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Home Nursing is the act of taking care of a sick person at home.

The care and concern of his/her loving family keeps his/her morale up and fosters his/her physical as well as mental well being.

1. The patient feels more secure emotionally and mentally in the hands of his/her family who take turns taking care of him/her.

2. Prevents spread of diseases to people outside the family.

3. The patient can participate in less strenuous home activities making him feel useful and active part of the family.

4. Provides a good opportunity for training each capable family member in proper caring of the sick.

5. Less expensive than hospitalization.

Every member of the family contributes his/her share to the fast recovery of the patient.

The home nurse may be any member of the immediate family, a relative or a close friend who has the time and commitment to take care of the patient.

A cheerful attitude encourage the patient to cooperate for his/her fast recovery.

Take things in stride and do not lose temper when the patient refuses to cooperate.

Understand the patients moods, sensitiveness and the physical pains he/she is suffering.

Listen to what the patient feels and needs, and do something about them.

Adjust to your patients needs and devise ways and means to respond to these needs.

Follow the physicians instructions strictly and accurately. Dispense medicines following given directions.

Adopt a system in filing accurate records of the patients weight, temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate, blood pressure, medicines taken, foods taken, frequency of urination and bowel movement and other data which can help the doctor assess well the patients health status.

1. In your notebook, write the duties and responsibilities of a home nurse.

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