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When an epic disaster occurs somewhere in the world, images of devastation are conveyed instantly around the world

through newspapers, television and the Internet. The result is an outpouring of aid, often in the form of donations to nonprofits like the American Red Cross. But once the dramatic images and headlines begin to fade, donors often disappear as well. The question for groups like the Red Cross is how to identify and reach out to those one-time givers who are most likely to become regular donors. "The single biggest channel through which we can acquire new donors is in response to a disaster," says Tony DiPasquale, senior director of market intelligence for the Red Cross. "What we have long had difficulty doing is moving these donors from being disaster-response donors to ones who support [our organization's] core mission." Solving that puzzle could be a boon for the Red Cross and nonprofits like it that need to find cost efficient ways to improve their fundraising. The answer may lie in the world of customer analytics, the collection and mining of data on individual consumer behavior that is already revolutionizing how for-profit businesses operate. Through a partnership with the Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative (WCAI), the Red Cross has linked up with six teams of researchers from around the country, including analytics experts from Baylor University, the University of Pittsburgh and the IBM Watson Research Center who will analyze data from the Red Cross database to develop tools for improving the organization's outreach efforts.

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