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The office of the Secretary of State for The United States of America Office hours: 9 A.M 8:30 P.M.

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Comes now, at least two affirmed American Nationals petitioning the United States, in Congress assembled. The Habeas Corpus Act is for the purpose of ensuring equal treatment of all of the people for The United States of America. One of the people for The United States of America

One of the people for The United States of America

BE IT ENACTED, by the United States, in Congress assembled, THE HABEAS CORPUS ACT OF 2013. ENACTMENT CLAUSE: The Habeas Corpus Act of 2013, that the right of Habeas Corpus for all affirmed American Nationals shall never be suspended in any case whatsoever, even in time of War or being held in a foreign jurisdiction and venue in its time of War. The right of habeas corpus emanates form the people and not the Government of The United States of America The America. Government of The United States of America through the United States, in Congress assembled accepts and acknowledges the right of Habeas Corpus originates from the people. Definition: Habeas corpus originated in English common law as a means to protect individuals protect from illegal detention. An American National being held in custody has the right of filing a petition seeking a writ which would require the custodian to provide adequate legal justification for the detention. If the custodian failed to do so, the foreign court or the court from within The United States of America WILL free the petitioner petitioner. So enacted by the United States, in Congress assembled on the 14th day of the 1st month, 2013, in

Intellectual Property Copyright 2013

Delegate: Delegate: Delegate: Office of the Governor for The United States of America,

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