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Draft text and images for blog In recent years the popularity of video games has increased rapidly

with a reported four out of five households in the UK now owning a games console with the number ever increasing. Now, some parents are concerned over the potential effect that the more violent video games are having over their childrens young minds with a reported 85% of UK children playing explicit games before they are old enough. With such young impressionable minds playing such violent games, surely this will have an effect on them? This is what we intend to find out. The Columbine High School massacre was a school shooting which occurred on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in the USA.Two students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, murdered a total of 12 students and one teacher. They injured 21 additional students, with three other people being injured while attempting to escape the school. The pair then committed suicide. Jerald Block, a US psychiatrist claims that it was the boys obsession with video games that had caused them to act out. With it being reported they played violent video games such as Doom (Right). The game allowed Harris to create different levels and some claimed that the levels resembled Columbine high school. The Columbine High School massacre is the deadliest mass murder committed on an American high school campus. Could this all be because of video games? We went to the sixth form college Solihull to get the views of students on the subject. Analysing those who do and those who do not play them. The overall results of the students views were divided fairly equally with both sides of the argument receiving large backing with some saying they dont think it effects them at all and others saying it does indeed cause violence. We went to speak to a psychology teacher for her views on the subject. She goes on to explain the theory behind the effects of video games on teenagers minds. It is thought that violent video games are having an effect more than any other, do you feel the same? Can you be certain that ,what you may think is a harmless video game, isnt having any effect at all on the mental health of your children?

We may choose to include all or just some of the text and images above for our double page spread. Although it is only draft work and we may add more information as we learn it.

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