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"If pain for peace prepares" By Emily Dickinson [Analysis]

If pain for peace prepares[1] Lo, what "Augustan" years[2] Our feet await![3] If springs from winter rise,[4] Can the Anemones[5] Be reckoned up?[6] If night stands fast -- then noon[7] To gird us for the sun,[8] What gaze![9] When from a thousand skies[10] On our developed eyes[11] Noons blaze![12] Poem 63 [F155] If pain for peace prepares If pain is followed by peace, calm 'Augustan' years await, as we know about pain. If winter is always followed by spring, we can never count all the anemones. If night comes before noon to prepare us for looking at the sun, what will it be like when the noons of heaven blaze upon our developed eyes! In her pencil copy of this poem to Sue, Emily ended line 9 with a dash rather than an exclamation mark. This makes it easier to take 'What gaze!' with the last three lines.

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