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Biography of the famed mathematician John Nash that studied in Princeton University .

He spends a lot of time with his friend, Charles, who becomes in his problem in all his life. John is soon a professor at MIT and in this place He meets and eventually married with a student Alicia. The government asks his help with breaking Soviet codes. Over time John begins to lose his grip on reality, he was a victim of schizophrenia. Alicia said that John was a brilliant but arrogant and antisocial man, however his illness progressed and He doesnt know what the reality is. He spoke with his imaginary friend Charles but that was a product of his illness. Soon Nash grows more and more paranoid. Now it is only with Alicia's help that John recovers his mental strength. In various moments John asks if his friend someday disappear. Finally John returns to the university and he wins the Novel prize. I wonder if he was cured of his illness.

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