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Question 1 Barry Keith Grant .

We used the pop genre as it is instantly recognizable with many people and used typical pop conventions that people can relate too e.g. heartbreak and love Jason Mitchell . Super dry, Blackberry, Toshiba, IPhone Andrew Goodwin . We frequently used close up shots of the artist . We attempted to use the thought beat theory but the song choice didnt really accommodate a fast beat to carry this out We could say that our video in some way we subverted the convention of a typical heartbreak story. We would usually expect to see a broken hearted girl within the pop video but we decided a broken hearted boy which was used by the script in their own video for our chosen song. We decided we wanted to go against this convention as we felt it would give our video some individuality and unique which would make it much more recognized with the audience. Andrew Goodwin We did follow this theory and we took inspiration from the video for Oh My goodness by Olly Murs, which frequently uses meat shots we decided to do this to help sell the artist and also the records. There is also a relationship between the music and the visuals which illustrating the music e.g.

The line some try to hand me money we wanted to illustrated the desperation and also the passion and love for this person that he wont move even for financial gain.

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