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Otto Hahn


Otto Hahn
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Discovered protactinium with Lise Meitner in 1917.

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Otto Hahn was born on March 8th 1979 in his hometown Frankfurt.

He studied in the universities of Margo and Munich from 1897 to 1901.

Networks: Radioactivity and Quantum Physics: Birthday: March 8, 1879 Schools: University of Marburg Area of Study: Radio Chemistry Lives In: London Hometown: Frankfurt

His work was interrupted from 1914-1918 because of his service in World War I.

In 1912, Otto Hahn became a member Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry.

He made his greatest discovery in 1938 with Dr. Strassman.


He discovered the fission of uranium and thorium in medium heavy atomic nuclei.

Ernest Rutherrford

Hannah Arendt

Borris Pasternuk

Otto Hahn won the Nobel Prize of Chemistry in 1944.

Otto Hahn died on July 28, 1968

Albert Schweitzer Frederick Soddey Kasimir Fajans


Otto Hahn


Otto Hahn
Wall Info Photos Boxes

Basic Information
Networks: Radioactivity and Quantum Physics Sex: Male Birthday: March 8, 1879 Schools: University of Marburg Area of Study: Radio Chemistry Lives In: London Hometown: Frankfurt Personal Information

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Networks:Radioactivity and Quantum Physics
Birthday: March 8, 1879 Schools: University of Marburg Area of Study: Radio Chemistry Hometown: Frankfurt Research:. He researched with Friss Strassman and Meitner. Most of his research was done in London. He researched nuclear fission. His main subject was chemistry. Recent Discoveries: He discovered the element protactinium. He also discovered Uranium Z and later discovered the fission of uranium and thorium in medium heavy atomic nuclei.

Contact Information
Address: Protactinium Ave. 1917 Phone Number: 231-0358 Email address:

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Otto Hahn


Otto Hahn
Wall Otto Hahn 5 Photos Info Photos Notes

Meeting up with a fellow scientist to share work.

Sharing our work to evaluate our conclusions.

The laboratory where I do all my research.

After discovering protactinium, I decided to celebrate with other scientists.

Fritz Strassman researched with me.

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Otto Hahn 5 photos

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Otto Hahn


Otto Hahn
Wall Science! 5 Photos Info Photos Notes

Chemistry is the subject I majored in.

This is the university I went to: University of Marburg.

The fields I was in was radio chemistry and nuclear fission.

I won the Nobel Prize in 1944 for chemistry.

Working in the laboratory with Lise Meitner.

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Otto Hahn 5 photos

Science! 5 photos

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Otto Hahn

References biography. (2012). Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from

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