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Maple 7 Windows Read Me This file describes the following topics: Command Line Maple Changing User Mode

or Folder Using MATLAB and Maple For installation instructions, licensing information, and system requirements, refer to the Install.htm file at the top level of the Maple 7 CD. Command Line Maple -----------------Command Line Maple provides you with full access to the Maple library and kernel, but it uses a character-based interface. Command Line Maple uses slightly less memory than standard Maple. On any Windows platform, Command Line Maple can be accessed from the Start menu. (If you installed Maple in the default location, fromthe Start menu, choose Programs, then Maple 7, then Command Line Maple.) This version of Maple is described in the file Cmdline.txt. If the Command Line version of Maple (cmaple) does not appear to start, start the GUI (worksheet) version to check for messages regarding startup problems. Changing User Mode or Folder ---------------------------The BIN folder under the MAPLE folder contains an ASCII text file called Maplesys.ini. System administrators can use this file after installation to change user profile information. To change Maple from Single to Multiple User Mode, change the MultiUserProfile option from 0 to 1. To change the location of the user directory, specify the new directory in the UserDirectory option. Using MATLAB and Maple ---------------------MATLAB is an interactive system and programming language for general scientific and technical computation. For information on using the Maple-MATLAB link, see the ?Matlab,setup help page in Maple 7.

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