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[For the Canadian General Public - Sorry For Any Inconvenience] What is Idle No More & why the protests? It is an indigenous grass-roots movement that arose to respond to the Harper governments Omnibus Bill C-45 and other legislation threatening First Nations people. The full suite of legislation will affect our lands, our rivers, the environment, who can live on our lands and eventually the loss of our reserve lands. First Nations People have decided to stand up and say Enough is Enough! First Nations citizens and governments will therefore be holding rallies, information sessions, traffic and rail slow-downs over the coming months to bring attention to these gross violations of our rights. Sorry for any Inconvenience We regret any inconvenience to non-Native citizens and supporters but we hope you understand and support our cause. We may inconvenience you for a few hours but we too have been inconvenienced for over a hundred years. We made agreements with Canadian ancestors (Treaties) which allowed Canadians to live on and enjoy our lands in exchange for a protection of First Nation Treaty and Aboriginal rights. Treaties envisioned us sharing the benefits of our lands & resources. These Treaties continue to be broken and the new Harper legislation will diminish our rights even more. It threatens our very homelands the remaining reserve land is less than 5% of our original lands most of which are under land claims disputes. What do First Nations citizens want? Put simply we want justice. Our Aboriginal & Treaty rights are protected in Canadas Constitution. A Treaty right is above federal laws. The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that if Canadian governments want to make changes in law that affect our Treaty or Aboriginal rights they must first consult. For Bill C-45 and the several other Bills Harper has proposed this has simply not happened. Canada is ignoring the Supreme Court and violating our rights. We want to freely determine our own future and we want a share in the profits being made from our lands & resources. We have never been fairly compensated for our lands & resources. Were in this together The legislation in two omnibus laws, C-45 & C-38 affect all Canadians they remove environmental protection from vast areas of Canada and over thousands of rivers, in favor of tar sands, oil pipelines & other development. If they can do it to us they can do it to others. Its also time for Canadians to stand up to Harper and say enough is enough. What Canadians can do? We hope Canadians can begin to understand our perspectives and our issues. We hope you can get involved and support us. Even if you dont support us we ask you for a little patience as we attempt to protect our rights. If you do support us please join us and make your voice heard. You can also write Prime Minister Harper and your local MP and tell them you support First Nations rights and/or the Idle No More Movement. Thank you. For more information you can contact:

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