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Revised 2nd Edition

Copyright. 2011. James Will Power

This book is dedicated to all revelators with courage to speak the unpopular truth.

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Chapter 1: As it was in the Days of Noah

And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man. Luke 17:26 Bible, NKJV


is quite interesting that these words stand-out in the text of the

Bible like the lyrics from a well-remembered song. These words from the Book of Luke are as puzzling as they are powerful. When read or spoken, they command ones attention today just as they did yesterday, if only for the fact that they present a riddle written in history and the passage of time. Something in the mystery of this riddle made me long to solve it. Jesus, when asked when the End of Days would come, offered the above parable as metaphor. The story of Noahs Ark is one of my favorites for quite a number of reasons. It is a story that offers much insight into the workings of the minds and hearts of men and our relationship to universal or catastrophic change. Thus, it was the perfect story to reference as one to analyze if one were interested in the way the End of Days were to occur in his or her own lifetime. Just as an end comes to each individual life on this material plane, the end eventually comes to civilizations also. Further, modern science reveals that planets and stars ultimately meet their demise as well. Therefore, the cycle of life is illustrated as follows:


Other than at a sub-atomic level, is there to be found a situation in which the preceding cycle does not occur on our physical (material) plane of existence? If so, I would like to know. It would seem, however, that entropy (the natural inclination of things to decay at some point or other) has a grip on just about everything. So, for all those who wish to debate the specifics of whether the stories of Noah and Noahs Ark are literal or figurative, there is no need. The story of Noahs Ark is the story of the life and death cycle on the material plane. In all areas of life, there is a part that survives to bear witness to the hereafter and there is another part that meets its ultimate demise. Our bodies return to the Earth that cultivated them, but most believe our spirits continue on. In terms of mass, the spirit is a miniscule part of each human being. Noah can be said to have been allowed to save the essence of life on that part of our planet where he built the ark. The

balance was an old, decaying body whose time of death had come. 1 As another example of life after death, the caterpillar enters the chrysalis and transforms to exit as the beautiful butterfly. In essence, the caterpillar is saved. Its body, however, is forever lost in the process of transformation. So, the question becomes Should we really expect the body of our present world to be saved when nature dictates that all bodies ultimately go through a process of decay and death, even if they are to be reborn anew? Were the people of Noahs time really all that different from you and me? Lets analyze this history logically. Noah (who was not a boat builder by trade) built an ark in the middle of the desert, in a place where it hadnt rained for decades. Further, it took him 150 years to build that thing. Isnt it reasonable for the average person to withdraw consideration of joining Noahs forces if five generations had passed without any flooding what-soever? Further, through the use of ones own senses, it could be observed that there was no sizeable amount of rain in that area for years. Any rational person could reasonably argue that by climbing the mountain that was set as a back-drop to Noahs building project, one could escape the flooding of the valley below. And, lastly, one would be expected to have concern for his own safety when considering embarking upon a boat shoddily built by someone who admittedly and most obviously (because of where they all lived) was not a boat-builder by trade. Lastly, I find it interesting that Noahs own son betook to the mountain.2 So, lets all just keep it real! Very few, if any of us would have joined Noah in the building of the Ark.

It is no wonder Luke 17:20-21 reads The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, See here! or See there! For indeed the kingdom of God is within you. It is within the spirit of the caterpillar who will become the butterfly to know when to enter the ark of the chrysalis. And, it is in the spirit of each person who has been chosen to enter into the hereafter to do what is necessary to enter that state of existence. The ultimate author of the story of our future is God Almighty, because he is the author of the story of our continued presence in this particular place in time. As evidence, most of us havent the faintest clue of when our bodies will perish or meet their ultimate demise. Perhaps, it is best to petition Him (God Almighty) for a place in His Kingdom. Still, we must realize that even the people of Noah died at someplace, sometime in history. Yet, some of us still have worry and concern for all those who will not make it. It is the human thing to do. There are six billion people on this planet. So, at times, it is easy to get caught-up in thoughts of the suffering of the masses of people who die (or worse, suffer day-in and day-out) on our planet. This feeling is only further exacerbated by the doom and gloom talk of the 2012ers who are predicting that our world will face every imaginable calamity between now and December of 2012. This can be really scary stuff. Still, the truth is we are only the conduits through which life is brought into existence. None of us gives birth to the spirit, which is the essence of who we are. Again, the solution to this dilemma is to embrace the natural life cycle for physical beings. Our bodies are meant to go through the process of decay and death, whether it is a more rapid and unexpected decay or the

natural process of aging. Most of the readers of this book will be residents of the United States of America, Canada, or the United Kingdom. Even with all the conspiracies that may or may not be true, most Westerners live lives that are far more comfortable than the lives lived by many other people in our world. We sing, God Bless America, but in truth God has already blessed America hundreds-of-millions of times over. We are just as much the beneficiaries of all the hard work of engineers and builders of yesterday, as we are the beneficiaries of all the ugliness that has made America one of the greatest nations in our world today. By right of the fact that this nation is not a desolate wasteland beset on all sides by the ravages of war and the scourge of famine and disease, most of this great land can truly be said to be a sort of heaven on earth. Again, the material of our civilization will not last. Only the spirit will withstand the ultimate test that time presents.3 It may be two, twenty, twohundred, or two-thousand years from now, but all that we see will one day be no more. The cycle of life on our planet dictates that only a remnant of what was will be left. So, let us appreciate that which we have. The late Senator Robert Kennedy said, May you live in interesting times. I would say our times are far more than interesting. We live in extraordinary times. With the internet, I can be witness to one-hundred realities in an hour or one-thousand in a day. Our technology lends to so much creativity that one could not take-in all that is created in one year if one chose to take a lifetime to do just that. For those whose eyes are open to it, the glorious future weve been awaiting has arrived. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., just one day before he was assassinated, left us these words:

Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land!

Consider these words from a man who was not so selfish that he could not accept the process of decay and death that comes with birth, growth, and stability. Could this manner of acceptance be one of the hallmarks of true courage and greatness? It is one thing to be able to embrace all the beauty, splendor, and opportunity that life has to offer. It is an altogether different thing to be able to accept that we must all leave this world one day. And, most of us dont leave here smiling and jumping for joy. We drift from this life having fought as hard as we are able to hold onto whats left of our bodies. I think it is sheer insanity that we manufacture and amass weapons designed to destroy the human body faster than it will decay naturally. Sixty to seventy years is not a long time to live at all. Now, there are some of us who have allowed ourselves to become so attentive to decay and death that we miss most of the creative endeavors of our time. Informing others about the ugly side of life has become a sort of rock behind which hides those who are afraid to endeavor to do something truly creative and different for fear of ridicule and rejection. Still, others are so thoroughly immersed in the idea that the world could end at any moment that they wouldnt dare concentrate on living their best life or making the world a better place for themselves and others. Well, to all the doom-peddlers, I have news for you. The process is the same for all of us.

We will all experience decay and we will all certainly die. So, to focus ones time and energy on decay and death as a means of doing anything other than improving ones quality of life is senseless. Some religious groups have adopted a sort of gang mentality whereby they promote strength in numbers to new members who are encouraged to adopt the position that all of us cannot be wrong. Thus, new congregants are allowed to get lost in the crowd. They hide within the illusion of being safely on the side of right. Their rationale becomes If Im wrong, then there are a whole lot of people on the side of wrong with me. Some call this group think. Others call it the mob mentality. Yet, something in the soul of man yearns for safety and security, even if the basis upon which that feeling is achieved makes no sense what-so-ever. A catastrophic earthquake has little concern about the number of people in your group when it strikes.
NOTE: I have found that that there is far more safety and security in accepting that I am not in control. I never have been. And, I never will be. So, I dont seek out that which I am not meant to find. We can, however, find gratitude and appreciation for the beautiful things in our world and the blessing of life. Each moment is a gift. We might not be able to control every aspect of this third-dimensional reality, but we can find love, dignity, and self-respect if we search for them. I focus on what I can have, because I will never have complete control.

Maybe complete control rests with the God of some religion. Funny thing about the kind of logic that makes us join religious groups is if and when tragedy does strike any group of religious people, that event is viewed as a test from God anyway. So, anyone who makes it through the actual moment when catastrophe strikes is strengthened in his or her

position that God saves the righteous and that they have passed the test. Thus, religion can be said to affirm ones hope in the hereafter by default. If one dies, one goes to heaven. If one lives, God has saved him and he is meant to go on. So, the more consideration we give to the ideas of the End of Days and the Hereafter, the more we realize that those who will not be here should not worry about it and that those who will be here (provided they believe in some higher power or reason for being) will likely find just cause to go on living. Thus, religion is a fascinating program for the security and comfort it offers its adherents. For all its merit, the sobering sting of science is ill-equipped to offer us such an opiate.

