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Australia Situated in the southern hemisphere Its the sixth largest country by total area Australia was discovered

by Dutch explorers in 1606, but was claimed by great Britain in 1770. On the 1st of January 1901, six independent colonies were established, which formed the Commonwealth of Australia. -> 2 DIAPOSITIVO 3 DIAPOSITIVO Australia is a predominantly English country. However, other religions are also practiced. In 2004, Australia ranked 4th overall in the Olympic Games. The 10 most popular physical activities were walking, aerobics/fitness, swimming, cycling, tennis, golf, running, bushwalking, football (often referred to as soccer in Australia) and netball. Other popular sporting activities include Australian football, rugby, hockey, basketball, baseball, car racing, horse racing, sailing and snow skiing 4 DIAPOSITIVO Australia has one of the most diverse cuisines in the world.

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