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Bussiness Commnuication

The principal barriers to effective communication are noise, poor feedback, selection of inappropriate media, a wrong mental attitude, insufficient or lack of attention to work selection, delay in message transmittal, physical separation of the sender and receiver, and lack of empathy or a good relationship between the sender and receiver. When I was in metric one of our teacher gave us a guess paper of physics but I did not take it seriously because I thought he is a high school teacher and matriculation papers will be conducted by board so that is why I even did not to see it, but on the paper day one of my friend told me that the three question totally matched with the guess paper which sir gave to us after listing that I shocked and thought that why I did not take it seriously and also shamed a lot that I gave poor feed back to my teacher and it becomes a communication barrier between me and my teacher. Poor feedback was the communication barrier in my matter, and Poor feedback came from lack of attention and this is due to attitude. After this incident, I had to make criteria to overcome these barriers that i must give feedback to everyone because it is effective in communication and very helpful in life as well.

Bussiness Commnuication ANSWER-2) In this scenario the best suitable reply is C because of the following reason: 1. In this reply writing principle were followed. 2. Receiver gave a feedback. 3. Asked further information to do future action. 4. In this reply courtesy was also present.

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