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Joohee Pandey Ankit Shubham Ankit Handa Neeraja Medimi Deepak Arora

The process of creating, transmitting, receiving and interpreting messages between a source and receiver. The exchange of thoughts, messages or information .

Types of communication
Verbal communication Nonverbal communication

Types of Verbal communication

There are two kinds of verbal communication. One is speech. The other is writing. Verbal communication is the act of expressing your thoughts with words. Verbal communication is generally referred as spoken language. Examples of this type of verbal communication are speeches, faceto-face discussions, telephonic conversations, voicemail, television, radio, recorded books and seminars, videos. In a broader sense verbal communication would also include the written word. That may include letters, faxes, emails, books, newspapers, magazines, articles, hand written notes, announcements.

Forms of verbal communication

Debate Debate is what we mostly see in conventional conversation. This is an inappropriate style, if what you want is meaningful interaction. Discussion Discussion focuses on decisions and actions. I may still want to see my view prevail, but theres some concession to listen to others viewpoints, exchange facts and opinions and perhaps, even alter my position as a result. Dialogue Dialogue is designed to promote a free-flowing interchange of ideas and create an open, equal and collaborative conversational climate. In dialogue the point of the conversation is to share perspectives and understandings. The purpose is to go past the understanding of individual team members, to explore issues creatively from many points of view.

Importance of verbal communication

Inform Clarified Correct Feedback Power of influence

Non verbal communication

its not always just what you say. Its also how you say it spoken message is sent on two levels simultaneously verbal and non verbal Non verbal behavior predates verbal communication they seem to be trustable

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