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30 days of night

By Alexandra Baldwin

The clip starts off with high pitched string sound. This non-diegetic music is synchronous with the pictures shown throughout the opening titles, we see this through the contrast between the blacking out of eyes and the scratched photos with a sudden rise in volume

The burned photos and eerie shattered artefacts slowly reveal the untold horrors the people in those photos shown have faced. This could mean that these are past events, and that this story is being told by one of those who survived the creature or creatures trying to destroy them. The icicles that are melting give an element of danger. This is because they are cracking as well as melting which gives the effect that

The dissolve from one frame to another gives the effect that each picture represents a certain stage in the story of the film, and because the dissolve is used it shows that one story has ended while another one begins. The contrast of colour is differed throughout the clip. This contrast shows that the characters and emotions within the film may differ from good to evil, this will make us take a certain side, therefore seeing it from one perspective.

The zoom used gives the effect of importance. Each zoom on the photo shows that they are significant within the storyline. This shows us that we must concentrate on every part of the storyline because each part is significant. The blur over the camera lenses is effective because it makes the audience unsure of what they are seeing. It also creates a sense of fear because we can be scared when not knowing the true facts.

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