Chapter 2: The Three Powers That Be


is power. And, in determining the who, what, when,

where, why, and how of the End of Days, we are afforded the power to act and react in a manner that will best result in our lives being saved. Simply put, there are three forces capable of causing a global catastrophe that could wipe-out most or all of humanity. They are - the forces of evil, the forces of good, or the forces of mother-nature. For the sake of argument, lets just suppose that there are forces of good in the Universe. Whether they are humanoids, spirit-forces, or alien, lets just say there are beings out there with an interest in keeping earthlings alive. Now, in 100 years of Hollywood movies, we have never seen a film where the good guy is the one plotting to blow-up the world. So, we have to ask ourselves if it was God who was responsible for the flood in Noahs time or if it was simply an act of mother-nature that God or some lord in that time gave Noah warning about? Given our analysis of the Noah story in chapter one, is it more reasonable to think that God would kill the People of Noahs Day or more likely that they were going to die anyway? Perhaps, the answer to the riddle of Noahs Ark is that God told Noah to build it because He (God) had no intention of saving those people. If he did, I am certain He would have come up with a more viable solution. Isnt it more logical to assume that the forces of good could see that global change would result from this cataclysm and told Noah to build the ark than to think that God caused the flood himself? Lets just take a rational look at all of this. Should we even give consideration to the fact that Noah and his family were the ONLY decent people in the entire world at

that time? If we are told to look at the story of Noah in determining what the situation will be like at the End of Days, then our chances of surviving things to come in the near future are about 1-in-500 million. I mean if only Noah and his family escaped the flood, why should anyone reading this (including myself) presume that our family is so righteous that we would be one of the only families to escape divine judgment? Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook. Only one of his five-million friends is on the savinglist. So, it makes no sense to make a literal interpretation of the scripture, unless you want to follow that stream of logic to its inevitable conclusion that neither you nor I would be saved from this hypothetical global cataclysm. Perhaps, it is more safe to assume that Noah and those with him were the only ones local to that area to escape the flood. Many of the indigenous people of our planet say that their histories date back tens-ofthousands of years. And, these people are not descendants of Noah. So, the story of Noah seems to be a more modern anecdote, with a message for a people of modern times. It is interesting that the writers and producers of the blockbuster movie 2012 determined that Africa (the Motherland) would be the only place for arks to land in surviving their fictional depiction of a catastrophe of global proportions. Something deep within the soul of man tells us that if humanity is to be compared to a tree of any kind, the roots of that tree must be able to withstand the forces of man and mothernature. We all have our roots in the mother land. There is a hermetic principle As above, so below. This principle states that every reality in the heavens has a corresponding reality here on Earth. So, if the good guys are good here on Earth, we can only suspect

that the good guys are good in heaven. There may be some specific need to restore law and order in one place or another, but this is never at the expense of the community of man (that is where the good guys are truly good). In the old westerns, we dont see the good guys burning down the town as a means of killing the bad guys. And, you wouldnt burn down a building to kill the rats beneath it. Or, would you? Occult historian, Jordan Maxwell, points out that if you take an o out of the word good you get God. And, if you add a d to evil, you get devil. So, if God is good, one would expect Him to do good and not evil. I digress. The way one determines whether a nation is fighting an unjust war is to examine the tactics used in fighting that war. And, this is how we know terrorism is the work of evil-doers. The terrorism associated with Islam has nothing to do with the basic principles of Islam, a word that means peace itself. So, I would caution against blaming Muslims for the terrorist attacks that have been linked to Islam over the last twenty years or so. In the history of most religions, we find records that support the fact that evil has been done in the name of religion. So, it is necessary to separate the good guys and the principles of good from those who pervert those good principles as a means of doing evil in the name of (or in the blame of) good. We say God is good all the time. Well, the truth of this statement resonates with us. So, let us reflect on doctors, teachers, and moms whom we also call good. The doctor sometimes gives you bitter pills to swallow. That doesnt feel good. Mom popped you the second she saw you sticking something in the electrical socket. That didnt feel good. And, the teacher you liked sometimes gave you a bad grade. Can our pain here on Earth be

the sign that God uses in determining just how far out of alignment we are from his goodness? Still, I think we can safely argue that it is not the intention of the God of Good to teach us a lesson by wiping out nearly all of humanity. So, this leaves us with only two possibilities.

Mother Nature: A Force to Be Reckoned With Imagine you are in a ship orbiting the Earth in outer-space. You and your fellow space-travelers have developed a means of studying planets to determine the behavior of such. In your travels, you come upon this planet Earth. You determine that the civilization of planet Earth is advancing at a slow, but steady pace. Many of the problems that plague the planet Earth are ones your civilization has long since overcome. And, while you do not want to interfere in the growth and development of the people of Earth, you have determined that these Earthlings are ill-equipped to handle the cataclysm that will inevitably strike as a result of the Earths convulsing in or around the Earth year of 2012. So, your ship returns home to discuss the issue with the Galactic Federation and the counsel determines that this planet will receive help. It makes a determination of just what kind of help this planet is to receive and the limits beyond which space travelers are not to go in helping this developing orb-ship, Earth. So, you and your fellow space travelers return to Earth to begin making people more aware of what is to occur. Since the rules prohibit your landing at the White House and walking right up-to the

front door, you instead offer various signs of your presence and your willingness to help. Noticing that world governments have not developed the level of concern for their people necessary to do whats in the peoples best interest, you visit both with the government and with various members of society. In a very slow and methodic way, people are made more aware of the symbiosis that exists between humanoids, planets, stars, and cosmic forces of every imaginable type. At the heart of the story youve just read is the idea that for all we know about mother-nature there is so much that we still dont know. We dont have the perspective with which to determine the degree to which Earth can undergo incredible changes in remarkably short periods of time. Modern scientists have been equipped to chart global change for less than 100 years on a planet with billions of years of history of global change affecting humanity. Its like were dancing with this beautiful lady (mother Earth) in the dark. And, we havent the faintest idea of her many dips and turns or what she may bump into as she floats round-and-round about the room. So, scientists (some with bigger imaginations than others) say that we should expect everything from clear and sunny skies to volcanic eruptions and massive earthquakes in 2012 and years to follow. I think we can safely say that the good guys are not out to get us. The Earth, however, poses a considerably greater threat to our well-being. For one, she sits in heaven, where she is not only affected by our ignorance and our own destructive nature, but she is also subject to the influence of heavenly bodies and cosmic phenomena both known and unknown. As most of the planet continues to pro-create mindlessly, I get the feeling that we are like

pins just waiting to be mowed down by the next cosmic bowling ball to make it down the lane. So, the Earth, my friends, is a real X factor. Thankfully, the historic record informs us of what past civilizations have faced in dealing with our mother Earth. Historians and scientists have examined this data as a means of giving us their best guesses at things to come. Some try to dismiss this information as inconsequential or invalid. This writer, however, would advise against doing so because information is power. If I flipped a coin and it landed on tails four times, (all things being equal) common sense would tell me that this coin would have a greater chance of landing on heads with the next flip. To discount the information available about the previous flips is to leave the future totally to chance. In later chapters of this book, we will examine some of the most likely scenarios for what may befall our Earth in 2012 and the years to follow based on what scientists and historians have uncovered. To make light of this information is to leave our collective futures totally to chance. And, I dont like that idea too much. The Bad Guys The legendary comedian and lecturer Dick Gregory put it best. There are people who would kill GOD if given a chance. Now, thats saying something. In fact, thats all the information we need in determining the threat level of the true bad guys. If someone would kill the one who was most probably responsible for his own creation, we would indeed consider that someone evil. Further, it is logical to suspect that the same Creator might also play a role in the sustenance of life in our Universe. So, pure evil would be total disregard for ones Creator. We also depend on this

planet and our fellow man for the sustenance of life. So, closely associated with pure evil would be anyone who had total disregard for our planet and human life. Sadly, this planet is plagued with that type of evil, day-in and day-out. There are people who somehow got lost along the way. They could care less about our mother Earth or anyone on it. The lucky ones were born into races, places, and positions of power and many of them use those positions as perches from which to cast their evil spells. These spells take the form of chemical spills, chem.-trails, biological and nuclear weapons, wars, and every manner of experimentation. A nuclear holocaust could kill everyone. So, along with mother-nature, the bad guys are an apparent threat.

Chapter 3: Woe unto the Date Givers!

I really dont wish woe on anyone, but if not woe then

at least - Whoa unto the date-givers. Whoa means hold-up. Whoa means slow-down. Whoa means stop. Stop giving dates. According to one website, Jesus is coming back in May of 2011.5 Google the Rapture and you will discover that the Rapture will happen in September of 2011 according to one website. And, as we all know, the world will end in 2012. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. And, to all the believers out there, dont be stupid, stupid, stupid. We must realize that every date of importance in our calendar was determined to be important by man and man alone. And, while there is definite correspondence with cosmic occurrences and events here on Earth, there is very little (if any) significance to most dates that are picked either willy-nilly or because they simply sound good. Nothing of significant importance happened on 10-10-10 or 1-11-11, unless someone made it news. And, unless someone dresses up in the image of Jesus for which we are most familiar and plans a big parade for himself, it is likely Christ will not be returning in May of 2011. Even if Jesus did return, he would have to schedule some kind of press conference to let everyone know. Further, he would have to bring proof that he is the real Jesus. From time to time, our collective energy does create reality. That is through our own thoughts and actions, we fulfill prophesy. If a newscaster says that hundreds of people are expected to line-up in a few days to buy tickets to a play-off game or to purchase some new gaming system, the

energy can begin to build from the moment of that report until the vision is fulfilled. Normally, if there is a history of an event happening like clockwork, someone can drop a date out there and be spot-on in making a prediction. For example, I predict that right around December 23, 2011 people are going to get more focused on their families for a few days. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to realize that Christmas is two days from December 23rd and that Americans always focus a little more on their family at Christmas time. British meteorologist Piers Corbyn was able to predict that the next few winters would be the coldest and snowiest on record. Is he a prophet? No! He simply used the hundreds of years worth of data available on world weather patterns and noticed that there were periods in which the weather was far worse than at other periods. Now, before we get into an analysis of all of the predictions that were either so nebulous that they could come to pass on any day in any given year of the last 2,000 calendar years, lets talk a bit about the predictions that absolutely did not come to pass. Years ago, I was watching one of the afternoon talk shows, where famed psychic Sylvia Browne was asked if the future President George H. W. Bush Jr. would be president for a second term. Well, she was emphatic in stating that he would not be in the White House for a second term. It was a year or so before the election, but I was determined to use her prediction as a litmus test of sorts. Well, a year later, Bush was in the Oval Office once again. And, I had to write Sylvia Browne off as another fraud whose gift for seeing the future was not as much about psychic ability as it was about suckering people to secure a salary. Dont get me wrong. There are some very good psychics and channels out there. Ive witnessed their work with my own eyes and ears. Im just saying

there are some who lose that ability and others whove never had it to begin with. So, be careful.

