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Carlie: Miss America pageant is onnnnn. Im so happy. Also miss las intro was stupid.

We like two things dirty. Our rice and our politics. QUE?????? Emma: Hahaha thats weird Caitlin: That is sooooo weird!!!! Im watching the Packers game and it is so good!!! Mollie: Thats REALLY WEIRD. And not at all positive! Olivia: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Thats going to make people respect us. Were like a midmajor state. Carlie: Hahahahahahahahaha Olivia Me: These girls look horrible in that light. (Interview light) Carlie: Those mom jeans on Miss Oklahoma. GURL. Not a good look. Me: Shes trying to be relatable. Not working. And South Carolina. Horrible take. Carlie: WTH is Alabamas outfit???? If Hope made it in the top 15 and this chick doesnt. Mollie: And she just brought up astrology Caitlin: Hahaha I need to flip channels!!

Mollie: Why are some of them in jeans?! Me: Theyre trying to bring it back! Carlie: No Miss LA in the semis! Booooooo. Me: The casual. Which I didnt hate hers Mollie: Who is Miss LA? Carlie: Lauren Vizza Me: Did they dance to One Direction? Mollie: I just turned it on a few minutes ago Carlie: No, they didnt. Me: They didnt at all? Carlie: I dont think so Me: Omg this is so weird Omg this is weirder Carlie: So strannnngeeeee Me: I want a cold chocolate cheesecake with chocolate candy covering the whole top of the cheesecake With a side of cheesecake and chocolate (fasting sweets)

Carlie: Mmmmmmmmmm Olivia: Mmmmmmmm Mollie: WOW. My mouth just filled with saliva Carlie: Swimsuit edition always makes me awkward. Mollie: Wyoming has tattoos covered up on her back Olivia: This music is weird Me: Haha its so weird Mollie: WHOA. Snake skin suit. Slutty. Me: Gosh this whole spin at the camera cracks me up every time Carlie: So glad thats over. Olivia: Kentucky made a bad swimsuit choice. Doesnt pop at all. Carlie: The girl with the necklace was the worst. Me: Whoa there is a girl named Mariah Cary?? No wonder shes in pageants Caitlin: There was one girl with a messed up tan job! It looked like her abs were sprayed on!! Carlie: Yes and shes weird. I can already tell. Mollie:

Im not very pleased with the top 16.. I was unimpressed overall Me: I agree Mollie: I think Alabama looks old. Shes only in because of all the recent stuff with the last Miss Alabama. TN is TALL Me: Wyoming looks like she could be a slut Carlie: The necklace girl made it???? Rigged. Please no Mariah UGH!!!!!! Jinxed!!!! (Mariahs in) Me: Burke just lost it for her. (Mariah) Carlie: THAT WAS TERRIBLE. Gosh has given me a talent What. Mollie: I feel embarrassed. Theyre changing too much. Its a cluster. Carlie: These dresses are so bad. Me: Im saying Miss Tenn. Everyone pick! Mollie: Yes. As are their comments. My dress is white so its like a wedding dress. Me: Dude Wyoming loves black. She so could be a slut Carlie:

All the slits. So trashy. Mollie: Black is unique???? Black is unique???? Carlie: THE RED DRESS. Hahahahahahahah Mollie: Red cant even walk!! Carlie: Miss Washingtons so far Olivia: Ill go with Tennessee since I havent been watching Carlie: Mariah, you already done lost. No point. Me: What. Is. This. Carlie: Brooke Burks shameless plug. These people. Mollie: If these are the top 12 girls in America Carlie: Hahahaha, Mollie. So true. Im moving to Italy. Ah, the talent. My favvvvv. Mollie: BATOOOOONNNNNSSS Caitlin: Yessssss Me: Omg I want to be just like her Carlie: She DROPPED it!!!!! Tragedy.

Olivia: Im not gonna lie, the baton is pretty impressive. Carlie: It is. It really is. Oh we got a singer. Aw yeah Me: Tennessees out Olivia: Never sing Adele! Never! Mollie: BAD. Me: Picture are you kidding? (no idea what I was saying here) Caitlin: Nooooooooo its dramatic singing!!! That dress!!! Olivia: Hahahahahahaha Maggie Mollie: Yeppp. Telling you goodbye because this was bad. Me: Hahahahahahaha that hand flip! Awwwwwwwe yeahhhhh Im going for this girl Carlie: And tries to put a twang in Adeles song??? Go back to Tennessee, you country bumpkin Caitlin: I think theres a valuable lesson in this song. Adele would probably not win Miss America but she has REAL talent Carlie: I do love Journey. Olivia:

Hahahahaha. This dance. What a fantastically weird song choice. Mollie: That is not the dance I would have chosen for the word faithfully Carlie: Badically shes just running and jumping across the floor. Basically* Mollie: *dance move* Me: Hahahahahahah Olivia: Can we talk about how awful that sound quality is? Carlie: Although it is bad. Mollie: I like badically better Caitlin: Hahaha but still applicable Olivia: HAHAHAHAHAHA Mollie: Now were promoting bulimia (donut time) Me: Oh please you know theyre gonna chuck those things up as soon as they walk off the stage Emmas gonna have soooo many texts Caitlin: Hahahaha eat the donut for meeeeeeee Olivia: EAT THE DONUTS! DONT THEY KNOW WERE FASTING OVER HERE

Carlie: Hahahahahahaha Mollie Emma: Why are donuts involved? Carlie: I know, right? Miss Penn and the blonde next to her was like um no. Caitlin: Hahahaha I told Liv now theyre all wondering when the next bathroom break is!! Carlie: Emma, just publish our chat transcript as an article. Then your job is done. Me: I DO NOT like Okla. Whoa tap dancing Olivia: And thatd be the best Hawkeye ever. Carlie: TAP DANCER. Me: Was the music supposed..? (it stopped suddenly during her performance) Mollie: This sound is awful Carlie: This sound mix is awful. Me: Oh yeah there you go Olivia: But I love tap dancing. Fred Astaire approves. Caitlin: Emma they gave all the losers a donut Mollie: I dont understand the tap solo. Is that their bad-a moment?

