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Randy Higgins 2/3/2011 Today, religion influences many governments.

Generally, large, organized nations have large organized religions - America and Catholicism while small, broken countries tend to have small, cultural religions Congo, Zimbabwe etc. -, but this is a geographical problem more than anything. This must beg the question though, what happens when a Buddhist or otherwise politically neutral government takes power. At first, like most democratic or at least decent governments, it will be very small, efficient and self-regulating. If it takes power democratically, it will make a government stay about the same size and tend to edge towards being deficit neutral. Both of these results come from the fact that a true Buddhist is not at all susceptible to graft. Unfortunately, in all likelihood, this theoretical government will be quickly be overrun by people claiming to support the old systems but promoting their own. This would, with the Euro-socialism that seems to be the fad today, probably make the government increase exponentially and the deficit will to.

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