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1. Establishment of standards, objectives, and methods for measuring performance. 2. Measurement of actual performance. 3.

Comparison of results of performance using standards and objectives and identifying strengths and areas for correction and improvement. 4. Action to reinforce strengths and success 5. Implementation of corrective action as necessary.

STANDARDS- desirable sets of conditions and performance necessary to ensure the quality of nursing care services

Focus on the structure or management

system used by the agency to deliver care. They include the number and categories of nursing personnel, their education, personal and professional qualities and proficiencies, etc.

Refer to decisions and actions of the nurse

relative to the nursing process. Includes assessment, plan of care, and nursing intervention.

Designed to measure the results of care

provided in terms of changes in the health status of clients served; changes in the level of their knowledge, skills, and attitudes; and satisfaction of those served.

Task analysis and Quality control

Most commonly used methods for measuring

nursing care.

Actions and procedures such as written guides, schedules, rules, records, etc. are inspected. Uses tools such as time studies and checklists.

Refers to the activities and techniques employed to achieve and maintain the quality of a product, service, or process. Includes monitoring activity. The level of provided nursing care and its effects on the client are assessed.

An on-going, repetitive process with the actual frequency dependent on the type of activity being measured. Measurements may be scheduled in advance, may be done periodically but unannounced intervals, or may occur at random.

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