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Gabriel Favela Period 6 1/11/13 Three things about me My favorite food is pizza I like to play football I like to play

ps3 a lot About Me Three things about my family They like to have reunions They like to make food for everyone They try to live well Three goals for this semester Try to pass all my classes Not to get detention Try not to get tardy to class

Gabriel Favela Per.6 1/14/13

About Me

My name is Gabriel Favela I go to school at San Fernando middle School. My favorite sport is football I also like to play Basketball. I like to spend time with family and friends. My favorite food is pizza and my favorite snack is cheese its. A couple things I can say about my family is first they like to have a lot of reunions. Second when they have reunions they like to have more food than we need too. Last they try to live well with no problems in their lifes. 3 things I want to do for this semester is 1 try to get good grades. 2 try to not be tardy to class and not get detention . Last try getting good grades in science and history because those are the classes I struggle

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