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Haley Maddox Leanne Serbulo UNST 220 01/12/13 SOAP: Student Opera At PSU My chosen community is the community

of SOAP members at PSU. Soap stands of Student Opera at PSU. We are a group of PSU students who get together and discuss opera and various performances. We also create our own performance opportunities to better ourselves as performers and to offer a rare art form to the city of Portland. All of our events are open to the public to watch and usually to participate in. Performance opportunities including master classes, opera scenes, fully staged operas, and audition feedback workshops. I chose the members based on the current guidelines of being a member of SOAP created by the current Co-Coordinators. To be a member you must be a PSU student who pays students fees, and you must attend at least three out of five meetings per term, if you cannot attend you must have e-mailed a SOAP co-coordinator with a good faith reason, and you must have volunteered at one SOAP event per term (excluding summer term).

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