Effective Communication

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3. Effective communication: Open and regular communication is they to coordination.

Effective interchange of opinions and information helps in resolving differences and in creating mutual understanding. Personal or face-to-face contacts are the most effective means of communication and coordination. Committees help to promote unity of purpose and uniformity of action. They provide an opportunity for free and frank exchange of views. Coordination becomes easier when different functional groups are represented in the decision-making process. Committees are helpful in integrating the activities of different departments. Committee decisions are collective decisions and such group decisions themselves provide coordination among different departments or functions in the enterprise. Personal or face-to-face communication may be supplemented by written communication. Informal communication can also be utilized for the purpose of coordination. 4. Effective leadership and supervision: Effective leadership ensures coordination of efforts both at the planning and the execution stage. A good leader can continuously guide the activities of his subordinates in the right direction and can inspire them to pull together for the accomplishment of common objectives. Sound leadership can persuade subordinates to have identity of interests arid to adopt a common outlook. Effective leadership reduces the dependence on such formal means of coordination as authority, rules and procedures. In fact, no technique of coordination can replace effective leadership. Personal supervision is an important method of resolving differences of opinion. It helps to ensure that work proceeds as planned. Coordination is a human task and a manager can accomplish it through interpersonal relations. Informal contacts with subordinates help to create climate of mutual trust and cooperation which is the foundation of

coordination, Luther Gallic has called coordinating by ideas to describe the use of leadership in coordination. 5. Chain of Command: Authority is the supreme coordinating power in an organization. Exercise of authority through the chain of command or hierarchy is the traditional means of coordination. Chain of command brings together the different parts of an organization and relates them to a central authority. Coordination between interdependent units can be secured by putting them under one boss. Because of his organizational position, a superior has the authority to issue orders and instructions to subordinates. He can resolve inter-positional and intergroup conflicts. However, behavioral scientists have warned against over-dependence on chain of command. According to Chris Argyrols, the hierarchy technique of coordination makes individuals dependent upon and passive towards the leader. It is inconsistent with the needs of mature personality. The hierarchical structure may impair communication and decision-making. 6. Indoctrination and incentives: Indoctrinating organizational members with the goals and mission of the organization can transform a neutral body into a committed body. Similarly, incentives may be used to rebate mutuality of interest and to reduce conflicts. For instance, profit- haring is helpful in promoting team-spirit and cooperation between employers and workers. Such mutuality of interest reduces strife and insures better coordination. 7. Liaison departments: Where frequent contact between different organizational units is necessary, liaison officers may be employed. For instance, a liaison department may ensure that the production department is meeting the delivery dates and specifications promised by the ales department. Special coordinators may be appointed in certain asses. For instance, a project coordinator is appointed to coordinate the activities of various functionaries in a project which is to be completed it in a specified period of

time. Liaison officers act as 'linking pins' in organization and compensate for lack of face-to-face contacts.' 8. General staff: In large organizations, a centralized pool of staff experts is used for coordination. A common staff group serves as the clearing house of information and specialized advice to all the departments of the enterprise. Such general staff is very helpful in achieving inter-departmental or horizontal coordination. 9. Voluntary coordination: When every organizational unit appreciates the working of related units and modifies its own functioning to suit them, there is self-coordination. Self-coordination or voluntary coordination is possible in a climate of dedication and mutual cooperation. It results from mutual consultation and team-spirit among the members of the organization.

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