I know. I know. We want to believe. We want desperately to believe. There is something magical about having an ability to see the future, because there is something in man that yearns to know with certainty. In a world where we are asked to believe, believe, believe, something in us tells us that we can know for sure.

Thing is some make the mistake of looking to psychics for knowledge that can only be gained from the studies of mathematicians, scientists and researchers. Also, there is something to be said for going within. No one else occupies the space in time where you are right now. You have a very unique perspective on the world. So, why should anyone feel they have the authority to determine your future, without a thorough understanding of your perspective on the world? General observations can be made about anyone, but the future for the most part remains unwritten for everyone. If I am someone who makes money from claims I have psychic abilities, then people have a right to presume that I might be a fraud if my

predictions do not come to pass. Australian channel, Blossom Goodchild, predicted that a large UFO would appear over the skies of some major city in our world on October 14, 2008. The internet was abuzz with excitement, as Blossom bravely blogged and video-logged messages from our UFO brothers up-to the very day of the would-be sighting. Well, turns out we were not ready for a visitation from our larger space family at that moment in time. To Blossoms chagrin, they apparently had no problem reneging on their repeated promises to show-up. Poor blossom, who was just as shocked as all of us that there was no sighting, is still in time-out waiting for all this to blow-over. And, it may take another three to five years before she can show her face in the New Age community again. To me, the very premise on which most predictions are made is false. The very idea of predicting a future event with pin-point accuracy presupposes there is only one possible timeline. Common sense tells us this notion is completely false. As I write this, I just finished drinking a cup of coffee and eating donuts. I have two choices. I can either put the cup and wrapper in the trash now or continue writing. Two possible futures present themselves. You take a guess at what I am going to do. Well, if you guessed that I would continue writing, youre right. I can put this trash in the can when I get up. Anyone who knows me knows I believe in conservation of energy. Armed with that knowledge, they would be better able to predict the future I chose than most. Well, guess what? I changed my mind again. For the purposes of writing this book, I felt it best that I act in a less predictable manner. I just got up and threw the cup and wrapper in the trash. The aforementioned experience offers insight into the basic challenges inherent in predicting the

future the first being that there are almost always at least two possibilities that present themselves. Second, if one is not completely in control of a given situation, how can one predict with pin-point accuracy what another will do or is capable of doing? To attempt to do so would be illogical. It is not logical to suppose that one will do X, when one is equally capable of doing X or Y. When one is involuntarily committed to one possible future, we call it fate. When one is voluntarily committed to one possible future, we call it destiny. Lets say a man accidently drives over a cliff. Instead of leaping from his vehicle, he takes his chances steering it in attempts to avoid trees. He manages to steer clear of the trees and enters the river below. He decides that he will let his jeep become completely submerged in water before attempting to break the window because he saw this done on television. He finally breaks the window and crawls from the vehicle. His foot, however, gets caught in the seatbelt and he begins to lose valuable oxygen. No matter how much he struggles, he cannot release his foot. He realizes that he is out of options and begins to come to grips with the possibility that it is his fate to die in this crash. So, he loosens his grip and just as he realizes that he cannot hold his breath any longer his foot slips loose from the belt. Then, he uses his last bit of energy to thrust himself to the surface. As the writer, I voluntarily committed the victim of this horrible accident to one possibility life. As the writer, I determined it was his

destiny to live. Before that, he was fated to drown with that vehicle. That, my friends, is the difference between destiny and fate. I shaped the crash victims destiny such that the crash victim was destined to live. Life is about choices. To have a pre-destined future means that someone has the power to determine that future. To be fated to a certain future means that one does not have the power to change ones future. Ours must be a preoccupation with changing destiny for ourselves and those willing to accept our help. Whenever possible, we must stare into the deathly gaze of fate and say that we choose destiny. This is the best we can hope for. Those who make predictions that do not take into account other possibilities are either ignorant of those possibilities (and the fate to which they commit others in making these rock-solid predictions) or ill-intentioned. The Russian seer Baba Vanga boasted a fairly good hit ratio with her prophecies. Still, she was careful to point out that at least two possible futures could present themselves in any given scenario. So, it should come as no surprise that while she predicted that World War III would begin in December of 2010, another future altogether presented itself. Prophecies and predictions should always be accompanied by the following disclaimer: Warning: What I predicted may or may not happen I dont know! Furthermore, what any one man sees in a vision is subjective. That is it is subject to his interpretation of the viewer. While then President Bush was in Office in 2006, an acquaintance of mine shared a vision of a president being assassinated in the White House. He said that he heard the voice of GOD, in which GOD said the president is a good man and that one day they would say he was missing. Shortly after that, the world as

we know it will end. With all my heart, I believe this was my friends genuine experience. However, I knew then as I know now that he hadnt the faintest clue about how visions work. At that time, I made a silent prediction myself that none of this would come to pass exactly as he envisioned it. My friend made his first mistake in not realizing that we relate to things we can easily recognize. So, he was shown the image of a president that he was most able to recognize as a president. Second, his insights into the unfolding events were given as highlights. However, his mind immediately began filling in the blanks. This is what the human mind does. Your new girlfriend doesnt call you all day. You immediately assume that she doesnt like you. Or, you assume that shes probably in communication with the old boyfriend. Or, worse, you think she has been in a car accident. As another example, if you saw someone shot, you would immediately assume that the gun was real and that the victim was hurt. After running home, you might turn on the news hoping to catch the story and to learn who got shot. The whole event, however, could have been staged for any number of reasons. Truth is what we perceive as true is not necessarily true or real. It is an observation yes. It is our experience yes. It is factual yes. Still, it is not an objective reality on which all can rely. It is only a perspective on the broader reality. In the case of my acquaintance, time proved his interpretation of his experience to be completely wrong. That does not necessarily invalidate the experience, but his interpretation was proven false. I am certain that he is examining this experience in a new light given events that have transpired in the five years since he shared that story.

This brings me to my final point. Date givers often become date adjusters. There is always some convenient excuse as to why that which was prophesied to happen last week will instead happen next week. If 2012 fizzles, I think that humanity will be through with those who pencil-in dates in the prophetic datebook for some time. And, thats a good thing. Perhaps, then we will all realize that only those events over which we give ourselves total control are destined to come to pass. In my view, we need to take more personal and collective responsibility and accountability for what goes on in our world. Further, we are all fated to die at some point or another. Since this is a reality over which most of us have little or no control, to me it is a bit self-deceptive to say that one has the ability to accurately predict any future outside of the next few moments. Lets work on our ability to create and influence this world in a real way and not let the prophecies of yesterday determine the world of our tomorrows.

Chapter 4: Beyond Each Road A Destination

What if you were asked to choose from three doors? What if each
door led to a separate destination one heavenly, one earthly, and one to a hellish underworld? And, what if you were not allowed to see beyond any of the three doors before choosing? What means and methods would you use to determine which door to take? You might visually assess each door taking in its color and shape. You might use your sense of touch to determine which was cold, which was warm, and which was hot. If you were able, you might inquire about the experience of those who had gone before you or question the one asking you to choose. How would you really feel if you were just told to guess to choose a door without knowing where each door leads? Thankfully, life isnt like that at all. To those who are attentive, life almost always gives us clues as to the right road to take. A door is the wrong analogy to use altogether. When we think of a door, we think of the unknown in what might lie beyond that door. Immediately, some mystery presents itself. Life, however, is more analogous to the fork in the road. Most often, you can see the immediate steps you are about to take and you have some idea of where those steps will lead. In many cases, you can see for miles down any given road. Often, you are even afforded road signs, distances, and the opportunity to turn around and take a different route or to take a side path and get onto a better road if you find you are on a road that doesnt suit you. Both metaphysics and monotheistic religion teach of three ultimate destinations and three paths leading to these destinations. When we talk

about the End of Days or the Hereafter, we are talking about a destination in time that either ends our journey altogether or leads to some new point at which our journey will continue. Does 2012 mark an end to one leg of humanities journey and the beginning of another? Of that, I am not certain. What I am more certain about is that we are entering into a period of time that will mark the end of one leg of humanitys journey and the beginning of a new one for all of us. Whether it happens for YOU in 2012, 2014, or sometime there-after, it is likely that you will recognize the shift if you pay attention. It is nearly impossible to complete this book and still remain blind to the shift as it occurs. What this book offers is a peak at what the road ahead looks like. So, chances are if you are reading this book, you will recognize changes taking place both now and in the near future. I use the word as because very little happens in an instant. Once pregnant, it takes nine months for a mother to manifest life. And, it takes 18 to 21 years for the human body to mature. Even the growth of trees and the manifestation of fruits and vegetables take time. So, why should we expect the End to come in one moment of time? The exploding star we notice today may have actually collapsed billions of light years ago. So, one day we simply wake up to the realization that the world that was changing over time is totally different than it was before. Instant and irreversible change (at least on a global scale) is the stuff of Hollywood cinema. As proof, there were massive earthquakes in Afghanistan, Haiti, and Indonesia. Did those earthquakes affect humanitys response to catastrophe on a global level? I would like to respectfully submit that I dont think so. While some individuals have certainly changed the way they view

and respond to environmental change, collectively we awaken every day as if little ever happened. We could have chosen to point to those events as indications that the End of Days had arrived. We could have celebrated the fact that while millions lost their lives, humanity survived those events. We could adopt the position that we are in-fact in the Hereafter. We could say that heaven on earth is having running water, a working toilet, and the ability to walk into a store and hand someone paper for food. But, we havent adopted that position that we are in paradise, have we? Apparently, our deepest empathy and sympathies are reserved for those closest to our individual realities. So, this end stuff is as subjective as it is suspect. Yet, we still await the End of Days. And, if we dont feel it personally, it simply didnt occur. Perhaps, future generations will take a more holistic look at this period in history and instantly recognize it as the end of one age and the beginning of a new one. The only thing left to history will be the events that marked historic changes in life as we know it and the evolution of man. We, however, live each moment, day by day, hour by hour, second by second, finding both joy and pain in living. We seldom see things from any perspective other than our own a perspective colored by television news and cinema, readjusted by religious and philosophic rhetoric, and weighed by what the public is willing to accept. I am not referring to the words of scripture. Those words have stood the test of time. However, one should take note that the spin on those words changes to fit the circumstance. So, it is the duty of the religious adherent to read scripture for him or herself and obtain some kind of understanding of what this history says about the recursive cycles of the world in which he or she lives.

