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Modul Blok 16 Ilmu kesehatan jiwa dan fungsi luhur.

Enabling out come: PHYSIOLOGY of higher function of the brain. Lecturer : dr. Swanny, MSc Area kompetensi Komponen kompetensi ;. Level kompetensi : 2. Kepustakaan . 1. Text book of Medical physiology. Guyton & Hall. 2. Human physiology. Dee Unglaub Silverthorn. 3. Neuronal control of mood, emotion and state of awareness. Dianna A. Johnson. _______________________________________________________________________________ Gambaran umum. The cerebrum is the site of higher brain functions. The outer layer of cerebrum is only a few mm thick, forms the gray matter of cerebral cortex. Neurons of cerebral cortex are arranged in anatomically distinct columns and horizontal layers. It is within these layers that our higher brain functions such as reasoning arise. Functional areas of cerebral cortex: 1. sensory area, that receive sensory input and translate it into perception, 2. motor area that direct skeletal muscle movement. 3. association area, that integrate information from multiple sensory and motor area and can direct voluntary behaviors. Emotion and motivation are complex neural pathways. The limbic system is the center of emotion in human brain. The cognitive state such as motivation, learning and memory can be explained in cellular terms such as long term potentiation and long term depression, and plasticity. In human, the hippocampus seems to be an important structure in both learning and memory. Memories are stored throughout the cerebral cortex in pathways known as memory traces. Declarative memory involve temporal lobes, the reflexive memory storage requires amygdale and cerebellum. Language is the most elaborate cognitive behavior. Language skill requires the input of sensory information (primarily from hearing and vision), processing in various centers in cerebral cortex, and coordination of motor out put for vocalization and writing. In most people, the center for language ability is found in left hemisphere of cerebrum. Integration of spoken language in brain involves 2 regions in cortex: Wernickes area in temporal lobe and Brocas area in frontal lobe close to motor cortex. Rangkuman. The higher function of the brain can be summarized into 3 categories: 1. Function of cerebral cortex in association and interpretation. 2. Function of brain in communication language input and output.. 3. Function of brain in thoughts, consciousness and memory. Behavioral and motivational mechanism of the brain is carried out by the limbic system and hypothalamus.

Materi baku. 1.Cerebral cortex. a. physiology anatomy of cerebral cortex. b. association areas. c. interpretative function of posterior superior temporal lobe Wernicke area. d. function of parieto occipitotemporal cortex e. higher intellectual function of prefrontal area f. function of brain in communication. 2. Thoughts, consciousness and memory. 3. The Limbic system a. functional anatomy of the limbic system. b. hypothalamus c. specific function of other parts of the limbic system : - function of hippocampus -function of amygdale -function of limbic cortex

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