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Before I entered the Womb There was a being Full of might and power In the realm of eternity He was

known as the axis called the Green one Ruler of this abode We had a meeting about the ascension programme on Earth Called The great resurrection of sleeping Mummies He said if you go there, to us who will guide you will be surely hurt Confused and startled I looked him straight into his eyes and said I will be back accomplishing my souls task He showed me the life I was going to participate in Then proceeded to ask if I wanted to be ruled over or rule my own will called destiny Of course I said the latter A sparkling tear rolled down his cheek My decent into the embodiment of spirit was almost a fatal one As I got lowered into the plane of force The rope which I was holding snapped Dropping me deep into an unconscious sleep My Soul tried to awake my spirit vehicle Before we were both in encased in gravity All I could hear from the realm of eternity was Choose your steps wisely, each step should be a meditative one and remember the path you are on is the path where we have lost many The voice began to fade and flashes of lightning began to emit faster And a tremendous weight began pushing smaller in all direction Next thing I heard was a beat. Boom, bom bom, bom, bom bom ,bom bom, bom bom, bom bom My eyes opened to visualize pure darkness in pure darkness I have just became a physical being

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