It is our journey through time that leads each of us to an eventual destination. In the third dimension, the ultimate destination is physical death. Our bodies go through a cycle that eventually returns us to the earth. We leave our shared experiences and our possessions to our loved ones. In metaphysics, there are the concepts of density and dimension. Density deals with object orientation in space, while dimension deals with consciousness orientation in space. In metaphysics, even time is a form of space. Someone might say, It happened somewhere in the 21st century. Thus, everything occurs at someplace in time just as it occurs somewhere in space. So, the third dimension is the place where our consciousness resides while on Earth. The 4th dimension is the place where our consciousness resides in time. And, the 5th dimension is the place where our consciousness resides beyond time. If one questions the existence of a place beyond time, he can look to his own life for evidence that this place exists. If it is Sunday at 10AM in the U.S. during football season and one loves football, he will see himself in a place beyond 1PM watching the NFL game of his choice. Almost as certain as the sun does rise, this 5th dimensional reality will present itself. And, that person will travel through the 4th dimensional time stream to get to that intended destination. A true fan will let nothing stop him from creating this reality. So, what does this have to do with the three destinations or possible destinies on the material plane? Well, there is heaven, there is continued existence on Earth, and there is hell. Lets use the above example to determine which state is heaven, which is a more earthly or temporal

existence, and what would constitute a hellish existence. Heaven (or a 5th dimensional existence) is where one truly desires to be at any given time. It is the place in which one sees self in the future, regardless of how short or long the time-line. Thus, one with no concept or view of the future would be one with no access to heaven. Earthly existence (a temporal existence, which is a better way of saying it) is the 4th dimensional time stream. Because we live in a physical / material reality (or 3rd density), we have to travel through time to get to where we want to go. Hell, on the other hand, is stagnation (or no-time). In other planes of existence, it might be best to have time stand still. If youre experience what you want to experience, why would you want to be concerned with time? On this plane, if time were to stop for a person at 10AM, that reality would constitute hell. Lets give a few examples. What if our football fans car stopped on the highway at 10AM? Or, worse what if the roof caved-in trapping him under wooden beams and sheetrock? Or, what if that same person were to get arrested at 10AM? All of these events essentially stop time, because that person had an intended destination in time. A transient, with nowhere to go and nothing to do, might do far better in a situation like this. He wasnt making any time anyway. Theres a phrase I coined that I like to share with people from time to time. When the ceiling falls, it hits the person closest to it first. The higher you are, the harder you fall. So, it is essential that angels keep their wings.

When a desired time-line leads to the 5th dimensional reality of your choosing and liking follow it. When a desired timeline will not lead to the 5th

dimension reality of your choosing, immediately create a new desire and timeline based upon the information (or observable reality) available in the moment. Further, if the desired 5th dimension reality (or the destination) no longer exists, it is essential to create another heavenly state of existence (or a new destination) as soon as one is able. The above is the key to getting into and staying in heaven while on Earth. You may have heard the saying wealthy people do what they want to do, while poor people do what they have to do. The one who possesses true wealth possesses a wealth of possibilities and is not limited in the scope of what can be accomplished. You may have also heard the saying Great minds focus on ideas. Average minds focus on events. And, small minds focus on people. Well I say the greatest minds focus on ideas more than events and the events of their desires more than reacting to other people. The good idea (or creative inspiration) constitutes heaven. All events occur in the 4th dimensional time stream. And, the people we encounter (especially those with no creative ambition) are the most capable of dragging us into hell. One of the keys to getting what you desire is to have a pure desire for it. If ones desired intention is to bring something into reality (and one sets the proper time line), that desire can be made real. However, the timeline is very important. In my book, What the Creator Knows I talk about the Law of Momentum. Permissions must be obtained when we seek to create any new reality. Permissions are the tolls we pay on the road through time to our destination, because to get where we desire to go (at least in this dimension) requires that we cross into the territories of others. Universal Law dictates that this cannot be done without permission. Those who make

a habit of passing into the territory of others without permission eventually find their momentum stopped. This is the cause for the dissolution of most relationships, whether familial or romantic. Just because someone is a member of your family (by default) or in a relationship with you (by consent) doesnt mean they have the right to cross into your territory in every way without permission. My brother doesnt get a key to my house because hes my brother. And, my girlfriend doesnt get access to my e-mail because she is my girlfriend. The momentum of life requires that we are allowed a certain amount of operating room. Imagine two planets with no room to orbit on their own. They would smash into one another. For those whove watched the movie Crash, you saw first-hand the consequences of living in a world where no one sought permissions. Those people simply crashed into one another and the momentum they were building with their lives came to a sudden halt. So, 5th dimensional living is not about doing what you want to do, regardless of whom or what. It is as much about respecting the space, time, and energy resources of others as it is about fulfilling your goals. This is how your fifth dimensional existence (or state of heavenly bliss) is maintained. Now, where the 5th dimension is ultimately the living of the life one desires or heaven on earth or the hereafter, the 4th dimension is life in the time-stream. Most people live somewhere in the 4th dimension. That is most people are wrestling with time. I have to get to work on time. I have to be to be there by 9AM on Monday morning. I cant wait until Friday gets here. I just got over hump-

day (Wednesday). I get so happy right around Christmas time. Dont bother coming if you cannot be on-time. I work all the time. You need to stop playing all the time. Maybe youll win the game next-time. I want to spend more time with my family. If you dont get in on this by a certain time, youre going to miss out. Do you have a minute? It will only take a few seconds. Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! 4th dimensional existence is temporal existence and tempo has everything to do with time. I disagree with those who say time is an illusion. Perhaps, it doesnt apply to other dimensions and realities, but it is obviously very real to those who are caught in the time-stream. The rat race is about the misuse of both ones time and energy. It is not just that we are rats on a wheel. That wheel is connected to a generator. And, the energy that is generated from our movement is owned by someone else. This is not necessarily a bad thing if you like to run on a wheel and get paid to do it. Thing is some people dont like to run. Others hate the monotony of the wheel. Yet, the middle path is one of balance. You win some. You lose some. You work hard. You play hard. And, while some desire to abolish this reality altogether, with what would they replace it? There are places where millions of people sit idle all day with little or nothing to do. They are not on anyones clock. And, they dont receive a paycheck. And, in places where people would desire to do otherwise, they are high-tailing it for America. The building of anything substantial requires momentum. And, momentum requires order. Order presupposes the healthy respect for and the proper use of time. People who are out-of-time or on permanent down-time dont build pyramids. They are not likely to install working plumbing or to maintain libraries and schools. This planet is

not a time-free zone. It is more of a time neutral zone. You can choose to make time, to exist within time, or to be out-of-time. Its up to you. Many students of metaphysics confuse density with dimension. Thus, the words We are moving into the 5th dimension can be confusing. Some of us are becoming more conscious of the fact that we choose our destinies in many respects. So, in that sense, we are moving into the 5 th dimension. However, with respect to Earth object orientation, it is not as clear or evident what changes will result from the Earths being bombarded with energies of a higher resonant vibration than physical matter. These intense solar rays and cosmic gases continuously strike our planet. They affect all of us. The question is what role will they play in raising our consciousness and the energy vibration of our planet? How will the time stream be affected? We will share the best information available on this subject in a later chapter. For now, let us quickly discuss hell from the metaphysicians point of view. We have already said that the 5th dimensional reality is one where we can choose our own destiny. The 4th dimensional time stream constitutes the 4th dimension. Well, hell from the metaphysical perspective is the inability to affect change in ones circumstances. Hell is ignorance. Hell is to see that heaven lies well out of ones ability to obtain it. As it relates to consciousness, hell is somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd dimensions. The person who is forced to react to everything is in hell. Hell is a reactionary state of being. A person who feels forced to wait for things to happen is a slave to his circumstances. Sexual slavery is the grossest form of hell. Physical slavery is a step-up from that. Mental and spiritual enslavement are steps-up from physical slavery. The Holy Quran informs the reader that

persecution is worse than slaughter, because at least in death there is no time. In heaven, one is the apparent cause of everything in ones existence. In hell, one is affected by everything in ones existence. He is the victim. To the adept, everything in existence is seen as controllable substance. Thus, hell is a state in which one has no control over anything. Those who operate in-between the states of heaven and hell are rightly called the middle-class. They win some and they lose some. Let us now examine these same concepts from the stand-point of religion. The three monotheistic (or really henotheistic) religions (Islam, Christianity, and Judaism) place people in three basic categories the Chosen Ones, the People, and the Evil-doers. There are many terms used in the scriptures, but I use these terms for the sake of brevity. Lets discuss them. The Chosen Ones I used to think that the chosen ones were those lucky enough to have followed all of the rules and to have passed every test. Now, I just think of the chosen ones as lucky. Chosen means that you didnt choose yourself (at least not in the sense of being conscious of making that choice). Even the Holy Quran (the book of scripture of the Muslims), in chapter two states, It being the same to them (the people with no understanding) whether you warn them or warn them not, they will not believe.6 Further on it states that Allah (God) controls the hearts. Therefore, one cannot awaken him or herself to consciousness. Either you have the spark of Divine or you do not. And, one cannot awaken another at least not anyone who is not already pre-programmed to have their consciousness piqued upon receiving a good word. In terms of Heaven or the Hereafter or the Kingdom or Paradise, it is written that the Chosen

Ones will experience this reality first. It makes sense that those who start the race first would figure out a way to finish it first. The ones who take part in the creation of any reality are always afforded the choice of being its first beneficiaries.

