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MODAL VERBS (practice)


1.-Can I have the last cake,please?.............. 2.-Lets go for a bike ride. 3.-She might be on holiday 4.-Could you hold this for me, please? 5.-She couldnt drive until last year 6.-You cant take photos in here 7.-I should go to the launderette today 8.-Would you like moving your car, please? 9.-its possible that Liverpool will win the match 10.-Im sure Paulas train left on time 2.-FILL IN A MODAL OR A SYNONYMOUS EXPRESSION AND THE APPROPIATE FORM OF THE VERBS IN BRACKETS 1.-Im getting fat. I really.........................(try) to lose some weight, like the doctor said 2.-What a lovely day! .........................(we/go) for a walk? 3.-Im not sure where Gary is. He....................(be) at the library 4.-That.............................(not/be) Bills car. He doesnt own one 5.-Dont worry. You.......................(not /dress) formally for the party 6.-This dog..................................(belong) to Harry. Its got his address on its collar 7.-Only authorised personnel........................(enter) this area 8.-You................................(not/smoke) in public places 9.-Tom drives really well now.He.............................(pass) his driving test easily 10.-People..................(treat animals in a better way but they dont always do so. 3.-WRITE WHAT EACH PERSON WOULD SAY IN EACH SITUATION, THEN IDENTIFY THEIR USE. SOMETIMES MORE THAN ONE ANSWER IS POSSIBLE 1.-A student has just come into the class and left the door open, its noisy outside. You say to him: ............ 2.-You have opened the kitchen windoe to let is some fresh air. Your sister, who is recovering from a cold comes in. You say to her:.................... 3.-Your friend wants to pay for your dinner. You tell her its not necessary . 4.-Your mother wants to know where your sister is .You think she is helping your father in the garden. You say to her:........ 5.-A friend from Portugal phones to tell you she will be coming to England for two weeks next summer. You waant her to stay with you. You say to her:..... 4.-WHAT ARE THE PEOPLE SAYING . USE MODALS

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