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Animal kingdom

Guess how many species of animals there are?

Guess how many species there are?

Animals: Mammals Amphibians Reptiles Insects Bonus: Plants

Insects: 950,000 Reptiles and amphibians:10,500 Mammals:4000 Plants: 270,000 You could go around looking at animals you whole life and you would still never see them all!! The study of animals is called zoology.

Different types of animals

Did you know an African hedgehog (which is no longer than your fingers to half way between your elbow joint) is related to an elephant?!

Water kingdom

Splash facts
Scientists think that dolphins my be smarter than humans.

Did you know??!!

The largest water animal - blue whale eats one of the smallest animal plankton. The smallest water creature is the microscopic round worm.

Hats off to the designer behind this fabulous creation!!

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