The People You ever heard the saying Ignorance is bliss. Well, in most cases it is. While we are learning and discovering right from wrong, we can have a lot of fun and get away with a whole heap of non-sense. On the other hand, one matures to realize that life is certainly unfair. Many of the pitfalls we face in life would have been easily avoidable were we matured in our understanding at the moment we faced the choices that led us into them. Still, there is nothing wrong with a little bliss, especially when the contrast is pain and blisters. So, I liken the people to a good audience. Everyone is not meant to sing like Beyonce Knowles. Beyonce is the chosen one. She sings her heart out. She endures the pain and blisters of daily, dance practice, workouts, and vocal exercises to put on a show for the people. In exchange, she is affirmed in her position as one of the chosen. She gets attention and she is afforded the opportunity to live the life she desires. Best of all, she can stay in her creative space. The people, however, get a good show. They enjoy and maintain the creation engineered by the creators. And, so it is with the Kingdom. They will enjoy and maintain it. So, where the creators fashion creation, the people maintain it. What the people have to watch out for are wolves (regular folks) in chosen peoples clothing. To be chosen is to be chosen to serve. So, it should come as no surprise that chosen people work

extremely hard at delivering the best quality product they can possibly present to the world. The charlatans and tricksters of the world are simply out to make a buck. So, if you are one of the regular people, know that you are blessed. You are here to savor the experience. You are here to enjoy the ride. There is heaven in that experience if you embrace it for what it is. And, truth is we are all chosen by God. Or else, we would not be alive to experience any of this. Further, even the People are afforded the opportunity to create from time to time. Who did the interior design for your home? Who picked out your wardrobe? Who chose that make, model, and style of automobile? You did. So, accept your own and be yourself. You are perfect just the way you are. We are moving into a time where the number of creators will dramatically increase. This is called heaven on Earth. The fact that you are reading this is a sign of that motion and the opening of a new reality to us all. The Evildoers With that said, sadly some people just dont get it and get lost along the way. With no light what-so-ever to see or guide them, they feel unsafe, insecure, subject to pain and are the most likely to cause intense pain themselves. Being insecure, they bump into others. The acknowledgement of the presence of others is proof of life for the evil ones. The living-dead thirst to hear the sound of the living. This is why the evil ones find it so easy to inflict pain. That pain resonates with them. It makes them feel alive. One has self-control to the extent that one has light of understanding (wisdom). It is not that GOD needs to destroy the evil ones personally, they destroy themselves. Eventually, evil meets with an overpowering force the ultimate overpowering force being death. Thus, the wages of sin is

death. And, because wisdom (or the light of understanding) is even required in death, the evil ones find no escape having never prepared for their death either. Part of the life we live is a preparation for death and the souls journey onward. Having little understanding of the death process and having made no preparation for life beyond the gates of hell, the evil ones have no clue of the crime they commit against themselves. This is why no one really gets away with anything. They get their wages on the other side.7 Physicist Tom Campbell said that the opposite of love is not hate. It is fear. On this plane of existence, hate is an outgrowth of fear. The good news is that while some are compelled to do good things, no one is compelled to continue in evil. The fear one has can be replaced with the light of understanding if one so chooses. All it takes is a step made in the right direction. Yes. It is that simple. The question is how many are willing to take that step? Many of the fearful have found coping mechanisms for dealing with their fears. Bullying, carrying guns, amassing a large sums of money, large armies with large caches of weapons, enacting unnecessary laws and policies, pimping women (or men), domestic abuse, drug abuse, and gang violence are just a few of the coping mechanisms for dealing with fear. If we would accept the fact that few of us are or ever will be totally secure in our bodies and that all of us are going to die eventually, we would go a long way to alleviating a lot of the fear that plagues humanity. There is no need to play tough. Most of us fear grief, pain, and death. It is part of the survival instinct.

Chapter 5: Who Are You?

The ancient Egyptians had a mantra Know thy-self. You are best
equipped to deal with who you are and all possible futures you face when you know who you are. So, I have developed three surveys each with questions that are designed to show you the reader who you are. In the next chapter, we will talk about the three destinies that await each type in the months and years to come. It is important to note that no one has to choose any one destiny path. This is what destiny is all about choices. It is important to note, however, that when we succumb to fear we limit our choices. Robert Monroe, in his book Far Journeys, stated that one of the unforeseen benefits of the Monroe Institutes Gateway Program was that people passed the fear barrier in realizing that they were more than their physical body. Thus, the natural fear and security consciousness they developed over a lifetime gave way to a newfound curiosity and sense of adventure. Fulfillment of the parable in Matthew 10:34-36 of Jesus coming to separate people is found in the idea of the three main types. Jesus said, In the End Time, they will be getting married and giving in marriage. Wait a minute?! I didnt think anything was wrong with getting married. Perhaps Jesus had insight into something that occurs at the end of any given Age. It would seem that at the end of each time cycle, people are ripped apart and placed on the time sequence most suitable to their development beyond that point. In most cases, it is our relationships with those closest to us that

are most affected by these changes. It is natural to want to be close to our family and friends, but what if they are on a different destiny path than the one best suited for your destiny? Its a harsh reality that requires a lot of patience and understanding on our part. The first thing to understand is that people are not things. Persons are individual consciousnesses having experiences on a material plane. We dont own people. We are not entitled to their bodies. And, this becomes more evident at the end of any Age when human bodies and minds can go through extraordinary changes. Further, the way we relate to one another changes with the transitioning of one age into another one. I have designed the following survey to get us started on the path of learning just who we are. With the exception of the category of the evildoer, there is nothing wrong with taking the other two paths. Some espouse the idea that we should all become super-spiritual. The master teacher, W. Fard Muhammad said, Accept your own and be yourself. There is a reason for this. We learn from all of lifes experiences good and bad. It is like learning to read. You learn the letters. Then, you learn the sounds. Then, you put them in words. Then, you put the words in sentences. If you never learn the letters, you never learn to read. If you never experience the basic human behaviors, you can never understand the diversity in people and the complexity of the human experience. Further, you can never be invited to visit another world, because youd be ill-equipped to deal with the complex nature of other humanoid beings having never developed the insight necessary to do so. In doing each survey, check the boxes that correspond with the types of things you might be likely to think or say. If you notice that there are

many more boxes on one survey than another, you are likely in that category. Dont get me wrong. I am certain you are a very unique individual. However, we can and do classify human beings every day. You are either a man or a woman. That is a classification. You are either a child or an adult. That is a classification. You are either living or dead. That is a classification. So, lets not be against classifying people just because we feel uncomfortable about labeling others. Words are a necessary means of providing the description and clarity necessary to bring about



___ I am the type of person who has always felt I had a special purpose in life. ___ I have a parent or grandparent who was a popular artist, entertainer, psychic, an intuitive, or an astral traveler. ___ I am certain I have had experiences where I have traveled in my mind to other places or worlds. ___ I can regularly detach from my body while sleeping. ___ I believe with all my heart that GOD has a purpose for me and have maintained a special relationship with GOD. ___ I live to help and serve others. ___ Of all things, I really love bringing joy to others most. ___ I am so creative. The thing I love to do most is create. ___ I can see how the principles in my religion relate to the principles in most other religions. People are really not all that different. ___ I like what those of other cultures, religions, belief systems, and especially people of our world help me to learn about myself. ___ It is not so important that you believe what I believe. I think it is more important that we grow to understand and appreciate one another. ___ How can I judge anyone else when Ive still got my mess to work out? ___ Money is not as important to me as doing what Im here to do in life. I am truly purpose-driven. And, the purpose isnt really money.


___ I wish God gave me the kind of talent others have. ___ How did you get so creative? Youre so lucky. I could never do that. ____ Once I get this money situation straight, I can figure out some more of the things I want to do with my life. ____ Are you saved? ____ I decided not to work with anyone who has not accepted Jesus Christ as there one, true Lord and Savior. ____ Allah is the one, true God! And, Islam is the ONLY religion! All others are infidels and are not worthy of my time or energy. ____ We Jews are the chosen people. Hey! It is what it is. ____ I have my job, my family, and my friends. For the first time in my life, I feel Im set. ____ That cant be true or we would have heard about it on TV by now. ____Join my network marketing team. Were doing something new and different. And, were looking for people like us who think outside the box. ____ Most guys just dont do stuff like that. You should be more like the guys I know. ____ Most people dont dress like that. You should dress like this. ____ You should be careful. I dont know what people might think if you start telling them your crazy ideas. ____ Im a democrat, because most black people are democrats. ____ Money is the most important thing to me right now. ____ Brooklyn born. Brooklyn raised. Gonna be in Brooklyn til they put me in a grave. Tell them they can find me on the block.


____ With all the stuff Ive done and gotten away with, Im just happy to have lived this long. ____ I dont care about nobody. I gotta eat. I put that on my mama. ____ I will do anything to survive. ____ I keep my gun with me just in case somebody decides he wants to act stupid. ____ I be knocking on that dudes door trying to holler at his wife. When will these dudes learn? They will never see me coming. ____ I dont use condoms. I just do me. Im just living. It is what it is. ____ I dont know. The party got rowdy and I just started busting shots everywhere. As long as I made it out safe, you know ____ Whether it was unrelated to the present government or not, we had to bomb that nation as a means of sending a swift and immediate message that we dont tolerate terrorism. ____ So what we killed women and children? They are against our way of life anyway. ____ It might not be good for people, but its still legal to sell it and they are buying it. So, I dont see any problem here. ____ That crack whore sold me all of her food stamps. And, she got six babies. How stupid can she be? Maybe I can get her for them joints next month too. ____ If they try to get me, they will get it even worse. If I find out theyre trying, they getting it first. ____ I try to be a good Christian, but I take money out of the register every chance I get. I know they all want to get rid of me. So, maybe, theyll blame Kate or Matt. Im not going to let anybody play me.

