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Nicole Guevremont Mrs.

Walter Life of Christ Mods 19-20 12-11-12 Mini Paper 7 In Johns gospel, he depicts the incarnation different than the other gospels. This is the gospel that shows Jesus as fully human and fully divine, nothing more and nothing less. Through a lot of symbolism we learn about Jesus actions as a human, yet he is performing miracles and revealing God. An example of this is shown in John 1: 1-18 where he teaches of the incarnation. Another example is in John 1:19- 2:19 where Christ reveals himself as the one that is sent for us. When we speak with Christ, we connect with him in prayer through the same respectful way that Jesus did. He spoke to God and focused on only his prayer, while praying for everyone who believed in him and God. In The Resurrection that will Lead to Death we learn that Christ was God and that he was performing miracles. Once he resurrected Lazarus, it caused the high priest to be jealous. The high priests jealousy caused the event of Jesus carrying the cross, and this explains how the resurrection leads to Jesus death. In the story John 11: 1-44: The Raising of Lazarus, we learn that Christ will be glad to help anyone believe of the truth. God knows all of our needs and desires, before we even know them. This is why it is a great paradox for us to tell God what we need through prayer. Throughout the gospels, Jesus is shown at prayer quite often. He centers much of his life on prayer. Through speaking with God and the power of prayer, we can form a deeper bond to become one with Christ, who is also God. Saint Thomas the mystic experienced God beyond sight and sound. When we have truthful prayer it benefits us by bringing new life and in the end, giving us eternal life in heaven.

Citation: Patella, Michael. "How Jesus Prayed." Scripture From Scratch. (2003): n. page. Web. 11 Dec. 2012. The Catholic Bible Personal Study Edition. Oxford University Press, 2007. Print.

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