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The Newark Innovation Acceleration Challenge

Eligibility: The contest is open to any current student of a high school, college or university based in Newark. Deadline for Submissions: Friday, November 2nd Date for Notification of Finalists: Friday, November 16th Presentations by Finalists: Friday, November 30th Awards: The following sponsors for the program, Capital One and Sterling Medical, provide Innovation Acceleration Fellowships to winners ($3000 each) for summer support to allow students to work on continuing development of their business ideas. Full-time participation over the summer is required. Initial submission must be four paragraphs (not more than two pages) answering the following questions: 1. What is the problem that this company proposes to solve? (Need) 2. How does the company plan to solve the problem? (Application) 3. How does the company plan to make money from this application? (Value Proposition) 4. What is the competition and what is the competence of the management team? (Competition) Initial submission must be made at
Finalists will be given time for a ten-minute pitch with PowerPoint slides followed by Q&A. Finals will be held at the NJIT Campus Center, University Ave., Newark, NJ in the Atrium on Wednesday, November 30th from 2:30 to 5 P.M. For more information, contact: Michael Ehrlich, NJIT School of Management

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