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What is Anonymous-DoS?

Anonymous-DoS is a http flood program written in hta and javascript, designed to be lightweight, portable, possible to be uploaded to websites whilst still having a client version, and made for Anonymous ddos attacks. How does it work? It will flood a chosen web server with HTTP connections, with enough it will crash the server, resulting in a denial of service. Why was it made? Anoymous-DoS was made for various different reasons: 1. Some people have been claiming that LOIC is infected with a trojan, it is infact not infected, although it is scaring off possible anonymous ddosers. This program is completely virus free and doesn't come up with an alert on any antivirus software. 2. Its easier to use with a proxy so fellow anons won't ddos without masking their IP. 3. Anonymous doesn't really have an official anonymous ddos program. 4. Its a big FUCK YOU to the creators of Anonymous-OS because their OS was backdoored, this isn't and it goes to show that Anonymous actually have hope that the movement won't be used as a means to infect someones computer or to spread trojans. What OS does this software work on? In all honesty, it works on all modern operating systems that support html and javascript. The client version which is the .hta file with only work on windows, however the .html file can be opened with a web browser and used exactly the same as the client version and works on all operating systems which have web browsers. I set out to make this available to ALL anons, and I achieved my goal. Disclaimler: I, PrOtOn_An0n, am not responsible for anything you do with this program. ========================================================================= special thanks: mendez for the attack script, all of ActivismSec and anonymous, and all the people trying to make a difference in this world, either by online activism or in the real world. fight for what you believe is right! and btw, FUCK CISPA, SOPA, PIPA, and ACTA. #OpDefense #OpStopCISPA #LegionCr3w solidarity with all arrested anons.

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