If you have more than two or three checks in the last category, be careful. This is essentially the category reserved for people who dont care about other people at all. There may be some very legitimate reason for this. Most people who dont care about other people were not properly cared for themselves. If little girls are made of sugar and spice, monsters are made of insecurity, discomfort, and fear. Still, each of us is held totally responsible for our continued thoughts, feelings, and actions. And, each of us must find a way to resolve the issues (negative energy) that we are attempting to carry into the future with us. WARNING: While it is certainly alright to offer a good word or seek to help change someones stars (or path) it is very dangerous to associate with evil-doers. Judgment is often handed down at the most inopportune times. And, there is no guarantee you will not be caught up. Further, in placing yourself on that track, youre actually moving along with someone who has no clear direction or destination the type of person most likely to bump into another person to get a gauge on just who they are, where they are, and where they should be going. Death wields a sickle for a reason. You must be strong enough to cut ties with those whose vibration is death. Or, death will have you both.

Chapter 6: The Worst Case Scenario

The worst case scenario is to be grossly ignorant of the changes that

may reshape existence in our world over the next one-hundred years. We are further handicapped, because no one taught us the true history of our world in the first place. So, these shifts may force many to have to react in ways they never considered. If one is in survival mode, he may devolve into something worse than he ever thought possible. Conversely, he may evolve into someone he never considered he could become. I digress. I guessed we never addressed why the world is being visited with global change at this moment in time. The easiest way to explain it is to use the analogy of a balloon. Every empire and age is like a balloon. You fuel it with air. It expands. There is a period where it is used in that state and either it naturally dulls and deflates or is burst and replaced by another balloon when another is needed. End-dates are like expiration dates on the balloon. Lets say nothing at all happens on December 21, 2012. Even if nothing happens, this is the end date to end all end dates. Thus, by default the age of worry and concern over the End of the World will have ended and the sunshine of a new age of unlimited possibility and progress can begin. After all the bluffs have been called, the last of our fears can be broken and we can move forward in new and amazing ways. So, where were we? Oh! The Holy Quran states, Greetings are for Allah (God), also prayers and good deeds. Why would your greeting be important to God? Well, in Muslim countries, it is customary to greet a person with words that mean peace be with you. We have no idea what could have agitated or upset a person only moments before our meeting them. So, an encouraging or loving word is advisable whenever possible. In a world like this, even that is hard to do. We are often fearful that if we say anything, weve just invited some maniac into our reality. The result often causes more problems than it is worth. Thats where the good deeds part comes in. Since God is not known to manifest Himself often, it should be evident that His blessings come through us.

On CNN, there was a story about a homeless man who discovered $3,000 in a back-pack left lying at a bus-stop. While he certainly could have found a thousand things to do with the money, he returned it to its owner. What happened? Well, the owner was a college student to really needed the money to buy a car. So, he thanked the homeless man and gave him a small reward. The experience showed the student that there were kind people among the homeless and the student vowed to dedicate a few hours a week to working at one of the local shelters as a means of helping others. So, which is more an angel the guy floating through the clouds on wings or that homeless man, who really needed the money but gave thought of the possible need of the one who lost it? This mans sacrifice had a redemptive affect on the student. Men, especially, have to make a more firm commitment to doing the right thing, as by nature we have a conquering spirit. Fear misdirects this energy, which should always be used for the doing of the greater good. I digressed a bit, but we cannot say that for the first time humanity as a whole is considering the worst case scenario. Some people face this reality with each and every waking moment of their lives. Consider the people of hurricane-ravaged Haiti, earthquake-ravaged Afghanistan, or Indonesia. They dont need some metaphysical analysis of the worst case scenario. They are living it (or a very close approximation of it) at this very moment. So, the intended audiences for this book are those who experience the creature comforts of both the modern and the Western worlds. Until now, we have never really had to give serious consideration to the worst case scenario. Hurricane Katrina offered us a wake-up call. Since my readers are primarily westerners (people in Europe, the Americas, and the surrounding islands), my sole focus in presenting these ideas is to stir your consciousness and pique your interests. What would be the worst case scenario for us? Well, frankly, it would be complete collapse. It would be total systems failure. While some might argue that an extinction level event would present the worst case scenario, I would beg to differ. If in one day all that we knew were no more - that would constitute a fairly clean break. If, for example, a meteor smashed into the Earth rendering all life extinct in an instant that wouldnt be so bad. As humans,

we are not so much averse to death as we are to the pain and suffering that often accompany destruction. When we give it some thought, it is disease, famine, poverty, emotional and physical pain, and the suffering of self and loved ones that are the hardest burdens to bear. So, bring on that meteor baby! No one should lose any sleep over a global killer like that, because it puts everyone to sleep. As a society, we in the United States are heavily dependent upon the systems that allow for continued commercial trade and the perpetuation of our electrically-powered world. The complete collapse of either system would be devastating to our way of life. We hear a lot of talk about control by the system from critics who may fail to realize the exquisite benefit of being able to walk into a store and exchange paper or swipe plastic for food. At the same time, we have to ask ourselves, From the stand-point of our basic physical survival, is it at all wise to be totally dependent on your local retail store for food? Further, our technology allows for the maintenance of comfortable living environments in many of the seasonal climate cities in the United States. These same technological advances allow for communications, travel, the transport of goods, and the delivery of life-saving services. Life without electrical power would be unthinkable in many of the major cities. A prolonged period of electrical outage would result in eventual pandemonium. The only natural disaster that would be on-par with a total loss of power would be a direct hit by an earthquake of immense proportion. And, that might only affect one or two cities. So, when we really think about it, we are mostly doomed by catastrophic possibilities of our own making. So, right now, thinking green (or thinking about Mother Earth and Father Sun on which we all depend) is more important than ever. Think about it. Aside from hurricanes, most natural disasters are localized to limited geographic areas. So, even if we endured a catastrophic loss of life in the Baltimore area where I live due to some natural disaster, the country as a whole could recover. What, however, would be the effects of global financial collapse? And, what would be the

effects of a catastrophic and continued loss of power? Are there bad guys with the capacity for causing either scenario to unfold? Are the bad guys capable of causing a catastrophic and continued loss of power as a means of diverting attention from eminent financial collapse? While it is beyond the scope of this book, it is worth it to ask and answer these very serious questions. Further, we must attain and maintain a degree of selfsufficiency, while being certain to appreciate the benefits of the present system. Historian and lecturer Bobby Hemmitt said something that tickles me to this day. In one lecture, he remarked Give me Wal-mart or give me death. Careful to appreciate lifes conveniences, we must be even more careful about inattention to the provision of lifes basic necessities. As it relates to bad guys, to me whether darkness falls as a result of a cyber attack or someone flipping the switch, this constitutes the worst case scenario. Rather than deal with an angry populous hell-bent on becoming more informed about why they are in an ever-worsening condition, the powers-that-be could attempt to divert our focus. And, what better way to divert the attention of the masses than to turn out the lights, since there is nothing people fear more than being in the dark. The crazy thing is this frightening scenario is also our most likely threat from mother-nature too. However, mother-nature has a way of doing things along the magnitude of one-hundred to 1,000 times that of which man is capable. The bad guys might be able to turn out the lights, but mothernature with her awesome power can halt the functioning of most electronic devices on Earth. We will talk about that in the next chapter of this book. For now, please realize that mother-nature has a mother. She is the cosmic mother and when she says it is time for bed that means lights out for everyone no exceptions. And, while man can hurl rocks and mothernature throws boulders, the cosmic mother (Big Mama) will hurl a mountain the size of a continent at your head. Duck that, if youre bad enough. Sound engineer, Preston Nichols, in one interview remarked that the probability is greater than 50% that the cosmic weather affecting our sun could have the ultimate effect of causing the malfunction of nearly every electronic device on Earth. Its one thing to experience power outages in this or that part of town. It is another thing altogether when even your car will not start. What

could result from a catastrophic, total loss of power is unknown. We have never had to experience such a horror. Scientists like Dan Winter, researchers like Susan Joy Rennison, and metaphysicians like Dr. Delbert Blair echo the same sentiments. Space weather and our sun are beginning to have a remarkable affect on Earths atmospheric conditions. We will discuss possible solutions to all of this in a later chapter.

Chapter 7: All Signs Point to the Sun


of the boldest scientific predictions state there is a 100%

probability that the cosmically-charged, solar energy entering our atmosphere will negatively affect the technology on which we depend most heavily in the next few years. It is not only scientists though. Meteorologists, religious scholars, historians, and metaphysicians are all singing the same tune on the basis of what weather patterns, archeological observations and ancient text reveal about what will happen at this moment in time. Our Earths sun is unpredictable and could change the game at any moment. While she goes through regular cycles, researchers point to the fact that we are getting closer to the galactic center as evidence that we dont know whats going to happen in years to come. Humanity must be made aware. And, humanity must be made ready. I heard Dan Winter (the man responsible for the math that helps doctors to understand EKG readings) say the increased wind would be one of the first signs of this global change. Well, I live in Baltimore and I know with certainty that this winter has been one of the most-windy on record. I have been registering complaints about the weather from people whove never complained about the wind here in Baltimore before. And, while we have had our snowy winters, the winter of 2010 has been blistering cold due to the high winds. So, we can only hope that the changes to come are for the better. There is talk of the star, Betelgeuse, going supernova as early as next year. Perhaps, our food will be more energized by this sun, as the Earth gets bombarded by these cosmic rays. Maybe our bodies will undergo some type of metamorphosis that renders them virtually indestructible. Or, maybe this solar energy will result in a cheaper, cleaner form of fuel and power. Thats thinking positive! And, while all of that is wishful thinking, what we do know is this. Our technology has not been battle-tested against the sun and our galaxys new and diverse energy output. Our sun, according to scientists, revolves around a central sun. The latest research confirms that our sun is affected by this central sun (or galactic center) just as our earth is affected by our sun.

