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Research &Bibliography

1. Site: Bibliography: Vink, Maggie. "Can Fruits Make Electricity?" EHow. Demand Media, 27 Sept. 2009. Web. 20 Jan.
2013. <>.

Note facts:
1) 2) 3) 4) Fruits use acid to produce electricity The acid in fruit interact with electrodes The batteries usually produce up to 1 volt The batteries can produce as low as .001 volt

2. Site:

Bibliography: Jameson, Meredith. "What Foods Make Electricity?" EHow. Demand Media, 16 May 2010. Web. 20
Jan. 2013. <>.

Note facts:
5) Fruits can also produce electricity with potassium 6) You can increase the power of electricity by connecting fruit batteries together 7) Fruits like bananas, tomatoes, carrots. Cucumbers and sweet potatoes can also be a battery because they have a large amount of potassium 8) Pickled fruits and vegetables produce more electricity because, of its salt content 9) Salt is high in ions

3. Site: Bibliography: Coffey, Jerry. "What Is An Ion." Universe Today RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2013.

Note facts:
10) A ion is a molecule or atom that has an amount of protons and electrons that are not the same

11) A anion is a ion with more electrons than protons 12) A cation is a ion with more protons than electrons 13) A anion has a negative charge 14) A cation has a positive charge 15) Salt is full of ions

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