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Quiz on Lesson 1 Multiple Choice Questions Answer the following Questions 1. Britain levied taxes on the colonists because...

a. they didn't have anything else to do. b. the colonists wanted to be taxed. c. they needed a way to generate revenue to fund its debt from wars and affairs. d. colonists wanted representation in the British government. 2. Prior to the American Revolution, Britain was involved in the following except... a. the Franco-Prussian War b. The Glorious Revolution c. The French and Indian War d. The English Civil War 3. In Europe this war was known as the Seven Years War, but in North America it was known as: a. The Pomeranian War b. The Grand War c. The French and Indian War d. The Colonial War 4. In the absence of British attention, the 13 colonies were able to... a. expand west past the Appalachian Mountains. b. colonize Canada. c. form their own legislatures and learn to govern themselves. d. fight a war of attrition against France. 5. The Navigation Acts of the 1660's dealt with... a. how to navigate the seas. b. the introduction of the compass as standard in navigation. c. trade with France and Britain only. d. restricted the manufacture of goods in the colonies so they wouldn't compete against those made in Britain. 6. a. b. c. d. The Proclamation of 1763 declared a proclamation. stated that the colonists could not expand west of the Appalachian Mountains. proclaimed that France was the enemy. proclaimed Britain would give the colonists independence.

7. The Stamp Act of 1765 was... a. a commercial tax on the uses of paper.

b. to help colonists make money. c. outlawed all types of stamps. d. was a way for Native Americans to get even with the colonists. 8. a. b. c. d. The Boston Massacre of 1770 was caused by the following except, the Townshend Act of 1767. tensions among colonists and British troops. the burden of taxes. French intervention in colonial affairs.

9. Radical colonists boarding the ships and dumping tea into the Boston Harbor was a protest against... a. The Whigs. b. The Tea Party. c. The Tea Act. d. making tea in Boston. 10. In 1774 colonists called together their First Continental Congress in order to... a. increase taxation. b. declare war on France. c. write a letter to Britain asking for the right for the colonies to make their own laws. d. write a letter to King George III for more troops in the colonies.

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