According to space weather researcher, Susan Joy Rennison, it is actually the decrease in our suns solar flares that should give us cause for alarm. While researching, she discovered that our suns solar flares actually increase the power of the magnetosphere that protects us from space weather entering our atmosphere. And, just this year, NASA scientists photographed some odd plasma phenomenon emanating from a close galaxy that stretched more than 50,000 light years into space. So, as our solar system transits through the galaxy, our home planet is carried in tow. Again, speculate as we may, as it relates to physicality and material existence we dont know what will happen in the coming years. Scientists are clueless. They are just now learning that research suggests that our solar system is not part of the Milky-way galaxy, but was part of a neighboring galaxy that is now entering the Milk- way. So, what the *bleep* do we really know? The metaphysical explanation of what could happen in the coming years is beyond the scope of this book. It is not within the purview of mainstream information or common knowledge that there is a spiritual component to life (that we exist simultaneously in other dimensions). We have a connection to our Universe that is beyond the scope of the functioning of our brains, bodies, and the use of our five senses. However, more readers and their families will benefit from practical, short-term solutions then from an immediate and total change in lifestyle. So, if the last few chapters have worried you, just remember what was shared in chapter one. Life in the third-dimension dictates that we either endure change for the better or suffer the change that comes with degeneration and death. Either way, this has been mans lot since the beginning of civilization on our planet.

Chapter 8: How Long Do You Want To Live?

When asked about how much a person should keep in his survival
kit, Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, M.D. once answered Well, how long do you want to live? I wasnt there to hear him say it, but this response tickles me to this very day. He is right, you know. There are only two ways to insure that our needs continue to be met. The first is to be capable of meeting those needs ourselves. The second is to develop the capacity to adapt to change with relative ease. To do either, we must always be possessed of a take-charge attitude and an appetite for obtaining and utilizing the most up-to-date information available to us. Life in our changing world demands that we be possessed of ingenuity and know-how. Today, though technology threatens to render us all impotent, information on how-to do just about anything is at our fingertips. Basic survival skills must become a subject of interest for everyone living in the Western world. Learning these skills doesnt have to be boring and tedious. We dont have to scare people into desiring to grasp the concepts that may one day save their lives. With television, video games, and mobile applications, we can quickly be made ready. With social networks like Facebook and Twitter and social media websites like YouTube and BlogTalkRadio, we are well able to take command and control of our future if that is what we desire. We are well within our right to choose against enduring the full wrath of mother-nature or to choose against being victimized by the sadistic schemes and machinations of madmen. Perhaps there is something in the human psyche that makes some feel worthy and deserving of death just as others are driven to fight for our survival. Then, there are those who have little worry or concern about the changing tide what-so-ever. Well, this chapter is dedicated to that middle group. Some people have adopted the view that they will do well, regardless of what happens. These eternal optimists do not believe in hoarding food or storing candles and canned goods. They will do just fine whatever cards life deals out. Again, please

refer to the chapter on 5th dimensional thought and action. Also, get my book What the Creator Knows and check for the follow-up Chapter Two: Arise the Super-Conscious Being if you want to learn more about this lifestyle. Please dont try to rationalize that mind-set if youre not one who has adopted it in fact. Now, more than ever before, is the time to be concerned with you and what you believe will occur for you in the coming months and years. Take note of what is in your observable reality and act accordingly. If you dont live in a 3,000-square foot home that sits on five acres of land and is equipped with generators and stocked with 6-months of provisions, then you are not capable of maintaining the level of comfort that might be available to someone who lives that lifestyle. If you dont have friends in other countries who would gladly offer you a bed if things got hot in your country, this is simply not your lifestyle. If you have never tried fasting for days at a time, have no knowledge of gardening, no clue of what natural remedies would be available given a shortage of pharmaceuticals, and have no doctors or dentists whom you call friends, you would not be expected to be as secure and comfortable in your reality as someone who does. A signal appears to be emerging from the future. Can you see it? Can you hear it? Can you feel it? It seems to be saying turn off the television and venture out into the world again. It seems to be telling us that our dependence on technology is far too great that we will need mother Earth; that we will need one another. The movie, Terminator, offered a post-apocalyptic view of a world dependent on machines and artificialintelligences. Are we so far off from that reality, when we consider that our gadgets are more precious to us than other human beings? The most sadistic among us fight wars with these machines never having to fully engage other human beings. Innocent men, women, and children are viewed as blips on a screen. This is not hypothetical rhetoric. I remember reading a story about scores of women and children whose blood and flesh were smattered against the walls of a facility in Iraq, a facility into which these people were placed as a refuge. This facility was bombed after bad

intelligence was given to a fighter pilot who was given coordinates and fired at the hulk of grey mass on his view-screen. I clearly recall reading a Newsweek magazine article that boasted about the daisy cutter, a bomb capable of shattering ones bones and loosening ones teeth from ones head if it didnt kill you outright. What soulless, depraved monster imagined that monstrosity? If one were to argue that weapons such as these are necessary to preserve our way of life, Id have to argue that perhaps it is not a way of life worth preserving. And, so, while I am hopeful that the masses learn more about the cosmic forces that are affecting our planet as a means of doing what is necessary for survival, I have concluded that the short-circuiting of machines and impeding the process of combustion might have a long-term effect of preserving life on our planet. Even third-world thugs and lawless marauders will have to tread a new path, if as it reads in the book Black Roots Science that our sun is being engineered such that the process of chemical combustion on our planet will be irrevocably changed in the near future. If all of this news comes as a surprise to you, you would certainly be shocked to discover that there are ships stationed right outside of the Earths atmosphere. And, there are massive objects (ships) that have been photographed near our Earths sun. These realities have gone largely unnoticed due to our pre-occupation with our daily routine. Historians say that when Columbus and his minion arrived from Spain, the natives were unable to see the ships. These ships were as invisible when they lay anchor as they were when they first appeared on the horizon. It was not until the seers of that time (those with a more expansive, right-brain view of the world) brought this new reality into the attention of the public that their ability to observe these phenomena increased. So, UFOs will not have just arrived on the day CNN shows live footage of a fleet over a major city. That will be the day you accept the reality. Some of us know that has been reporting regular sightings each month for over 10 years on its website.

Some will dismiss what Ive just written as sheer non-sense. Thats fair. Anything that cannot be sensed is indeed non-sense, until it makes sense (or is observed by the senses). They thought Galileo insane when he tried to reintroduce the idea that the Earth orbited the sun. The idea, which was first introduced to the European world by Copernicus, was rejected by the Church and was not given due consideration until some years after the death of Galileo. All ideas undergo this natural scrutiny and questioning when they are beyond the scope of the understanding available at the time they are presented. Well, we are entering into an Age governed by ideas and near-infinite, observable possibility. All that is required of us is that we open our minds and our hearts to the many possibilities that await us.

Top 20 Items to Keep In Your Survival kit

Note: The first four items on our list are characteristics that must be adopted and maintained. As simplistic as these characteristics seem, they are very important. For example, if we were as loving as we claim to be, our murder, divorce, and child abandonment rates would not be as high in the U.S. How accountable is the nation of Cuba, if no lives (reportedly) were lost in the ten days that nation was battered with rain and winds from Hurricane Wilma in 2005? Contrast that kind of response with the one we saw in 2005 with Hurricane Katrina in the States. Say what you want about their politics, they take care of their people. Talk is cheap, but the words we adopt to describe our individual and collective lifestyles must mean something. Words like free and just have become catch-phrases, because most Americans (and the nation as a whole) are slaves to debt. Further, can any nation claim to be just if one of its states incarcerated two working-age mothers for 16 years for a questionable $11 robbery? So, what if the citizens of our nation, of their own free-will, began to characterize our nation like this: America is a place of love, respect and appreciation for life, where its citizens are encouraged to be responsible and accountable for one another, to work diligently in their chosen field of endeavor, and to be solution-oriented toward the continued success and growth of the Republic. What if this same phrase could be used to describe our world? Earth - a place of love, respect and appreciation for life, where its citizens are encouraged to be responsible and accountable to and for one another, to work diligently in their chosen field of endeavor, and to be solutionoriented toward the continued success and evolution of our home planet.

So, here they are the top 20 items to keep in your survival kit: 1. Love, Respect, and Appreciation Love, respect and appreciation will go a long way toward helping you to maintain your quality of life. So important are love, respect, and appreciation that beyond item number three on the list, one could trade any five items for item number one and be better off with item number one. Those familiar with the chakras know that love opens the way to higher levels of consciousness and existence. Love is the opposite of fear. So, love is priceless. Respect allows for a tolerance and understanding of others. A healthy respect and tolerance for others is cultivated naturally in places like New York City, where there are many cultures and types of people. However, other places in the U.S. and worldwide dont do as well. We must respect the fact that we need one another or suffer the consequences. Appreciation helps us to put things in proper perspective. Those who look for the beauty and wonder in our world find it. Conversely, those who focus on ugliness, pain, blame and complaint bring those realities into their existence. 2. Responsibility, Accountability, and Work I call these the R.A.W. Materials. I am convinced that just about anyone in my country can attain a sense of well-being when possessed of the R.A.W. materials. Wherever there is poverty, there is a lack of one or a combination of the R.A.W. materials. An irresponsible person will find himself in a state of poverty. A person who is not accountable will remain poor. And, the person who refuses to work shuns the primary resource required to build anything substantial in the material world. 3. Solution Orientation Solution orientation is to be desired more than faith. More than belief, faith is a strong conviction. Solution orientation reaches beyond faith, because it is a strong conviction to take action toward achieving ones goal. The faithful are often content with waiting for things to happen or for circumstances to line themselves up. The solution-oriented person goes the extra-mile in finding what he or she seeks and lining things up to assure success.

