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Donnabel V.

Cruz Beed II- D

Mr. Allan Verana Ecology

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

It is possible for the people to have good relationship to the animals like Will Rodman by treating them in a right way. I admire Will Rodman ( James Franco ) because he is a good scientist and also a good son. He tried to develop a cure for the Alzheimers Disease were his father Charles ( John Lithgrow ) suffering in that disease. When they captured the chimpanzees from Africa they uses the chimpanzees for their test because they believe that the chimpanzees are having of human intelligence. One of test subject is Bright Eye a female chimpanzee out everyone was shock when they realize that Bright Eye is pregnant. Wills boss Jacobs order chimp handler Robert Franklin to kill all chimpanzees, he cannot bring himself to kill the baby chimp and instead give to will. He Robert Franklin have the heart for the baby chimp. When Will raises him in his house, he call him Ceasar. Ceasar has genetically inherited his mothers high intelligence due to drug he learns and develops quickly. After a years Ceasar was outgrown, his surroundings. Ceasar learns sign language because Will taught him. After 3 years Will give the Alz-112 to his father at first hiss father improves but after five years his fathers bodys immune system develops antibodies that fight of the virus and his dementia returned. At last when the chimpanzees go back to their natural inhabitats Will warns Ceasar that in the forest human will hunts them down but that he can protect him if he returns home. Ceasar, who capable of basic human speech, informs him Ceasar is Home in the forest. The story impulse that if the mans treat the animals in good way it is possible to have a good relationship. But we as human created as more intelligent than animals we need to prove it,,We should treat the other creature in a right way

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