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Escribe la forma correcta del verbo y sujeto entre parntesis y aade un verbo auxilar donde sea necesario.

Por ejemplo: 0. I am (work) on my website. 1. (I work) every day. 2. Can you call me later? (I cook) lunch. 3. (He leave) now. 4. (I have) breakfast every morning. 5. (he want) to come with us? 6. (we no like) sleeping too much. 7. (you want) tea or coffee? 8. At the moment (they paint) their house. 9. This year (she study) engineering at university. 10. Usually (he walk) to the supermarket. 11. (he no do) a lot of work this month. 12. (she no know) what to do. 13. We have to leave now or we might miss the bus! What (you do)? 14. It's a pleasure to meet you. What (you do)? 15. (I think) about what you just said. Escribe la forma correcta del verbo y sujeto entre parntesis y aade un verbo auxilar donde sea necesario. Por ejemplo: 0. I am (work) on my website. 1. (I work) every day. 2. Can you call me later? (I cook) lunch. 3. (He leave) now. 4. (I have) breakfast every morning. 5. (he want) to come with us? 6. (we no like) sleeping too much. 7. (you want) tea or coffee? 8. At the moment (they paint) their house. 9. This year (she study) engineering at university. 10. Usually (he walk) to the supermarket. 11. (he no do) a lot of work this month. working working

12. (she no know) what to do. 13. We have to leave now or we might miss the bus! What (you do)? 14. It's a pleasure to meet you. What (you do)? 15. (I think) about what you just said.

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