead he just came back to the house. Where the hell is she? he asked, annoyed. She was just finishing her latte in the caf when I left her; she didn't say she was going anywhere, Tyler told us all. Hecate, can you sense her? Danny asked. Shes alive, but I couldnt tell you where. Something's different. I don't know what it is. I cant tell you where she is; I just know she isnt dead. Why is that? Jake asked.

I don't know. I don't understand it, Hecate replied, shaking her head. How long has she been gone now? Lucian asked. Over three hours. Not again! Eligos said, walking out of the room. Not again. I heard the front door open then saw him out of the window. He was standing on the porch, leaning on the rail, looking out towards the approach to the house. What did he mean by that? Beth asked. Last time she went missing Crystal got her, Marley reminded her. Hes worried in case it happens again. Oh God, I forgot about that. And you definitely cant get a fix on her location, Danny said to Hecate. No, she said, shaking her head again. Im sorry. Again we waited, Eligos didn't come back inside and Hecate kept trying to track her. I went outside with her in the end to check on Eligos. Im gonna kill her when she gets back, he told me. So you know shes safe? I said. If Hecate can sense her shes not trapped and shes not dead, so yeah, I think shes safe. Oh thank God, I said, breathing a sigh of relief.

Maybe we should go into town, see if we can find her, Tyler suggested, walking outside. Yeah you might be right Eligos said. Wait! Hecate said. Can you hear that? We stayed quiet and heard the sound of her car engine. She was coming up the road to the house. Everyone looked relieved and stood there ready to grill her for taking so long. Her car appeared but didn't slow down. It was like it was out of control. It came through the open gates and we watched fearfully as it crashed right into the side of Lucians car. Keira! Eligos shouted. He and Hecate ran towards the car, the drivers door opened and I watched in horror as Keira crawled out, falling to the floor at the side of the car. She couldnt stand; every time she tried she fell to her knees. STOP! Hecate shouted frantically, quickly grabbing Eligos. STOP! she said again, stopping them both from getting any closer to her. Tyler and I ran over as everyone else came running outside to see what was going on. NO! Hecate shouted again. STOP! We both stopped at the side of her and Eligos. Look! she said, staring at Keira. We all looked at her. She was kneeling there, shaking like a leaf in the wind, but glaring at us. I noticed instantly that her eyes were different. They were

red, but every few seconds they would turn cobalt blue and glow for a split second, before turning red again. No! Eligos whispered in shock and anger. No. What is it? Marley said, running over. WhatOh my God, the eyes! she said when she looked at Keira. Your vision. Eligos, what does it mean? I demanded to know. Eligos, you lied. You said you didn't know what it was. You do! Marley said. What is it? Itcant beIts notIts notpossible, he almost whispered, still staring at her. ELIGOS! I screamed. WHAT IS IT?! An angel.

Coming Soon Bloodlines Series Book 3 Revelations

About the Author

I have lived in Droylsden, Manchester, all my life. I live with my parents and my younger sister, Cheryl. I never knew what I wanted to do with my life until I began writing. This is my dream. I get most of my inspiration from music, Ill sit there listening to it and suddenly Im no longer in the room. My stories play like videos in my mind, then I go and write them down. Im a very dark person, I love anything spooky, supernatural, or unexplainable, and so thats the genre I want to write in for the rest of my life. I love watching scary films, although I find it very hard to find one these days that actually frighten me.

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