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This is one of the articles that most parents should not miss if they have a school going kid and would like to use Feng Shui to enhance their study result. I have been asked many times by anxious parents who are eager to help their kids improve their study in school. Other then sending their children to tuition classes, buying stacks of past exam papers for practices & forcing them to do assessment books, is there any other means to help enhance their academic study? The answer is a definite YES! I have tested it on many truth cases and it really works for them. In this article, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you how you can also use Feng Shui to identify the Academic sector of your house and use it to boost up your kids academic capability.


First of all, you will need to identify the Facing & Sitting of your house or apartment. For landed property, the facing of the house is normally the same as the main door or gate facing. You will need to stand at the door looking out and using a compass to take the direction. It may be necessary to move back a few steps but still facing the door to take a few reading to ensure that the compass reading is not affected by the metal gate or any major metallic object such as pillars. As for those living in high raise apartment block, the facing of your apartment unit may not necessary be where your main door is. For apartments, take the ecstatic view as your facing direction. Normally the ecstatic view is where your living rooms window is facing. Using the same method as above, determine the facing of your apartment with the help of a compass. To determine the Sitting of your house, just take the facing direction and add 180 degree. For example, if your house facing direction is South-East 136 degree, then the Sitting direction would be North-West 316 degree. Refer to below diagram 1 as shown.


According to feng shui theory, the Sitting of the house can falls under one of the eight categories. They are N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW. Base on your house Sitting direction, using the table above, identify the Academic Sector of your house accordingly. For example, if your apartment unit is Sitting on NW 316, then your house Academic sector fall on the East sector. See diagram 2.


Once you have located your academic sector within your house, it would be best to use this location as a study room for your kids. Placing a study table & book shelves in this sector would be ideal. It is important that you keep your Academic sector clean and neat at all times. Its should not be clustered with unused items or use it as a store room. Green would be the color to enhance this academic star and you can either paint this sector green or place some plants to activate this sector. If you would like to activate it symbolically, you can display 4 Chinese brushes hanging on a traditional brush stand and placing them at one corner of your study table.






The worst situation is to have your house academic sector located in the toilets or in the kitchen. I have once came across a case whereby this kid was very hardworking in his study. His parent has also send spend lots of money for his tuition but somehow he still cannot pass his exam and was always on the borderline cases. His parent was very concern with this and had consulted me to help check out the Feng Shui of his apartment. As I have expected, I found out that the Academic sector of his house was located where the toilet is. This is definitely not an ideal location for academic star. With the dirty water flushing down the toilet everyday, that explain why it has affect the children academic capability within that household.

Fortunately, the owner has already planned to buy a new house and I have taken this opportunity to advise them to ensure that their new apartment Sitting & Facing direction must be favorable to them and their family. Ideally, the Academic sector for this new house should be located in the study room. I have also advised them on how to activate the academic star for their kids to boost up his concentration & absorption capability when they are studying in this sector. 6 months after they had moved into this new apartment, I checked with the parent again on how his kids are doing in school. His parent was delighted to inform me that his kid has pass most of his subject and had even scored well in some. He is able to concentrate on his study whenever he is in his study room. In addition, his parent has also cut down on the number of tuition classes that he need as they are happy with his performance in school. Isnt this fantastic?! Written by YAP MC

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