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Analyze the Causes of the Industrial Revolution in Britain

A revolution is anything which makes great changes to the way people live. Nothing has changed the world more than the inventions of machines and the discovery of new kinds of power. Its theses developments that we call the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution began in Britain over two hundred years ago. By the middle of the nineteenth century it had spread to other European countries and the United States of America. By the early twentieth century Japan had joined ranks of industrial nations. In the 1930s Soviet Russia became a powerful industrialized state. Today many nations in Africa, Asia and South America are experiencing their industrial revolutions. Peoples, Revolutions and Nations

Britain was a powerhouse for the rest of the world and was far advanced in a terms of infrastructure and developments of various sorts. Hence the tide of the Industrial Revolutions washed up on the shores of Britain first.

The British Industrial Revolution had four major causes 1) Resources 2) New Technology 3) Economic Conditions 4) Political and social conditions

Britain had a lot of resources. Resources such as coal to power steam engines which were vital in trading They also had a vast supply of iron which cause be used in for building and crafting purposes.

The iron was also used to build the machineries where were in turn used in the production of other goods. Britain also had cotton which was spun into beautiful threads and cloths.

New Technology
There was a rise in the creation of skilled machines. Theses machines would pave the way for the production of many other practical inventions.

These inventions are what aided in the off set of the industrial revolution.

Economic Conditions
Britain was an imperialist which meant that they had a vast empire. An empire which contained many different colonies which the British was able to accumulate much wealth from.

Economic Conditions
Hence Britain had the necessary capital to sustain their economy in the industrial Revolution.

Britain had a very supportive government. The support of the government led the major growth in the economy. The government also supported the navy because it was the navy that protected the vast empire which they had obtained.

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