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Study Sheet to Ken Burns Disk 1 - Jazz Appreciation

1. In which American city was Jazz born? 2. What was the most popular form of American entertainment beginning in the 1840s? 3. How did the term, Jim Crow Originate? 4. What did Jim Crow later come to mean? 5. What two styles of music emerged in the 1890s? 6. What historical event led to the emergence of horns and other brass instruments in jazz and blues? 7. What were the implications of the 1896 supreme-court case of Plessy vs. Ferguson? 8. Jazz music resulted from the mixture of which two cultures? 9. Who was the first recognized jazz musician? 10. Where did he end up at the end of his life? 11. Which musician started playing in brothels at the age of 14 and claimed to have invented jazz? 12. What technological revolution did the Victor Talking Machine Company Start in 1901 with their Victrola? 13. Where and what was Tin Pan Alley? 14. What was the husband/wife team that made couple dancing respectable? 15. What was the name of their band-leader? 16. Which musician passed up an offer by the Victor Talking Machine Company in 1915 to be the first recorded jazz musician because he was afraid that other musicians would buy his record and steal his unique style? 17. Who was the first recorded jazz group?

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