4. Thrift While shrewd and frugal both carry the connotation of short-changing ones self or someone else, thrift denotes a spirited sense of economy and financial responsibility. Thrift is active, not aggressive. The thrifty person is cost-conscious, but doesnt try to hoard money. He knows to save some for a rainy day and to invest in future generations, but is aware that you cannot take any of it with you. He spends. He tips. He shares. But is sure to keep his share. 5. Water During the 2003 hurricane season, a storm traveled along the coast-line to reach Baltimore. It knocked out the power in my neighborhood for five days. Without power, the hot water heater and furnace would not function. So, my apartment was a little chilly and without food. Unfortunately, the supermarket across street was on the same grid as my apartment building. I did my best to make due, but by day three I was quite dehydrated. I refused to drink the tap water and the people in my community brought-up all of the bottled water. I began to realize how much water is in the food, milk, and juice we drink, even if some of us dont drink the recommended four to eight glasses per day. So, water is absolutely essential. Your skin needs it. Your brain needs it. And, your body needs it. Without water, you will soon find you have very little energy to act and react to whatever is demanded of you. I would suggest maintaining a few cases of bottled water in the home at all times. Further, I would suggest buying a water purifier both for the refrigerator and one for use outdoors. You never know if and when you will be forced to evacuate your home. And, be certain your loved ones are pro-active about their self-sufficiency and survival. In the event something happens, you would hate to be trapped at the home of someone who lives day-to-day. If you have irresponsible friends and family members that like to go with the flow, quickly visit them and then head home. But under no circumstance should you ever get caught in any dead zone. Use empty containers to collect cleaning water. Put a few capfuls of bleach in the water and clearly mark the containers. Ten to twenty

gallons should be enough for cleaning and bathing. If you get a bad feeling, begin to collect rain-water immediately. Try to use the rainwater for flushing and cleaning purposes first. It never hurts to have a day of absence where no electricity is used. 6. Light (and heat) - If you live in some area that experiences bitter cold winters, make the necessary provisions for this or move. That means if youre living in an apartment building, you may have to move out. Why? There is no guarantee that your neighbors will refrain from using candles and open fire to light and heat their apartments. These apartments are tinder-boxes and can go up in flames if you begin staring at them too hard. It has been shown by actual test that unnatural fibers burn far faster than natural ones. So, where there is cheap carpet, cheap paint, and cheap furniture, theres a problem. Learn to program your own mind. If the power ever goes out, tell yourself - At the first smell of smoke, I will awaken. Do this every time the power goes out (especially if the batteries in your smoke alarm have died). Also, get some LED, battery-powered lights (preferably a few lanterns). LED stands for light-emitting diode. The advantages to having LED lights are three-fold. They are tough to break if dropped. They have a relatively long battery-life and are not hot. However, most advantageous is the fact that these lights will likely survive any magnetic disturbance that might knock out all other electrical equipment for some time. This is not the only light-source you should consider, but given the circumstance and the possibility youre better safe than sorry. 7. A Generator Whenever there is news of a snow-storm in Baltimore, natives of this city make a ritual run to the super-market to buy items for the impending hibernation period. Thank God most snow-storms are not accompanied by wide-spread power outages. All that food would go to waste. Given any extended outage, much of the milk, bread, meat, and other refrigerated goods will be no-good at all. So, a generator is a necessary item in an electricity-driven society such as

ours. Just dont keep it in the house or have it venting in such a way as to have the exhaust leaking into the house. Also, generators make noise. And, noise could attract visitors. So, assess the situation before cranking that baby up depending upon where you live. 8. Fasting The ability to fast for days at a time will certainly come in handy. Not only will fasting prevent disease from setting-in or spreading, it will also create an atmosphere of calm and inner peace within the person who can do so. Be sure to cultivate this ability before necessity forces you to have to do it. Fasting is mostly mental, but emotional stress can and will force you to break the fast. After two or three days, one wins the physical battle. After about 7 days, one wins the mental battle. However, the emotional battle is hard-fought and often lost if there are people who can unnerve you. It is best to separate yourself from contentious and argumentative people NOW!!! 9. Books and Games I could meditate for hours, days, or weeks at a time. In fact, if there were no pressing need to work, I would devote more time to meditation. Sadly, some people couldnt stand being left alone to their own thoughts for more than five minutes, let alone an hour. The television is an escape from all the mental chatter that plagues their existence. What will happen when there is no television or internet to keep one occupied? Buy a book or two every week or so. Buy a few board-games and some cards. Get pads, pencils, and pens. These are essential items for any survival kit. There is such a thing as being bored to death from the feeling one has nothing for which to live. So, take the necessary precautions now. 10. Know-How Do you know how to use a compass to chart a course? Do you know how to set a broken bone? Can you capture, skin, and cook a rabbit, if thats all you have available to cook and eat? Can you evade capture or avoid the detection of others? In a time of survival, the words I dont know become the words I dont know how. And, those are dangerous words to adopt. I could offer a whole list of items that would be totally useless to someone without knowhow. So, know-how is essential.

Ten More Items to Consider

1. Pre-cut plywood and nails the plywood is no good if it doesnt fit your windows. Also, consider a few 2x4s or 1x4s. No one is getting through those. They will run-out of energy and run on to the next house first. 2. A light-weight aluminum bat If you dont believe in maintaining fire-arms, consider keeping an aluminum bat. Also, lay spike strips as an initial deterrent to trespassers if you dont have small children or pets that might get ensnared in them first. Use a little common sense, but protect yourself. I dont recommend keeping a gun, because many guns that are ultimately used to kill eventually kill someone close to the owner, whether intentionally or accidentally. It is not worth the risk. 3. A battery-powered TV/radio - You need to maintain a connection to the outside world. Chances are someone will be communicating something via radio in the event of an emergency, even if all other forms of communications are down. A short-wave radio is advisable. And, with Radio Shack on the verge going out of business, these are quite affordable. 4. An Emergency Communication System Dont cohabitate with savages. Be civilized. Promote civilization. And, maintain communications and associations with civilized people. Let your policy be Love thy neighbor and try your best to have neighbors who have adopted the same policy. Contrary to media propaganda against Muslims, it has been my experience that they maintain very peaceable communities. Ten civilized adults could outwit one-hundred savages. Part of what will keep neighborhoods safe is the creation of a communications system, whereby signs and symbols would be

used as a means of conveying messages. Marauding bandits will likely be ill-able to contend with or counter-act military strategy. 5. Foresight Now is the time to give up candy, soda, and anything else that will speed the rotting of the teeth. Now is also the time to give up any illicit or prescription drugs on which one depends. A person would easily choose death over a tooth-ache. Ive had a toothache so bad I wanted to end it. So, I know. 6. Fortitude Survival might require mental and emotional strength that far surpasses that used in day-to-day living. Youve made rules that will keep you alive, but can you follow them? Begin following the rules you set for yourself now and you certainly will not break them when your survival depends on them. 7. Cigarettes Even if you dont smoke, cigarettes can come in handy. They can be traded for everything from information to food to safe passage. If you prefer not to keep cigarettes for this purpose, you had better stock-up on Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies or Snickers bars. Why do they work? Well, being on-alert 24/7 can be intense. The calming effect of a cigarette or some sugary treat is comparable to throwing a raw steak at a ravenous dog. They say beware of Romans bearing gifts. Well, Romans bear gifts because they work. Remember that! 8. Canning Learning to can your favorite vegetables, fruits, and soups might be the only means of maintaining natural food on a regular basis in the event of some catastrophic disaster. Otherwise, youd better be willing to buy a number of cans of soup. They are pre-cooked, which might be for the best in the event that your electric range does not work. 9. Condoms Lord knows you dont want to get your wife (or anyone else) pregnant before you find yourself in a place stable and secure enough to raise children. Further, condoms are waterproof. You might need something thats water-tight, expandable, and easy to carry if you have to go.

10. Skates - Thats right. Skates! As crazy as it may sound, bicycling is unadvisable in urban areas especially. Skates, however, would be used like this. Take one skate with you on long journeys for coasting. It should be carried in a back-pack and only worn when in neutral zones. Then, it can be taken off and stored when you reach hot zones. If that one skate is taken or lost, you have a second at home. If this last item makes you think This guy is nuts! I am glad I saved it for last. My primary reason for adding it is to send a message. You have to learn how to think outside of the box. There are many things we would never do otherwise. Survival, however, demands that we respond to the needs of the moment in some interesting and uncanny ways. So, there you have it. Thats my list. There are so many out-of-thebox thinkers out there. Im certain there will be other top 20 lists to surface, with other interesting and diverse items. Hey! If you can think of any, e-mail me at: . I would love to share the best ideas on my blog. I pray for a future where people can sit around and laugh at this list. I would rather be in a future like that than to be facing a future where anyone would have to give any of the items on this list thorough consideration. Still, its up to each and every one of us to be responsible and accountable enough to watch whats going on in the world and to work toward securing the best possible future for ourselves and our families. I pray this book presented a few ideas that will allow you to do just that. Peace and a blessed and prosperous future to you all.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Ark of Millions of Years by E.J. Clark and Dr. Brooks Agnew, PhD The Holy Quran, Chapter 11, verses 42 and 43 Soul Traveler by Dr. Albert Taylor Image used courtesy of the U.S. Dept. of Defense. DoD Imagery Server Jesus Returns May 14, 2011:,2011.html 6. The Holy Quran, Chapter 2, verse 6 7. Far Journeys by Robert Monroe. P. 126 128 Most of the information I have referenced for this book can be easily verified on Youtube or by means of doing a quick Google search. So, I have not included a reference for everything Ive written. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me and I will be happy to answer them.

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