Me: HER OWN?? (Miss Wyoming on her own composition) Carlie: She twirled better than the ballerina. (tap dancer) Me: Shes a classy slut. (Miss Wy.) For governors or athletes. (Easy A reference, yo) Caitlin: Original composition!!!! Dizaaammmmmmmm Olivia: Mollie have you never seen a tap competition before or a Broadway show or a big musical number? PIANO TIME Carlie: Piano bringing the mood down. Me: EARRING DOWN Olivia: Classical pianists are so angry at the piano. Caitlin: She shouldve let Beethoven stick to the writing Mollie: I have.. I know what they are I just feel like it isnt a big deal. They dont impress me. Me: I wonder if M. Maryland could be the dark horse and take it Hmmmmm. Or not. Olivia: Yesssssssssss Caitlin: Morrreeeee singing!!!! Her ga eeeewwwww

Hahaha I meant her facccccceeeeeeee Me: Hahaha I was wondering cate Carlie: Hahahaha Maggie. Those earrings need to go. OMG, and one fell off!!! Hahahahahah Mollie: This girl is what Makayla Maroony will look like in 5 years Me: Mother of god meme Olivia: Maybe this is her asking us to read between the lines and this song is actually how she feels about pageants. (Les Mis song) Caitlin: Hahahaha head to head tap competitish Mollie: Lip sync FAIL. Caitlin: This girl wins. Hands down Me: That was not bad Carlie: So dramatic!!! Miss New York is freaking me out Caitlin: THAT was awesome Carlie: I wasnt impressed. I just dont find tap dancing all that incredible. kanye shrug Me: Now my judging is all clouded. What am I gonna do

Olivia: That girl just owned that tap dance Mollie: Thanks for copying me Carlie! I said that like, 5 minutes ago. Carlie: Hahahaha Mollie, my phone is being weird!!! Mollie: Hahahaha I just saw that Whitney said in an email that this pageant is awesome funny because we all slammed its quality earlier. Me: Hahahah omg Carlie: This is the worse idea ever. That two have to sit and watch the winners perform. I remember being appalled last year Caitlin: Yesssssss Carlie: And really? Of all the pieces you learn, its the JACKSON FIVE? Caitlin: Im rooting for Jackson 5!!! Me: I knew Caitlin would love this. Olivia: Winner. We have a winner. *mic drop* Caitlin: Hahahahahahahah Me: Never happening Iowa Caitlin: Thats real talent Carlie!!!!

Carlie: Mariah Cary, GO AWAYYYYYYYYY Oh, damn. Shes kinda good. Me: Noooooooooo Caitlin: Even though she back flipped NY gets its Carlie: Shes in a sequined jumpsuit, guys. Just putting that out there. Olivia: Is it a requirement for all tap dancers to lip sync? Carlie: You just lost my vote, Washington. Me: 2 things singers never ever need to do. 1. Sing Adele. 2. Sing country music. Especially if youre from WASHINGTON Olivia: Id like to sub in one of the unused talents for Miss Washington, please Carlie: All the singers suck Me: Oh my gosh Carlie: Mariah will prob win despite it all. Solely because I cant stand her. Emma: You guys!! I have 77 texts lets calm down haha Me: Hahahahaha Ha Haha

Mollie: Im behind because I went to wash my face. OMG. Mariah. EW. Carlie: NEVER! THIS IS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!! *eagle usa Me: Youre welcome Car for that pic Mollie: I really dont like Brook Burke YIKES. This last song realllllyyyyyyyyyy bad. Carlie: Lady---ies (host reference) Me: Seriously Okla.?? Carlie: That wasnt an answer. Mollie: DIDNT ANSWER THE QUESTIONNNNNN Carlie: Hmmmmmmm. Me: oh man. Look at those flyaways! Olivia: Bad answer (also people being mad about that situation was so stupid) ((guns)) Me: Iowaaaaa no Carlie: Iowa!!!!! Ughhhhhhh. Me: WHAT? Slut! (Wyoming) Caitlin:

We totally missed all of her question and answer!! Carlie: Recreational and healthcare. So marijuana for everyone? Me: DUDE Carlie I thought the same thing!!! Mollie: Yes. Caitlin: So peeps can have it for all uses?? Carlie: They were like 30 seconds long and super lame. Dumb questions. Olivia: That girl shouldve just said absolutely *mic drop* Mollie: Hahahahahahahahaha CARLIE Olivia: She wouldve eating the free donuts. Me: Yesss Iowa and Okla. out! Carlie: Bye, by Iowa!!!! Free at last!!!! Me: OMGGGGG I CANT CHOOOOSEEEE I like her but her flyaways Carlie: Ughhhh, new yorkkkkk South Carolina was the least offensive Mollie: Not waterproof mascara?!?! Is this her first time??????

Me: Red dress girl was like yes made it to her first. Got the best spot Mollie: TOTALLY, Maggie Me: Well that was fun guys Mollie: Totes Carlie: Really was.

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