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Bad black vs Umeme. Bad Black a.k.

a Shanita Namuyimbwa is a Ugandan socialite whos been in trouble recently over financial issues, but then again, who hasnt. She is known for invading happening places and acting like a charity organization whose purpose it is to leave no mind sober. In fact, when I grow up, I want to be like Bad Black; my mission in life would be to leave no clear head in whichever room I enter. Umeme is the original Bad Black. Originally formed as a company whose purpose was to fill our lives with light and empowerment, it has taken on the additional mandate of surprising us with power cuts at some of the least expected times. Surprise, surprise Bad black has a habit of storming a place and giving people a good time. The only time she hasnt been in the mood to do this is when she has gone to Luzira. Umeme is also in Luzira, but for other reasons; to provide lighting to the people. Umeme also gives its own brand of surprises; from powercuts when youre having a haircut, to not letting Marichuy finish her conversation with evil Robles. Umeme is just as happy tp do that. Generosity Bad black is known for her generosity when she enters popular nightspots and treats patrons to free drinks, Umeme also ffrequents our houses and treats us to free blackouts.

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