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Slide 1: The fist dinosaurs were small then they evolved to species more complex and larger.

Now a day exist many types of dinosaurs registered by paleontology because of all the fossils found in many places of the earth. The history said that they extinguished around 65 million years ago because a meteorite that falls in the actual peninsula of Yucatan in Mexico.

Slide 2: Since the first discoveries of the dinosaur fossils, the people invented so many histories about them, like theories, legends and even movies of fiction-science. That type of stories about dinosaurs took a lot of popularity in the population. Now a day that type of stories still has an important roll in the society. We have so many movies and theories in our mind that described them and in a certain way they are part of our childhood or youth, for example:

Slide 3: In 1993, Jurassic Park, using technological advances for the edge, impacted the eyes of the world with an excited story about dinosaurs, the story relate like the name says a Jurassic Park, created with genetic technology, that idea is still alive in some researchers minds like a future possibility; the exceptional opportunity to create living dinosaurs.

Slide 4: In 1954, Gotzilla filled the cinemas with its original story about one type of dinosaur that emerged from the sea; causing many problems in the society of the movie, reason why the government decided to kill it. Now a day everybody knows who Gotzilla is, because that movie marks a generation. Slide 5: In 2000, we know about Aladar story by Disney Pictures. That story trade about a orphaned dinosaur who stars as the main character. He was raised from an egg by a family of lemurs, and we follow the story of his life. Disney really created a infantile recreation of dinosaur lifes.

Slide 6: However, interest in dinosaurs was not only in fiction, many marines in the recent centuries report to have evidence the one type of dinosaur or monster called Loch

Ness Monster.
Scientists of the time still cannot prove the existence or falsity of that story, but many studies affirm the big possibility that the story was true. Once again, the fiction becomes reality, leaving many questions unanswered.

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